Ryan wanted to sleep in until 7 a.m. this morning, so we skipped our 6 a.m. workout in favor of an extra hour of sleep. We were up at 7 a.m. for breakfast and I worked until around 9:15 a.m. before deciding to go for a run.
I figured a run at 9:15 a.m. was still early enough in the morning to beat the Florida heat.
Oh I was so, so wrong.
By 9:15 a.m. it was already in the mid-80s and the humidity was kickin’.
I headed out for what I thought would be a 5-mile run and quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen. I adjusted my running goals to cover three miles and only finished that by telling myself to slow down and take it easy.
Running outside when the temperature is close to 90 degrees is definitely not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I just wasn’t in the mood to plug away on the cardio equipment in the hotel gym. I wanted to be out and about, but I now know that if I want to take my workout outside, I must do it well before 9 a.m.
Check out this super-sweaty post-run ponytail.
Okay, fine, so that ponytail is probably about 50 percent sweat and 50 percent straight grease.
Don’t worry, I washed my hair after snapping that picture, I promise.
Speaking of greasy hair, as I’ve grown older, I’ve found myself becoming more and more lax about washing my hair. I shower every day (okay, so I typically skip a shower all together on my rest days), but I don’t wash my hair daily.
In fact, I usually only wash my hair on days when I do super-sweaty cardio or circuit training. This averages out to about three hair-washes a week, or every-other day washes. Sometimes less.
In high school I would often wash my hair twice a day. I was a diver, so I’d wash it after diving practice after school and then I’d wake up early in the morning before school to shower and wash my hair again. Talk about overkill.
What about you guys? How often do you wash your hair?
Please don’t make me feel like Pig-Pen and tell me you all wash your hair a million times a week.
Lunch today had to be enjoyed in a flash because I worked up until the time I had to leave for an important appointment scheduled for 2 p.m., located about 40 minutes away.
Another Amy’s pocket sandwich!
This time I enjoyed a spinach feta pocket sandwich that was decent, though I could’ve used about five times the amount of feta in my pocket.
I ate my lunch while scrambling to run a brush through my hair and throw some mascara on my eyelashes. My poor little lashes are finding themselves naked more and more now that I work from home.
I’m actually blogging from the location of my afternoon meeting at the moment, but will recap that later this evening.
For now, I’ll give you guys a hint…
Golf carts are everywhere!
Florida folks may have an idea where I am, but those of you with some older relatives may also have a clue.
See ya after dinner!
Question of the Afternoon
- How often do you wash your hair?
I do the every other day thing too, but sometimes if its going to be a lazy day around home I toss on a Lulu headband and make it every 3 days 😉
Everytime I play tennis! So it averages to about 3-4 times a week! i have super wavy hair so I hate to wash it so often because it means using a straightener 3 -4 times a week 🙁
I wash my hair everyday but that is because I have hair that gets soooo greasy no matter what I do and looks awful if its not washed. You can never tell you don’t wash it everyday in the pics you post… you must be one of the lucky ones!!!
I wash mine every other day, sometimes I stretch it another day. Especially on the weekends when I know I’m going to be lazy or cleaning all day. I have super thick curly (by curly, I mean it’s totally out of control and will only hang it pretty curls if it feels like it) hair, so drying it is a feat. I looked at my sister last week and said, do you think I can get another day out of this?! She told me to wear a headband!
It just depends on the week for me but if I work out I have to wash it. If I don’t work out, I won’t wash it. Is it bad that I’m jealous you’re ONLY running in 90 degree temps? I left my crossfit class (outside, no ac) at 8pm last night and it was 104. Gotta love Texas in the summer!
I thought this was a silly question; but now… maybe I wash my hair too much 0.o ? I shower after the gym, which includes washing my hair and I shower, yes also includes washing my hair in the morning before work (that’s two showers in like 12 hours btw lol). Maybe I shouldn’t wash it so often? I guess I’ll try the every other day thing.
i’m the same, i wash mine about every other day… before i moved, and was going to the Y every morning before work, it was a regular monday/wednesday/friday deal. now, though, that i got my hubby going with me and the gym is neither 5 min from my house nor on my way to work, i have to go home (since we ride together) and that’s cut my time to get ready considerably… so i’m lucky if i get it three times during the work week. i’ve also drastically reduced the number of times i straighten it (from almost daily to maybe once a week, if that) because i’m just sick of doing it. i’m trying to embrace the frizzy nappy-headed look i tend to sport when i don’t take the time to dry it nicely and run my CHI through it.
…florida humidity isn’t making it any easier though. can’t wait til it’s not hotter than the devil’s vajay outside, and my hair will actually dry nicely, naturally!
florida humidity is KILLER. i feel ya, sista.
I’m from Texas but I’m still betting on The Villages!!!
I love that place!!!
Being originally from FL, I think I have a pretty good idea of where you are…Is it Celebration? If it is, then that’s pretty much the cutest little town!
I wash my hair everyday because it is super fine and gets greasy after one day. My hairdresser told me that if I wash it less it would actually not be as greasy. So, I tried washing every other day for a while, but I just ended up looking like a hot mess every other day.
Yes, i’ve heard that my hair would not go into oil production overload if I stopped washing my hair so often. I’ve tried to stop, gone entire weekends without washing, and I’m pretty sure my hair could solve our dependence on foreign oil.
I had the same problem! You kind of just have to keep with it and after a few weeks your hair really looks just fine on your “non-shower” day. To help with the “hot mess” situation, I would wash only my bangs, blow dry them, and then wear the rest of my hair in an updo/ponytail.
I’m a once a day girl. Twice if I work out.
Although, I have been known to skip a shower to save time in the morning if I just showered a few hours before I went to sleep.
While we’re on the subject, my husband thinks that’s totally disgusting of me and at least once a week will say to me, “have you showered yet?” Like, he actually looks out for my showers. LOL
I’m an everyday girl, except on the weekends when I feel scrubby. But seriously, it’s like I can see a line of grease descending down my hair if I leave it for more than that. According to the snooty guy at Spehora, I’m ‘over-producing’. hahaha
Is it Broward? I’m not really into frozen food, so I’ve never had those Amy’s products. Are they good?
yes! i love the amy’s products. they’re great in a pinch.
Yep, definitely wash my hair every day. I can’t not wash my hair after a workout (and to be honest, even without a workout I still need to). It’s just part of my routine every day… get up, shower, wash hair. I have oily hair and it will be oily by the end of the day, no matter what. As a curly haired girl, I do not wake up in the morning with anything that can pass as a hairstyle unless I wash and let dry curly/blow dry each day.
I’m guilty of washing my hair every day. I can’t stand sweaty hair, so it’s a must when I shower!
I wash it on an as needed basis!! If it’s really sweaty, greasy or just plain dirty. Although lunchtime workouts sometimes mean the sweat just gets blow dried out!!
Ohmigosh! Everyone is going to think i’m some garbage head when I say this…
I used to be a wash my hair every other or every three days gal. I am a brunette stick straight hair (when it’s blow dryed anyway). Well, now im 27 weeks preggo and it’s SUPER hot and humid out. Needless to say, for me that means LOTS of throwing your hair up in a pony. Well, now I only wash my hair once a week — Sunday’s! Tho I have found that some weeks I cant go that long so I will wash on Thurs. then again on Sunday. At first, the grease was really, really bad by day two but now it’s more like by day four (sometimes three). Actually, now, im really starting to dislike styling my hair after a wash. It doesnt want to cooperate with me at all — whereas some dirty greasy hair actually works well to style (go figure!).
Once the weather gets cooler tho, it’ll have to be “time to let the hair down” again and I’ll have to go back to more frequent washings..In which case I would like to try the washing with just the conditioner every two days or so.
And like you, I didnt start cutting back on the washing for my hair but more for the time it takes to blow dry it and straighten it. It can be such a hassle.
I was my hair for the most part everyday, usually at night and go to bed with wet hair. I can sometimes go a day and a half without washing, but after that it starts getting pretty nasty.
I have to wash my hair every day. It’s pretty thin & it gets greasy VERY quickly. Occasionally I’ll shower at night & then skip washing my hair the following day.
Retirement community?
My hair is way to greasy to not wash daily. Every now and then I’ll let it go one day on the weekend (unfortunately, that also means that I have not showered) and I pretend that I’m just letting my hair moisturize itself.
My hair starts to look wet after about a day and half. It is gross!! Also I feel like if I don’t wash my hair then I am not clean. I wash my hair everyday…but like you totally skip the entire showering process on my rest days! Totally normal.
I’m so glad you posted this! I’ve been experimenting with not washing my hair everyday to see if it improves the health of my hair and it actually does! My looks much more shiny and healthy when I only wash it every few days. Right now, I aim to wash it about 3 times a week. I use dry shampoo in case I get some grease, but otherwise, it works just fine.
You are not a pig pen 🙂
I’ve had that Amy’s pocket once, your right it needed more cheese.
I wash my hair two or three times a week, I have little kids so I try to make my shower as short as possible.
So do you put it in a shower cap on days you shower, but don’t wash your hair? Or do you get it wet? How do you restyle it (or not) after the shower?
I hate the feeling of wet, unshampooed hair because mine freaks out.
i put it in a really high bun and just try my best not to get it wet!
I have very dry hair and am a 2-3 times a week kind of person with dry shampoo if it gets greasy at the roots.
The horrible thing is I am afraid people in the gym locker room (I get ready there before work) see me getting out of the shower most days without washed hair and are totally judging me…they all WASH theirs…psh!
I wash my hair most work days, which would be Monday-Friday. However, there are days that I choose to sleep in and utilize the wonders of dry shampoo. I typically have to wash everyday because I will dry/straighten my hair some days of the week and mousse/curl my hair other days of the week. My hair is naturally very oily though and I find if i I don’t wash it at least every other day or so it starts to affect my skin around my hair line. 🙁 But baby powder has definitely saved me in a pinch! (It’s a much tougher solution as a brunette, btw!)
No, you are not gross! i was my hair every other day. I have curly hair and love to wear it straight and its just too much work to have to straighten it everyday. Usually on the 2nd day I just wear an updo…it doesn’t look greasy at all!
I wish I could only wash 3 times a week! My body seems to have missed the message that I don’t need teenage oil anymore. You’re lucky!
I have really fine hair and wash it every day. For those who have similar hair, do you restyle or how do you handle it looking all messy?
i have very thin hair, so i feel ya! i find that if i don’t wash it, but then when i get out of the shower, i still blow dry it for like 60 sec. that helps me to be able to style it nicely again.
I love driving golf carts around! That’s the only form of transportation w take when we’re at my parents house in South Carolina. Love it! 🙂
I do wash it twice a day, but I’m pretty sure I could just get away with once. But I HAVE to do it daily or else it gets to be the biggest greaseball ever and makes my face greasy. Gross!
No shame! I probably wash my hair every 2-3 days. I have super thick, curly, frizzy hair so I never get overly greasy. When I was little and in the whole “I-hate-showers” stage I once went a week without washing my hair. Talk about gross! 😕
I wash it twice a week. I’ve always thought washing it too often was not good for it.
I get WAY more compliments on my hair when I don’t wash it! I think washing it makes it too frizzy or something, and after a day it settles and looks good. I usually only wash 2 or 3 times a week, depending on my workouts!
Right there with you girl, used to wash my hair every day. Now it’s usually every other day (sometimes more). It’s just not necessary some days, no sense stripping the essential oils my hair needs to be healthy.
I wash my hair daily because it gets so knotted and crazy when I wake up that I have to at least get it wet and if i dont shampoo and condition it gets all dry and uncontrollable.
I was my hair every other day, and I work out on the day i wash my hair so that i work extra hard and don’t worry about sweating! If I have time to workout on a non hair washing day i’ll do something low key like yoga, but my hair washing routine is planned around my work routine so it means I can only work out every other day anyways! This stuff is serious… guys can’t even begin to comprehend the intriquite planning that girls must put into their day to day routines!! 😉
I’m with most of the ladies commenting – I usually wash it every 2 or 3 days depending on my activity level.
I have thick, thick, curly hair that goes halfway down my back and it’s just a pain in the tushie to wash it all the time. Plus, my college student budget can’t afford to take the hit on hair products to style it everyday!
i HAVE to wash my hair daily – it is super fine and thin, and just sleeping on it makes it greasy. ugh.
I TRY to wash my hair every other day. If it’s lookin’ a little greasy I just rub some baby power into my scalp. Works better for blondes! TRY IT!
Right there with you on the hair washing comment. They say it’s bad for your hair to wash it everyday…I wouldn’t want to do something bad for it. 😉
Absolutely the Villages! Bahaha!
Being curly haired, one would think I wouldn’t have to (because it’s not oily) but I wash mine pretty much every day. I sweat so much (ew) when I work out that it’s a MUST anytime I do cardio of any kind. Now, I don’t work out nearly as much as you do, but I sometimes still wash it daily because once the previous wash’s styling products have lost their touch, my hair starts looking like a rat’s nest – all the curls turn into frizz and it gets all tangly. If I don’t have enough time to wash daily, you can be sure it’s in a tight bun the next day to disguise what’s really goin’ on in there! I wish I could use dry shampoo and a straightener to do quick fixes, but alas, that is not an option for me.
you are absolutely right! 😀
Ha love this! I’ve always wondered what other ladies do regarding this and I’m happy to know I’m pretty much on par with everyone here…I usually wash it every 2 days….let all us dirty hair girls unite! 🙂
I tend to wash my hair every morning and feel gross unless I do. The dry shampoo sounds like it’d be a good option for me since I have such an oily scalp, but I’m afraid it won’t feel clean.
I’m going camping in a week and am nervous about the lack of showers and not being able to wash my hair! Eeek!
It’s better for the hair NOT to wash it every day, actually. SO you are in good luck 🙂
I wash mine about every other day…even if it was a sweaty workout. Hah. I teach fitness classes, so I SHOWER often (like 2-3x/day!!), but I def don’t wash my hair that often. heheh
Do you still get your hair wet in the shower on the days you do not shampoo and condition?? Or do you wear a shower cap? Whenever I wear a shower cap, I feel like my hair gets all gross and I should have just washed it to begin with.
no shower cap for me. i just put my hair in a really high bun and try not to get it wet.
I wrote a whole blog post about my hair washing routine! I wash my hair every day but don’t use shampoo. Tricky, I know.
I’m just getting to the point where I don’t shower immediately upon waking up on the weekends. But must do so before leaving the house or I just feel like a giant grease pit.
I am curious about this dry shampoo I keep hearing about though…
I wash my hair every other day unless (like you) I do a super sweaty cardio day which for me usually involves a cycling adventure. My hair gets super frizzy if I was it everyday.
My husband makes fun of me constantly because he says I never wash my hair. I have crazy thick hair and it takes a while until the grease starts to show….so kind of like you, after super sweaty cardio workouts. Maybe less when it’s summer break and I don’t have to go to work (I’m a teacher) or even out of the house! Eeek! 🙂
I usually end up washing my hair every day. I swear so much, that I feel like i need to. However, if i have an off day, I tend to skip washing the locks.
I definitely don’t wash my hair every day….too lazy! 😀 hahaha