I loved all of your comments on this morning’s post about negativity. You guys had some great stories and advice, applicable to both everyday life and the blog world. Dealing with the negative attitudes and remarks of others can be so difficult and your comments made me want to highlight a quote that Mary shared:
“Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make yours burn any brighter.”
Amen, sistah.
Last night I stayed up later than usual and when the alarm went off this morning at 5 a.m., I knew heading out to BodyPump at the gym I found that offers my favorite class in St. Pete just wasn’t going to happen. I was so pumped for the ‘Pump last night, but this morning my body wanted the rest.
I think I’m still trying to catch up on sleep from this past weekend’s adventures.
I slept in for another hour before waking up to bust out this morning’s Blog Talk Tuesdays post over breakfast.
Today’s morning meal included oatmeal topped with fresh blueberries, served with a side of sweet cherries.
Not a bad way to start the day.
Once my morning post was published, I headed to the gym for a workout.
Today’s workout began with 20 minutes of cardio on the elliptical before I tackled the weight room.
The strength-training portion of my workout included three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Bicep curls
- Tricep pulldowns
- Ryan’s awesome shoulder move
- Leg extensions
- Deadlifts
- One-legged leg extensions
- Lat pulldowns
- Front shoulder raises
My mom took a Zumba class while I did my workout, so it was nice to have a buddy to keep me company on the drive to and from the gym.
After the gym I snacked on a bowl of cereal and worked through the remainder of the morning until it was noon and time for lunch.
A smoothie was on the menu for today!
My grandma (the one you guys loved in our wedding video) painted that mug. I love it!
Today’s smoothie included:
- 1 c. milk
- 1 c. cherry Greek yogurt
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- 1 large handful fresh spinach
- 1 handful peanut butter M&Ms (<—Okay, so those were just enjoyed on the side)
The cold temperature of the smoothie was a welcome treat. I’ve been trying to do a lot of my work on the computer outside on my parents’ patio so Sadie can run around in the backyard.
If no one is outside with Sadie, she wants to come inside to be with us… and then she just stares out the window. Watching her look longingly out the window breaks my heart, so I’ve been braving the 90-degree heat so she can happily play and think I’m paying attention to her. I’m so sneaky.
These pictures of Sadie remind me of one more thing I wanted to share with you guys with regard to this morning’s post about negativity: Nothing can make you go from sad to happy faster than cuddling with a dog. I swear Sadie doesn’t have one negative or nasty bone in her body.
And good news! If you’re in need of a hug today, Sadie said she’s more than willing so send one your way.
Back to work! I have two articles to get through today… one about shrimp (yum!).
I keep forgetting to tell you! almost every single time I bust out ryan’s awesome shoulder move, I get approached by men asking what I’m doing.
…seriously. I bet Ryan didn’t know he’s my new wingman, eh? 😉
haha that’s awesome! i’ll definitely let him know. 🙂 hopefully they’re cuties…
Ooo that oatmeal looks delicious! Straight out of a magazine. I just gave Zekers a big hug! 😉
I completely agree…seeing/petting/hugging a dog makes everything bad go away. Even looking at a pic of Sadie made my day better!
I think peanut butter M&M’s in the smoothie would have been a great addition! In or out… that is my FAVORITE flavor M&M mmmmm
Sometimes, when I’m having a rough day, my “self-care” involves going to a friend’s home (or, in a pinch, the pet store) just to see/pet a pup.
They’re like the best therapy ever.
I love shrimp…looking forward to reading the article, you should post a link when it’s done! 🙂
I agree…I spent the whole weekend hanging out with the sweetest bulldog and just looking at him makes me smile. 🙂
Sadie is too cute 🙂 The color of her fur contrasts so nicely with the grass (if that makes any sense at all..)
That oatmeal looks really delicious! I love the Sadie pictures. She is too cute! 🙂
Sadie makes my day just by looking at pictures of her!
You always take the best photos of your smoothies! They look so yummy…I’m going to have to buy some xanthan gum when I move into my apartment next week. It looks like it really does the trick!
Shrimp..yum! 🙂
Beautiful photos of fresh fruit!!
Awwww your Sadie is so so cute!
Sad you missed out on a PUMP, but sleep is definitely a necessity (just posted about it, actually. Hah).
Enjoy your afternoon!
I never would have thought to mix cherry, chocolate, and strawberries in a smoothie!
I usually really love really runny oats (I’m weird), but the thicker-prepared kind look SO YUMMY on your blog. I’m gonna give that a try soon.
Aww, looking at Sadie will always put a smile on my face! I agree, my dogs (doxies) always make me feel better when I’m not in a great mood, they always are glad to see me and giving me huggies and kisses! Love!
Jealous of your berries and cherries, they look so nice and fresh – I think the “season” for Pittsburgh produce is already gone.
Couldn’t agree more. In fact, my favorite time of day is when I can snuggle in bed with my Zeusy-Goose, and oh, my hubby too. 😉
Your Sadie captions ALWAYS make me giggle. Outloud. No shame.
Awe Sadie thank you for the hugs. I saw a baby Sadie at the farmers market this past weekend and thought of you! She was so tiny and precious I wanted to kidnap her and bring her home to play with Jersey!
you take the best photos of Sadie!
Totally agree about the dog snuggling. Btw, I kinda’ want to kiss Sadie’s nose. Is that weird? :-l
oh- and hugging your pup when feeling down is always an instant mood lifter 🙂
Nothing like a doggy hug to perk up the day 🙂
Your smoothie looks incredible!!!
I’ve been learning to listen to my body…my initial plan for today was to go to the gym, but I was tired, so instead I did a light routine here at home!
Always on the lookout for new strength training workouts so will surely be bookmarking this!- thanks 🙂
They don’t call them Velcro vizslas for nothing! I’ll take one of those Sadie hugs! And Koda sends back a bunch of sloppy, loving licks 🙂
So glad the smoothies are back!
You were the one who inspired me to give them a try and I haven’t looked back since.
Is sweet Sadie getting a little bro/sis when you get the new place? She looks like she’d enjoy having another pup to teach the ropes of being a happy doggy.
it’s a possibility… 🙂 ryan really wants another one!
Having two dogs is awesome. Our labs are 3 years apart and BEST FRIENDS. Our older dog also started acting like a puppy again when she had a younger friend.
Love reading about you Sadie girl, almost as much as I love writing about my Remington Bear!!! Doggies are the best!
Needed this! Thank you, our dog just passed away a few hours ago. RIP Rambo!
oh taryn, i am so sorry. 🙁 i’m sure rambo provided you with all the joy in the world. sadie sends YOU extra hugs and kisses.
Taryn, so sorry to hear about your loss. Hope the wonderful memories of Rambo give you strength during this difficult time.
I know what you mean by Sadie not having a negative, mean bone in her body… Our two labs are the sweetest, happiest, lovable pups, and they always bring a smile to my face. 🙂
Smoothies are BACK!!! Whoop!
I totally agree! I always say that even if I’ve had a horrible day, I can’t look at my pug & NOT smile! He always cheers me up!
Sadieeeee!! She always makes me happy, and I’ve never even met her…I can’t even imagine how much she brightens your day!
PS I love that your mom does Zumba! 🙂
Ahhh I’m dying for a good workout. I’m stuck home without a car b/c my fiance’s is getting fixed so he has mine. I could do exercise tv but I really wanna jump on the elliptical! But I think I may do your strength routine just to get something in!
I just watched your wedding video for the first time and it made me all teary and smile at the same time. It’s so beautiful and so special!
I think I need to introduce my Mom to Zumba! I never saw that wedding video and let me just say it brought tears to my eyes. It’s very apparent that you have awesome friends and family!
I’ve never used protein powder in my smoothies and they still turned out delicious! 🙂 Hope that helps!
hi! I dont know if you remember me from an email I sent you a while ago, but I have another question for you! 🙂 Your smoothies always look sooo delicious, but I ran out of protein powder. Do you need it to make the smoothie? Or at least need it to make it tasty?
no, you definitely don’t need protein powder! i’d just sub in greek yogurt for thickness!
I love your blog, Julie, and enjoy all the positivity to keep me going in my own quest for a healthy lifestyle, but I have to say, that Sadie’s captions are always spot on for the look you’ve captured in her pictures. I love them and they are always a little piece of sunshine in my day!
I had never watched your wedding video, and I watched it just now, and totally teared up. Thanks for linking that, it was beautiful!
Aweeee <3333 my puppers is the same way. Sweetness through and through. I am going to miss her oodles when I'm at school!
I’m going to the gym today and trying Ryan’s super awesome shoulder move 😉 I’ll let you know how it goes!
Your breakfast looks so delicious – and healthy! Packed full of colour and fibre … yummy! It must feel so good to be back to your usual healthy eating habits 🙂
I love working out at the same gym as my Mum when I am staying back home at their place – it makes the drive too and from so much fun, just like you said…like a little social excursion! Your workout looked great this morning – sometimes rest is sooo much more necessary than an overly early start, fo sho!
Love that candle quote – so true 🙂 And our dogs are exactly the same…they’ll only go out if we are outside too. Dogs are very sociable creatures, aren’t they! Love them<3
Have a lovely day – good luck with the articles! xyx
What happened to your body pump? And can’t wait for this nutella granola . . . mmmmm
This is completely off topic… but I think this is you?
I was looking at the “Sparkle and Hay” weddinb blog’s facebook page, and I was like, wait a second I “know” them!
tottally is Julie!
She’s even more famous then we thought.
Oh Sadie. So cute. 🙂
I must be really tired because I swear that quote said, ““Blowing out someone else’s candle doesn’t make their ass burn any brighter.”
Although, I guess that’s true too!
As for the hugging – I will say the same thing is true about cuddling with a 2-year old and 5-year old. They definitely brighten a tough day!
Hey Julie! Love you blog. I have a random question. So I know that you’ve said that you naturally have a flatter stomach and that you tend to gain weight more in your lower body. I’m the same exact way. I’m trying really hard to get rid of the excess fat on my lower body but its really stubborn! lol. Do you have any tricks to really toning the lower body? I already do cardio and strength training
Dog hugs are absolutely the best…ever!!! I’m logging all of these fancy workouts and as soon as this marathon training is over I’m going to be all over them!
Happy Tuesday 🙂
I’m going to try that shoulder move you referenced… but I think I’m going to start with 3-5lbs only LOL
I agree with hugging a dog, I’m so glad my older brother and his wife just got a golden retriever puppy! They live only 4 blocks away from me and I love going over for some quality puppy time! I just can’t wait until she stops trying to eat my arm…