On this blog in the past I’ve talked a lot about habits, happiness and how certain habits lead to happiness. For me, healthy habits in particular help me feel happier, more energized and better all around and there are a few things I try my best to do on a very regular basis to benefit both my physical and mental health. I’d absolutely love to hear a little bit more about the things you do in your day-to-day life that you think help you live a happier, healthier life. Please let me know in the comments section of this post!
Increasing My Health and Happiness with 5 Simple Habits
- Spending Time Outside
Hooray for warmer weather! Now that the temperatures are heating up again and it officially feels like spring in Charlotte, the pull of the springtime sunshine is somethin’ serious and I find that when I take some time to spend even as little as 10 minutes outside, I feel happier. Vitamin D is good for the body and my soul! Park play dates are one of my favorite ways to get outside, especially since Chase absolutely lights up the minute we head outdoors, but even when I had a desk job, I loved sneaking away in the middle of the day to eat my lunch outside. And taking Sadie for a walk is always a great way to spend time outside and make our favorite furry lady happy, too!
- Exercising / Moving My Body
This one is HUGE not only for my physical health but for my mental health as well. On the days that I take the time to exercise, I feel more energetic, positive, productive, motivated… the list goes on and on. While the physical benefits of working up a sweat or taking the time to move my body in some way are obvious, the boost I feel on the inside is truly what keeps me consistent in my workout regimen. Though the intensity of my day-to-day workouts may vary quite a bit, whether I take myself through a HIIT workout or simply go on a walk, exercise is an immediate mood-booster for me.
- Unplugged Family Time
I know this may seem crazy for someone who blogs and shares so much of her life online, but I have a serious love-hate relationship with my phone. (I could easily dedicate an entire blog post to how much I miss the days when blogging was just blogging and all of the sharing and social media stuff wasn’t a part of any of it.) Other than keeping in touch with family and friends and snapping pictures of Chase and Sadie throughout the day, I kind of wish the whole smart phone thing would go away because it seemed way easier for people to live in the moment and enjoy the present when everyone wasn’t so obsessed with sharing everything and seeing what everyone else was up to all the time.
While I’ll admittedly share a picture or short video of our family in the moment on Instagram Stories from time to time, for the most part, I prefer to keep my phone tucked away at the end of the day (and much of the time Chase is awake) or share things slightly delayed because I am happiest when my phone isn’t glued to my hip and I’m just living and enjoying my family. Sometimes it’s easy for me to feel the pressure to share everything all the time because blogging and sharing my life is a part of my job, but I try to be very cognizant of living my life rather than living my life to share it and that often means days go by when I don’t share a single thing. And I’m totally okay with that.
- Taking the Time to Meal Plan
Meal planning has admittedly ebbed and flowed around here this year, but once my pregnancy-related nausea began to dissipate a bit and I could stomach the thought of vegetables and protein other than yogurt again, meal planning came back into my life and I realized, yet again, how much easier it makes my life. Not only does meal planning alleviate stress throughout the week, it also helps our family eat healthier and motivates me to try new nutritious recipes. When I take the time to meal plan and, better yet, prep some food on Sundays, it’s 10 times easier for me to eat healthy all week long since I have healthy options readily available.
While I really try to be consistent with meal planning and healthy eating, it’s not always in the cards and so I also try my best to fill in nutritional gaps on a daily basis with the help of vitamins.
I’ve been taking a prenatal vitamin for years and while that’s the only vitamin I’ve taken consistently for so long, I recently began upping my vitamin game with a few more safe and healthy options. After taking a short quiz online through Care/of, a well-respected vitamin and supplement company, I began adding Calcium Plus and Wild Alaskan Salmon Oil to my vitamin regimen to help with bone and heart health.
Care/of makes its own line of vitamins and supplements – all from high-quality ingredients and reputable sources (for example, their fish oil is from Wild Alaskan salmon and their herbal supplements are sustainably sourced) – and personalizes their vitamin and supplement recommendations for every customer. After I took a short 5-minute quiz through Care/of and answered questions about my health, history, health goals, dietary restrictions, etc., I received my vitamin recommendations and thought the whole process was so interesting!
I have a feeling my vitamin recommendations catered a lot to prenatal health and steered clear of too many herbal supplements just to be cautious, but I’m curious to take the quiz again after birth/breastfeeding to see how things might change. I’m very intrigued by natural supplements Care/of offers like ashwagandha and rhodiola for energy and stress.
If you’d like to see what kind of vitamins and supplements Care/of recommends for you, check out their short quiz to learn more about the vitamins Care/of recommends for your health goals! You may also receive 25% off your first month of vitamins with the code PBFINGERS. Big bonus: A portion of every Care/of sale goes toward the Good+ Foundation to help mothers in need receive prenatal vitamins to ensure that their child receives the critical nutrients he or she needs while they’re still developing and during the early months after birth. Woop!
- Reading Before Bed
I’ve long professed my love for reading on this blog (check out the Books page on my blog to see some of my continually-updated favorite reads) but reading, along with exercise, is one of the top things I try do consistently do for myself. It makes me so happy and feels like a great way to take some time for myself when I feel like so much of my day is wrapped up in mom life and trying to squeeze in some work whenever I have a spare minute. Reading is a little different than anything else for me because it relaxes me, allows me to escape to different places and almost feels like an indulgence. While it was hard for me to read for pleasure for a while after Chase was born (I’d pass out the minute my head hit the pillow or pretty much only read parenting/baby books), when he started sleeping better, I realized how much I missed reading before bed and began to carve out time to try to read almost every night. Plus, it makes it 10,000 times easier to fall asleep at night… assuming I’m not reading a crazy suspenseful novel.
Increasing my health and happiness with 5 simple habits is something I make time for every day.
- Little Indulgences = Big Happiness
- Creating Habits That Lead to Happiness
- Abstainers vs. Moderators
- The Happiness Project Review + Takeaways
Question of the Day
What is one thing you do in your day-to-day life that you think contributes in a big way to your overall health and happiness?
I relate to ALL of these. I’m a big morning ritual person, so waking up and taking time to make my favorite glass of iced coffee and enjoying that before I hit up the gym really sets the tone for my day. There’s nothing like a little caffeine boost + a sweaty workout before the sun comes up to make me feel like I’ve got my life together! Meal prep is huge for me too, as is winding down at the end of the day and 100 percent unplugging from all things iPhone. – Kaitlyn | http://www.poweredbysass,com
yes!! i’m definitely more of a morning person than a night owl! waking up BEFORE chase is a big one for my personal sanity/productivity.
I totally agree with all of these! And I’ve heard of Care/of and I love how they cater to what your needs are. For me having my downtime each night to talk with my husband and read really helps me each day.
I agree with this one as well. It’s key for reconnecting!
Thank you for this post today! You inspired me to think/reflect on some of my own daily habits. Journaling is something I started to do some months ago and it is definitely beneficial to me to contribute to my happiness.
I am all about all of these things. I find that stealing away for a little walk outside is such a great mood booster!
Love your smart phone comments….so true. My phone was out of commission for 17 days recently, so I did without. Honestly, I noticed a SIGNIFICANT increase in my happiness, level of stress, and overall well-being. It made me realize that I don’t even need a smartphone, really. I know technology has its advantages and conveniences, but I am a firm believer that contributing to one’s happiness and well-being is not one of them.
Isn’t it amazing how time without our phone can be so wonderful!? I will often leave my phone at home on the weekends when Ryan and I are out and about with Chase and love completely forgetting about it. As long as we have Ryan’s phone for emergencies (and some pics, too 😉 ) — I don’t feel like I need mine with me at all.
Making the bed and cleaning up before leaving for the day really makes me happy. That way after a long day of work I know I am coming home to a clean house. Also, like you mentioned meal prepping & exercise greatly improve my happiness for the week. When I don’t want to work out I try to imagine that feeling after I workout to try and get me there.
I made one of your meal planning recipe recommendations the other night (Oh She Glows Lentil soup), it was delish!
isn’t that one SO good!? and surprisingly easy, too! i’m glad you liked it as much as we did!
Hi, wouldn’t you need a blood test from the doctor to know what you are deficient in rather than a 5 min quiz for a company to tell you? I’m confused on that.
Hi Deb! A blood test would absolutely be more accurate for identifying deficiencies but this quiz takes into account medical/family history and areas of your life you personally feel may be issues, so I think the calcium was recommended for me because of my family history with osteoporosis (for example). If you have any specific questions you’d like me to pass along to Care/of about the quiz and how they make their recommendations, I’m more than happy to do so!
Being outside and reading are two things that keep me happy too. While it’s definitely harder to get outside when it’s freezing and there’s a ton of snow on the ground during the winter, I still try to make it happen every once in awhile.
Me too! Sometimes it’s worth bundling up in a zillion layers to just BE outside!
Diving into yard work or practicing music are two of my biggest happiness-boosters. When I participate in these hobbies, the positive shift is almost immediate.
By the way, I would be very interested to read a blog post on people’s relationships with our smart phones and social media! I think that would make for some great content and discussion.
Some things that increase my health and happiness:
1. WATER. My goal is to drink anywhere from 80-100 oz a day. I swear if I do not have my water, I am not a happy camper
2. COFFEE. I have my cup of coffee in the morning (ok, two) b/c I wake up at 4:30 a.m. most mornings to work out at 5 am.
3. WRITING. I write in my journal almost every day. I write down my goals and gratitude. I also use it as a food log.
4.EXERCISE. This has definitely helped me out. While I am still struggling to lose weight (hello, I love food), exercising helps with my stress and anxiety. Plus, I LOVE to sweat (I must be in the minority here).
5. MEAL PLAN/PREP. As like you, I feel so much better when planning and prepping meals. I feel a sense of accomplishment when it is done. I feel naked it if I do not.
6. SPENDING TIME WITH HUBBY. I am trying to be more present in the moment and not have myself glued to my phone.
Love all of these! I’ve been on a bit of a coffee break thanks to pregnancy/aversions and I am surprised by how much I miss the ritual of a warm cup of coffee in the morning. And YES To writing! So therapeutic and helpful for me as well.
In another life, I thought exercise had to be intense or last an hour to “count.” After having another baby 9 months ago, I find 10-20 minutes of restorative or gentle yoga to be exactly what my body needs. I’m learning to embrace what feels good instead of what I think I should do to “get my body back.”
I love reading this! YES! I also thought I needed to work out for an hour to feel like I got in a good workout but things absolutely changed after I had Chase. It sounds like you’re doing such a good job of listening to your body which is wonderful. <3
For me baking is source of happiness. I love to create something from nothing (no box mixes here!), but a large part of is giving to someone and seeing them smile! I like making other people happy. Also, reading, being outside, exercise and spending time with my dog. My dogs are almost always happy and their happiness is contagious! Playing with them or taking them for a walk never fails to make me smile.
Baking is a big one for me, too. It relaxes me and makes me happy!! And YES to dogs!! I swear Sadie’s joy is impossible to ignore and she makes me smile throughout the day every day. <3
I love this so much!! Do you find with reading each night that you don’t watch much tv? There are times when my shows end and I hardly anything to watch and it’s so much easier for me to read. I just read The Wife Between Us and then The Last Mrs. Parrish. I really enjoyed both of them but there’s something a little crazy about these two books (that I don’t want to say b/c I don’t want to give anything away!) I hope they make it on your reading list eventually so I can hear what you think of them!! I tend to get all of my book recommendations from your blog, People magazine, and Us Weekly! 🙂
Definitely! I don’t watch TV much at all during the week because I’d rather read at night (Ryan is the same way) but I do enjoy watching something if I’m really into it — for some reason I just have a REALLY hard time getting into most shows these days and it’s rare for me to stick with a series for more than a season or two on Netflix! Oh and The Wife Between Us is on my radar for sure! Hoping to read that one soon.
We have so much in common! The more time I spend outside, the happier I am (and the happier my husband is, by association)…
I also take a vitamin everyday and have really noticed a difference in my energy levels!
And, I read every night before bed, it’s the best way to relax!
Love all these! I would add listening to Podcasts during my commute to this list as well! I wrote a post on 52 ideas for self care this year if you’re interested in more ideas!
I totally agree about the love/hate relationship with my phone. ….. I think about all of the hours I waste on it and often feel guilty about not spending as much quality time with my kids and not being as productive because Of it. I really want to make some changes to get off it more often. I like your list. Those things make me happy, too. I enjoy listening to podcasts while doing things like dishes and laundry – the happiness project is one of my favorites.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE what you said about unplugging! I think that is a huge issue that is going on with families/marriages right now! I had a problem with it myself not too long ago. I was constantly on my phone and that made me an impatient, angry mom. So, I decided to make some changes and I am still working on those changes. I try to leave my phone somewhere out of reach while my girls are awake. It has helped me so much! Also, I feel this constant pressure to photograph my kids constantly and sometimes I would rather just enjoy the moment and take in the memory without watching it through my phone or my camera. I get the oddest look from friends AND family when they ask me, “Are you going to take pictures/Do you want pictures of this?” and I say, “No. I’m going to enjoy this with my brain and my heart.” Anyways, sorry to rant over here. But I love this blog post and I love everything you said about unplugging. It helps validate my own thoughts and opinions and I fee less alone in this phone crazed world. You are awesome! Thank you for being real and for putting yourself and your family first! =)
The picture of you and Sadie is adorable 🙂 Such a sweet pup! I am not a morning person and hate waking up early. Despite this, most mornings I wake up early and workout/get ready before my two year old is awake. As much as I hate my early alarm at first, my day tends to go much better overall when I make it happen!
As I was reading your intro to this post I immediately thought “walk outside!” So I definitely related to your first point big time! I love hiking the most but when I’m in the city (most of the time) sidewalks will have to do. I go outside in all kinds of weather, sun, rain or snow. Walking outside every day helps so much with my mood.
all great trips! What zip up are you wearing in that picture? I’ve been looking for a hoodie thats both a zip up and has thumb holes, hehe
Love all of these! Exercise is a big one that makes me feel healthy and happy on a daily basis. Also, where did you get that adorable grey workout tank?! I LOVE! And speaking of, workout clothes (well, clothes in general) are always on my list of things that make me happy 🙂
I am extremely, extremely fond of cooking. The meticulous preparation of the great food, it is a hard feeling. When I focus on doing something, I feel like I’ve just done something more useful. Feeling happy. Fortunately, I have at least one of the five habits that you mention. Thank you for the post!