Ryan wanted to sleep in until 7 a.m. this morning, so we skipped our 6 a.m. workout in favor of an extra hour of sleep. We were up at 7 a.m. for breakfast and I worked until around 9:15 a.m. before deciding to go for a run.
I figured a run at 9:15 a.m. was still early enough in the morning to beat the Florida heat.
Oh I was so, so wrong.
By 9:15 a.m. it was already in the mid-80s and the humidity was kickin’.
I headed out for what I thought would be a 5-mile run and quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen. I adjusted my running goals to cover three miles and only finished that by telling myself to slow down and take it easy.
Running outside when the temperature is close to 90 degrees is definitely not the smartest thing I’ve ever done, but I just wasn’t in the mood to plug away on the cardio equipment in the hotel gym. I wanted to be out and about, but I now know that if I want to take my workout outside, I must do it well before 9 a.m.
Check out this super-sweaty post-run ponytail.
Okay, fine, so that ponytail is probably about 50 percent sweat and 50 percent straight grease.
Don’t worry, I washed my hair after snapping that picture, I promise.
Speaking of greasy hair, as I’ve grown older, I’ve found myself becoming more and more lax about washing my hair. I shower every day (okay, so I typically skip a shower all together on my rest days), but I don’t wash my hair daily.
In fact, I usually only wash my hair on days when I do super-sweaty cardio or circuit training. This averages out to about three hair-washes a week, or every-other day washes. Sometimes less.
In high school I would often wash my hair twice a day. I was a diver, so I’d wash it after diving practice after school and then I’d wake up early in the morning before school to shower and wash my hair again. Talk about overkill.
What about you guys? How often do you wash your hair?
Please don’t make me feel like Pig-Pen and tell me you all wash your hair a million times a week.
Lunch today had to be enjoyed in a flash because I worked up until the time I had to leave for an important appointment scheduled for 2 p.m., located about 40 minutes away.
Another Amy’s pocket sandwich!
This time I enjoyed a spinach feta pocket sandwich that was decent, though I could’ve used about five times the amount of feta in my pocket.
I ate my lunch while scrambling to run a brush through my hair and throw some mascara on my eyelashes. My poor little lashes are finding themselves naked more and more now that I work from home.
I’m actually blogging from the location of my afternoon meeting at the moment, but will recap that later this evening.
For now, I’ll give you guys a hint…
Golf carts are everywhere!
Florida folks may have an idea where I am, but those of you with some older relatives may also have a clue.
See ya after dinner!
Question of the Afternoon
- How often do you wash your hair?
As I run everyday, I wash my hair every two days.
You were a diver in hifg school? Did you practice a lot?
I love your Garmin by the way.
we had practice monday through friday!
Wow you must be a great swimmer! I like swimming too, it’s a good workout!
wait, people get in the shower on rest days? I definitely don’t. Unless I get super sweaty I only wash my body like you.
Ok – I’m not going to lie, sometimes I forget when the last time I washed my hair was. BUT my hair color last forever, i have no split ends, my hair seems very healthy and even thicker since I stopped washing it every day. Last time I had my hair cut / dyed was three months ago. I have a serious problem ~ I know. I live on dry shampoo to help with the oil but it really isn’t that bad. Your scalp does adjust to less shampooing. I normally wash my hair once maybe twice a week. I work out everyday and use dry shampoo and blow it out. I actual asked my fiance if he was a little grossed out about it, his response. “If you start to smell we will have a problem” This isn’t something I would volunteer to many people but no one would know if I didn’t tell them. for the record – I’m a brunette with blonde /red highlights. However I do shower everyday 🙂
I’m the same as you. I wash my hair about every other day and don’t always shower on days where I’m not doing anything (i.e. Sunday’s when I wake up and just lounge around or run errands). I do wet my hair when I shower, but I don’t always shampoo it. Sometimes if will condition it though since I have curly hair.
My guess on where you are in Florida with golf carts…is it Celebration?
I used to wash my hair at least once a day, sometimes twice like you used to. My hair is SUPER duper thick and it used to look greasy if I didn’t wash it everyday. Now that I am older, and wiser 😉 I learned that it was only becoming greasy because of over washing. Now I am an every other day (sometimes I can let it go two) girl. Plus, my hair takes over an hour just to dry it, and I just don’t have time for that anymore.
I wash my hair every morning before work – but the greatest part is that I can towel dry it and walk out the door. Also I don’t wear make up at all (never have) so if I didn’t shower/wash hair, the only thing I would be doing is applying deo and brushing my chompers 🙂
I wash mine everyday =( I know it’s horrible, and I think I should start just conditioning some days, but my hair gets so greasy when I don’t! And it looks 3X as bad. I haven’t figured out something that works!
If I put my hair in a pony tail for longer than 10 minutes, it retains that shape and will not straighten out. :/
DRY SHAMPOO is the answer! I tried to get away without washing every oher day, too.
ARe you in the villages?!?
Are you at the Villages? My aunt and uncle live there and love it. It was adorable!
yes ma’am!
There is NO way I couldn’t wash my hair everyday. Not trying to make you feel like a greaseball, BTW. Your hair always looks fine to me in your pictures, so to each her own. Maybe I just sweat a lot from the top of my head (that sounds so gross), but I can’t imagine not washing it. I have curly hair too, but I’ve found that sea salt spray helps SO much with the styling issue. Get out of the shower, about 10 pumps of sea salt spray, air dry, done. =) Then again, I work from home, so I’m not on a time crunch to get my hair finished.
Well if your hair washing habits are normal, that makes me normal! I must inform my husband because he questions my showering/hair washing habits some days (although perhaps some days he is right). But reading your post was like listening to myself talk!
I wish I didn’t have to wash my hair everyday! Even if I don’t do a super sweaty workout- which usually I sweat like crazy no matter what haha- it still gets really greasy so I have to wash it or it would be nasty
Annoyingly, every day otherwise it gets really greasy. I don’t know what causes this but it’s annoying!!
How often I wash my hair varies. If I do a really sweaty workout like Zumba or Spinning then I was it. Otherwise I’ll shower but skip getting the hair wet. It probably averages out to every other day.
Your ponytail doesn’t look greasy at all – just like you had a good workout. 🙂
I wash my hair every single day (in the mornings). Sometimes if I have back to back Zumba classes at night, I’ll wash it again when I get home. I wish I could go longer, but my hair just looks “funky” if I skip a wash.
I’ve actually been told by my hairdresser that washing your hair every day isn’t healthy for it. You are supposed to wash it every other day, but you can condition every day. I’ve also been told that you should switch shampoos every three or so months!
My hair is curly so I usually only wash my hair every three or four days, kinda gross but otherwise it gets so dry. If I was super sweaty during a workout I will wash it or if it’s smelly (gross I know but my hair seems to pick up smells??!!) other than that I let it be. : )
It’s not just you, curly hair retains smells like crazy. Once after a bonfire, my hair still smelled like smoke after washing it three times 🙁 I asked my hair stylist once why that is and I think she said it has to do with the cuticle not being flat in curly hair.
I work from home too, Julie, and sometimes I straight-up just forget to wash my hair. 🙂 3 or 4 times a week is max for me. I do use dry shampoo in between though–the Victoria’s Secret kind is awesome!
OMG are you in the Villages? I am SO jealous if you are! My boyfriend’s grandparents live there and I want to move there myself! Well, maybe in 40 years. 🙂
yes, i am!!
that is amazing! i hope you get the house, but if not, villages backup plan?? haha!
haha i love it! i am totally like you in washing my hair every other day… have you ever tried dried shampoo? that def creates a less greasy look! (at times it makes me feel dirtier for not washing my hair, but at other times… it’s a lifesaver!! plus, not washing your hair everyday IS healthy!)
We are setting record highs here in TX, at 6:30am on my drive to work this morning it was already 90! By 9am it’s probably close to 100, with 10-12 more degrees to climb. I usually run in the mornings now, but I’m a lot slower than ‘normal’! (Plus I’m pregnant which also slows me down)
As a personal trainer and fitness instructor I usually have morning and evening workouts so if I showered after everyone, it’d be almost twice a day! In a pinch, as long as I don’t stink, I’ll just put a scarf or a wrap in my hair and no one can even tell!
OK, so I am sure this sounds REALLY gross but I wash my hair only once a week. I have extremely THICK, CURLY, DRY hair that is color treated, so anything more than once a week fries my hair. The good thing is my hair is so thick that it never looks greasy or dirty, and I am not just telling myself that to get out of washing my hair more than once a week 😀 I do shower once a day, or more depending on my activity level, so that should accont for something, right? Dry shampoo is the best for people with hair like mine, or who only wash their hair once a week (or less, because at least your hair always smells like it has been freshly washed, even when it hasn’t 😉
My hair has always been naturally really, really dry, but up until last year I still washed it every day. Then I started cutting back to every other day, and my hair got a lot softer and less damaged! Now, I don’t even use storebought shampoo — I’ve read a lot about how it strips your hair of its natural oils and all the chemicals are really bad for you. I use a mixture of baking soda and water to wash my hair, and it’s great! Gets all the dirt and grime off your scalp but leaves the natural oils that condition your hair.
I wish I could really stretch out my washes! My hair is so naturally greasy I just can’t do it. So I try to just wash my bangs and the hair right around my part every day put the rest up in a pony and wash that part in the sink), then the rest every other day… Unless I’m not going anywhere, then it goes up!
I have totally been Identifying with you lately! My husband is a Marine and he’s currently at a school in North Carolina for 3 months… and then we’ll be moving out the the desert in California… So in the mean time, we’re living at an extended stay hotel in North Carolina for 3 months! It’s been interesting, but we do have our 65lb pitbull and 50lb (and only 6 month old) hound puppy with us!
And one last thing! because of you’re blog and an encouraging friend of mine… I am now obsessed with body pump! I wasn’t really one to work out (other than some yoga) before, but now I’m really comfortable with body pump and branched out to other classes even the weight room and go to the gym almost daily!!
i miss bodypump so much!! so glad you’re loving it!
Im in Texas and at 730 this morning it was 90 degrees, its 106 now 🙁
I dont wash my hair daily, every other day at most 🙂
I’m right there w/you girl. I don’t wash my hari everyday at all! Every other day and sometimes longer if I can hold out. I will wash my bangs though, b/c they tend to look more greasy than the rest of my hair. I do shower everyday to. lol
I had to laugh at one of the first comments when you said “I look like a brunette when clearly I’m a blonde” that is when I KNOW it’s time to wash my hair haha!
During the school year I wash my hair almost everyday but this summer I’ve been washing it about 3 times a week. It usually goes into a pony tail for work and dry shampoo has become my best friend.
I don’t know why, but I cannot stand to NOT wash my hair. I just need to feel “fresh”. Yeah, a little OCD.
If I miss even once a week, it’s because I went to the pool and then got busy. I know it’s healthier for your hair, and that it’s recommended. But I just.can’t.do.it. I do have to put up with too-dry hair for it, though.
Every other day! I work as a lifeguard so my hair seems to always be wet…haha 🙂
Oh dear…I have to wash my hair every day! I’m asian so I think I’m predisposed to extra oily hair. Although when I volunteered in Africa I got cornbraids done and only lightly shampooed my hair once a week. It was incredible. Such freedom! haha
2-3 times a week! Every other day rarely. I shower everyday of course, lol but wear my hair in a big bun on top of my head so it doesnt get wet. My hair is so much healthier and looks great now that I dont wash and blow dry it every single day.
I wash my hair every other day. I heard that if you do it daily it strips away the natural oils. And besides, who wants to have to style their hair every single day? My hair doesn’t air dry well and I sure as hell am not going to dry it every morning!
I have to wash my hair every day b/c it gets super greasy. If I only did it 3 times a week you could probably ring the grease out like water in between washes. I know, that’s super disgusting, but true! I wish I had hair that could go a couple days without a wash, I’ve always been in awe of those people.
i may or may not have gone 4 days+ without washing my hair. Oops?
Every other day, but one of the reasons I can do this is that I’m addicted to hair powder! My favorite is Bumble and Bumble. It soaks up any oil and gives hair awesome texture. I also found that my hair had to get used to being washed less. The first month I cut down on washing it was greasy, but slowly the grease stopped coming….
I have to wash mine everyday with the amount of exercise I do. Plus my hair is so thin that after sleeping on it all night it just looks gross!
Twice a day for me.. once in the morning, and once after my workout. My post-workout sweat makes me look like I just got out of the pool. I mean, soaked through! I have to hang up my hair elastics to dry! 🙂
Hence, my name 😉
I bet your hair is remarkably healthier than mine, though! I’ve read that what you do is the healthiest regime!
I wash my hair when I feel like it’s looking greasy…prob every 4 days 🙁 But if I work out I wash it just because it’s SOAKED with sweat. If I have time to let the sweat dry, I don’t always wash it, hehe. I also totally go an entire day without showering at least once during the week…thank god I’m not the only one. If I was a profuse sweater, I think that would be more disgusting, but I like to think I’m a pretty clean person.
i wash my hair every day. 🙂 it’s just what’ i’m used to. hahaha. that and my bf is such a clean freak that he’d kick me out of the bed if i wasn’t squeaky clean! lol.
I only wash my hair a couple of times a week too. even after super sweaty cardio, That is why I love dry shampoo and the blow dryer 😉
Thanks! Which Amy’s products do you recommend? I see they have a wide variety!
I use an AWESOME dry shampoo from Sephora
I actually picked some up today! I’m seriously in love with the product, i’ve been using it for years! It seems expensive but 1 bottle lasted me THREE YEARS! I use it 3-4 times a week. CRAZY?! I know!!! Not only does it make your hair smell good, it gives your hair SO MUCH FRICKIN VOLUME! It’s just amazing. Dont pass it up. LOL I sound like im a spokes person for the brand but I assure you I am not — just tryin to help ya out!
PS I work out 6 days a week and get super sweaty every time. With the dry shampoo I only wash my hair twice a week in the shower. I makes my color stay really well! I get complements on my hair ALL THE TIME…
PS my hair is NATURALLY greasy. I use to wash it EVERY day until I discovered the miracle in a bottle
I have naturally curly hair, so I pretty much have to wash it every day or it just turns into a frizzball mess. Plus I run 5 days a week – and I sweat like a man.
When I straighten my hair I don’t wash it as often – I’ll go by how it looks.
I was my hair every other day…sometimes every third day. And I do it at night because it’s such a chore. Dry shampoo was the best thing ever invented!
My hair is very fine and thin. If I don’t wash it, I look homeless by noon the next day.
I am SO lazy when it comes to washing my hair!! Lately, it is 2 times a week if I am lucky. The blow drying/straightening of my massive amounts of hair is what deters me.
Most of the time, dry shampoo and a pony tail is my best friend. The weird thing is though, I feel like I get more compliments on my hair when it is super dirty as opposed to just cleaned….hmmmm
Actually i have read in dozens of articles and magazines that washing your hair everyday will in the long run DAMAGE IT! they all suggest every other day washes- so your good to go. if you do less than that, welcome to the sisterhood. 🙂
i totally wash my hair everyday unless i have a rest day, and then it depends what i’m doing. my hair just gets sweaty and gross…but i’m intrigued by the ‘co-pooing’ idea or just even by getting it wet and rinsing product out of it… hmmm i’ll have to think on that.
and your am run sounds just like all of mine have since about june! it’s been in the high 70s/low 80s here at 6 am and reaches 90s by lunchtime… no fun at all! and i’m in indiana. fall, please come!!