Ask and you shall receive!
Today I made sure to bring my camera to the gym and told Ryan to get psyched because I needed to capture one of his box jumps on video to share with you guys.
Heeere ya go!
(Click here to see the video on YouTube if the imbedded video isn’t working for you.)
Every time I see him do one of those box jumps, I hold my breath and get awfully nervous. The boxes are sturdy, but I freak out about jumping onto a box that comes up to my knees. Ryan swears that jumping that high is 99 percent mental and I am 99 percent mentally convinced it’s impossible for me.
Though box jumps didn’t make it into my workout today, I managed to complete a pretty stellar circuit workout that focused on lower body exercises with lots of jump roping thrown into the mix.
All the jump ropin’ kept my heart rate up and I enjoyed the mix of cardio and leg exercises. Though you can definitely do this circuit without any weights, I used the following weights for the first three exercises:
- Squats: 95 lbs.
- Stationary Lunges: 40 lb. bar
- Bridges: 25 lbs.
It was a good one!
On our way home, Ryan once again wanted his favorite hot cakes from McDonald’s, so I got an iced coffee to sip on as I prepared my morning meal.
I copied last Saturday’s breakfast and made a batch of Paleo oatmeal (adding an extra egg white and another half of a banana to Joelle’s recipe) and ate it along with a cup of key lime pie Greek yogurt.
I hope your Saturday is off to a fantastic start!
OMG!! I can barely do box jumps 1 foot off the ground! haha that is incredible! And that makes me nervous watching it too!
Oh man i Held my breath too!! That’s crazy!
CRAZY high! 🙂 I wouldn’t be able to watch my husband do that!
Ryan’s box jumps are crazy!
I’m with you, I don’t think there’s any way I could jump that high.
It’s not! that’s why its a little scarier! they are just stacked on top of each other
At first it looks like the box on top is not connected. Man…good job.
Holy jumping jellybeans! That was nuts!
Showed my husband the pict from last week, and he was talking about it, now he just watched the video and believes! Lol, though I think you might make me hold my breath because Dan will practice until he can get that high. lol. Great job Ryan!
That is awesome!! Btw, I’ve been following you for a while but never watched one of your videos. Your voice is so different than I imagined lol! Not bad, just not what I thought you’d sound like! Hope you guys have a great weekend!
ha! i always feel that way when i hear bloggers talk for the first time.
It’s like seeing a dj’s face…not that your voice has a “face for radio” though.
Omg my husband does those too and it scares the crap out of me!
Um wow. That is craziness! No way I would ever attempt that!
Box jumps are SO mental. I once had a trainer tell me that when he has someone who is afraid of box jumps, he first has them step up on the box and jump down. He says our brains fear falling down not jumping up, so by having them jump down first they feel more at ease. I thought that was pretty interesting.
Wow, that’s crazy! How awesome!
Random Question – do you get anything added in your iced coffee when you order? Or do you just add stuff when you get home? I’ve ordered a iced vanilla coffee from McD’s before but it ended up being wayy too sweet, I felt like I was drinking syrup. ick! haha
i usually just add vanilla almond milk to it when i get home b/c that’s what i usually add to my coffee and mcdonald’s doesn’t offer almond milk. if we’re out and about and won’t be coming home, i’ll just get it with skim milk. 🙂
great to know! thanks 🙂
Wow!!! That’s impressive. The whole time I was watching it I was like, “Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no… woahhhhhh!”
That video rocks!!! I had a hard time believing the photo . . . but that’s AMAZING. And I’m with you: I’m 99% positive I couldn’t do it. lol.
yea I’m pretty sure it’s impossible for me too hahaha especially since those boxes are probably taller than me haha that workout looks great! I think I”ll give it a try 🙂
I added box jumps to my workout a few months ago. He’s right.. It’s ALL mental. I went to the high box recently, and had my friend hold my hand at first to see if I could make it. Have Ryan do the same to you on a Medium box.. I promise, you could do it. I’m 5’6 and I think you said you were taller, so you could DEF do it!
WOW!! Bryan is good!!! 🙂 nicely done!! mine are the babies of that jump!! hahahaha….and just so you know, sorry you didn’t go to your friend’s bachelorette party! bummer! and I was soooo happy to know you would land in Tx probably for a few hours! Since I live in Dallas, I would’ve loved to meet you guys and have the chance to grab a bite with you if possible!!..Great weekend and good workout BTW!! 🙂
I’m 5′ 4″ definitely higher than me 🙂
That is mindblowing…. that’s probably taller than me (I’m 5’5) !
Woo! Go Ryan! Watching him do that, I get the 99% mental thing, because if you don’t think you can do it, your body will probably follow suit. That’s pretty awesome, though. I’d love to be able to do super high jumps!
WHOA that is flippin impressive! Box jumps scare me too. That looks like a great circuit workout!!
hahahaha I am pretty sure that it’s 150% not possible for me! I definitely would freak out at a box my knee height, and I agree that’s mental, but that box is insane! Awesome job Ryan!!!
Absolutely awesome box jumps!! Did y get the awesome McDonald’s coups that were out bout 1 week ago? E
Clearly white men can jump 😉
He makes it so stinkin’ easy!! Love your circuit workouts. They keep gym time interesting.
Amazing! How does Ryan like those shoes too? Do you wear them by chance? I keep seeing more and more of them.
Oh man, I love the Dannon Key Lime greek yogurt. All I need is a graham cracker and I feel like I’m seriously eating pie. Delicious.
Holy crap–that is a HIGH box jump! NICE work, Ryan!
That circuit sounds way fun–i love keeping my heart rate up throughout weights too 😉
That box jump was super impressive. No way could I ever do that.
Whoaaaa he makes it look really easy~~~I can see why it’d be 99% mental, but….I’m 5’1″ ish, and I don’t think that’s possible for me either. haha!
I’ve said it before — Ryan = Clark Kent = Superman leaping tall buildings in a single bound. That’s insanely crazy!! And lookes so effortless!
He certainly earned those McD’s hot cakes this morning! 🙂
Crazy jumping skills! 😀
As for jump rope circuts-I always complain and everyone makes fun of me. I have NO coordination when it comes to jump rope. 😛
Moses that’s a pretty Hugh box jump. We did our “max” height wise for box jumps LAST summer at CrossFit, he would’ve owned it!!! Hahaha
Hahahah auto correct….Hugh meant high. Oops
Hmm… if it’s mental then I’m REALLY limiting myself I guess haha. I’m athletic, but I can’t/don’t jump worth crap. I remember spending an entire track practice (and then some) just trying to make it to the pit in long jump. For that whole season my “Word of the Day” was “Scraaattccchhh!!” Mental or not, those box jumps are serious accomplishments in my book!
Your voice is totally not what I expected but I love it! It reminds me of elementary school teachers (encouraging and heartwarming). luvvvvvv!
Ha! I am sure he is right, it is 99% mental and I with you…my majority mental says no way.
That was crazy! I am totally impressed.
Wow! That is incredible! Ryan def has some PBF fans when it comes to his jumping skillz. I am with you…if I was meant to jump I would be a kangaroo lol
Hey Julie, just wondering- when you make things with egg whites, what do you do with the yolks?
Omg that is so crazy to see! And he makes it look so easy!
How tall are those boxes?????
How good is McD’s iced coffee?! Can’t say I approve of much else on the menu…but this is one item I love to stop by for!
Ah that box jump is crazy! I’d be terrified to even try a little one!
Wow. Just… Wow. I thought you were kidding when you posted that picture! I thought maybe he had climbed up there. That’s incredible! And a little scary!
Thanks for another circuit workout, Julie! I’m really enjoying all the new ones you keep giving us! I’m always on the look out for ones that combine cardio with sculpt. I prefer sculpting workouts, but I love getting the heart rate up, too!
Holy crap! He makes that look like the easiest thing in the world. Wow…yeah, my heart would skip a beat if my husband tried that!
Attempt??? That is a bona fide success! Holy macaroni!
the jump rope circuit looks doo-able for me… how often should I do it? two, three times a week? just curious.. thanks!
not sure that’s safe to do with the two boxes on top of each other…
Seriously, I can’t believe only ONE person has commented this! This is NOT safe. The top box clearly MOVES when he lands on it. I think it is irresponsible to show this on your blog and act like it’s a great/impressive thing. What if that top box were to slide right off? If Ryan didn’t make it all the way to the top and his feet caught the top box, he could end up severly injured. Has that not occurred to you? It’s not about pushing past mental fear or whatever…that is just a blatantly unsafe thing to do.
chill out dude
Looks like he knows what he is doing.
That is an amazing jump!!!
That is insane! Go Ryan!