Dreary weather was a bit of a theme this weekend, but fortunately it wasn’t too rainy every day. We had a lot of clouds and drizzling, but pouring rain stayed away for the most part, allowing us to get outside with Sadie on Saturday and Sunday which was great.
Sadie is quickly morphing into quite the North Carolina dog! She is 100 percent in her element when we are out hiking and bounds toward the lake whenever she gets the chance. She has yet to catch a deer, bunny or squirrel, but she’s putting forth her very best effort every day. Ryan and I truly have no idea what she would do if she ever actually caught a bunny or squirrel since every time she gets close enough to pounce she looks at us as if we are supposed to jump in on the hunt. We think she just wants to chase the animals for hours and hours on end. I wish we could communicate this to the bunnies and squirrels who run away in terror when our floppy little dog sprints after them.
Other than outdoor time, Ryan and I spent most of the weekend freaking out. Why?
Because we put an offer on a house and it was accepted!!!
We officially put in an offer on Thursday night and negotiated throughout the day on Friday. Oh my gosh, negotiations are intense! I was in a panic most of the day on Friday and once everything was finalized in the late afternoon, we scrambled like crazy to get all of the necessary inspections and appointments on the calendar. We hope to close by the end of the month so Ryan and I can move our stuff directly from our house in Ocala into our new house and avoid moving anything into storage. When we moved from Orlando to Ocala, we had to put our stuff into storage for a while while we lived in a hotel and looked for a house and it was a huge pain, so we’re hoping to avoid that again.
I truly cannot believe all of this is happening. We have our first inspection on the agenda this afternoon, so my fingers are crossed that everything goes well.
As I was typing up this little update, I had one of those moments where I realized that once we move, I will have lived in four different apartments/houses throughout the nearly five years I have been blogging (and that’s not counting the Ocala hotel or temp apartment we’re currently living in).
Long time readers, do you guys remember our Orlando apartments!?
Orlando (Thornton Park)
(Check out Sadie before her lovely face highlights started coming in!)
Orlando (Thornton Park Part II – aka the darkest apartment in the land and the “Mouse House”)
There have been times when I’ve felt all over the place during our various moves. The past few years have been a quite a transitional time in our lives and I am happy to feel like we’ve found a place we can see ourselves living for years to come. Thank you so much to you guys for reading this blog and, in many cases, for bearing with me during a handful of moves and chaotic moments. I’m excited for this next chapter to begin!
Yay, congrats on the house offer being accepted!! That’s wonderful! :D. Living in Boston, my husband and I are seriously years away from even being able to think about house hunting. Kinda sad!
So exciting and I am so happy for you guys! It seems like such a beautiful area, and I cannot wait to see what this journey brings your way! 🙂
Agreed, congrats and looking forward to the future posts!
Congratulations!!! I laughed reading your descriptions of your previous houses and made me think of my own experience in the Twin Cities. I moved here 5 years ago and have lived in 4 different apartments – the worst one being a garden level studio that was like a dungeon and AWFUL in the summer once the creepy crawlers started coming out…. worst day was when I found a silver fish on my toothbrush one morning. STILL. GET. GOOSEBUMPS.
Congrats to you guys !! What part of Charlotte did you decide on ?? 🙂
For some reason I am not getting your updates sent to me via email lately. I just tried to subscribe again and got the message that I am already subscribed. Any idea what to do?
Yay!! Congrats on getting your offer accepted! I’m thinking happy inspection thoughts for you!
Congratulations on the house. I pray it all goes smoothly and no major hiccups or problems are found!
We spent Saturday in CLT and despite a few drizzles, we stayed dry. It was just overcast and gloomy. Much better than the weather we left in charleston though. It poured here all weekend.
Oh and we had lunch at the cowfish. Holy moly their burgers and sweet potato fries are insane & salads are huge!!!
So exciting!! I can’t wait to see pictures of your new house once you close!
Yay Julie!! That is so exciting! I remember the feeling. When they said my offer was accepted, I about died! Did these people really trust me to be able to be a homeowner. I at comes in stride. Can’t wait to see pics!!
Congrats on the house lady! You are gonna love being a homeowner.
This is VERY exciting! What a gorgeous part of the country! All the fun of making it your own will soon begin! I am currently living in London as an expat wife and was afraid I would become homesick/miss my house, my bed, etc/miss my fam and friends…and indeed I miss people (but not much else!) But if this expirience has taught me anything, it’s that home is where the heart is. As long as my husband Jake, and dog Wyatt are with me, I feel completely restful and at “home”. It was a surprise, but a valuable lesson worth learning!
SO excited for you, ryan, and sadie! i hope everything with the entire buying and moving process goes quickly and smoothly 🙂
Such an exciting time for your little family! Super excited to see what this new adventure brings. Fingers crossed for a smooth move!
Congratulations!! I know how crazy house offers, negotiating and inspections can be! I’m keeping my fingers crossed for an easy, smooth move for you all!
This is so exciting, I am so happy for you! Can’t wait to read about the house adventures! xo
Congratulations!! I can’t wait to read all about it.
Buying your first house is so exciting and yet so stressful, too! Good luck!
Ahhhh!!! So exciting! I can’t wait to see it!
That’s so exciting! Congratulations on your offer being accepted & hopefully everything goes smoothly!
Congratulations to you, Ryan and Sadie on this momentous occasion! Buying a home is definitely an exciting time, but that’s not to say it isn’t filled with the full gamut of emotions as I’m sure you have discovered. I bought my very first home almost 3 years ago (!!!) now and I remember how anxious I was about the closing process. Sending good vibes your way that everything remaining in this process goes smoothly and that you’ll be in your very first home soon!
Congrats to you, Ryan and Sadie on the house! I feel like our calendars probably look very similar these next few weeks! We close in 10 short days! I may or may not still have hair on my head once we are done :). Congrats again!
How exciting!! CONGRATS JULIE! 🙂 Can’t wait to read more about it!
So exciting 🙂 Congrats! Can’t wait to hear more about it!
Congratulations! I just bought a house in January. ..it’s alot of work but awesome to be a home owner!
Congrats!! House buying is so stressful but exciting at the same time! 🙂
Yay!! Congratulations. 🙂 Having your offer accepted and everything go through correctly is the biggest feeling of relief. Now the hard part is over & all the fun decorating can begin. 🙂
Ahh congrats on the house, that’s so exciting!! Can’t wait to hear more about it and see how you decorate it!
I can’t wait to see pictures of your new home! Best of luck to you and Ryan in this process. I hope things go smoothly! It’s been fun to watch the two of you grow as you move into new homes and begin new chapters.
Thank YOU for letting us be a part of it! 🙂
Congrats, that’s so exciting! I bet you’re looking forward to decorating your own house where you can do whatever you want!!
Yes! I started reading right before you guys left Orlando for Ocala. How exciting that you’ll be in a permanent home soon! I live in NY but I have a ton of family in the Charlotte area (Huntersville and Denver specifically) so I know the area somewhat well. My husband and I bought our first home this past fall and while it is a ton of work, it is very fulfilling too!
Congrats!!! That’s so exciting! I hope everything works out smoothly for you two! I bet you’ll have so much fun decorating!
Congratulations! Can’t wait to see some photos!
Congratulations! Moving is never easy but owning your own home is so much fun. Good luck with everything!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! So excited for you 🙂
Congratulations, Julie. I hope the next steps go smoothly and that you are able to move in soon. It will be so fun to make it yours and to know that you can do whatever you want with it! Such a change from living in an apartment. Enjoy!
Congrats! Yay for making Charlotte for real for real, it’s awesome!
Congratulations!!! Can’t wait to see house pics!!! 🙂
Congratulations! How exciting! Wishing you guys all the best in your new home…can we see pics soon?
Yay!!!!!! I am so happy for you guys!! Congratulations, and happy moving:)
Congrats on the house! Very exciting 🙂 I felt so lost in the process of buying my first house but my husband I took it step by step! Once you get the keys in your hand! It is so surreal! Have fun with it and I can’t wait to see pictures!
Congrats to you and Ryan! So happy for you guys!!
Congrats Julie! Hope the home-buying process goes smoothly!
Congrats! That is SO exciting!
Congrats!! That’s so awesome that your offer was accepted on the house you wanted! 🙂
Congrats! Settling in to a new place is always a fun and exciting time!
Congrats!! You made it!! That negotiation phase of house buying is like a nightmare of nerves. I felt the same when I bought my first house. You fluctuate between thinking, “omgomgomg I need to have this house ahhhhh what if it’s not accepted ahhhhhhh.” to “maybe I should just try to manage my expectations, if it happens, it happens.” back to “omg omg omg I need this house!” Glad you guys finally found something that will work great for you guys! We all can’t wait to see pics of the outside and the updates and all that jazz. Very exciting! Cheers to you! *clinks imaginary champagne glass*
Have you considered PODS if it doesn’t work out timing wise. That way you could all just pack it into one container and then have it delivered to your new house.
Congratulations! So exciting!
Congrats! Keeping my fingers crossed that everything goes well with inspections and you can close on time!