Good morning and Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
I hope your night was 10,000 times more relaxing than mine. We had a storm roll through Ocala and that left little Miss Sadie in quite a tizzy. When the lightning picked up around 3:30 a.m., Sadie spiraled into a world of panting and pacing which made it oh so easy for Ryan and I to peacefully sleep right up until the alarm went off.
Yes, I know we could kick her out of our bedroom, but we are suckers.
Since Ryan and I were basically up since 3:30 a.m., waking up at 5 a.m. wasn’t too hard this morning. I’m sure I’ll feel a little sleepy later today, but for now I’m going to roll with it.
This morning’s workout consisted of a spin class. The instructor did a great job of playing energetic music which kept me motivated throughout the 45 minute class.
After class, I took some time to stretch while I waited for Ryan to finish his workout.
Breakfast this morning was a little unusual. I used leftover Brussels sprouts to make an egg scramble with onions and feta cheese.
Served with chocolate almond milk on the side!
And now because it’s Monday and I know I could use a distraction, here’s a cool video that I think the Disney fans out there will enjoy:
Impersonator Sings "Let It Go" in 21 Different Disney Voices
Talk about talented! The way he transitions from one character to the next is quite impressive. I may be more impressed with this video than the average person because I am terrible at impersonating people. I think it’s so cool when someone can expertly imitate others but I just don’t have that talent at all.
Question of the Morning
- Are you good at impersonations? Who can you impersonate best?
GIRL I was up at 330 🙂
and not a fan…here’s hoping we can ALL THREE keep going all day!
That video is brilliant! My boyfriend is so good at impersonations. I always say I feel like I have Jim Carrey for a boyfriend – I love it!
I’m terrible at impersonations. My boyfriend is pretty good though! He does a really good Jay Leno that makes me laugh. Also, poor Sadie! I completely understand about not kicking her out of the bedroom. My boyfriend and I hardly ever kick our our kitten Oscar out. We just feel so bad for the little guy!
I’m not sure how good I am at impersonations overall… but my family loves to listen to me sound like Stitch, from Lilo and Stitch. Such a weird voice, but yep, I can do it! haha! Happy St. Patty’s to you too! 🙂
haha funny! i’m terrible at impersonations as is my sister…. whenever we try, our brothers are like “why do you sound like you’re from england??” lol
Ahh yes I saw that video over the weekend–so good! I’m so bad at alllll impersonations so anyone who can do them impresses me!
I love impersonations! I do a really good Bullwinkle (random), and my sister and I can both do Sharon Osbourne. Matter of fact, if the person is British, you can bet I am going to try to imitate them:-)
Love that you and the husband work out together! Getting up that early is rough, and staying motivated to work out that early is even tougher but I think it would be easier if I could convince my boyfriend to do that!
Poor Sadie.. have you looked into Thunder shirts I have heard amazing things!
Katie @
I still haven’t seen Frozen, and I realllllly need to! Looks like the cutest movie :)!
Happy St. Patty’s Day!!! Oooh Sadie 🙂 Our dog sleeps right through thunderstorms, snores through them actually. Ridiculous. I saw that video! So funny! Have a great day!
Yikes, I was supposed to drive through the night to Florida last night, but because of the snow storm where I am and all the thunderstorms on the route down we had to cancel 🙁 whomp whomp.
HA! i’m terrible at impersinations. I know how you feel about being suckers for your animals. My dog isn’t allowed in our room but she never has been so that’s not too bad, but our cats on the other hand are a different story. They aren’t supposed to sleep with us but every night I end up making myself uncomfortable so that they can lay in the bed. I am always a sucker.
Poor Sadie! It would be cruel to kick her out of your bedroom when she’s so freaked out! I completely understand!
My dog is the same way. We have the Thundershirt, which only works sometimes, but a couple of other things I’ve heard are 1). that if you rub a dryer sheet on them, it calms them down because they are reacting to the static in the air from the lightening (that acutally seemed to work the one time I’ve tried it), and 2). that the storm creates a frequency that hurts their ears, causing the freakout… So maybe find a way to cover her ears? I haven’t had a chance to try that yet…
My dog goes bonkers during storms as well. And like you guys, we are suckers and keep him in the room with us. I feel so bad for him. But it can make for a long day with a sleepless night. Hope you have a good day!
What a great video! I am the WORST at impersonations – but they make me giggle so I love when other people can do them well (or not well.. those make me giggle even more).
I love them, too! 🙂
I’m a horrible impersonator. The only one I do is Kristin wiig in surprise party skit from SNL!
Aww poor little Sadie. I don’t think I’d be able to kick her out of the bedroom either 🙂 Thunder and lightening must be scary for a pup.
I too have been up since the wee hours of the morning. I’m trying to motivate to work out right now, since I know I’ll be hitting that wall soon 🙂
Sadie just wants to train you guys for your future babies. 😉 But seriously, I hope you get a little rest today! That’s an early morning!
I’m terrrrrible at impersonations! My best friend can do all sorts of different impersonations, and I find it SO hilarious!
oh my gosh, I cannot do impersonations! Haha definitely not a talent of mine
Happy St. Patty’s day!
Your green breakfast was quite appropriate today!
Another Thundershirt fan here! My dog hates storms but his new Thundershirt totally works! I have to say I was surprised when he went right back to sleep!
St. Patricks Day! Sharing my bday with a holiday and I’m not even Irish… but considering a trip there after your blog post about it!!!
Impersonations….mostly my husband which cracks him up <3
Oh no I’m terrible, I can’t even do accents, let alone impersonations!
Super festive green breakfast on St. Patty’s day! 🙂 LOVE chocolate almond milk. One of my favorites!!
HUGE Disney fan and I love this!! The funny thing is the best impersonator I can do is Stich from Disney! haha. Your breakfast looks amazing!
Leftover veggies with eggs make some of the best breakfasts!
Have you ever though about getting Sadie a Thundershirt? We’ve used them for a few of our dogs with a lot of success! My family recently rescued a crazy energetic border collie mix we found abandoned in the woods and he wears his thundershirt when its not storming quite a lot just to calm him down (he’s a “im still not tired after 2 walks and a hour at the dog park everyday” kind of dog!)
Oh my gosh, I’m terrible at impersonations! I don’t even attempt it because I’m that bad at it! Ha!
I definitely sent this video around to my whole family — it’s incredible!
Ugh! Poor Sadie, and poor you! No sleep is no fun! My parents got their black lab a Thunder Jacket. Calms her right down. It’s like a hugging jacket for dogs. I swear by them! They are a little pricey, but not too bad! You should look into it! Just make sure you get Sadie the right size. Good luck!
That breakfast scramble looks amazing! I’m obsessed with Brussels sprouts.
Happy St Patricks day!!
I went to high school with Brian Hull! He’s such a talented guy. Poor Sadie, my dog Moose goes crazy when it storms. We’ve found the only way to calm him down is with his Thundershirt. <–They're awesome!
Eggs and feta are a great combo. Brussels sprouts? Hmm… I’d probably like that too. 🙂
I totally feel for you with Sadie. Luckily my 2 labs don’t have an issue with thunderstorms but they are bed hogs. Our king size bed feels very small sometimes and I never have enough blankets but I don’t want to kick them of the bed. I’m a sucker too!!
The joys of having kids (or dog children)! They definitely get in the way of sleep.
We had a storm roll through New Orleans. No thunder/lightening, but the wind was CRAZY. Things kept crashing and banging around outside of my apartment so I was up half the night. Unlike you, I had a hard time waking up this morning though. Good job on getting in your workout!
That us funny! I’m actually known for my Donald Duck impersonation. No lie!
That us funny! I’m actually known for my Donald Duck impersonation. No lie!
Super funny! I actually just saw an impersonation video last night — my first one! Except it was the characters from family guy singing Eminem’s “Monster.” Not as PG as the Disney one! LOL!
Luckily, storms don’t even faze my pets- they’ll sleep right through a hurricane! I hate those nights when you’re up JUST before you actually wanted to be up. That 3 PM crash hits big time!
oh man, i could eat Brussels sprouts every day, probably with every meal. such a fave.
I saw that video on the weekend and have watched many times since — so good! 🙂
Happy St. Paddy’s Day! I love that Let It Go video! So many fun Frozen spin-offs…not afraid to admit how great that movie is 🙂
the gopher from the winnie the pooh cartoon, “he’s not in the book ya know.”
sleep in santa monica was disrupted by the earthquake at 6:30am. shook the whole house, largest one since i moved here. all the others have felt like the cracking/rumble of thunder and lighting from southern storms, this was way more. like the hell mouth opening in buffy.
How neat! I’m a tad obsessed with “Let it Go” and this was so much fun to watch! That guy has such talent!
Ha — I am terrible at impersonations but my husband is great!
haha no i can not impersonate anyone for the life of me. Sorry to hear about your night! Bad sleep/lack of it is the worst I hope you get some R&R this evening!
Thanks for getting back to me about the edamame salad! 🙂 P.s. our Vizsla does the same… I thought one night she was going to have a heart attack! Crazy pacing & whining!!
Have you considered a Thunder Jacket for Sadie? My aunt uses one for her dog and says it makes a huge difference.
I’m pretty awful at personations, unless it’s an extreme Massachusetts accent. Since I have a Mass accent, I can accentuate it. 😉
I’m not good with impersinations, but I am good at chirping like a bird. Lol Ugh. That sounds weird. But it’s true. I do it and people are looking all over like “where’s the bird!?!!”….. 🙂