This morning began dark and early with the buzz of my alarm at 4:20 a.m.
I arrived at the gym just before it opened and helped get everything organized for the day ahead. My shift passed by quickly, which surprised me yet again. Perhaps the constant interaction with gym members and the overall energy is to blame? Whatever it is, I’ll take it.
The high point of my shift came at 9 a.m. when I took a small group of women through a functional training workout.
Do you remember when I blogged about the whiteboard workouts at my gym? Well, a few times a week a personal trainer at my gym leads a group of people through the whiteboard workouts in an informal functional training workout.
The whiteboard workouts are posted all the time, but occasionally a trainer will lead a group through the workout, demonstrating the exercises for those who may be unfamiliar with certain movements and showing ways to make them more challenging for those who want to increase the intensity of the workout.
Today I took my group through the following functional training workout:
I loved every minute of it and the women said they felt like they got their butts kicked in a good way. That was my goal!
I ate another delayed lunch this afternoon of tuna salad with a toasted whole wheat English muffin.
Plus a cup of Greek yogurt with lemon curd stirred in for a little sweetness!
It’s Cookie Time!
After lunch, I got to work in the kitchen. I made a double batch of chocolate chip cookies to bring to Sarasota tomorrow since we’ll be spending Mother’s Day weekend with my mother-in-law!
Sadie managed to look pathetic enough to coerce me into sharing one of the beaters full of cookie dough. (Chocolate chip-less dough, don’t worry!)
As I was making the cookies, the most random – yet fabulous – song popped into my head.
A box of them would be so niiiiiice
Cheap at even half the price
It’s cookie time!
Please tell me that a few of you are Troop Beverly Hills fans, too. My friend Kristen and I were just a little obsessed with that movie when we were younger. (Kristen actually just got engaged last weekend! Yay!) That song is so darn catchy!
Now I’m off to get some pizza with Ryan. I’ll see you guys in the morning! Have a great night!
love,love,love that movie!!!!
Love that movie! I watched it all the time! I even got my first kiss while watching it when I was 12 haha so romantic!
OMG!! I love that movie! My sister got it for me a few birthdays ago!!
BEST. MOVIE. EVER!!! just made my day! 🙂
Hahaha! Loved that movie!! Maybe for Kristen’s bachelorette party, ya’ll need to come up with a personalized rendition of that song, complete with the choreography.
A big boquet would be so nice,
on the way out they’ll throw some rice.
It’s wedding time!
LOVED Troop Beverly Hills! I seriously watched it like 50 thousand times growing up! Beverly Hills What a Thrill!!
How long does that fast functional workout last?! Looks like a great one!
Hi Julie! I know that this is an incredibly old post & I don’t even know if you’ll see this… I wanted to let you know that Jenny Lewis, who plays Hannah, has been a professional singer for year. She has an absolutely voice. She has a solo career and years ago she was in a band called Rilo Kiley. I think you’d really like her music, so just a fun fact if you didn’t know 🙂