This morning I took my booty to the gym Ryan and I joined last week in Ocala.
The gym is about 20 minutes from our hotel, but 13 – 15 minutes from our rental home. (We clocked the exact time on Saturday.)
A 15 minute drive to the gym will be a change for us since we’re used to being able to walk to our gym, but I don’t think it will be too bad. I’m already getting used to the drive from the hotel.
I began my workout on the elliptical and peddled away for 20 minutes while flipping through Better Homes and Gardens magazine.
I ripped out a couple of inspirational ideas for decorating our new place and plan to head out to look at some furniture with Ryan tonight when he gets off work . (He doesn’t know this yet. )
Reading Better Homes and Gardens makes me feel like my life is in shambles. I think I should publish a spinoff magazine called Mice-Infested Apartments and Hotel Living. Surely there’s a market out there for that.
My time on the elliptical was followed by a strength training workout. On Saturday Ryan and I were talking about our respective workouts and I told him that I am always so impressed with his workouts because he literally pushes himself to the limit every time. He’s intense.
His workout tactics encouraged me to up my weights a bit on leg extensions. My quads were burning by the time I was done. Phew!
When I was driving home from the gym, I wracked my brain for lunch ideas. The only meal that kept popping in my head was the same arugula, watermelon and feta cheese salad I had a couple times last week.
I was tempted to make a different meal for lunch to keep things a little spicier on the blog, but when I started PBF, I promised myself that I wouldn’t alter my eating or meals because I felt “blog pressure.” My blog is my life and my life includes repetitive meals.
“I eat what I want!” (<—Said in a Cartman voice. )
This may be a bold statement, but I think this salad is my favorite salad ever. The spicy arugula, coupled with the sweet watermelon and savory feta cheese creates a party in my mouth.
As I declared the above salad my “favorite ever,” seared tuna salad with Asian ginger dressing popped into my mind, so I must give that salad a shout out, too. First and second place. Mmm.
Back to the grind! I should probably shower at some point…
I HAVE to try that salad! My hubby hates mixing sweet and savory (bummer) so I need to make this one day for lunch! I have been digging goat cheese from Costco 🙂 and ps I used to envy the fact you could walk to the gym!
HGTV always gives me house envy too! Your salad looks delicious! Watermelon is so yummy right now.
Salad sounds and looks great!
Haha i would totally buy that magazine!
its my hot body i do what i want! <—(cartman voice)
Sounds like you are getting the house you want?!!! Yippee 🙂
I love that salad too. SO good. Cheese + salad is a WINNER in my book!
I love what you said about your life includes repetitive meals. Exactly! Nice! Delcious! 🙂
so what kind of yummy dressing does said watermelon salad get? I got a similar salad via room service when I was in South Beach last year.
This salad may work its way into my blog soon! 🙂
see my response to comment number 7! 😀
My bad! I should be a better comment reader. I was, however, that kid in class that would always ask something somebody already asked because I wasn’t paying attention! 🙂
I hear you girl!!!! Do what you want for sure! It looks just as delicious today….. So glad that you are going to have a place to call home! 🙂
GIrl, there are so many times when I eat the same thing for a week straight … no judgment. You do what you want! 😉
Im so glad you ate what you wanted! You shouldn’t need to feel blog pressure, so don’t worry–you always keep it interesting! 🙂
I’ve been reading your blog for about a month now and I am completely addicted and inspired by your posts. Just wanted to send some positive feedback 🙂
That watermelon salad…yum! I need to try this stat!
Hey, if it isn’t broke don’t fix it! The salad looks great to me!!
Lo que sea! Hagalo que quiera!!! (said in Cartman voice albeit with Spanish accent) I said this line at the end of a presentation(we were the Spanish Jenny Jones…I was the 13 year old girl who wanted to get pregnant on purpose <—–all for class folks! For one of my college Spanish classes) I still pull it out from time to time! Lol 😉
“Blog pressure?” To the contrary, you should be PROUD that you found something you love, that you want to eat everyday! What a great example for all your readers … it inspires your readership to find a salad or some other healthy meal that they love enough to broadcast to the world the fact that they’re eating it repeatedly. Now that’s role modeling a great meal!
That salad still looks amazing- my mouth was watering while I was reading your post. mhmmmmm 😛
I love you for using “Cartman voice”! LoL! I watch way too much South Park, so I totally appreciated that.
Your watermelon salad still looks amazing, btw! I need to try that sometime!
If you want something different, you could branch out and try other combos, like watercress. I can’t think of a fruit as refreshing as watermelon, though, and feta’s just the bomb. Ooh, maybe watercress with pears and Gorgonzola?
Your mice infested apartment comment had me laughing 🙂 A and I just bought our first house in February and we have a running list of things we (A) need to have done (foundation repairs) and (B) want to have done (bathroom remodels)… I’ve come to the conclusion that the list will never ever end, even if we custom built a home!!
Whoa that looks seriously yummy… I never think to add fruit to salad.
I’m glad you eat what you want, I wouldn’t enjoy reading your blog as much if I didn’t think you ate as you pleased, regardless of blog readers! 🙂
I snorted with laughter…because I said “I eat what I want” in my Cartman voice (in my head) before I scrolled down!
That’s one of the reasons I don’t post my meals- I love repeating, or adding slight variations at most!
Cartman is awesome! Good to see that people are still giving props to his comedic genius after all these years of South Park…
That salad does indeed look very delicious! And I was thinking of Cartman when I read the name of the post too. 🙂
I go through phases with my food. I will eat the same thing over and over until I tire of it. Drives me crazy but I can’t seem to stop.
Julie I completely ADORE your blog 🙂 I’ve loyally read it for four years, and it’s uplifted and inspired me on many occasions 🙂 i was wondering if you could recommend additional blogs for me to read!! I’ve tried a few but none do I find as enjoyable as yours. I’m looking for an alternative living, vegan or alternative food blogger, outdoorsy, healthy living and or travel blogger. I know you have a lot of blogging friends or outreach so I thought you would be a good person to seek advice 🙂 I will continue to follow and recommend your blog!! So happy to see your baby Chase is so happy and healthy, as well as your family 🙂 thanks again, Emma