Today was quite the productive lil’ Saturday! We’ve been out and about since I hit “publish” on my morning post.
The first activity on the agenda was exercising Sadie.
Clearly she was feeling quite chipper this morning.
Ryan and I drove out to some nearby trails to take Sadie on a 4.75 mile hike around 10 a.m.
I think Sadie loved every minute of the hike except for the random stops to check her for ticks.
I’m pretty sure that’s Sadie’s “hurry the heck up” face.
The ticks are really bad right now and during and after every hike, Sadie gets a full pat down.
After our hike, we were ready for showers and lunch.
Lunch included roasted Brussels sprouts paired with sautéed peppers, onions and al fresco chipotle chorizo sausage.
The sausage did a great job of seasoning the peppers and onions so no extra spices were needed.
On the side Ryan and I split a a toasted honey wheat Thomas’ bagel topped with Smart Balance and a bit of honey.
All Over Ocala
After lunch, it was errand time.
When Ryan suggested beginning our errands with a quick stop at Starbucks, I was completely on board.
Our errands took us all over Ocala, first dropping unwanted clothes, books and accessories off at Goodwill before browsing around in search of red, white and blue apparel to wear on the self-imposed America-themed formal night of our upcoming cruise with our friends.
Sadly Goodwill didn’t have anything to offer, but Hobby Lobby did!
They are already decked out for the Fourth of July which was a great thing for us!
I didn’t end up buying this crown, but it sure is a fancy little number, huh?
I bought some fabric and a few other trinkets and we headed on our way.
Our final errand took us to DSW where I stumbled upon these babies:
No, I didn’t get them, but does anyone else remember jellies?
Perhaps this will refresh your memory:
Ryan looked at me like I was a nut job when I yelled out “JELLIES!” in the middle of the store, but as a child of the ‘80s, I was pretty psyched to see jellies apparently making a comeback… at least according to Steve Madden.
If only we were doing an ‘80s-themed formal night on our cruise, I would’ve been set.
On our way home from all the errand-running, Ryan and I spent a solid 20 minutes debating different dinner options. I said pizza. He said Cuban food. I said homemade pizza. He said Chinese food.
Mmm. Chinese food!
Once we settled on a cuisine, we stopped by a local take-out place and ordered General Tso’s chicken and steamed vegetables with rice to share.
Of course the food came with fortune cookies.
Hope your Saturday is treatin’ you quite nice.
I’ll see you folks in the morning!
Chinese food sounds incredible right now!
And I totally sported jellies!
We’re doing pizza tonight and I can’t wait! I’m on PST time so it’s only 3:45 here and I have to make it all the way till 7! PS I love Sadie.
JELLIES! I remember thinking that such a classic look would never go out of style… I had a rainbow of colors chillin’ in my closet at home. Great with jean overall shorts and a side ponytail 😉
I remember loving Jellies!!! 🙂
I do love your gold sandals, too! Where did you get them?!?
Oh heck yes, jellies were AWESOME! Minus the blisters…haha
Classy shoes, always.
oh gosh, that chinese looks so good! and I used to love jellies, i think it’s so weird they are “in”! Even Jcrew is carrying them!
I saw those jellies at DSW yesterday too, and I was cracking up! haha!
I had jellies with heels! I was so COOL!
Jellies!!!!! I had the turquoise ones! They made your feet stink though, that was their downfall.
haha – I did the SAME thing at a store yesterday (that’s similar to DSW), couldn’t believe that they’re trying to make a come back! I loved those things when I was younger
Haha, Hobby Lobby always gets their themed decorations out SUPER early! I do love that store – I could browse for hours, I think. Oh man, I definitely had that exact pair of jellies growing up. Wonder if they’ll actually make a comeback!
I love Hobby Lobby!! You can get so many things for so cheap there!
The Chinese food looks delicious! We had such tonight … followed by frozen yogurt. Doesn’t get much better than that! 😉
JELLIES!! I loved them! When I was like 8 I lost one in a creek and it was absolutely tragic.
Wow I just commented and then realized the comment above me said almost the same thing! We both suffered quite the tragedy for an 8 year old!
baha! too funny! ah yes, the things that seem tragic to an 8 year old… 😉
Omg I LOVED my jellies! I wore my favorite sparkly blue pair when I went rafting and one shoe fell off when we went over some rapids. I think I cried the whole way home!
We dined on Chinese as well tonight. We have an amazing Chinese/Malaysian restaurant 15 min. from home. Yummy!
I am also a child of the 80’s (and I was born in the 70’s) so jellies were part of my childhood. Loved them.
What a fun day, Julie! I can’t wait to see what you get for a red, white, and blue costume. I feel like it’s going to be epic.
Umm…jellies rocked my world. Definitely owned pink AND purple ones.
Jellies! I rocked a pink pair (even though I was a 90s kid), actually I think they’re still hiding in the back of my closet somewhere. I remember running around at recess my feet would get super sweaty and slide all around in them. They also had that perpetual nasty plastic smell that never went away no matter how many times you wore them.
But they sure did look cool!
Jellies!!!! I loved mine so much that I remember I actually slept in them one night because I was so excited to wear them to school. I even remember the smell of them (which I fondly remember now but I bet wasn’t that great).
omgsh! Haha, I remember how popular those were, and how expensive they were back then too~at least in Argentina (where I grew up). 😛 And that’s smart to check Sadie after the hikes! Ticks are one of my “fears”, lol.
OMG i may have to go buy them NOW!! I had 3 pairs, clear, purple and sparkly pink! saaaweet
HA! Ive had those Steve Madden jellies for 2 years and I LOVE them. When I bought them I was totally brought back to my kiddo days.
I used to love jellies and owned several pairs but I won’t lie, the idea of wearing them now makes me cringe!
I have THE CUTEST jellies from JCrew from last summer.. I can’t find them on google though, and I’ve never seen anyone where them ever!! They are peep toe flats that are clear but you cant really tell because they are packed with gold glitter. They are soo comfy and adorable!
Ohhh my god. If jellies make a comeback I think I will die of joy.
I remember jellies and all their pretty colors!
Jellies! Yay! Except those would hurt. Can’t wait to see your prom outfit!
Sounds like the perfect Saturday!!! Make sure you and Ryan check yourselves for ticks too… They can carry all sorts of diseases!
I ROCKED Jellies! I even had the platform jellies when I was a teenager. 🙂
Jelly sandals!!! I never actually had a pair but my little niece who’s 3 has a peppa pig pair at the moment! There still knocking about in Ireland 🙂
uggh, tick season is the worst. My mom always made up tuck our jeans into our socks when we were kids to help keep ticks away. We looked awesome, let me tell you.
And am I the only person that hated jellies?! They always gave me the worst blisters and dirt would get in them and leave these really funky dirt patterns on my feet.
uggh, tick season is the worst. My mom always made my brother and I tuck our jeans into our socks when we were kids to help keep ticks away. We looked awesome, let me tell you.
And am I the only person that hated jellies?! They always gave me the worst blisters and dirt would get in them and leave these really funky dirt patterns on my feet.
I was just thinking that I could go for some Chinese food. I don’t LOVE it, but every now & then I get a craving for it!
I love jellies! I feel like I see them pop up in a more “modern” form every now & then!
I would wear Jellies everyday all day… I did not care that they made my feet bleed, I LOVED them. hahah
I totally have the jellies that you tried on. My husband thinks I’m nuts for buying them, but I don’t care! I wore jellies for as long as I could find them in my size 🙂
Do you use preventative flea and tick treatments on Sadie such as Frontline or anything like that? I just bought some from my vet but questioning how safe these products are.
we do! i can’t remember what the name of it is, but sadie is on medication for heart worms and fleas/ticks.
Hi Julie,
I love your black shorts, where are they from?
thanks! they’re actually navy blue and they’re from j.crew. 🙂
I can’t believe Jelly shoes come in adult sizes! Makes my day!
Jellies! I remember wanting a pair of jellies so bad when I was little and my mom said I couldn’t have them because I would hurt my feet when I played outside. Eventually she gave in and got me some. Not two weeks after having them I was playing outside in my jellies, I tripped and fell and scraped my toenail off! As I sat there crying my little eyes out, my mom was across the yard with her arms crossed giving me her “I told you so look”. No more jellies for me 🙁
Wow, I don’t think I would ever have thought of jellies in my life again if I hadn’t read this post 😛 I loved those growing up!!
I saw some at Fred Meyer yesterday. I had to try them on, lol. I was shocked at how uncomfortable they were. Why did I live in those as a kid?
JELLIES!!! I haven’t heard that in years~ They were the best. I had a pair in every color. I may need to go find some for myself this summer!
Julie, I love your outfit. I see u got the navy blue shorts from J crew. Where did you get the tops u layered.
Makeup vlog PLEASE!!!!! You always look so nice and natural.
thanks amy!! 🙂 i got the tank top from forever 21 and the cropped shirt overtop it is by pink rose and i got it at tjmaxx.
Hey Julie!
How do you decide what to order when you go out to restaurants? Do you have any tips on how to decipher “healthy” options?
hey sarah! when i go out to eat, i look for items that are grilled or those that come with a side of vegetables (or i’ll request veggies in place of another side). i try to avoid heavy sauces for the most part (i genuinely prefer marinara anyway!). sometimes i’ll order a more indulgent dish and try just remember to keep my portions in check.
Hi, Julie! Where did you get your cute gold shoes that you have on in the pic?
hi katie! they’re dolce vita and i got them through
I’m a 90’s child, and I grew up wearing jellies! I remember loving them despite the fact that they gave me terrible blisters!!!
Oh no, they are not coming back in style. Yikes! I remember when I was younger and they were popular, I bought a pair and they used to give me the worst blisters and I was so jealous of my friends who could wear them without foot pain haha oh man
Loved my jellies, but hated when rocks got stuck in them! lol
OMG Jellies!!
I think I’m feeling nostalgic for pink sparkly ones!! 😀