Good afternoon!
Today has been so much fun thanks to an afternoon play date with Caitlin and her adorable two-year-old son, Henry.
I last saw Caitlin at the Heartbreak Hill Half & Festival in Boston, but before that we hung out at her house in Charlotte on the morning of Ryan’s interview (I said Ryan was “grabbing breakfast with a friend” – so sneaky!). Caitlin was kind enough to drive me all over the city we were hoping would become our new home.
Today we met up at a local nature preserve for some fun by the lake with our dogs and sweet Henry!
(Sadie jumped up there all by herself. Tree dog!)
Caitlin’s dog James hung out on his leash like such a little trooper while Sadie and Henry splashed around in the lake.
Henry was such a brave little man in the water. Caitlin took off her socks and shoes to wade in with him and he would hold her hand and say, “Look Mama, I’m swimming” when he was simply standing in the water. It was too cute!
Sadie was all about a big stick she found when we parked ourselves on the beach and we played a billion rounds of fetch while Caitlin and I chatted away.
Sadie is becoming quite the little lake dog!
After Sadie and I said goodbye to Caitlin, Henry and James, we made our way back to our apartment where I dropped Sadie off before heading back out to grab a quick lunch from Subway.
I ordered a chopped club salad with a side of Sun Chips that I ate in the car on my way home.
(The Garden Salsa flavor is the best!)
The chopped salad made me want to buy one of those awesome salad choppers to use at home.
I love the way you get a bazillion flavors in every bite of a chopped salad.
Not long after lunch, I was still a little hungry and grabbed a cup of strawberry Greek yogurt topped with a combination of slivered almonds and butter toffee almonds.
It did the trick!
Questions of the Afternoon
- Dog owners: Is your dog a “water dog?”
- Mamas: Do your little ones like the water?
I hope you enjoy the new city that is going to be your home 🙂 I can already tell that it is going to be perfect for you!
Thanks!! Loving it so far!
I have two English Springers that looooove the water! One of them is a gorgeous dock jumper, the other one has fantastic belly flops. : ) They both love to swim and chase sticks into the lake. It’s fun to see them having so much fun!
We’ve had one Dalmatian and two Labs in my lifetime. Of them all, the Dalmatian was water CRAZY and the Labs would have nothing to do with water! Ha ha
So glad you’re enjoying NC so much. It really is a great place to live.
Glad you seem to be settling in well!
Thanks Leah!
Our dog literally swims like a dolphin! She’ll also swim underwater, and not emerge on top for several seconds! It’s HILARIOUS!
Sadie looks so funny on the tree!
My dog lovessss the beach but hates the lake for some reason. We bought her a little pink life jacket to help out but I think she hated that more! Haha
We have a life jacket for Sadie, too! 🙂 we put her in it when she swims off the boat in deeper water
OMG I want that salad chopper! That’s so amazing!!
My dog does not like the water very much. We will put him in and he doggy paddles out as though his life depended on it. He lasts all of five seconds. Ha.
Our dog is terrified of water, but then again she isn’t around it all that much either.
Looks like a great day! What a ool picture of Sadie on the tree!
Oh my gosh; my dog llloooooves the water! I will warn you though; last time we went to the river she wanted to play fetch the ball all day. So we let her; figured she will drop when she exhausts herself. The next day she was limping so we brought her to vet. Apparsntly the river rocks did a number on the pads of her paws from so much fetching. Had to put her antibiotics. So just be sure Sadie’s paws are ok!
I love the picture of Sadie standing on the tree!
Sadie is adorable! I have a yellow Lab which should be a water dog but he is totally not. We tried to get him in the pool and he immediately swam right out. He doesn’t even like to go outside if it is raining.
I want to try those sun chips! My fav are the cheddar ones: They are so good that I can’t even pick another variety to try! Maybe sometime I’ll actually branch out and try garden salsa 🙂
We have a Cavalier King Charles spaniel and, if there’s a word for a dog who’s totally the opposite of a water dog well, that’s what he is 😉
Aw! Love those dogs! So cute!
Omg, my new addiction is the Subway chopped salads! (I like the double chicken chopped the best- I get banana peppers in mine so by the time they’re all squashed up, you don’t need to add dressing–they add so much flavor). I actually went out and bought a salad chopper thingy (AND a big bowl), but haven’t used it yet. I just keep going back to Subway. Hey.. i’m not gonna mess with the experts on this one. 🙂
i don’t own a dog or baby, but i do own a salad chopper which i basically consider part of my family. it’s the best.
This comment is amazing. Hahaha!
lol best comment ever 🙂
My dog is not a big water lover….but she is happy staying on the sand and digging holes!
My daughter loves the water as long as it isn’t cold. 🙂
Oh my goodness, our labs LOVE the water! I swear they love it even more than their food or walks, and let me tell you, THAT is an intense love. 😉 Hunter loves the water too! We’ve been regularly having family swim time when Cody gets home from work. The sun isn’t so intense in the early evenings, and we all get to enjoy the water together. It’s fun!
I attended a dog-class last summer with my old boss. She had 2 boxers, and I have my lil Pomeranian, where we taught our dogs to SWIM. I’m pretty sure Alfie will never swim again. The poor look on his face when I was holding his under-belly and guiding him along in the water looked like pure torture. But he did well on the sit-stay on the surf boards that we had the dogs all sit on. Made for a super cute picture.
Hmmm I think I need a salad chopper! My kids are cool with the water but not the whole day, they have limits 🙂
I wish my dog liked the water! She is so afraid I can never get her to jump in the lake with me! I have to try one of those chopped salads from Subway, they look delicious! I think that will be my lunch tomorrow. 🙂
My puggle, Buster LOVES the water! I think certain breeds are more prone to water than others. Sadie looks meant to be in the lake!
My dog is a wader. Only up to her ankles unless I throw a stick and entice her in deeper. But, she loves to fish. We have a pond and she & my husband fish every night and she jump and leaps and stares at the line until he reels one in. So funny to watch, they look like a little “team” fishing.
That’s too cool!
I love that you get to hang out–bloggers as real friends!
My dog isn’t really in to the water. We haven’t ever taken her somewhere where she could just walk in (I’ve tried to get her in a pool, but she gets scared), so we need to try that. I think she’d do better with it!
Looks like you are really settling in! Our dog is completely obsessed with the water. Just walking by it, he pulls to get in! We love it though; it is adorable to watch how happy he is in the water and it wipes him out for the rest of the day – win win!
The salad looks AMAZING! On day 25 of the Whole 30 challenge. I think that will be my lunch tomorrow. What all do you put on it? No dressing for me, so looking for ideas!
Make your own dressing! Olive oil, balsamic vinegar, some garlic, salt, pepper, oregano… whatever spices move you 🙂
Great idea, Amber! Looking forward to lunch already!!
Very excited to hear about life in your new city. And I’m not a dog owner YET, but I bet my dog will be water loving like Sadie!
Neither of my dogs are water dogs. Rhett, my Dachshund only has 6 inch legs, so I’ve never even let him try to swim. Reina, my Boxer, jumped off a boat once, not realizing what water was. She freaked and my husband had to pull her out of the water. She has had no interest since. I’m glad Sadie is loving her new home.
Charlotte looks like a great fit for you and Sadie 🙂
Looks like Sadie loves Charlotte : )
I love that pic of Sadie on the Tree! Too Cool! One of my favorite things to watch is dogs playing fetch into a lake or ocean! I love the excitement and how they just stand there looking at you like…”throw it, come on!” I’m a dork. Oh well! Sounds like you guys are having a blast and fitting right in!
I have a Boykin Spaniel named Cooper and he absolutely loves the water! We live in upstate SC so the lake water isn’t very cold and he loves playing fetch and swimming. He has started to recognize the drive to the lake and he can hardly contain himself when he realizes where we’re going.
I have to agree, Garden Salsa is just the best flavor out there! And those almonds!! I got those a couple months ago, actually my boyfriend got them, but I pretty much ate the whole bag without him knowing. Yeah he wasn’t too happy about that haha
Sadie looks so happy in the water! My pup is learning how to be a lake dog. He did great on his first swimming outing. Next up-4th of July!
You need to get the OXO salad chopper! Best $25 ever spent. I got mine on Amazon.
use a pizza cutter to make a chopped salad! I cut veggies up a bit like you would when normally making a salad then once all together in a bowl take a pizza cutter to it! I love how you get a little taste of everything in every bite.
Our 6 month old puppy, Millie, is a total Lake Dog too! There’s a dog park near us with multiple lakes/ponds, and she just loves it. Like Sadie, she’ll play fetch into the water forever. It’s too cute! Looks like you guys had a terrific day!