Such a pretty and colorful lunch today!
My midday meal included a toasted onion bagel topped with two slices of provolone cheese, lettuce and plum tomato slices.
Roasted green beans plus Tribe roasted red pepper hummus (for dipping!) and a bag of Brothers All Natural strawberry and banana crisps served as my sides.
I washed everything down with a small bottle of (expired) cranberry juice that I nabbed from my parent’s pantry yesterday.
Moving on to career talk!
If You Could Get a Different Degree…
My sister graduated from college earlier this year and over the weekend I asked her how her friends were adjusting to life in the “real world.” Fortunately most of her friends have found jobs or are in graduate school.
Some of them are working in jobs in entirely different fields than their degrees would have you think, and often by choice! The same thing happened to many of my friends after college as well.
I switched my major several times in college (education to psychology to advertising and public relations) and graduated without really knowing what I wanted to do.
I figured I would pursue a career in public relations, working for a large corporation in a professional setting.
While my first job out of college was in the public relations and marketing field, I quickly realized that all of my favorite tasks involved writing and began to shift my career focus in that direction, eventually taking a job as a content team manager for an internet marketing company.
Though my major was advertising and public relations, my favorite classes were my writing classes or the classes that involved creating some kind of a campaign where copywriting was prominent. Perhaps that should’ve been a sign?
I absolutely love writing and feel very fortunate to be able to have a career in freelance writing and blogging, but I still have a bunch of “wouldn’t that be neat” career ideas in my head.
Other careers that interest me include:
- Teacher (I went to college planning to be a high school English teacher, but my interest has now shifted to elementary school)
- Physical Therapist
- News Anchor
- Dietitian at a University (When I worked for UCF dining services after graduation, I got to meet with a dietitian at UCF who helped craft meal plans for athletes which seemed like such a cool job!)
- Guidance counselor
Question of the Morning
- What jobs intrigue you?
- If you could go back in time, would you pursue a different career?
I changed my major several times in college. But until recently, I was sure I wanted to be a lawyer. Part of my would still like to pursue that path, but after a lot of careful consideration, I decided that I would not be successful in law school. My degree is in political science so that hasn’t changed, but now I’m planning to work in politics instead.
I love my job as a concierge but I think it would be cool to be a personal assistant…to someone with a lot of money. 😛
But ideally I would LOVE to have a job like Samantha Brown. I love to travel and to have a show on Travel Channel.
Hmmm…. an RD in a university? I’m going to school right now to become an RD, but I’ve never thought about working in a University. I bet with that type of job you could also work with girls struggling with eating disorders and stuff….not so much help them on the counseling side, but helping them learn about food and how to eat balanced and teach them about health. That would be cool
I’m currently a teacher, but would love a job in social media!
OMG I found it hysterical that everyone picked RD, I’m an RD too and I totally agree. I think it’s funny everyone wants to be an RD, it sounds great, but there really are not a lot of available RD positions that focus on wellness and healthy lifestyle/cooking. Most RD’s start in a hospital setting so you’re dealing with a lot of sick people and nutrition isn’t necessarily the main concern and your patient’s don’t live a healthy lifestyle and obviously have a lot of barriers to even attempt to try. I’m not knocking my profession, because I do well, but it’s not like learning in school, it’s reality.
I think it’s hilarious and sad at the same time that tons of people posted they want to be an RD/ nutrition educator, etc. I am one and let me tell you it is not all it’s cracked up to be. I’m actually going back to school now for my master’s in counseling. Dietitians get paid horribly, and unless you are working in a private practice, get no respect. Most people (except food bloggers, readers of food blogs, and athletes) could care less about nutrition! And unfortunately this is who you will be teaching about nutrition: people that do NOT want to change and could care less about it. I am not trying to be a debbie downer here (although this post sounds like one!) I just want to give everyone a reality check about what the life of an RD is really like.
Also- most people know what to eat to be healthy but don’t do it because they have psychological/ family/ motivational barriers preventing them. That’s why I’m getting my master’s in counseling- to really get at the root cause of their unhappiness. I found that my nutrition teaching was pointless because there was almost always psychological barriers to them actually being able to change. They don’t teach you that in nutrition classes. Sorry for the long post!
I think about this a lot! I have a masters in accounting, and I work in corporate accounting for a Fortune 500 company.
I’d really like to pursue a different career, but I don’t even know where to start! Not to mention I’d probably take a significant pay cut. Something to think about, for sure.
I have an M.D but the other day I was thinking if I had had a different upbringing I would have gone into journalism. I love writing and how fast paced the job is!
I have a BA and a MA in History…but now I’m going back to school for Physical Therapy 😛 Never too late to change your mind, I always say!
Love your blog!! Been reading for ages but its my first time commenting.
I studied fashion management and finally just started my own brand which is exciting but I wish I had the same passion for food and exercise while I was in college. I would have definitely chosen to study to become an RD. Maybe one day I’ll go back to school.
I was a PR major as well, and I’m lucky enough to be doing communications now. I know that’s not always the case, but I’m thankful to be doing something I enjoy and that I went to school for!
I actually think I’d keep my degrees (International Business & Management and Spanish) the same. Although, I wish I had gone straight from college to culinary school. I realized that passion/desire at about 25 after working full time for 3 years, getting married and taking on a mortgage so it always seemed “too late.” I think the business degree and practicality of the spanish degree are always assets, I just wish I had something in my back pocket that held some water for what I’m passionate about which is food.
I have a journalism degree, but I think being a nutritionist would be awesome. A dermatologist was always in the back of my mind too.
I also have a degree and PR and I work for a small ad agency. After 6 years, I am itchy to switch careers. Lots of things intrigue me, but I would like to go back to school for either elementary art or graphic design.
I love how there’s so many different people on here with so many passions 🙂 I’ve gone from teaching > counseling > fitness. What to do in the fitness and health industry specifically though? I have NOOO idea *eek!*
I love how there’s so many different people on here with so many passions 🙂 I’ve gone from teaching > counseling > fitness. What to do in the fitness and health industry specifically thouh
I am currently a P1 at UIC College of Pharmacy! However, since I was a little girl I’ve always wanted to do fashion design lol. Both science and art are dear to my heart but I chose to go with the first one! I still dream that one day I’ll have my own little boutique somewhere in Chicago haha 🙂
I’ve done three degrees I love and I’m blessed they all work together. I have BA in Spanish Literature and Adolescent Education and my ordination as minister. Classroom skills and Spanish apply very well in ministry.
I love fitness but use my continuing education (personally and in classes) to help myself and others in my non-profit work.
I couldn’t imagine switching careers again.
I graduated with a degree in Communication Studies in May, and I’m now working as a writer. I love it, but I don’t like sitting at a desk for 8 hours a day. I think freelancing would be more my style, though I know I need to gain some experience in the workplace first. I studied elementary education, business and pharmacy before sticking with Communication!
I graduated with a degree in English and am now teaching high school English. I absolutely love it! I wish I had studied linguistics as well because I’m teaching English Language Development (essentially ESL). For a second career? I would definitely write about nutrition and health!
Wow, it’s comforting to hear so many people flirt with the prospect of other careers! I feel like I am constantly thinking about whether I might be happier doing something else. I am currently working as an elementary school teacher but I’m 24 years old and I often find myself EXHAUSTED at the days end. While that’s all good for now, I don’t know if I can balance it and be a mom some day (which is the job I’ve been waiting for all my life–if only it paid, haha!). If I were to switch careers, I would still want to do something education related. I often dream of being a children’s librarian or children’s book author. Oh the possibilities!
I feel like I just lived your situation. I just finished teaching high school for two years, and seriously, I have never been more exhausted in my life. I wanted to try something else to see if I’d be happier but still wanted to be in education. I’ve since moved onto higher ed, focusing on DI college athletics, and I LOVE it!
Try something new… you’ll never know just how happy you might end up 🙂
I’m 26 and in my 5th year of teaching. I too feel EXHAUSTED by the end of the day. As a newlywed, it’s tolerable since it’s just my husband and I. However, once we start trying to have a family, I’m not sure that I can juggle it all. It’s really reassuring to hear that someone else shares my concerns!
I would definitely complete a degree in nutrition/dietics! I wasn’t able to because it required a strong biology/chemistry backing- undergrad in England is very demanding!
Oh boy… I used to work in a college admissions office and talking to students about all of their options for different majors made me want to try them all! I graduated with a liberal arts degree, majoring in Sociology, and went on to get a Master’s so I could work in Student Affairs. If I could go back and pick a different route I think I’d study to be an athletic trainer or kindergarten teacher. As a former college athlete I love the idea of working with other athletes, and I absolutely love working with kids. Plus, some of my closest friends were exercise science or education majors in college and it always sounded so intriguing to me!
I was originally a Microbiology major in college, planning on going to medical school. I ended up majoring in clinical laboratory science after taking a bio class with the daughter of one of the professors in that department. I enjoy what I do, and am good at it, but I’ve gotten very bored as a clinical laboratory scientist (I’ve been out of college for 7 years), and a little tired of working third shift. I’m 29 and figure it’s never to late to go back to school! I’m seriously considering going back to retake a few pre-reqs and prepare for the MCAT so I can apply to medical school. 🙂
I graduated with an econ major and a minor in political science. I always wanted to be a writer (a poet to be precise – I imagined myself in Paris, chain smoking and writing poems about my tortured soul…it sounded romatic when I was in highschool). Having worked for 6 years now in my “econ” field I am still not sure whether I would choose a creative writing degree if I had the chance to do college all over again. A writing career scares me…which is why your post on how you became a full time writer is so inspiring!
I’m actually going back to school now to get my 2nd degree! My first bachelor’s is in Information Sciences & Technology (Computer stuff) but I never even worked in the field after graduating (wasn’t interested in it after completing an internship). I always did Sales or Marketing and hated it so I finally got enough guts to enroll back in school for my Health & Physical Education certification. I finally student teach this spring and cannot wait!!! The road has been long but totally worth it! (I knew when I’m 70 and looked back on my life I would have regretted not making a change).
Yum! I never thought of roasting green beans before, and certainly never thought of dipping them in hummus – one to try!
Well, I would like to finish my degree for a start. I stopped going because I got ill and then I moved to London. Now I’m just waiting till I can afford it!! My major then was Art History, and it’s still my passion.
If I were to change my career path (which is still in serious consideration) I want to be a Dietician/Nutritionist for athletes at a major University. I played softball at a big Division I college and I was always fascinated by out nutritionists job! She had it made for sure!!
I always loved writing too, but after I took reporting with Dr. Foley @ UF (Go Gators!) I decided I didn’t want to did it as a career. I ended up switching to telecommunications, and now work at an advertising agency; so, I guess I didn’t end up in the career I majored in! Oh well, I like my job, and I think that’s the part that matters 🙂
This is a really good and interesting topic. My BA is in Political Science and I thought I would want to be involved with some international organization of some sort or possibly an lawyer and go to law school but as you said my dream changed. I actually was just accepted into USC’s graduate school and will be working on a MSW(Masters of Social Work). That’s quite the change huh??!! I’ve always loved helping people and this way I will be able to do just that. Thanks for the great topic 🙂
oh I totally would. I would go back and become a dietician. I took nutrition just a little too late in college though. I would’ve had to start over from scratch in order to do that degree. Unfortunately the money just wasn’t there.
I work in marketing but am always so jealous of our creative departments. THAT would be an ideal job if only I had the skill set. Haha.
And if I could go back in time I’d either go to culinary school or become an RD. For sure.
Oh wow, what would I do if I could go back? that’s a tough question. I too LOVE to write. I would probably do something that would allow me to write, however it would have to be something I could do from my home as having a 9 to 5 job in a professional setting is horrible. HATE the sitting. However, I would also try to save as much money as possible so I could leave the workforce by the time I was in my 40’s and do whatever type of work I wanted after that. Of couse it would either involve writing of some sort OR working with animals. How is a person supposed to know what they want to do the rest of their lives upon graduating from college? I mean life hasn’t even begun yet, and things change once you get out in the world.
If I could go back to college and get a different degree, it would have to be in Public Relations and Communications. I was a Political Science major, which was great, but I don’t really want a political career now! Despite my major, though, I was able to start a career as an Assistant Director of Marketing/Public Relations recently 🙂 I love PR and writing and social media…which is perfect, sense my job is heavily based on those tasks! My dream is work in Entertainment PR eventually…or work in PR for Starbucks 🙂
I love my major! I’m a senior in Nutrition&Dietetics with an emphasis in Culinary Arts. I get the best of both worlds, the nutrition classes and the culinary classes! Although taking all of the science classes sucked big time, I’m really happy with where I am now. I can’t wait to be a RD!
As we speak I am reconsidering my life carrer path…I graduated of IU Kelley school of Business, but a few years in the work world, I have reconsidered and stepped down from my current position out of a few random and powerful emails and texts from people I didnt even know, they were about stepping out and going for what you want. Thus I love food, love to cook, and the only place that makes me happy is in the kitchen. Thus, I have had a chance to freelance like you on food topics, but today was offered to work in a kitchen at the downtown city market at a soup, sandwich, and dessert shop. Thus I have alot to think about, but I think the business and office world will be allright without me and the food scene could perhaps see a benifit. And after you stepped out and went for your passion, I think it gave us readers a bit of hope that we can be REALLY happy in life, with a little faith, hope, and ALOT of backing by some great family and friends which I have plenty of!
that is AWESOME, nathan! i hope you find your dream job. 🙂
Aw. Thank you. Just a little apprehensive. Ive narrowed it down to culinary/pastry school or teaching highschool Sociology. the later of the two being in school MUCH less time and money since I graduated with a minor in history and tons of credits would go towards teaching. But…thanks for the support and congrats on finding what makes you happy and pray I find something that makes us half as happy as you kids seem!
My degree is in Communications specialization in Radio and TV with a minor in Theater. If I could back I would either major in Hotel, Restaurant Management or I would have gone to culinary school.
I am a first grade teacher, and I love it! However, now that I have worked with an incredible Speech Pathologist at our school, I have realized how much it is like teaching. I probably would have gone that route had I known it can be so similar to teaching, but pays waaaaay more!!
I never knew what I wanted to do. I still kinda don’t. I knew I loved to be creative. I took a marketing class once and fell in love with event planning when we had to put on a huge event at the college with the local car dealership, class was also around time I planned my wedding. I was in charge of games and prizes for the event. I spent the majority of the time home sick but I didn’t stop working. I got a vacation as a prize from a local wholesaler of vacation trips. I got games all set up with local sports teams tickets. It was awesome!
I also just realized I love to create flyers and brochures. I have no idea where to start with that idea. I’m such a newbie to Office Publisher but I am loving it. I would also enjoy creating invitations for parties or weddings.
I’m a second grade teacher and while I LOVE working with children and making a difference in their little lives, I’ve been looking for another career option lately. Unfortunately the the lack of money in our state’s budget for education and the workload that is required of a teacher is getting to be TOO much for me. 🙁 I’d really love to start a wedding business and my husband and I are starting to look into this avenue.
I have my degree in history with a high school teaching credential. I love it and I know that’s what I want to do when I can find a job, but I also found that I am more interested now in a lot of other subject areas. I could teach them all.
Or become a dietitian, and have been seriously considering going to grad school to do it! 🙂
Would you be open to sharing a little more about the freelancing? I am working on building my portfolio and any tips would be appreciated…
I am currently pursuing a degree in Biochemistry. I was initially a Physics major, but classes were way too hard and demoralizing. Study for 2 weeks, over 100 hours and still the average is a 30 in my Relativity class. Biochemistry is still hard, but somewhat more do-able. I also have minors in Anthropology and Psychology because I wanted some easy classes to balance out the rigor of science.
I plan to go into intellectual property law. The school I’m applying to requires you to be a science or engineering major since they want to know that you able to handle such analytical rigor.
I totally wish I could go through college easily with a Psych major and have a easy 4.0. Life would be less stressful. A biochemistry major is definitely a LOVE HATE MAJOR!
If I could go back in time I would have gone to nursing school. I love helping people and have always been interested in this field. Unfortunately, it wasn’t until almost the end of my undergrad that I figured that out. Harumph!
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I’m doing Psychology but here I am in early 30’s still trying to finalize this advanced degree. Were I to do things over again, I would have pursued something a little less soft, like Business or Physics. I’m thinking of pursuing a masters later on in Religion or Journalism later on, both of which have become hobbies for me. But I’m still waiting for this Psych. degree to start paying the big bucks!