While eating breakfast this morning, I took some time to make a batch of hardboiled eggs before heading into my home office to start the work day.
I ended up eating two hard boiled egg whites as part of my afternoon snack along with a sliced apple and peanut butter. (I think hardboiled egg yolks are dry and gross unless they’re deviled eggs or used in egg salad. Sadie disagrees.) I then used three hardboiled eggs (two whole eggs + one egg white) to make egg salad for lunch today.
Between my breakfast, morning snack and lunch, its been quite an eggy day!
For lunch, I topped a bed of mixed greens with egg salad, raw corn that I cut off the cob, onions, tomato, green pepper and two pickles.
Plus a handful of white chocolate-covered pretzels for something sweet.
I blame Publix for reigniting my love of chocolate-covered pretzels. They sell bags of the sweet and salty little treats right by the checkout aisle and they’ve been my latest impulse buy of choice.
When it comes to impulse buys, the foods I tend to buy on impulse include:
- Ice Cream: Breyer’s Oreo Birthday Blast. Can’t get enough.
- White Cheddar Popcorn: I could eat 30,000 servings in on sitting.
- Salad Dressing: BOGO deals and fun new flavors always intrigue me.
- Cake Mix: I seem to stockpile cake mix for some unknown reason.
They call to me!
Question of the Afternoon
- What are your most common impulse buys at the grocery store?
Goldfish crackers! I’ve tried Amy’s Cheddar Bunnies which are good, but nothing beats the original! Oh and the Flavor Blasted ones are out of this world. Yum, orange colored powder 🙂
You got me laughing out loud because i swear I am ALWAYS stocking up on cake mix–you never know! You can turn them into cupcakes and make them with greek yogurt or soda for a healthier cake version. Honestly they are just very versatile and great for when you’re invited somewhere and don’t have long to create something fun for a party.
exactly!! or you can make cake mix cookies! 🙂 have you ever made pumpkin spice cookies w/ cake mix? they’re so, so good & ridiculously easy to make. they’re actually ryan’s favorite cookie!! https://pbfingers.com/2010/10/07/two-ingredient-pumpkin-spice-cookies/ <– you have to try them if you haven't already! i need to make them again soon.
i’ve definitely made those before from your recipe haha…see I told you I seriously stock up and have done everything with cake mix :-P. Those cookies are amazing! Now that Fall is here in NYC I’ll definitely be needing to make them very soon.
Oh mama, I need those cookies ASAP!
Nut butters! I have a problem though they don’t half anything other than peanut butter in stores here, you have to go to the health shop, but once I’m in I’m bound to come out with at least one jar. Nut butters and also dried fruit!
I buy white cheddar popcorn every. single. time. I go to the store – it just calls to me!
I stock up on cake mixes too! I’m glad to know that it’s not just me. I just need to make sure that I have enough in my pantry in case I need to bake something quick. 🙂 I tend to buy different kinds of cereals. I get bored of the same ones.
oooh cereal is an impulse buy for me, too. lately i can’t seem to get enough honey nut chex.
I’m obsessed with Chex! Have you tried the Cinnamon or Apple Cinnamon versions yet? SOOO GOOD! i could eat a box a day. And mixed with Greek Yogurt and a splash of almond milk… maybe a dollop of honey. YUMMY!
i’ve never tried apple cinnamon! you have me intrigued! now i wanna make some kind of a fun fall chex mix. 🙂
I have to update this because we impulse bought the chocolate chex this weekend and they are YUMMY too! Okay, I am officially addicted and need a Chex Anonymous support group. 🙂
Similar to you . . . but with brownie mix. Somehow I feel I should never be without it . . . you know, in case there’s an impromptu get-together, and I need a quick dessert. 🙂
Wegman’s has a honey roasted snack mix in the bulk foods section that gets me every time!!
holy eggs!! i mean not that its a bad thing lol just sayin. my impulse buys are usually publix froyo.. i swear it is always on sale and they have THE BEST freakin flavors ever… key lime pie? tiramisu? get in mah bellay
Gum and mints in the check out aisle for sure. And at Whole Foods, my impulse buy is always a new type of nut butter… and mind you, they are not cheap! I have to limit my WF visits 😉
Impulse buys for me are junk foods for sure – things I’d never plan to buy. Or discounted beauty produts, like nail polish.
Ironically enough my impulse buys tend to be more expensive but healthy things that I normally don’t buy like a really good whole grain cracker, a big bottle of Naked Juice (green machine is my fav), or a fancy bar of dark chocolate.
my impulse buys are always cereal… I walk into the store saying i dont need cereal I have other breakfast options (I cant control my portions with cereal!) but every time I walk past the isle it gets me every time!
Recently, it’s the Zen Chocolate Vanilla Pudding — gluten and lactose free!! — that gets me! So yummy and the panda on the front is so gosh-darn cute!!
Cereal is definitely an impulse buy every time I go to the grocery store. I have to constantly remind myself that I already have 3 different granolas and 4 other cereals already at home. I don’t need any more! The trail mix bags at Target are also always bought every time I go. I try something new each time – they’re so good!
Cereal – I always grab cereal saying it for the kids, but I really want to eat it!
And gum – I always buy gum even if I have lots at home!
I went to the store today and on an impulse bought candy corn. Once Halloween gets closer, it’s impossible to find and I use it for the Halloween party at my son’s school.
I will stock up on cake mix when it’s on sale for $1 a box. I will also buy cereal when it is truly marked down. Ha ha, I’m posting after Heather@RunEatPlay and could relate to her post word for word.
Oh the “impulse buy”…I seem to fall victim to having a fear that I’ll someday be “stuck” at home with nothing to eat. Specifically; coffee, nut butter, condiments. It’s not like I live in the middle of nowhere. 😉
My impulse buy is coffee!! It’s like I am afraid of running out of coffee grounds at home. But I will only stock up on flavored coffee! Issues……..
Chobani! I stock up on it all the time hahaha
This is awesome–impulse buys: cool looking (yummy sounding) cheeses, extra fruit (that we don’t need-but I always over buy! Hah), nuts, and ice cream.
Gum always calls to me. I feel the need to chew it all the time, which gets a bit ridiculous, but it’s so good I can’t help it. There’s a lot of crazy flavors that I just have to try. I love Extra’s dessert flavors. Keeps me busy so I don’t crave snack food all the time.
Luna Bars….specifically the chocolate dipped coconut. I honestly don’t think I am able to leave a store without buying one, even though getting it was never my intention!
My impulse buys are nut/seed butters, seeds, and flours!!! I probably have like, 8 different flours in my pantry 😛
My grandmother always stocks up on cake mixes when they’re on sale. She’ll get so many she stores them in her deep freezer lol! I always impulse buy a Reese’s peanut butter cup at check out. I tell myself every time if I’m wanting candy I need to get it off the candy isle since its a better value. I end up convincing myself I don’t need it once I’m actually on that isle. Then can’t seem to leave the store without it so I snag one in the check out line.
A couple weeks ago when those chocolate covered pretzels popped up on your blog I couldn’t control myself! I went to Publix on my lunch break, and I swear the entire container was gone 24 hours later. Needless to say, I haven’t bought them since! No self control knowing how delicious they are!
GRANOLA. no joke, I usually have 4-5 bags of different kinds. Plus I buy the ingredients to make my own too!! Not to mention that I bought Kath’s Great Harvest granola every time they sold it through Open Sky. (I’ve refrained SO far now that she offers it all the time.)
No joke, one month I calculated that I spent $65 on different granolas. And I’m usually super frugal!! AHH!!
New flavors of ice cream…It never fails! 🙂
I’m with you on the cake mix, I stock up everytime I go home to PA, it’s half the price of even mixes on sale in NYC.
I’ve been trying to be good lately and save money by lessening the impulse purchases. But I’m a sucker for ice cream, some cool granola flavor I haven’t tried, or at Trader Joe’s a dark chocolate bar stuffed with cookie butter….SO good!
My impulse buys are usually salty…Popchips or Cape Cod Potato Chips. Cereal as well (ditto on Honey Nut Chex- also include Multigrain Cheerios in that category).
I can’t think of anything specific but everytime I go to Costco (like today!) I wind up buying stuff on impulse. Today it was honey garlic sausage and Coaches oats (first time I’ve seen them in Canada so I had to buy even though I have plenty large flake oats on hand!). I live alone but I adore Costco.
Impulse buys- sweet& salty “healthy”-junk food! I wouldn’t necessarily say healthy, but healthier in comparison to normal potato chips, cookies, etc. Impulse buys include Stacy’s Pita Chips (Garlic Parmesan Herb- yummy!), Pirate’s Booty, Snack Bars (Luna Bars, Larabars, protein bars…I’m such a sucker for them when I spot them haha!) Sometimes I’ll feel inclined to buy a really nice dark chocolate bar or some wacky cooking ingredient that I don’t really need but I might’ve spotted in a recipe and felt like buying (like almond flour, coconut flour, PB2, etc)
Craft Beer is a typical impulse buy
I’m usually really good about impulse buys – unless I’m shopping at HEB. Oh gosh, I almost always end up buying some fresh coffee beans (even when we have a ton of coffee at home)…they have such good flavors like Lunch With Elvis (peanut butter & banana) and Texas Pecan. It probably doesn’t help that they have free coffee samples, so I always go by that section 🙂
Chips and nut butter 🙂 And candy (like chocolate covered peanuts).
my most common impulse buys are new gluten free products that I’ve never tried (recently, Rudi’s GF Wraps – soooo good!), and usually some kind of fruit: grapes, figs, berries, etc. I always eat whatever fruit I get in 1 or 2 days…
Hi Julie! This is super random BUT do you remember those t-shirts/tank tops you were designing for your blog? Is that still going to happen? just wondering! 🙂
My husband and I allow ourselves one impulse buy, under a certain price, per grocery trip. Saves money and were like little kids who get special treats each time.
My husband and I do the same thing. His is usually something reeces and I am either Haagan Das chocolate ice cream or gummy bears!
i love that idea!
My impulse buys usually revolve around clothes more than food. Otherwise, I’ve been getting bad, lately, about popping into coffee shops for an impulse cup o’ joe.
Occasionally, I actually impulse buy cake mix as well. Sometimes I make cake balls for work, just so I can eat the batter. =]
My biggest impulse buy at the grocery store is generally protein bars, cookies/ice cream, and wine. 😉
Nuts, hands down! I rationalize buying them by telling myself they’re healthy, full of protein and fiber, etc. But I really shouldn’t keep them around because I’ve been known to finish off a package/can in one sitting. Somehow they just magically disappear… 😉
If there is a bag of popcorn in my house I will not stop eating it until it’s gone. It’s a problem.
Egg salad must be the thing to eat lately! Yesterday I saw a photo of Janae’s (Hungry Runner Girl) egg salad sandwich and couldn’t get it out of my head after that, so I made one for dinner last night. It was delicious. I really can’t remember the last time I made egg salad either. I need to do it more often!
Hard boiled egg yokes = grossness!!! Vinni (my Vizsla) also disagrees! It works out perfectly when i eat them, he gets a treat! He and Sadie would have a blast together, I’m sure!
My impulse buy is pretzle m&ms!! yummo!
Protein bars. I have a stock of about 40 of them. But I ALWAYS buy a few more every time I go to the store. It’s a bit ridiculous but I can’t help it
Definitely protein powders and supplements! Anything sweet too 🙂 When I shop hungry.. its all sweets for me!
ps.. your lunch is MOUTHWATERING
Hahaha I also stack up on cake mix, and so does my grandma!!
Kettle corn, string cheese, and M & M’s seem to always find their way into my cart….ahahaha
Do you ever use salad dressing on your salads? I’m trying to ween myself off because I use a tad bit more than necessary.
Impulse buys include: goldfish crackers that taste like vanilla cupcakes (oh my too good to be true), and triscuits!