A three day rest from the gym definitely rejuvenated my workout mojo.
I was more than ready to get back in the gym this morning after a weekend filled with wedding cake, champagne, wine and cheesecake. While those are all wonderful things, they are things that leave me feeling a bit sluggish when enjoyed in large amounts back-to-back.
BodyPump got my heart rate up and my muscles burning and made me feel like my old self again. It’s amazing what a good workout can do for your mind.
I really do think I workout just as much for my mind and personal sanity as I do for my body. After a few days away from the gym or lots of physical activity, I start to feel antsy and almost cranky. My body likes to move and sweat.
It feels good to be back!
After my workout, I took Sadie on a walk around the lake near our apartment. She was acting a bit sluggish this morning.
I think she’s still recovering from a fun weekend at home with my family. She loves staying at my parents’ house with my mom, dad and sister because she gets lots of attention. Such a spoiled little girl.
After our walk, I came home and made myself breakfast.
The return of my favorite bagelwich!
Jelly + Cheese is the Way to Be
A small bowl of salted mixed nuts was also enjoyed on the side.
RueLaLa Giveaway Winner
I’m so glad you guys were as excited as I was about the RueLaLa giveaway! I love that site and I hope those of you who just discovered it find some amazing deals.
The winner of Friday’s RueLaLa giveaway is…
Congratulations! Please email me at pbfingers@gmail.com with the email address connected to your RueLaLa account so we may credit your account with $50!
Of Possible Interest
- The Fashion page was updated!
- My latest freelance piece for Shape Magazine: 10 New Ways to Eat Oatmeal (Shape.com)
- Learn more about The Great Fundraising Act to help raise money for Susan, an amazingly talented blogger and personal trainer who was recently diagnosed with lymphoma (mealsandmovesblog.com)
- What to Eat When (and Before) Working Out (FitSugar.com)
When Ginger comes home from my parents she sleeps for like 2 days straight. Seriously. They have 3 dogs themselves so it’s like she’s died and gone to heaven when she’s there.
Wow I never would have thought to pair cheese and jelly but it actually looks really good! I did eggs and jam for the first time this year and I couldn’t believe I’d waited so long to do it!
Loved your Shape article by the way! I read it earlier and thought it was so clever (and yummy!)
I love a good workout after a weekend of indulgences… then again, all my weekends are full of fun splurges!
Thank so much for that article on what to eat before you work out. During my last workout, I felt absolutely drained and had a clue that it might be from my diet, but didn’t know how to fix it! Thanks again!
Love Shape and love oatmeal so looking forward to reading that piece! 🙂
I’m also happy to get back to my healthy routine after a break from it – I miss exercise and good food more than I would expect!
Mmm I haven’t had nuts in so long. They look delicious!
I love getting a good workout in after a weekend with a few too many drinks — it really helps clear my head! I agree with you about working out for mental clarity and sanity as much as health and fitness.
I agree, working out really helps maintain sanity! And the endorphins don’t hurt either. 😉
Congrats to Katie! And I agree, a workout is often THE BEST fix after a weekend of indulgences. I’m glad you had a good time though. The photos from the wedding were beautiful!
I can’t wait until my workout today! (whoa, never thought I’d hear those words come out of my mouth!) But really, I tend to indulge more on the weekends and love starting the week out right with a workout!
Kath does this too, I’ve never tried it but I guess I should give it a go!
I’m so glad to see someone else likes the cheese with jelly combo because everyone that saw me eat that thought I was disgusting:)
I swear, the only times I’m ever sad that I cannot eat cheese are when you post this bagelwich. It looks SO good!
Just a few days ago I tried raspberry jam on a whole wheat English muffin toasted with a sprinkle of goat cheese – it was SO good. I had never thought of putting jam and cheese together but you inspired me to do so. I could eat it for dessert, it’s that good! Danka 🙂
And I know EXACTLY how you feel about getting in a good workout after missing it a few days. It really does wear on your mind just as much, if not more than, your body. I certainly workout for my mind as much as my body. Healthy minds are just as important!
So excited to read your shape contribution! I also need to try the cheese and jelly combo.. you have me sold on it.
You looks so beautiful in your bridesmaid dress! I am glad you had a good time 🙂 Also, I miss following your exercise log. Is there any chance that it is coming back?
i’m updating it right now!! it will be up today! 🙂
Sometimes I feel so guilty when I don’t get to the gym for 3 days, or the like, but once I’m back all the energy and motivation I have to workout makes the break worth it. When I go to the gym every single day, I forgot what it feels like to actually enjoy and look foreword to my workout. So, I’ve become a big supporter of little breaks here and there to try and keep from burning out!
I took a couple of days off as well (with indulging over the weekend) and i was able to run my 4 miles in this HOT heat and complete an on demand video! Breaks are so important 🙂
Welcome home, Julie! I totally agree with you – working out is not just beneficial for your body but also for mind aswell, to a huge degree. I love those happy hormones and feel-good feelings you get from a great workout, getting your heart pumping and your muscles working. Unmatchable 🙂 Congratulations on your new article for Shape magazine, that’s absolutely awesome! I’m gonna head over there to check it out….love me some oatmeal ideas! 🙂 Man…salted nuts…so good…we got a massive container of roasted salted almonds from Costco and they are soso moreish! 😛 xyx
Chloe is totally the same way. a weekend at home with opa and gigi equals so much more attention… and swimming!
Thanks for sharing rue la la..it might get me in trouble though=/
This is going to sound bizarro, but pepperjack cheese and apple jelly is AMAZE. For real. AMAZE.
I’m the same way, Julie. Take me away from working out for more than a few days, and I start to climb the walls! I need my sweat session ; )
PS. Have you ever been on Pinterest? I was on there last night, and Ryan’s and your wedding pic (the one you took before the ceremony—around the door frame) was on there! I was like “WOAH! That’s Julie!”
Haha so random, but thought you’d appreciate it!
Great freelance project! 😀
I definitely love getting back into a workout routine….I always feel so much more energized!
Oh I loved your freelance post! The salmon burgers area really creative use for granola! And aw Sadie is so cute, even when she’s tired! I love the idea of these cheese and jam sandwiches- do you use a toaster oven to get the cheese to melt?
Love that freelance post of yours!
Yes I feel the same way, I hardly can spend a day without working out, it’s become a habit, so addictive!
Love your drop-down menus! And I feel the same way about working out- after a few days off I can’t wait to get back to it. Can’t wait to visit your lovely state later this week 🙂
I love cheese and jam together. SO yumm.
BodyPUMP is the way to be! I gave a review of BodyPUMP release 78 on my site today, if you wanna check it out, fellow bodypump lover 🙂 :http://www.enjoyyourhealthylife.com/2011/07/11/bodypump-release-78-review/
That looks yummy! What kind of cheese do you use?
yum — I love raspberry jam + sharp white cheddar.
Julie — how did you get a job writing for Shape Magazine!?!? 🙂
Just read this quote and thought you might enjoy it too : When the body is strong, the mind thinks strong thoughts. – Henry Rollins
Ooh is your dog a vizsla?? One of my absolute favorite breeds, and definitely a motivator for a healthy lifestyle! Love from runningwithmascara.com
Thanks for reppin’ the auction! Mwah!
I hear you on the exercise and sanity/feeling healthy. When my friend and I ran a half marathon last year her bf made us t-shirts that said “Running keeps me sane” – it was pretty fun and kina true!