Guess what? Organizing a severely neglected email inbox is very time consuming.
I devised a method of organizing everything by color and category:
- Blog Reader Emails
- Company Emails
- Personal Emails
- Travel/Conference Emails
- Freelance Emails
- Web-Related Emails
I still have to sift through a bunch of emails and sort them into their applicable categories, but at least I have a system in place. I’ve sorted about a quarter of my emails and would’ve likely gone through more, but I took some time to respond to a big handful. I’m thinking I should sort first, then respond moving forward. That’s the plan, Stan.
Advice to new bloggers: Get organized from the beginning!
Also, as a side note that those of you in the working world may relate to.. It feels weird not to be using Microsoft Outlook for my “work” emails!
The morning flew by and before I knew it, lunchtime arrived!
Lunch today was delicious, thanks to some SeaPak salmon burgers I had chillin’ in the freezer.
I cooked up a salmon burger on the griddle (loving that I could do this today and didn’t have to prep it the night before!). To amp up the flavor of the burger, I prepared some dill dijonaise to spread on top of a toasted whole wheat sandwich thin.
Pickles, carrots and string cheese served as my sides.
Great fuel to help me power through the rest of the day.
I will be taking a brief reprieve around 3:30 because this little lady has an appointment at the vet!
Let’s hope it goes well! The last time I took Sadie to the vet, they requested a stool sample. Sadie ate some of our corn on the cob for dinner the night before the appointment, and let’s just say her feces were… colorful. In corn, out corn.
I saw a graph on some blog that I don’t remember, but it showed that as your success/happiness goes up, haters go up as well. 🙁
I never comment, but always read- your food looks delicious as usual, and your career step is SO SO SO AWESOME!! I wish you the BEST!
I’m so glad to hear your first day went well!
And Sadie will love the routine of having you home. Every day, at 3 p.m. on the dot, my dog, Tux, makes it known he’s ready for his afternoon walk!
I really don’t understand why corn is the only thing in the body that doesn’t breakdown!!! I remember someone joking that you could eat corn oil and it would still come out whole – that gave me a laugh!
If u saw the state of my Gmail, u would be appalled! Maybe it’s time to get color coding 😉
Yummmmmy that salmon burger looks delish!!! My hubby hates salmon so we don’t ever eat it at my house. 🙁