First things first, are you ready for some jammin’ workout music? As promised, here is my latest workout playlist. Like always, it’s full of upbeat, fun and totally girly music.
That’s just how I roll.
- Basshunter – All I Ever Wanted
- Alice Deejay – Better Off Alone
- Lady GaGa – Born This Way
- Katy Perry – Firework
- Culture Beat – Mr. Vain (<– Great throwback song!)
- Wicked Soundtrack – Defying Gravity
- Adele – Rolling in the Deep
- Chris Brown – Yeah 3x
- Destiny’s Child – No, No, No
- Basshunter – Now You’re Gone (<– One of my all-time fav BodyPump songs)
- Legally Blonde the Musical – What You Want
- Next – Too Close (<– Wildly inappropriate and wildly wonderful)
- Shai – If I Ever Fall In Love
- Wicked Soundtrack – Popular
Thank you so much to those of you who recommended some of the above songs on the PBF Facebook page!
Tonight’s dinner was pretty in depth! I figured that by making a frittata, dinner would be ready in a flash. I guess I didn’t take into account all the steps that go into making this eggy dish.
First, there’s chopping vegetables. (Poor Ryan cut his finger slicing an onion.) Then there’s blanching kale. Then boiling sweet potatoes. Then sautéing vegetables. Then, finally, baking the frittata.
Sautéing the kale, onion, mushrooms and garlic made our apartment smell fantastic!
After finally getting all the veggies into the skillet, it was time to add the eggs and place the whole mixture in the oven to solidify.
Within 10 minutes of placing the frittata in the oven, dinner was ready!
Between the two of us, Ryan and I polished off the frittata and both went back for seconds.
We both agreed that all the effort was worth it. This frittata was seriously so, so good. I think it would be great for breakfast or brunch as well.
Time to watch the last hour of The Bachelor! If Brad says “My God” one more time, I may throw something at our television.
See ya in the morning, friends!
Kale and Sweet Potato Frittata (adapted from
Serves 4 (or 2 really hungry people)
- 1 yellow, chopped
- 10 oz. kale, trimmed, blanched 3 minutes in boiling water, drained, squeezed and coarsely chopped
- 1 large sweet potato, chopped and boiled
- 3/4 c. chopped portobello mushrooms
- 2 garlic cloves, chopped
- 2 whole eggs
- 4 egg whites
- 1/2 tsp. paprika
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- Heat oven to 400°.
- In a medium cast-iron skillet coated with cooking spray, cook yellow onion over medium heat, stirring, 5 minutes. Add kale, garlic and mushroom; stir 5 minutes. Add sweet potatoes.
- Whisk eggs, egg whites, 2 tbsp. water and paprika in a bowl; stir into kale-potato mixture. Cook over medium-low heat 1 minute.
- Transfer skillet to oven; bake until eggs are set and center is slightly runny, 8 – 10 minutes. Broil until top is golden, 1 minute.
haha he does say “my god” a lot! Emily is too damn cute and so is he. Love them.
I love Rolling In The Deep and Basshunter. Definitely heart-pumping songs.
Legally Blond the musical? I didn’t know that existed! Ha!
The frittata looks great — sometimes when dinner is a hassle it really pays off — I think it looks great!
your frittata looks amazing!! I just watched “Morning Glory” and there is a special frittata segment. You should check it out!! 🙂
I love you oldie-but-goodie songs! 90s music was too good to forget. 🙂
Woohoo for Culture Beat! Another one of theirs that is an AWESOME workout throwback is Inside Out. Classic!
I can’t agree more on the Brad comment…he is killing me! Annnnd he was just a complete disaster with Emily…wow!!!
AH I KNOW! He freaked out over the first person who actually challenged him! Ryan was like “Oh no, Emily said something that threw off Brad’s perfectly planned speech. What will his little brain DO!?”
hahahaha! He totally has this whole speech for Chantel planned and practiced as well…and can he not say he has stronger feelings for “somebody else”?! Obviously she knows it’s Emily!
Great playlist! Do you like Britney’s new song (Till The World Ends)? It’s so good!
I’m in love with that jam, Maryann!
What a great recipe! It definitely sounds like a winner. I also love your music choices-I am always looking for new music to workout to so thanks for posting!!
Another line that I’ve noticed that Brad says ALL the time is “I really do.” Like if he likes something, he’ll say: “I like it, I really do.” or “I had a great time, I really did.” or “Emily is an amazing woman, she really is.” It’s starting to annoy me a lot.
Anyway, your frittata looks delicious!
Also, if you like girly upbeat you should try Hoku – Prefect Day (from the Legally Blonde soundtrack). One of my fav upbeat workout songs, you may already know it!!!!
Yessss. I’ve noticed that, too! So irritating!
And I have that song on my iPod, too. 🙂
I’ve never made a frittata recipe before, but I need to try! Love the addition of kale – a great & tasty way to get those leafy greens.
I love a good frittata….but then I think about quiche, and the flaky buttery crust, and then I can’t decide which one I prefer.
Hey Julie – this is totally off topic, but I just wanted to send you a compliment on your blog! I think you have the most visually appealing blog I’ve seen. It’s easy to navigate and fun to read. Plus, you always mention wanting to improve your photography skills, but your pictures are hands down the best I’ve seen on any blog I visit. The color is always vibrant, you have a nice mix of pictures of food, yourself and Ryan and Sadie and other fun things.
Just wanted to let you know that I’ve always been impressed with this site! Plus, I love the regularity that you post. I could plan my weekdays by your updates!
Sounds like an excellent playlist! I would also recommend “Set Fire to the Rain” by Adele. Actually, I would just recommend Adele’s entire new album “21.” It’s fantastic!
oh gosh! i love your playlist! how fun!
I love Legally Blonde!! I definitely watched the show on MTV where they were selecting an Elle, lol. I love “So Much Better” 🙂
The frittata looks awesome! Definitely going to try out the recipe!
I’ve never watched the Bachelor… I feel like I’m probably missing out on something because everyone seems obsessed?!
Ohhhh that frittata looks fabulous- don’t you love it when dinner just comes together?! 🙂 great playlist too- I love “born this way”!
OMG Ryan- so robotic! I totally agree!
And I am so glad you picked up All I Ever Wanted. I suggested it on fb and was hoping you would get it. One of my all time favorite pump up songs. It is great for running and spin classes! I took your suggestion of Now You’re Gone by them and I love it!
I’m watching the “after the final rose” show and I’m dying. He anooyysss meeee! That fritatta looks bomb. I’m jealous!
I love adding new songs to my playlists. Lately, it’s been all about new Britney songs.
Hahahaha….I was thinking the same thing….”My god, Brad, think of a new exclamatory!”
I love the Shai song!!! It’s the best a cappella. 🙂
I love the Wicked tracks 🙂 Have you ever heard “My Strongest Suit” from Aida? It’s one of my workout favorites!
Looks tasty, but I always have to cook kale for a while to get rid of the bitter taste, at least 30 minutes or so. Did the kale retain the bitter flavor or was it cooked out by cooking in the oven?
omfg. Culture beat. you are my hero. i forgot about it.
The frittata looks really yummy! Just trying to figure out the “yellow” in your ingredient list–must be onion, right? Can’t wait to try it!
This frittata looks fantastic! Totally worth the effort. And your playlist is definitely inspiring me to create a new one. Awesome picks!
I have to chech out this songs, and download them. Need some good tunes.
🙂 Frittatas with sweet potato are awesome!
Kale and sweet potatoes are two of my favorite things in the universe! I have totally made a similar frittata before. I try to combine kale and sweet potatoes as often as I can!
YAY for frittatas! my mom would love this!
I’ve never made a frittata, but this makes me want to! Love all the veggies. YUM!
This is one great frittata recipe!! Thanks for sharing girl.
I live for sweet potatoes and eggs (and peanut butter and oats for that matter) so I will definetely be giving this a try! I may have to sub out the kale for spinach due to lack of availability of kale in Mumbai!
so glad I’m not the only Legally Blonde: The Musical enthusiast! 😉
I LOVE that you put a song from Legally Blonde The Musical! I absolutely love the soundtrack! It is such a good show!
I’ve never had a frittata before! This one has every ingredient that I really like. I love kale!
That looks so yummy! I love kale and sweet potatoes together.
I am suuuuch a sucker for anything with kale in it. This looks delish.
I love fun, upbeat, girly workout music 🙂
The frittata looks delicious!! I think I may need to make it tonight…thanks for sharing!!
I love that you have Wicked on your playlist. I saw it on Broadway when I visited New York and fell in LOVE with it! 🙂
hahah! I agree about Brad! Please give me an AMEN that the whole crew overuses the word “connection” one too many times! haha a lot of the things they keep saying as people is kinda irritating 😉
I’m so excited you included Mr. Vain! Such great memories attached to it. Guess what’s going on my playlist tonight?!! 😉 Oh, and that frittata looks AMAZING! If I didn’t have leftovers tonight (although they’re pretty darn good – soy-glazed fish, roasted sweet potatoes and a healthy side of kale chips), I’d be frittating it all up!
Yay for “Yeah 3X” by Chris Brown!! We’re using that as our “entrance” song at our wedding reception because I’m totally convinced that no one can hear it without wanting to fist pump (with both fists at the same time, might I add.)
Also, I would like to recommend that you download “Who Dat Girl” by Flo Rida for your workout playlist – it is a teeeensy bit ghetto, but is the perfect tempo for going warp speed on the elliptical! 🙂
I LOVE the new playlist! And the frittata looks ono!! Gonna hit up the farmer’s market in Kapaa this week and try to make this for me and the hubster. Thanks for sharing 🙂
That looks so yummy! My sister actually just bought a cast iron skillet, so I’m very tempted to try this out!
Great playlist!
OMG yessssss I love the Destiny’s Child throwback! Amazeballs.