I am off to teach indoor cycling this morning but wanted to quickly pop in to share last week’s playlist with you.
This is the playlist from the first class I taught, so I obviously hope to improve the format and flow a little bit with time, but the class really seemed to get into it and enjoy everything, so I’m definitely keeping this playlist on hand in my phone for future use! (And thank you for your music suggestions yesterday! I used them to help me create today’s playlist!!)
A few quick notes: The slower songs in this playlist (“Latch” + “Dirty Diana”) worked well for climbs. I was really a fan of using “Shake It Off” for sprints (we sprinted during the chorus and recovered during the verses) because the chorus is almost exactly 25 seconds which is short but long enough to really elevate your heart rate!
And here are links to all of the songs so you can easily check out any that might be unfamiliar to you:
- You Can Call Me Al (Paul Simon)
- I Gotta Feeling (The Black Eyed Peas)
- Shake It Off (Taylor Swift)
- Sing (Ed Sheeran)
- Latch (Disclosure feat. Sam Smith)
- Sweet Nothing (Calvin Harris feat. Florence Welch)
- Stuck Like Glue (Sugarland)
- Dirty Diana (Michael Jackson)
- Bang Bang (Jessie J, Ariana Grande & Nicki Minaj)
- Call On Me (Eric Prydz)
- Gettin’ Over You (David Guetta & Chris Willis)
- Bulletproof (La Roux)
- Cruise (Florida Georgia Line feat. Nelly)
- Shark In The Water (The Cocktails)
- Next To Me (Emeli Sande)
Workout Playlists
And here are a few more rockin’ workout playlists for ya!
- Heat Things Up Playlist
- High Energy Playlist
- Triathlon Playlist
- Rockin’ Playlist
- Oldies But Goodies Playlist
- Disney Playlist
- ’90s Playlist
- Run, Run, Run Playlist
- Spring 2012 Playlist
- Summer 2011 Playlist
- Spring 2011 Playlist
- Workout Playlist Trifecta
- ZOOMA Half Marathon Playlist
- Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Playlist
- Chicago Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon Playlist
Questions of the Morning
- What is your favorite chill song to listen to during a cool down?
- What is your go-to pump up song of the moment right now?
I have used Dirty Diana and mix up the climbs to seated/standing. Question. a sprint can mean diff things to diff people. at what resistance are you using? don’t have them go SUPER fast because then there is no power output. a true sprint is like running against resistance …most people get breathless from this, then you hold back a bit,,etc. I can write SO much more, cuz I’m teaching for years! lol but in any event..are you doin any sort of recovery (like a 2min song) before the last ‘finale’ I like to call it. if you are interested in learning from real pros, for $12/mth, join Indoor Cycling association. awesome articles, playlists, etc etc. so much valuable information that you wouldn’t learn from anybody at your gym, that I guarantee. most likely your mgr doesnt’ know a thing about cycling. they want a teacher in there, to fill up the room, its all about $..so its up to you to educate yourself..which I have no doubt you are wiling to do!
(I had asked you yesterday, what drills you are doing (besides the typical ‘climb’.)
Thank you so much for this recommendation, Stacy!! I will definitely look into the Indoor Cycling Assoc. when I arrive back home. I appreciate your advice!
Below are some tips for the first time teaching
1.Bring a back up CD in case you have iPhone/iPod issues.
2.Remember to introduce yourself, ask if you have any new riders in the class, go over proper bike setup and safety making sure all the rider pop-pins are tight. At the end of class thank the riders for attending your class.
3.Discuss with your riders that it is NOT about the number of miles they go. Remember, anything above 110rpm is useless and dangerous!
4.Remember the 4 P’s to Spinning. Population, Purpose, Plan, Progression. Know your audience. Profile accordingly and think about the intent of your ride.
5.Keep an eye on your participants during class so it’s about them and not watching the stereo or your notes too much.
6.Pace your verbiage because even though it’s their ride, not yours, and you’re not going anaerobic, it is very different to talk and teach when first starting out.
7.Don’t be afraid to jot down some notes of what to say during certain planned segments of your profile. There’s nothing wrong with an instructor having notes.
8.Try not to let lyrics of any chosen music over-ride what you are saying. Hence, it’s easier not to play that type of music so you’re not combating with it.
9.However, do play what you like initially because they will feel your energy.
10.Act confident. If you act it, you will feel it. They will sense that and respond to it providing positive energy back to you to go back to them! It creates a circling effect.
11.Don’t talk too much! Don’t feel obligated to fill every moment of silence.
12.Brining a spare water bottle for a rider who forgets is a good habit to get into.
13.You might feel like people are giving you the stink eye; don’t take it personally. Some people are very attached to their instructors and if you’re taking over a class, it might take some time for them to “warm up” to you.
15.Relax. Be yourself. Smile. Bring your love for Spinning with you. If you have it, your participants will feel it.
**hope this helps**
this is so helpful! thank you, stacy. would you be interested in writing a guest blog post with your top tips (basically an expanded version of this)? i’d love to share it and think it would interest a lot of people! no pressure at all — just had to ask just in case you might be interested!! if so, please shoot me an email at pbfingers@gmail.com and we’ll chat!!! thanks again for your insight and taking the time to detail your tips!
yes I would be honored! I will email you! thanks
I’m loving Redfoo “Let’s get Ridiculous” during spin class. Especially toward the beginning for jumps!
Great playlist! I am really liking “Girls Chase Boys” as a cool down song lately. I seem to get lost in it. Have a good Thursday! 🙂
Love starting my work morning with Bulletproof! That’s definitely a playlist I would LOVE to hear while I was at a spin class.
I’ve been off the “workout wagon” since having my daughter, but the BEST song for me (I always used it at the end of races I ran to give me that last bump) is Get Up! ~ Korn. It isn’t the most G-rated, but it always got me pumped up again. For cool-downs, or for me, stretching after, I always listened to Holiday in Spain ~ Counting Crows or Breathe Me ~ Sia. Very relaxing.
What a great play list! One of my favorite cool down songs is Happy Pills by Nora Jones. My all time favorite pump up song is Last Resort by Papa Roach. It’s intense but always gets me pumped up and ready to go!
I looove Nora Jones and that Papa Roach song takes me back!!! I love it, too!
Great playlist! I have to be honest. I’m burnt out on Shake It Off. I lived by One Direction is one of my favorite cycle songs.
Currently obsessed with Taylor Swift’s new song. But tonight in my spin class, I’m planning on trying out a playlist dedicated entirely to Britney Spears. Can’t wait to see how it goes!
I taught my first cycle class last month – my cool down song was “Take it to the Limit” by the Eagles. 🙂
I love a good playlist!! Right now I’m in between chill songs and fast paced, with songs like “red lights”, but I’m excited to check out all of your links for the ones I don’t know!
I would definitely love your spin class based on the music alone 🙂
Love the playlist and the other ones too! I’m very picky about the music I workout too, so I’m always looking for new songs to add. Thanks for sharing!
I love “Flashing Lights” by Kanye West as a cooldown song. For a pump up song, I love “Ghost” at the moment.
My spin studio has themed “rides” every week… Country theme, Britney theme, last week they did a Taylor Swift ride, with her new album. I love those ideas! Favorite cool down song is probably “Am I Wrong” by Nico and Vinz, which seems like it’d be weird but it was great, annnnd favorite pump up song would have to be anything remixed (as long as it’s a good one, of course!)
We just had a Michael Jackson themed spin class on Saturday!! So fun!
I’ll definitely be putting that in as a request! Haha
Okay, you have Dirty Diana on there, you’re my new best friend, hope you don’t mind! 🙂
My favorite pump up songs are Right Here by Jess Glynne and Fiona Coyne by Saint Pepsi.
Paper Planes by M.I.A. is one of my go to songs. Starlight by Muse and Titanium by David Guetta are my other favs. Thank you for the playlist ideas!
On a morning workout – doesn’t matter what I’m doing – I always end with a HAPPY song like Best Day of My Life (American Authors), Beautiful Day (U2) or Helluva Life (Frankie Ballard). There’s just something about a “have a good / make the most of it day” kind of song at 6am to put a smile on your face. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your list!
PS – woke up with SNOW on the ground in West Michigan (at least 2 inches already and more to come) and went back to bed, skipping a workout. haha! 🙂
Great playlist! I think I’ve got almost all of those songs on one playlist or another 🙂 My favourite pump up song right now is Like A Drum by Guy Sebastian. It’s so good!!
Definitely checking out some of these songs to add to my playlist before my half next weekend. My favorite pump up song right now is probably Shake it off- still catchy and not annoying yet, haha. PS you could add peppermint extract to your coffee so you can have complete control over the minty flavor 🙂
Good list! I’ve primarily taught Les Mills classes so always had my music provided to me, but have just started teaching bootcamp formats and so am finally ramping up my own playlists. Your resources here will be helpful, but I think I’ll make use of Spotify too!
I love finding new playlists like these! Right now I’m loving Irreversible by Christian Marc to just chill out. <3
There are some great pump up songs on there! Awesome 🙂
In CXWORX there is a song called “let’s get ridiculous” –it’s perfect for highs & lows in a spin class!
My current pump up song is Break Free by Ariana Grande. I don’t know what it is, but whenever I feel tired on the treadmill, this song just keeps me going! It gives me that little burst of energy when I need it most. I love when songs push you to keep going 🙂
I’m currently loving “She Came to Give It to You” by Usher!
I love Break Free by Ariana Grande. It has the best tempo. It’s perfect for Arc or cycling classes!
My all-time favorite song to spin to is Gnarls Barkley – Crazy. Something about that tempo is just awesome for cycling. Also if you’re looking for something a little more classic, Sympathy for the Devil by the Rolling Stones is really fun to spin to as well. For cooling down or mid-class recovery, Michael Franti has a lot of songs that are mellow with a great groove and upbeat message.
You have to listen to Dirty Diana by Shaman’s Harvest – such a GREAT cover by a rock band!!
I love a lot of Rhianna’s songs as cool downs, especially Stay with Me, and Te Amo. Emeli Sande’s Next to Me is amazing too. MKTO’s American Dream might be a little too high-tempo, but the vibe is laid back enough for a cool down I think…
i’ll definitely check it out! thank you for the reccomendation!
I would be SO motivated if I got to spin to Shake it Off!
Favourite chill song/cool down at the mo – “Bailando” by Enrique Iglesias ft Sean Paul
Favourite stretch song at the mo – “Every breaking wave” or “Sleep like a baby tonight” by U2
Go-to pump up song of the mo – also Taylor Swift… can’t beat it.
Also “Summer” by Calvin Harris (we’re entering SUMMER here) and any of the top songs (Ariana Grande, etc), Pitbull – Fireball” – so many
I love this playlist! I totally wish that I could take one of your spin classes!
great playlist, I wish it was the play list that was played at my class this morning. The music my teacher played was pretty sub par. Call on me reminds me of my college swim team initiation, we had to learn the dance to that song and do it in our bathing suits!
Nice playlist!
Chill song- “Done” by Ed Sheeran
Pump up song- “Bodies” by Drowning Pool
Such a fun list of songs. I love the variety too. My favorite spin classes are ones that use a variety of music and keep me guessing as the next song comes on.
Kongos – War!
The song that always gets me pumped up is “One More Time” by Daft Punk, and pretty much anything else by them. Whenever I need an extra kick in my cardio workouts/races, this is the song I turn to!
I forgot how wonderful Bulletproof is as a spin song! Awesome playlist, hope you’re loving teaching! 🙂
Call on me!! such a throw back and one of my all time favorite songs! to work out to or just dance around the house to 🙂
Love these tunes! I love Budapest after my workout- its a good, chill song!
ooooh stuck like glue- LOVE that song! Now it’s stuck in my head, haha 🙂
I didn’t get a chance to comment yesterday but the song, “Shot me down” by David Guetta is such a good spin song. I go to quite a few spin classes and absolutely love it! Most instructors do something fast during this song like jumps or a quick around the world and then a recovery during the girl parts of the song. Its also really cool if you have lighting and can make it go dark during the recovery parts!
Oh how fun! I hope your class went well!
What a great playlist!! In Group Ride, my instructors use the same play lists over and over until they get the new releases, so it can be a bit tiresome. I love that you used Call Me Al too!! I had never heard that song before & my fiance & I stumbled upon it a few months ago & are obsessed–it’s just so darn catchy!
I love the version of “You’re the one that I want” Pure Barre plays at the end of the work out.
I teach spin and my go-to is Power by Kanye West– it has a steady, driving beat the whole way through that I use to coach an endurance ride in which we maintain constant resistance and RPMs in Position 1 for the whole time. I dim lights and talk through the whole song to keep them focused– it’s killer but also the #1 request!
“Really Don’t Care” and “Shake it Off” are my current pump songs when I’m running. My favorite cool down is “I Got You” by Jack Johnson-it’s used as a stretch in Jazzercise and I used to love ending my class with it!
“Enjoy the Ride” by Zac Brown Band is one of my all time favorite cool down songs for spin. “I was Here” by Beyoncé is another favorite : )
This is SUCH a great playlist, especially the opening few songs!! Now you’ve got me craving a spin class!
Great playlist! I would seriously go to your class just so I could spin to “Latch.” Such an awesome, uplifting song, and I’m a huge fan of the Pentatonix mashup too!
For a cool down I’m currently loving XO , the John Mayer Version 🙂
Love having new music ideas! Just made myself a NEW playlist from all the comments and now have some much needed motivation to workout!!! Thanks! 😉