Hooray for a fun guest post! Today’s guest post comes from Michelle, the beautiful blogger behind Crazy*Running*Legs.
I’ve had the pleasure of meeting Michelle a few times (she’s an Orlando blogger!) and think she is basically awesome. Michelle has the kind of personality that immediately puts you at ease. She’s relatable, fun and a fantastic blogger to boot!
Michelle completed her first full marathon this weekend in Savannah. She’s basically a rock star.
Guest Post: Crazy*Running*Legs
Hello PBF readers!
I’m Michelle and I blog over at Crazy*Running*Legs.
Around the time this posts, I’ll be running my first marathon!
I almost find it funny that I am running a marathon today because I swore to MANY of my friends a year ago that I would NEVER run a full. EVER. A half was good enough – thank you very much. I might have even stated this on the blog. I don’t know when this changed – but earlier this year I signed up to run the Rock n’ Roll Savannah FULL. Guess I ate my words on that one.
What I didn’t expect about marathon training was that I would enjoy it as much I have – and today I’m going to share my tips for having fun during training! I’ve discovered that there are a few rules…
1. Join a training group and find a training plan that works for YOU!
I decided to sign up for my local running store’s Marathon training program – MarathonFest. MarathonFest follows the FIRST Training Program (aka Train Less, Run Faster) and it has really motivated me to push myself, while also allowing training to fit into my hectic schedule. I don’t feel as though I’ve had to give up anything to train, except maybe a few hours of sleep! I’ve also learned to appreciate running without music, running with other people, and learning new techniques and strategies. You know, like this…
2. Run with friends
Everything is better with friends! I’m SO freakin’ lucky to have a great running buddy — Paula. Not only is she hilarious, but she inspired me to sign up for my first half and we have been riding this train to insanity ever since.
I’ve also really bonded with my pace group – it’s small, it’s quirky, but they make me look forward to waking up at 2:45am on Sundays.
3. Enjoy the long run
I really think marathon training made me a more mature runner. Instead of focusing on how fast I can go or how many runs I can get in, I really look forward to and enjoy the long runs. A nice long 20 miler? Sign me up!
The beautiful scenery, the sunrises, and the calmness of the early mornings also help me get into the moment. There were many times during training where I got lost in thought or was taken aback by the pure beauty of my location — and this is, I feel, what the long run is really all about.
4. Have cheerleaders
My support team has been invaluable to me throughout my training. This includes my family, my friends, and anyone who listens to (and reads) my endless babbling about running. I do the races for ME – but I LOVE sharing my experiences with them. Let’s face it… they complete me.
5. Celebrate!
And by celebrate – I mean have a few adult beverages and enjoy some pizza. J Some training plans may discourage drinking alcohol and splurging on food, but I’m all about enjoying life in moderation.
You’ve earned it – now go enjoy it!!
Ultimately, what this training taught me is that you CAN have fun while you are torturing yourself. This doesn’t have to just be about running either. I believe that finding your passion and giving something your all should always be a fun experience in the end – regardless of how difficult, challenging, and painful it is!
“Nobody said life would be easy…They just promised it would be worth it.” ~Harvey MacKay
Thanks Julie for this opportunity to guest post– and I hope YOU had an awesome race in Savannah too!
Congrats on your first full marathon Michelle! Such a great accomplishment. I just finished my first half marathon last month and I absolutely loved it! I just don’t think i could ever double the miles!
Thank you!! You know I said that after my first half marathon too. It’s amazing what a little willpower, a little insanity, and a lot of determine can do for you!
Hi Michelle! Great to see you over here!! Hope your first full marathon went well, can’t wait to read your post about it. I’m getting ready for my first 5k with my hubby and I’m excited to see how it turns out!
Good luck with your first race!! I’m sure you are going to kill it.
Congrats on the marathon! I am seriously considering training for the chicago marathon next year, I’m glad to hear you had a good time with it. I LOVE long runs! lol although I’m only up to 9 miles right now!
Congrats on your 1st marathon! It’s such a wonderful feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line. Way to go Michelle!! 🙂
What an inspiring post! 🙂
Nice guest post, girl! And I’m not just saying that cuz you said I’m hilarious. Ok. Maybe that has a little to do with it. 😉
You kicked booty Saturday. So proud like a mama bear. <3
Great guest post!!
So I usually just skim guest posts, but I’ve really enjoyed these past 2 (& have added them to my readers)!
Julie, does the fact that they both focus on marathon training mean anything about your future plans??
Great post that came at the perfect time for me! I snoozed past my 530 alarm this morning and woke up hours later to a very rainy morning 🙁 I was not ready to tackle the 4miles (nothing close to 26; slowly but surely? We’ll see!) scheduled for my last day of week 1 of training (for my first half!).. But once the rain calmed, I manged to get the run in..I totally agree with you on learning to ENJOY the run. I’ll have to look into the group runs though! Sounds like a lot of fun! 🙂 congrats on finishing!! Must feel grrreat!!
Group runs are awesome – especially if you find running with other inspiring (I definitely do!).
VEry cool that you got to run your 1st marathon–congrats, girl!!
Um, did you say 2:45 a.m. on a SUNday?! Crazy. But very awesome that you were/are so dedicated!
Yep – 2:45 wake up calls! This is partially b/c we trained throughout the hot/humid summer. We typically meet between 4-4:50am (and I have a 40 minute drive to meet up). 100% worth it though!!!
Awww YAY I love Michelle and her blog 🙂 what a great guest post. Congrats to both Michelle and you Julie for completing your races, you guys are awesome!!
beer really IS the best recovery drink. Underappreciated.
Seriously — especially a wheat beer!!
Congrats on the marathon! I’m in awe you wake up at 2.45 am for your runs- inspiring indeed! I’m the same about long runs- I thought I would dread them but I actually really enjoy them!
Excellent post, and congrats on the your first full! Ive been running religiously the last 4 years, and this year I competed in many half marathons and three weeks ago I too made a big life decision, and ran my first FULL as well, and am in the middle of writing my blog post about it! So kudos and thanks for the incite!
Congratulations Michelle! i am so proud of you. Your blog is very well written, full of great information. 🙂
YAY Michelle! You are so super awesome! I know I keep saying that, but for real. You may have even inspired me to run a full. I am currently that girl who thinks a half is far enough for me, thankyouverymuch. We shall see!!!
Aww, this is so making me want to train for another marathon. I especially agree about the groups. I heart mine to death!