Today began with another early shift at the gym. Ryan and I hung out for a while at our friend’s barbeque last night, so we didn’t get home until later than we initially planned. I didn’t get to sleep at a decent hour and when the alarm started buzzing at 4:20 a.m. I wanted to kick it and throw it out the window.
Instead, I turned it off and did my best to appear lively at work until I finally felt like I was really awake.
My shift went by fast and I had a good time taking two clients through a total body workout.
Workout + Lunch
Once I was done with work, I completed my own workout and followed the leg and core workout detailed in week two of Jess’ Summer Shape Up program. It was a good one! I am hoping to be able to continue Jess’ plan while I’m traveling this week and thankfully her workouts require minimal equipment and can typically be done in a hotel gym or hotel room.
With work and my workout done, I drove home and dug into a late lunch.
I made chicken salad and ate it with a cup of strawberry banana Greek yogurt topped with dried cranberries and two large carrots. (I wash my carrots but usually don’t peel them.)
We didn’t make it to the grocery store this weekend, so we didn’t have a ton of options, but I made it work.
With lunch out of the way, I turned my attention to wrapping up a freelance project. Speaking of freelance work, today, as I was flipping through the latest issue of The Training Edge (NASM’s magazine) at the gym, I saw one of my articles.
That never gets old!
Plans for the rest of the day include packing, putting the final touches on a project for my friend Michaela’s bachelorette party this weekend, typing up a blog post and dinner! I’m hoping to recreate the curried sweet potato salad I had on Saturday. Yum!
I’m a NASM certified trainer, but have never heard of their magazine. Hah. Good to know it exists… and it looks like it’s free! 😀
So cool that you’re in the magazine!! I take my NASM exam Thursday.. ahhh!
Good luck!!!
I get that magazine too! So cool one of your articles was in there. I didn’t see your name though? Do they not mention the authors?
I had planned on getting up early and walking before work this morning. But….after a long weekend out of town for my friend’s wedding, my alarm got snoozed an extra 40 minutes and I slept in! 😉 I guess I will be walking after work!
I was up at that time too this morning and I’m not a fan. I normally get up at 5:00 for the gym, but for some reason 4:30 just feels way earlier!
That’s awesome to see your work published! And I still can’t get over your crazy, early wake times. You go girl! 🙂
Which article was yours?
Sweet! Seeing your work published is the bomb. Way to go!
Your lunch looks fab–I love carrot sticks.
what do you mix in your chicken salad?
Nothing worse then not having had enough sleeps, I know that feeling way too often. Always good intentions to get to bed early! Happy packing!
Your morning sounds a lot like mine! We had friends over for drinks and a cookout last night, and my alarm came way too quickly…but it was at 5:20, not 4:20. Ouch!
Ahhh that’s so stinkin cool that you saw your article featured!
It’s so funny to me how waking up just a bit earlier than normal can feel like your waking up HOURS earlier. I am a 5am riser, but on the rare occasion I have to get up at 4:45 for some reason, those 15 minutes along feel like ages!
That must be so cool to see something you’ve written in a magazine! I’d probably scream. For your chicken salad, do you usually just wing it when you make the recipe or do you have more exact measurements?
So neat to see your hard work pay off and reading it in a magazine!
Oh man, those late nights can certainly catch up fast with an early alarm clock. I feel you since I was up at 5, and not in bed until 12:30 last night. Oops.
That is so cool that your article is in a magazine! and that is SUCH an early morning! Goodness!
I always want to kick my alarm clock but fair enough for you with the 4.20am wakeup call!
Oh man, that alarm clock would have been toast if it was going off in my room!
I saw on Pinterest the other day an alarm clock floor mat that only stops when you get up and stand on it. I think I need it!
Hah- my boyfriend recently taught me that I could just wash carrots and not peel them. Such a time saver! Glad to see other people do that too 🙂
I just read that magazine today! Didn’t even realize it was your article, but I read it! Nice job! 🙂
what time do you try to go to bed and how many hours of sleep do you normally get? i’d be interested to hear how your body and sleep schedule does with your work schedule being somewhat inconsistent!
I was a regular reader of your blog until I became very sick several months ago. I’ve. Been enjoying “catching up” with you. But I’m wondering, what led to your decision to start working at the gym?
I love a good chicken salad…And I felt the same way with my alarm clock this morning.
Very cool about the magazine article! One of my recipes was recently in All You magazine and I was sooo excited!
4:20 am is so early…I think I would have taken a nap! 🙂
One of my goals is to be in a magazine! 😉 One day… One day.
Ugh, getting up early is impossible for me lately. The bed always seems more comfortable early in the morning all soft and warm.
I agree! It has been a while since I had a byline in a print magazine, but it never gets old that is for sure 🙂
That iced tea maker would be perfect to sit with by our pool this summer!
sorry…wrong post! 🙂
I usually don’t peel my carrots either. It’s too time consuming and I don’t believe it makes a difference in flavor. As long as they’re washed, it’s perfectly okay with me!
I saw your blog in Women’s Health last month! Yayyy!
I’m finally learning the importance of getting up at (pretty much) the same time every day. I used to sleep in if I didn’t get to bed later, but it really just throws off the whole day. I love working out in the morning before work, so I try doing that as much as possible. Thanks for the inspiration!!!
At 4:20am I’ve only been asleep for a few hrs at most. Being a night owl has it’s advantage but not where a healthy lifestyle is concerned. It is definitely something I would like to change but not sure my husband would be so enthusiastic.
So funny! I received the NASM magazine in the mail today for the first time! I flipped and found your article immediately! Perfect for everything we learned in the NASM book! Your name should on it as author though…couldn’t find it anywhere. Congrats! 🙂
Have you tried peas instead of green peppers? Mmmm.
This week has been tough to get out of bed.
What a cool ideas!
intresting article!!