Ryan wanted to sleep in until 7 a.m. this morning, so we skipped our 6 a.m. workout in favor of an extra hour of sleep. We were up at 7 a.m. for breakfast and I worked until around 9:15 a.m. before deciding to go for a run.
I figured a run at 9:15 a.m. was still early enough in the morning to beat the Florida heat.
Oh I was so, so wrong.
By 9:15 a.m. it was already in the mid-80s and the humidity was kickin’.
I headed out for what I thought would be a 5-mile run and quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen. I adjusted my running goals to cover three miles and only finished that by telling myself to slow down and take it easy.
Running outside when the temperature is close to 90 degrees is definitely not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I just wasn’t in the mood to plug away on the cardio equipment in the hotel gym. I wanted to be out and about, but I now know that if I want to take my workout outside, I must do it well before 9 a.m.
Check out this super-sweaty post-run ponytail.
Okay, fine, so that ponytail is probably about 50 percent sweat and 50 percent straight grease.
Don’t worry, I washed my hair after snapping that picture, I promise.
Speaking of greasy hair, as I’ve grown older, I’ve found myself becoming more and more lax about washing my hair. I shower every day (okay, so I typically skip a shower all together on my rest days), but I don’t wash my hair daily.
In fact, I usually only wash my hair on days when I do super-sweaty cardio or circuit training. This averages out to about three hair-washes a week, or every-other day washes. Sometimes less.
In high school I would often wash my hair twice a day. I was a diver, so I’d wash it after diving practice after school and then I’d wake up early in the morning before school to shower and wash my hair again. Talk about overkill.
What about you guys? How often do you wash your hair?
Please don’t make me feel like Pig-Pen and tell me you all wash your hair a million times a week.
Lunch today had to be enjoyed in a flash because I worked up until the time I had to leave for an important appointment scheduled for 2 p.m., located about 40 minutes away.
Another Amy’s pocket sandwich!
This time I enjoyed a spinach feta pocket sandwich that was decent, though I could’ve used about five times the amount of feta in my pocket.
I ate my lunch while scrambling to run a brush through my hair and throw some mascara on my eyelashes. My poor little lashes are finding themselves naked more and more now that I work from home.
I’m actually blogging from the location of my afternoon meeting at the moment, but will recap that later this evening.
For now, I’ll give you guys a hint…
Golf carts are everywhere!
Florida folks may have an idea where I am, but those of you with some older relatives may also have a clue.
See ya after dinner!
Question of the Afternoon
- How often do you wash your hair?
I was my hair every day (unless I dry it straight – then it’s every other). I don’t think your hair looks greasy OR sweaty! Looks pretty 🙂
i love you. but i know you’re just being nice. i look like a brunette when i’m clearly a blonde. 🙂
Seriously that is NOT sweaty hair! I am forced to wash mine daily if I workout because it is like I jumped in a pool. My entire head.
I have SUPER curly hair, so I only wash mine twice a week—it’s too dry to do it more than that! Actually, my hair stylist suggests that I NEVER wash my hair (there’s a technique that she’s showed me for washing my hair with just conditioner and no shampoo), but because I workout nearly every day, I prefer to get at least a few “real” washes in there!
I did this for a year – washed with conditioner every second day. It’s called Co-Pooing, and the theory is that our conditioners have a small amount of the same detergent chemicals as shampoo, so it is like a gentler shampoo, along with the moisterizing effects of conditioner which curly hair needs. I am shampooing twice a week right now and conditioning in between.
I only wash my hair twice a week because I have curly hair too. I might try this “wash with conditioner” method, but I think I’ll call it something different. Co-pooing sounds funny!
Same here! Shampooing curly hair too often is a sin!
i’ve never even heard of that! very cool! or… co-poo. 😉
So funny because I wash my hair usually every other day.. sometimes i stretch an extra day. Usually have to go with an updo on the non washing days. but just yesterday when i got home from work I got a lovely glimpse of myself in the mirror and was thinking how people probably noticed my greasy hair throughout the day! cuz it looked rough haha!
HA! Yeah, I normally wash my hair every other day too. My hair looks better the 2nd day…which is weird lol. But I have a massive amount of hair that ends up being super-wavy/almost-curly when it’s short.
I definitely go up to 3 days without washing. Dry shampoo is the best though!!
I am so with you! As I get older, I nearly cringe at how often I washed my hair in my teens. My hair is naturally very dry and I never get an oily scalp so I can go with washing my hair on Monday and then again on a Friday no prob. In fact — it looks best on Thursday! Go figure. I do take a body shower every single day though =)
Maybe this is gross, but I’ve recently cut down my hair washing to twice a week! I still shower about 4 to 5 times a week (depending on my activity level each day), but I limit the amount of time I actually shampoo.
My hair is pretty straight, and pretty greasy, but I’ve found that by limiting my shampooing my hair is less greasy and a lot easier to style (after the first few weeks at least)! It seems like when I was constantly shampooing my hair I was causing it to overproduce oils, and now it has regulated out and the greasiness has subsided a little. And it saves me some money and time.
not gross at all. my hair is also naturally pretty greasy. 🙂
I only wash my hair every other day so I try to make those days the days I do super sweaty cardio! Otherwise, I use a shower cap because the flat iron kills my hair. I use my flat iron every day typically to touch up things on no wash days.
I’ve got really thick curly hair so I go 2, sometimes even 3 (gasp!) days between washes. My hair doesn’t get greasy easily since it’s so thick and curly so I can get away without looking like too much of a greaseball 🙂
I’ve always wondered – when people say “wash their hair” do they (you) mean get in wet at all or use shampoo, etc?
I do Bikram yoga 4-5 times a week, which means I’m ALWAYS washing my hair (with shampoo each time). I’ve been yelled at by numerous hairstylists who tell me it’s too dry and I was it too much, but I always feel so gross! :/
yes – i define “washing my hair” as using shampoo + conditioner.
I only wash mine every 2 or 3 days. It is such a pain to dry and straighten it!
YES. that is exactly what prevents me from washing it more often.
Especially during the hottest days of summer… a hot blowdryer and flat iron is NOT fun!
I just recently switched from washing my hair every.single.day. with no exceptions (OCD much) to washing it every other day or every 3 days. I really think this is much healthier for my hair (which is extremely fine/thin/delicate).
I wash my hair every day unless I blow it out. I’m with Cait, if I do that, it’s every other.
Haha aww Julie! I totally do the same thing you do and IM NOT just saying that! I read somewhere that it is actually much healthier for your hair to let it go about two days without washing! Yes ma’am! So I wash mine mostly every other day… when I have days off you bet I leave it in a messy greasy bun til the next day 😛
I have CRAZY curly hair…and typically use this as my excuse to go long…long bouts without washing it, since it is pretty dry. However, after running more than 3 miles twice this week and still no washing, I had to give in earlier today. I am currently typing with a clean head of hair for the first time since Saturday. My name is Katie and I am gross. My poor husband.
hhaha i would seriously fear for my hygeine if i had curly hair.
I am so guilty about not washing my hair. Typically I will wash it every day I work out (because I sweat SOOO MUCH)!! But, if I dont work out- definately not washing it. Sometimes I will skip a shower too lol. However, I am guilty of going to a concert Sunday night, getting super sweaty and then not washing it that night or next morning 🙂 you are not alone.
Good for you for getting the 3 miles in the HEAT! ugh. is it fall yet?
I shower every day and I wash my hair every day — sometimes on the weekend I can get away with skipping hair washing one of the days, but I swear I sweat so much during my workouts that I for sure need to take one.
Yeah I used to wash my hair twice a day too! So bad for it., and it used to get soooo greasy after like…12 hours. I finally figured out that was caused by overwashing, so I have steadily weaned myself to washing my hair every other day, sometimes even letting it go an extra day (which happens a lot more than I care to admit since quitting my job…). Sometimes I’m so lazy about washing my hair now that I have to actually put it on my to-do list. As Xtina would say, dirrty.
I *wish* I didn’t wash my hair every day. I really, really don’t want to. But I sweat. A lot. when I work out. Even walking to the gym breaks a good sweat for me so I basically have to wash it every day. Even when I don’t I feel like people know….
I was just thinking about that this morning. Now that I’m back in an office again I usually only wash my hair on Sunday and Wedesday nights. I wash it at night because I never blow dry my hair and then I can let it dry. This morning I did rub a little baby powder into my roots to aid off any extra greasiness but I really didn’t need it. Baby powder and clean pillow cases are my best friends when it comes to not needing to wash my hair and I almost never get itchy scalp anymore.
baby powder!!! we’re are BFFs.
since i have wavy hair, and it takes forfreakingever to blowdry and straighten, when i do take the time to go through that process, i don’t wash it the next day, or next two. and baby powder! YUP!
yes, baby powder is the “Cheaper” alternative to those dry shampoos you can get at the store. 😉 Works like a charm!
I used to use baby powder, but discovered something even better: face powder! It blends in so much easier than baby powder and works so well!
I wash my hair every other day but would totally do it less if I could – I’ve never tried baby powder but will be now!
I have a similar routine. I wash my hair a max of two times a week and use baby powder as needed in between. I never blow-dry or straighten my hair, just occasionally use a curling iron, so I am very low maintenance!
I wash my hair every day. I wish I could skip a day or two, but it just looks greasy and flat, ugh! And, I hear ya on the mascara thing – I started working from home a few months ago and my face rarely sees makeup these days! Not that I’m complaining, but I’m sure my boyfriend would appreciate it if I actually cleaned myself up once in a while!
My hair is so greasy that I have to wash it at least ONCE a day. I kid you not, if I skip even one day of washing my hair it looks like a total grease bomb, like what someone’s hair might look like after a few days of not washing their hair. So, every day for me!
Now that I am out of my teens and not as greasy, I only wash my hair 3 or 4 times a week (I showed almost every day though). For a while it was just laziness, then I discovered dry shampoo, and it was over. Haha. I also try to prolong the life of my colored hair by not washing it as much 🙂 So if you are gross, I am gross, and I am OK with that! Haha.
Ahhhh welcome to my summer running world! Right now in the Midwest, it’s usually already in the 80’s at 6am, often reaching 90 by mid-morning! I feel like I’m going to die during all of my runs lately, but being in the middle of marathon training, I can’t cut my runs short because of the heat. Though I must say that the thing I dislike most about running in blistering temps (linking back to the purpose of your post) is that I have to wash my hair more often. I’m usually a 3x a week girl, too! 🙂 No shame!
I honestly hate washing my hair. I obviously do it because of hygiene and such but man, it’s kind of a pain. I just feel like it takes too long; but then again, I think the same about showers. Just finished working out myself and I probably won’t wash my hair. Ha. I washed it yesterday, no big deal. 🙂
I honestly wash my hair maybe twice a week. I have super curly hair and it dries out so easily. When I’m in the shower, I’ll wet it and scrub it like I would if I was using shampoo though. I don’t know if mock washing it makes a difference but it definitely makes me feel better haha.
I wash mine daily for the most part. I have thin hair (even though I have a lot of it) so it get greasy pretty easily.
The Villages!!
maaaaaaybe 😉
I try and wash my hair everyday for the most part…unless I get it done and its pretty and straight or I am really lazy!
I also have curly dry hair….and wash it 1-2 times per week. It looks a ton better a few days after a shampoo, even if I’ve been working out! Sweat is just saltwater after all, not “dirty”, right ? 😉
I’ve been saying how showering + washing hair is overrated for YEARS!! Now everyone is coming around to it ha ha…
I wash my hair about 3 times a week too, but those might be my only shower days. Okay, I’m a litttttle gross
I wash my hair every other day. I some times will make it 3 days. It just depends on my cardio level those days. I feel strange not washing it with all the working out but in all honesty the summer heat already does damage. I dont want to add more to it by washing it everyday. I think its normal and healthy.
I always wonder what people are refering to when they say “wash their hair”. I have curly hair, so I wet my hair everyday and use conditioner but only shampoo once or twice a week. But I’d say I wash my hair everyday.
Perhaps I should change it to rinise my hair everyday.
I wash mine every other day, unless I have a crazy workout (aka take a spin class).
I wash my hair every other day. My hair really doesn’t get very greasy and I find no reason to strip the natural oils away from my hair and dry it out! My hairdresser always talks about how healthy my hair looks so it must work out just fine! 🙂
I wash my hair twice a week MAX. Perks of being a brown girl 🙂 Any more than that and I would have dry brittle frizzy hair.
Plus it takes me an hour to do my hair and that is just tooooo long!
I used to wash my hair every day but I realized that was stupid. Now it’s around every other day – usually on days I do Bikram Yoga.
I’m with you on the cutting down of washing the hair. I wash mine every other day or every 3 days (though on that third day it has to be up in a bun, completely off my face and lots of dry shampoo will be used!) When I was younger, I used to wash it all the time, but as I get busier, it just makes more sense to not spend the time drying and straightening it every day! Plus, it really is better for your hair! There have been all sorts of articles lately about it in the magazines- some people even washing it once a month! Though that is wayyyy too gross for me!
What dry shampoo do you use?
I use dry shampoo sometimes when I dont use the baby powder (works just as well and cheaper)…I use the new Suave dry Shampoo..LOVE IT!
I use the Tresemme one which works pretty well and is cheap but I hear the Oscar Blandi one is amazing!
It really depends on my workout schedule. Lately, it’s been about 5 days a week, but my hair really loves me when I cut it back to 2-3 times a week.
Well I live in NYC but my grandparents live in “golf cart land” aka The Villages, and that looks very familiar. The best is the hummer & cadillac models of golf carts and the buffalos (buffaloes?) you can hand feed.
I usually do heavy cardio workouts every night, so I’ll wash my hair every night. But! Since I have curly hair, I’ll usually only use shampoo every other night (shampoo’s not so great for curly hair–it’s too harsh). I’ll condition every time I wash, though, because my hair needs the nutrients/moisture. If I don’t do a heavy cardio workout, though, I usually skip hair-washing altogether–curly hair doesn’t get greasy the way straight hair does! 🙂
Ha, The Villages!
I wash my hair everyday—-I wish I could do it every other day cause it’s such a hassle and I always heard it was healthier to do it every other day. My hair is a mess if I don’t wash it everyday though, it looks as if I had not showered in for a few days!
I wash my hair once a day, but sometimes I get lazy and I’ll skip a day. But if I don’t wash my hair I always feel a little gross even if I shower!
I definitely feel your pain with the heat + humidity, I went on a run at 8:30am in Chicago this past Sunday and it was mid-80s and about 85% humidity! I almost died.
So glad to see others share my “dirty” secret! I only wash my hair every other day and it is so much healthier. I want to try some dry shampoo to see how that helps and maybe I can wash my hair even less!
Julie, I am so with you on not washing my hair every day! I would say it is every other on the average. I do however wash it when I get in super sweaty workouts.
I wash my hair 3 times a week…tops! My stylist told me I could wash it even less if I wanted to, since it is so dry and thick.
PS I know where you are! I am from Nova Scotia, Canada and my folks bought a house there last year. Perfect for me when I need some Florida sun in the dead of Canadian winter!
Lately it has been like 5-6 times a week, but I’m finding a lot more hair in the bathroom, and I’m guessing it is because I’m washing it so much. A few months ago I wasn’t working out nearly as much and would only wash 3-4 times a week, but now I feel like have to wash it. I need to look into some dry shampoo or things of that nature…
I usually wash my hair every other day or so, but it depends on my workouts too. If I sweated so much that I feel gross with my usual dry shampoo routine, then I’ll just wash it with water and conditioner on the ends so it doesn’t dry out too much.
Haha, you must be in a gated community somewhere. My parents live in Bonita Springs and the golf carts are always in full swing!!
That pocket looks like it’s ALL spinach!
I’m the same way — I’ve gotten a lot more lax as I’ve gotten older. I’ve also started to figure out a lot of different ways to work with less-than-clean hair, like cute updos, pinning it back or even hats! If i have to be somewhere looking decent, it will almost always get washed, but I’ve gotten a lot more confident about it and less worried about what other people will think.
I was my hair about 2-3 times a week. I even like the look of my day 2 hair better than when it’s freshly washed….maybe I just like being stinky??? hahah hey I still shower every dayyyy..sometimes.