Kicking off the week with another 4:20 a.m. wake up! Thankfully they’re getting less and less brutal.
This morning, I arrived at the gym before it opened to work the early shift. I have a brief reprieve right now until I meet up with a client. I’m hoping to sneak in my own workout at some point as well.
A few of you have asked me how my workouts have changed – or if they have at all – since I started working at the gym. You would think the intensity would increase since I’m surrounded by people kicking their butts in the weight room or on cardio machines all day long, but to be honest, the opposite is true. Once I am done working and training clients, I feel less than motivated to work out myself and my workouts seem to be less intense and shorter. I feel like I’m just going through the motions. I miss early morning work outs!
Last week I made an effort to try to motivate myself again with some interval workouts and a boot camp class which felt great. I think that trying out a new work out or looking for a new fitness-related goal might help invigorate my workouts. Sometimes I just need an extra push!
I’m actually starting to feel the half marathon itch again, but since I have to work the early shift at work quite frequently, running when it’s cooler outside in the mornings is out and running in the afternoon or evening would be pretty miserable in the summer heat. I’m open to fitness goal suggestions!
Breakfast this morning was prepared last night. As I cooked dinner yesterday, I made myself a batch of scrambled eggs with spinach, onion, mozzarella cheese and chicken sausage and brought the eggs to work with me this morning.
Ever since I started working the early shift at the gym, my breakfasts have been primarily oatmeal or yogurt-based, so it felt good to have eggs again!
Question of the Morning
- Are you currently working toward a fitness goal of some sort or following a workout plan?
- Any suggestions for a new fitness goal to help me feel more motivated in the gym again?
I’m with you, I need a goal, as well. I just completed my third round of p90x and am toying with trying out running again. Two stress fractures and being prone to injury (poor bone density will do that, unfortunately) makes it very hard to think that running a half marathon is actually a realistic goal, so I’m looking for a backup plan!
It looks like there’s all sorts of summer workout programs currently going on – Fitnessista’s Summer Shape Up, Tina’s Best Body Bootcamp, etc. to name just a couple. It always motivates me to have a plan already made for me. Or you could challenge yourself to try some new classes at your gym? Or do a sprint triathalon? Then you could do some swimming and cycle indoors!
I’m with you, I need something new! And routine!! I think I’m going to start my half marathon training plan today!
I struggle with the same issues. I teach 4-5 classes a week and personal train plus desk hours. It is hard to want to be at work for yourself after it is all done.
I just ran my first 1/2 in over a year, and made me want to work for my next one in September.Best of luck with all your goals!!
You could try doing early evening workouts!
I’m actually in the same boat you’re in. I’m trying to find my next fitness goal to keep me motivated and excited about my workouts again. I love all the suggestions you’re getting!
girl, i feel you on adjusting to a new workout regime. i am ONLY good at working out first thing in the morning, but my new job has be waking up at 5:00am, so I would have to get up, oh, around 3:30 to get in a workout and shower… that clearly isn’t happening! To think I used to party until 2:30! It was a hard adjustment for me to get into a later workout routine, and I’m hoping it will get easier. Will you ALWAYS work that dreaded morning shift, or is it kind of the “newbie” shift, and as you establish yourself, you won’t have to work those terrible hours? Honestly, though, I’d rather work the 5:00am shift versus the closing shift! Not sure how late your gym is open, but I know you’d hate missing Ryan getting home from work if you were stuck at the gym until 8 or 9! All in perspective, but definitely feel you on adjusting your workout schedule. Stick with it–it’ll get easier!
I actually have been feeling the same way lately. I got stuck in my rut of doing the same few workouts at my old gym everyday. The other day I decided to quit my gym and join a gym that’s closer to my home and offers classes. Now every time I go to the gym I’ve been taking different classes from Spinning to Yoga to Kickboxing – each workout is completely new and keeps me on my toes!
I find that making small tweaks in my workout routine keeps them interesting! For example, earlier this year I added a yoga class to my fitness plan as I had next to zero experience with yoga. I found myself getting better and better each week and it helped to break up the lifting and cardio I was doing. Now I’m focusing on adding more running to my workouts rather than the elliptical to focus on my core for summer and to try to add some distance to what i can usually churn out. it’s fun to see the results of each tweak/change!
It seems that there’s a lot of workout problems happening lately in the blog world!
I’m not really currently working towards a certain fitness goal, and I can definitely feel the same way. But, since I’m going to be teaching pilates more, I guess I’m just trying to nail down being the center of attention and getting my lines, and moves all down..haha, that counts as a goal maybe.
I definitely always need a work out goal as well! I just signed up for a full marathon in October so I am excited for the training, the challenge, and the goal of 26 miles! I am nervous and scared as heck though 🙂
My current fitness goals are to run a sub 2 hour half marathon in September, and to complete a duathlon. I am doing a 54mile bike ride this weekend which I am really nervous about!
Maybe now’s the time for you to get certified to teach Body Pump! 🙂
When I get into a rut, I love having a goal to help me get back into the routine of exercising. I can only imagine how difficult it’s going to be to get back into shape after these twinsies are born. However, I already have my next goal in mind. I want to run a half marathon with Team in Training (Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) in honor of my daddy who just passed away. I’m thinking about the half next September in Chicago which gives me time to get back into running and then get back into long distance running. My mom is thinking about doing it with me too!
I am so sorry about the passing of your dad, Chelsey. Your blog posts about him and your relationship were so sweet. He was clearly an amazing man… And you are clearly a fabulous daughter. Your little girls will have one heck of an awesome mama! 😀
My fitness goals right now are to complete a half marathon in October and a full marathon next May! But those are so long-term that I struggle with short-term goals. I’m seeing my personal trainer tomorrow and we’ll be going through a year-long workout plan so hopefully that will give me something to strive toward each month!
Maybe consider shorter races, like a 10K? It wouldn’t require much training but would still be fun and something to work towards. Also a new certification, like someone said before for Body Pump! Or trying something completely new. One of my goals is to join a sport, since I’ve never been much of a team sport player. You could try that! Or even just taking up a new sport on your own! 🙂
My current fitness goal is to complete the ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon. I’ll be completing it with my dad and sister. In order to build up to it I’m completing a 5K in July, an 8K in September, a 10K in October and then the Half Marathon in January. This way I get to cross mini goals off my list! Will you be completing the ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon again this January?
I would love to! It was such a fun race and the weather was PERFECT. We’ll see if the half marathon bug bite me again around that time of year, but it’s definitely on my radar.
My current fitness goal is to complete the ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon. I’ll be completing it with my dad and sister. In order to build up to it I’m completing a 5K in July, an 8K in September, a 10K in October and then the Half Marathon in January. This way I get to cross mini goals off my list! Will you be completing the ZOOMA Florida Half Marathon again this January?
What about a Tough Mudder????? You would kick butt!
I hope you find a good workout goal! I also love eggs for breakfast.
I am the same exact way! I always need a goal, right now I have a marathon goal for the fall, but my “smaller goal” is to start early morning workouts again! I struggle with this big time!! Any tips?
yes! here ya go: 🙂
Do scrambled eggs reheat well? I have been wanting to bring them to work in the morning but I wasn’t sure how they would taste.
Reheated eggs aren’t that bad. I usually cook them in the a.m. before leaving for work or even the night before, but I place a paper towel under the lid of my container to absorb any excess steam during the reheat. Adding in cheese or hot sauce help, too!
Good ideas!! Thanks :).
I second what Sam said! 😀 I don’t mind them reheated at all.
Spartan races! They’re a mix between crossfit and a 5 km. Supposed to be the exact thing runners need if they’re looking for a new challenge! 🙂
I don’t know if this is much of a goal but I tend to get bored easily if I do the same workouts over and over again, so I’m alway in search of some variation. The other day I stumbled upon this website: Her workouts, although they didn’t seem like at first, we’re pretty challenging. And fun also because every day there’s a different workout. It really made me break up a sweat! Hope this will be of use to you 🙂
Have a good one!
thanks so much for this rec! i love jess’ workouts and ended up doing this today!
Yeah, she’s awesome. And I love the fact that most of her workouts don’t require weights and can be done pretty much anywhere, but at the same time they also work every single muscle, almost to the point of exhaustion. It’s a nice change of pace for me.
why don’t you start an online bootcamp? i’d be down to sign up!
also, since you are teaching group classes at the gym, does that count as a workout at all? i know that if i go bike riding with my 4 year old daughter, my husband jokes that i got my work out for the day, but even though i rode my bike for 20-30 min, i’m going so slow to match her pace that i consider it quality time with her, rather than a workout. is working out while your instructing similar to that?
I am right there with you! Since the price of Best Body Bootcamp increased its not really something I can justify at this time. I feel like I need to come up with a good fitness goal. I am hoping people give you good suggestions because I need some!
Wow! Your early morning start time is intense! I’m currently training for my 1st half marathon (actually using a lot of your posts about them for training/motivation!) That spartan race that somebody posted about in the comments looks cool!
I definitely feel you on needing a new goal! My workouts have been lackluster lately – that is, if they even happen at all. Since I’m about to go on summer break, I’ve been considering training for a half marathon! Have you considered training for a sprint triathlon? The run portion is only 5k so you wouldn’t need to brave the gloomy mornings much, and you could train for the swim + bike at the gym 🙂
My workout plan…..I don’t personal train, but even as a group ex instructor it is so important to me to find time for my own workouts. I teach cycle this morning and after I always head to the floor to squeeze in some weights. When I teach Pilates I squeeze in cardio before class. On my days off from teaching, I take yoga or use the treadmill I have at home. All about balance for me so I don’t burnout & stay motivated.
I’m working towards a half marathon. I signed up for a women rock half marathon at the end of August. Currently I can only run 3 miles. I have a long ways to go.
What about a duathalon or tri? You can find one that has a shorter distance.
I used to swim in high school and I’m currently helping my mom become a stronger swimmer for her tri she is doing in July. Swimming is such a good workout. It has helped me get into shape which makes running easier.
I know you teach water aerobics at your gym so did you ever think of training for an open water swim? Swimming is TOUGH especially in open waters, so maybe it might interest you? I know you did a mini Tri before so maybe you could start training for a real tri?
i loveeeee swimming! it’s the biking part of a tri that doesn’t appeal to me. i don’t want to invest that kind of money into a bike. i think that’s why i loved the indoor tri – i was able to just use a spinning bike!
Do you think any of your co-workers has a bike they would let you borrow to train? Maybe one of them was into biking at one point and has an extra one laying around?
I’m totally with you in needing a goal. I signed up for a couple of races (10.8k and 15k) to get back into it full force. I have to do most of my runs in the early evening now bc of my work schedule and it really isn’t ideal after a long day. We do our runs before dinner so we have something to look forward to afterwards.
I’m training for a half marathon right now, but my church has a small group that meets every Thursday during the summer and trains together for a sprint triathlon in August. Even though I can’t do the triathlon, I’m going to all of the practices so I can get in some swimming and biking (to cool down and get a break from running!) as well as to just hang out with other people from the church who love working out and having a goal to work toward! I could totally see you heading up something like that!
It’s a bit of a long-term goal, but I’m training for my first half marathon (Disney Princess half in Orlando). It’s in February, so I can take it easy for awhile and then really rev up my workouts once it cools down.
Hmmm, how about a swimming goal? Or find a cycling race (if you bike ride, that is)… As someone from a hot climate, I know how tough it is to run in higher temps. I’m from Vegas, and any time after 8am is brutal in summertime.
I was hoping you’d have suggestion for me! I am a VERY basic beginner with no gym and only 3 lb dummbells at home. I’ve considered Tina’s BBB, but don’t know if its too advanced honestly..I’ve honestly heard good things about her programs (VERY cheap): . Would love your thoughts on that.
The SUmmer Shape Up with Fitnessista is too advanced for me. I need very basic and am unsure. I need a personal trainer, ha. If you or your readers can recommend a daily plan I’d be thrilled. I’d like something I can follow day in and out, write down my progress and have a 1-3 month plan is place. It would help me feel more efficient and organized and as though I’m progressing versus searching.
I totally have a post coming up this week talking about my next fitness goal and whether it should be a marathon or half marathon – i still haven’t decided. . . and just talking about it makes me feel nervous and anxious about the decision actually!!
Get in some spinning classes! They have you feeling supercharged! Maybe you could work towards getting qualified to teach it and work on your fitness at the same time! The strength in my legs has increased since I started taking 3 classes a week; great for the hills when you get back to running!
I was feeling the same way recently, so I signed up to do a boot camp at my gym! It’s not an ideal time (8 p.m.) but my husband adjusted his schedule to go with me and it’s given me motivation. I would suggest trying out different classes at your gym! I always work out harder when I see someone else doing the same.
Why don’t you go back to swimming for your cardio for awhile? I get bored with treadmills and love the pool.
I think this sounds a bit dorky but I do like some of the Beachbody programs, like TurboFire, since they give you a schedule. I did that in the winter, with minimal running, and it was a lot of fun. I wonder whether there are any open swim meets in your area since you used to dive and swimming in the heat wouldn’t be as bad. You could find a training plan with drills that would help you. Could be fun. Coming from the girl who needs lessons so I can do a triathlon – oh there’s another idea!
I’m playing around with the idea of my first full marathon and while it’s something I’ve always wanted to do, I am really looking for a new training/workout plan to keep myself motivated as well. And I am LOVING eggs for breakfast these days 🙂
I just signed up for Fitnessista’s SSU and so far it seems great!
Oh man, that 4:30 wake up call sure isn’t getting any easier to hear you talking about, lol! That just seems like it would be so dang early! I completely know what you mean about the whole timing your training runs for a half-Mary thing, mostly because I refuse to run outside after, like, one in the afternoon in the summer because ain’t nobody got time for that. Maybe a non-cardio specific fitness goal? Like lifting more? Or endurance based – biking for distance, maybe? Just some spitballed ideas!
I hear ya…Im desperate for a fitness goal but not sure what to do. I want to do a half marathon, but every time I take up my running mileage my IT band rebels. I feel SO STUCK!
Swimming competition – it works different muscles in the body and the water would would feel nice during the evening florida heat.
oooh! this really intrigues me. thanks for sharing this link, lola!
I don’t know how you do it…getting up at 4:30 a.m. during the week. That’s got to be so tough!
My fitness goal is doing more strength training. I do a lot of cardio, but I really need to incorporate more sculpting into my routine.
I get this way too from training others. But I make it a goal to always work just as hard as my clients do for me. I expect the best from them and vice versa. I don’t know, but it helps me up the intensity when it starts to fall.
I’m working on several goals right now, but my trail run next month in Charlotte is the next big thing I guess. Then a 1/2 in October!
I think you fitness goal should be getting your Body Pump Certification AND getting your gym to bring it on board!! That would be sure to give you that extra little push you need!!
I’m tryyyyyying!!! I’m dying for them to say yes!
If I worked in a gym, I don’t think I’d be very motivated to work out there. But hey, who knows – it’s not like I’ve ever worked in a gym. You’ll find something to get excited about. Perhaps it’s just a little workouts rut.
maybe try a new sport/activity? You could train for a duathlon or triathlon!