Today was a different story. I wanted jelly. Real jelly!
Though I prefer strawberries and strawberry-flavored treats to grapes and grape-flavored goodies, I’ve always been a grape jelly kind of girl.
When our friend Ross came into town Wednesday night, he brought a jar of Polaner all fruit with fiber blueberry jelly with him. Though I think the company technically calls the jelly “spreadable fruit,” let’s be real and call it what it is. 😉
The blueberry goodness looked an awful lot like grape jelly which immediately intrigued me. Plus, I liked how the label said it was “sweetened only with fruit juice.”
After spreading one half of an Arnold sandwich thin with the blueberry spread and the other half with a heaping spoonful of peanut butter, I was ready to dig in!
Since a lil’ pb & j wouldn’t be enough to tide me over, I used a big spoonful of the blueberry jelly to sweeten up a cup of Chobani Greek yogurt to enjoy on the side.
I also enjoyed a tumbler full of free Barnie’s French vanilla coffee that I snagged from my gym this morning.
I love the slight hint of caramel in Barnie’s French vanilla coffee. It adds a hint of sweetness that I just adore.
This breakfast was a great way to refuel after a decent workout!
Today I took my usual Friday morning BodyPump class. We did an older release that included the song “Meet Her at the Love Parade” by DJ Aligator. I was really feelin’ that song! My shoulders were burnin’ while the music was blasting and I loved it!
I really do like strength training a lot more than cardio. I often find cardio monotonous and enjoy the muscle burn and the variety that comes with strength training. My former cardio queen self would be shocked by this statement! 🙂
Alright, kiddos, it’s time to work! See ya fo’ lunch!
Question of the Morning
Strawberry jelly or grape jelly… or a different kind altogether?
For me it’s grape all the way… though I was a total freak growing up and loved mint jelly on my pb & js. 🙂
Strawberry! Or better yet, blueberry…yummmm…
You should do a Barney’s coffee giveaway for us non-Floridians 😉
Happy Friday!
STRAWBERRY all the way! i love the tart sweet amazingness!
Maybe it’s a non-Canadian thing … but I never had grape jelly in my life … sounds kinda weird to me 🙂
I’ve tried Polaner’s apricot flavor and it’s delicious! Blueberry looks good too!
I’ve never heard of mint jelly… crazy!
My favorite is Red Raspberry Jam by Smuckers… quite possibly straight sugar, but SO tasty!! 🙂
Grape jelly! I also LOVE blackberry, yum! Nothing’s as good as a good ole’ PB & jelly, no fruit can replace the goodness of jelly, ever 😉
Enjoy your day! Glad you had an awesome start to your Friday already!!
Yummmy! Now I’m craving some pb&j…which really isn’t too odd of an occurence! I actually love blackberry jam with my peanut butter! Mmmm!
Have a lovely day 🙂
Grape jelly on PB&J fo sho! But it’s weird, if I’m having just regular toast (or sometimes I like to mix with cottage cheese, is that weird?!!) I like–scratch that–LOVE Polaners Strawberry. I could eat a jar by the spoonful
Grape is great!
Not so sure about that mint-jelly on a PB&J, but I won’t knock it. haha.
Growing up we always had apple jelly in the fridge.
And I am also a strength training junkie. I love being in a group setting too – really pumps you up!
Any berry flavor would be my choice. But when I want to get wild I would ditch the jelly altogether in favor of a fluffernutter. How can you not love creamy marshmellow and crunchy pb? Its been years since I’ve had one. I might need to indulge my inner child with one soon!
It’s highly likely that I’d died without pb & j! 🙂 Strawberry jelly for me!! And perferably chunky J.
Raspberry jelly all the way!!! 😉
Mint!? Weird, I’ve never even herd of that!! I love Raspberry Jam and PB! And usually when a sliced Banana in there, but that’s for special uber treat days!
I came across your blog through another and love it! You’re gorgeous btw! Have a lovely day : )
For PB&J, it’s definitely grape jelly. But on toast or in oatmeal: STRAWBERRY PRESERVES! I can eat that stuff out of the jar.
I tried the all fruit with fiber a while ago, and it tasted weird. : /
Glad someone else likes strength training. On these blogs it’s difficult to find people who aren’t running 24/7.
I actually prefer apricot, but if I chose between the two, I’d go with strawberry. I find grape-flavored things to be kind of overwhelming, but that might be because I grew up with artificially flavored grape jelly instead of the stuff made with real fruit!
boysenberry for sure! i love all of the seeds in it 😉
Strawberry jelly w/ seeds. HAS to have seeds! Love the texture. And it has to be all-fruit, like Polaner or Trader Joe’s
I actually prefer raspberry to most kinds 🙂 I did get strawberry-rhubarb at the Farners Market the other day and it’s to die for!
I would have to say a combo of both… field berry jelly! It is wonderful and os naturally sweet. I love it with my oatmeal as a sort of PB+J oatmeal parfait.
I love the Sarabeth’s mixed berry jelly we have at home right now! NOM.
I’m an anything but grape kind of gal!
not that i will turn down grape, it’s just a last resort usually!
I really like Apricot jelly!
Mmmmm, I love ALL jelly, but raspberry is the fave! 🙂
For PB&J it HAS to be grape jelly! But for toast I love strawberry jam, or orange marmalade or black currant jam AH! so good.
I’m a jam girl, and only strawberry. Strawberry is the best!!
Strawberry all the way! I haven’t had strawberry jelly in foreverrrr. Sorry about the jerky comments you’re dealing with.
thanks! it’s just that one silly commenter. i’m about to send sadie in to bite her face. 🙂
strawberry! Raspberry is so good too…
I grew up with grape, but I like strawberry better. by the way, I just made the tilapia recipe you posted the other day and blogged about it. I loved it!
Grape jelly all the way!! Although I am quite fond of peanut butter + apple butter during the fall 🙂
I’ve been a cardio queen forever too, but having recently discovered the awesomeness of strength training I think I may be liking it better too! For the same reasons you brought up: I love that burn, and it can be way more interesting.
My jam preference: raspberry or apricot. (I liked mint jelly as a kid too – sooo weird 🙂 )
I’m all about the blackberry jelly!
I’m still a pretty dedicated cardio queen, but I’m hoping that one day this strength training bug will hit me. I know how good it is for me and how much it would improve my running, but I just can’t seem to get into it!
I love both grape and strawberry jelly but I think grape wins!
I recently just started to love strength training more and more. I’ve been really getting in to it more in the past couple months and I can’t believe how much it’s changed my body! I still love cardio but now I have a nice balance of both.
raspberry or strawberry yummy!
I love jam – gotta have those chunks : )
My favorite is from a local berry farm and they call it FROG Jam. It is fig, raspberry, orange and ginger – it is amazing – you almost have to chew it. So so so good!
I have never heard of mint jelly, but every time I go to my grandparents house they have homemade pear jelly. It’s to die for!!!!
that sounds great! i love pear yogurt and pear desserts so i bet i would love this.
I’m a grape jelly girl but I try all kinds.
jaboticaba!—i just recently discovered this one, it is SO good!
I love strawberry jelly, but lately I’ve been a jelly snob and only bought Crofter’s superfood- it’s amazing!
Ah, it’s still dark out after your workout!
haha i was in a parking garage. it was light out, don’t worry!
I love all the Polaner fruit spreads I have tried. Seedless raspberry, strawberry, and grape are my favs! 🙂 Everytime I see PB&J I want one, lol.
I am a raspberry girl all the way! I try to stay away from PB&Js because I am deathly afraid of peanut butter, but with the sammich thins, they don’t seem all that bad!
Hi there!
Just wanted to say I love your blog and it’s very inspiring to me on how to live and eat healthy! As I currently live in Hong Kong, it’s not easy for me to find all the great American healthy products, like the sandwich thins or whole wheat this and that (if I DO find it, it’s very pricey!)… anyway, I wanted to ask you what the sandwich thins are, and do u think pita bread would be a good substitute for it?
Keep up the great work!
Miss Fong
thank you! sandwich thins are like really thin, doughy hamburger buncs. you can definitely use pita bread in place of them, but they are a little thicker than pita bread.
Mint jelly sounds weird! Although, I liked apple jelly when I was younger. Now I like strawberry or honey with my peanut butter-yum!
I’m more of a raspberry preserves girl 🙂 , but your CHO and jelly combo looks delicious!
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Chobani Greek Yogurt