I swear I learn something new from you guys every day. The little somethin’ I learned from blog readers Alex, Kathy and Nancy on Friday actually saved me some major dough!
That would be my Canon PowerShot S90 in a bag of brown rice.
When I blogged about spilling my water bottle in my purse all over my camera and phone on Friday, these wonderful girls came to the rescue with this advice:
Remove the battery and memory card and put the camera into a bag of rice for as long as you can manage, without using it (2 days usually does the trick). The rice will suck all the moisture out of the camera and have it working like new in no time!
I wasn’t so sure about the idea, but I figured why not give it a shot? I checked on my camera this morning after letting it chill in a bag of rice sine Friday night and BAM! Working camera!!!
Blogging friends save the day (and my wallet!). 😀
As Ryan and I ran some errands (Ryan got fitted for his tux and we stopped by JoAnn’s and PetSmart), we started to work up an appetite. When Ryan suggested ordering pizza for dinner this evening, my mouth started watering.
Phenomenal idea!
When we arrived back home, I finished assembling our wedding welcome gifts while Ryan ordered our pizza.
He opted for a thin-crust pizza cut into square slices (my fav!) from Domino’s with lots of veggies.
Within 25 minutes, we had hot pizza at our door!
I filled my plate and enjoyed every bite.
Ryan also added a little surprise to our order.
Chocolate lava crunch cakes!
I ate almost all of mine, but I think I’d had enough of sugar by this time since my diet up until dinner today was dominated by candy corn and Reese’s Pieces. My palate was much more pleased by the salty pizza at this point.
After dinner, Ryan and I headed out back to play fetch with Sadie for a good hour. She was having a blast, wagging her tail and sticking her tongue out just about as far as it would go.
Now we’re hangin’ out before hopefully hopping into bed early.
How fast did this weekend go? Man oh man!
glad your camera is working!! that pizza looks delish.
i tried the rice thing with my ipod.. but it still won’t work. Saddest thing ever! darn florida rain storms 🙁
Yay for saving your camera! That trick works with cell phones too 🙂
Yipee I’m so glad it worked!
such an easy fix. i love it! i will have to write down that one. the wedding halloween bags are absolutely adorable!
I saw a puppy today on my walk today that looked just like Sadie. I was going to ask the lady what kind of dog it was, but I was with a friend and her dog was kind of losing his mind so I just kept going. It was SO cute though!
That dinner looked so good! I love pizza!
I’ll have to remember that camera/phone trick if anything like that ever happens to me. Knowing my luck, it will. 🙂
Chocolate Lava Crunch Cakes!? Where have I been, under a rock? Those sound so good! I’d happily welcome that to my pizza order. I hear ya about the candy corn, I made a severe dent in my stash today!
Thats amazing about the brown rice. Man what a great food. Its healthy and a camera saver! Haha
Do you like the new Domino’s pizza? I know I was impressed when I tried it for the first time after they changed the recipe. It’s so flavorful!
I once dropped my camera in Beer in college and rice fixed it! I was shocked and very happy because I was on a college budget!
I love this trick! I once dropped my phone in water once and used the rice method to fix it. Works like a charm.
That pizza looks amazing. I haven’t had Dominoes in so long and I’m craving it now!
I tried that rice trick with my phone when I dropped it in the toilet (woops!) but it didn’t work 🙁 Buuut i am SO happy it worked for you 😀 yay saving $$ – you don’t have to buy a new one! Blogger friends are so smart, and always there when you need em 🙂
Hope you enjoy the rest of your evening – those lava cakes look awesome!
I heard the rice trick before but I didn’t think it actually worked! Good to know ;).
I’ve always heard about the rice trick, but luckily, I haven’t had to use it yet *knocks on wood*. Glad to see the camera is working again–I have the same model and I LOVE it.
oh goodness! I had to do that with my phone! Good luck! I’ve had my phone for 7 months since the water damage incedent and its still running mostly fine!
You’re telling me! I had to remind myself this morning when the alarm went off that it was MONDAY and I had to go to WORK. Darn those 2-day only weekends! 😉
glad your camera is working again 🙂
Some sad news in the healthy living blog community! Apparently, Marie Claire stands for irresponsible journalism. A link to the article is available on this blog post.
That is so awesome about your camera! I’ll have to remember that.