I stayed up later than intended last night and my reason for not getting to bed early is a pathetic one. I try my best to get into bed before 10 p.m. when I have to be up at 5:30 a.m. to teach since I want to wake up feeling energetic, but last night I got sucked into the ridiculous drama surrounding The Bachelor.
I feel like I roll my eyes through half the show but it’s way too addicting and I can’t stop watching. I loved Jade on last night’s episode and think she seems like the most down-to-earth girl at the moment. And Carly cracked me up! I also had major hair envy over Britt’s beautiful waterfall braid. Why oh why do my braids always look thin and pathetic? Teach me your ways, Britt!
Teaching + Breakfast
When the alarm went off this morning, I felt the strong urge to stay in bed but since I had a 6 a.m. spinning class on the schedule to teach, I got dressed, ate a peach and headed over to the gym. Fortunately getting out of bed is the hardest part of teaching a 6 a.m. class for me because once I’m there, I feed off the energy of our little 6 a.m. crew. I love their dedication and admire the spunk and positive attitudes they bring to the bike before dawn.
After spinning, I grabbed a vanilla latte from a local coffee shop before heading home to fix myself breakfast.
I love how Waterbean Coffee gives you little chocolate-covered coffee beans with every cup of coffee you order. Such a neat touch!
Once I made it home, I chopped some veggies and sautéed onion, leftover Brussels sprouts and spinach in a skillet before adding sliced Canadian bacon, eggs (2 regular eggs + some egg whites from a carton), salt, pepper and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.
I topped my veggie egg scramble with avocado and ate it along with a banana. Do you guys ever go through waves of obsession with various fruits? For the past few weeks, I’ve been all about berries and apples but right now bananas are calling to me like crazy. Love ‘em so much!
Now it’s time for me to grab a much-needed shower before driving back to the gym for work. I’m hoping to spend some time this afternoon researching new laptops because my current laptop completely died on me and doesn’t seem to be savable. Unfortunately in the past I feel like I tend to select laptops that last for 2 – 3 years before they totally crap out, so I’m hoping to find a better (and longer-lasting) fit this time around. Thankfully, my desktop is the BEST and saves me when my laptop woes kick in. If you have a laptop that you would highly recommend, please let me know!
Have a great morning!
I definitely got sucked into the bachelor last night as well! The egg scramble looks amazing!
Love when coffee shops do little things like that. One of my favorite coffee shops is in Traverse City, MI and they serve a tiny, chocolate covered rice crispy treat with each beverage. The best! Also, for laptops… Lenovo anything (if you’re a PC like me 🙂 ). They’ve got some great “convertible” laptops on the market (meaning they can transform from a laptop to a tablet) which is pretty nifty, especially when traveling or lounging on the couch.
YES! My desktop is a Lenovo and I am in love with it… I’ll definitely be researching Lenovo laptops now!
Liz, what is your favorite coffee shop in TC? I’m a native and always go to Morsels!
It’s called Crow About It! I’ve only been there twice (I live in Lansing but love to visit TC), but have had wonderful experiences both times 🙂
Chocolate covered beans with each cup? I wish more places did that 😉
They’re on the expensive end of the spectrum, but MacBook Pros are the way to go, especially with media applications!
I agree! I’ve had my Macbook now for 4 years, and I haven’t had any issues (knock on wood!).
Agreed. I’ve had two MacBook Pros for over 7 years now and cannot say enough good things about them, and the Apple team if you ever need service!
I love my Macbook Pro and haven’t had any issues with it in the 2 years I’ve had it. Super easy to use and you don’t have to worry about viruses.
Love my MacBook Air. I’m in grad school online and have an online biz so I’m on it a done. Battery life is amaze balls (I hardly ever bring my charger with me), and it’s SO light!
a *ton
I got a MAC last year. I’ve always been a windows person. It took some getting used to but I now I love it and you can sign up for classes at the Apple Store to get help.
When I came to my job a few years ago, I entered the world of Mac. I hated the transition at first, but this past weekend I was helping my mom set up iTunes (a little late to the party, yes) and realized just how much I LOVE my MacBook Air. I don’t think I will ever be able to go back to my Gateway days.
Good Luck with your search. Happy Tuesday!
We just got a new laptop a few years ago and are over PC’s. Our next one will be a Mac. They seem to last longer and have fewer issues.
You should totally do a Bachelor recap blog post! (please)
MacBook Pro, absolutely love it!!
I love my Mac Book Air. Hands down the best computer I’ve ever had. And the customer service with Apple is incredible. I’m hooked on the Bachelor too. It’s like a train wreck – its so bad but you can’t look away!
I have a Dell Inspiron and have had it for almost 10 years. It is just now starting to show signs of age. I love it.
I have also heard great things about the MacBook as well.
Good luck laptop shopping!
I have had several windows and the same issues over and over. Finally splurged on a MacBook Air and I consider it top 3 purchases I’ve made in my life! I absolutely love it and have zero problems. Best of all, if you want to sell a few years later, they have great resell value.
I don’t know if you might be trying to avoid a Mac because you use LiveWriter… and maybe there is a way to install LiveWriter on a Mac (not sure), but for what it’s worth, I’ve had my MacBook for almost 8 years and it is still running like a champ! Before my Mac conversion, my laptops died about every 2 years. Macs are definitely worth the extra cost!
I made the switch to the MacBook Pro almost two years ago and haven’t looked back since! It’s a learning curve, but definitely worth it!
that breakfast looks so good!
I’ve had my MacBook Pro for 5 years, and it has gone through one undergraduate degree and is now getting me through my final semester of my Masters degree. Its a fast, efficient laptop and I use it for everything! I’ve only had to replace the battery in the last few months, which to me is pretty awesome with a laptop! The battery life is also great, I get 5-6 hours of use off of one charge! They’re expensive, but considering I would’ve gone through two PC laptops by now, I think its worth it!
Hope you find one you like!
I have an Asus laptop which I like a lot. I still have my eye on a Mac though!
I’m going to agree with everyone above me and say MacBook Pro is the best laptop I’ve ever had. I’ve had mine for 6 years and it’s still going strong! It took me a while to get used to it but if longevity is what you’re looking for, you can’t really do any better.
MacBook Air. You can take it anywhere, it’s so light, and transportable. It’s reliable and durable. Take the plunge!! It’s so worth it! I’ve never had a problem with mine and I’ve had it for 3 years. It takes a little bit to get used to compared to a PC but that time is like a day. I’d never go back!
I’m going to also suggest a macbook 🙂 I have the air– bought a refurbished one so it was 2 years old and like $250 off– and LOVE IT. My first macbook lasted 7(!!!) years so i totally think the slightly higher purchase price of a mac is worth it 🙂
I would highly recommend a MacBook Pro. I definitely was reticent about switching to a Mac at first but now I love it! They are a bit pricey but I’ve had mine for over two years and haven’t yet had an issue with it yet. They are definitely worth every penny. Good luck with the search!
The MacBook Pro is the way to go! 😉
And now you’ve got me craving chocolate-covered coffee beans. That’s such a nice touch!
You’ve gotta get a MacBook Pro!!!
I don’t know your thoughts on Macs, but I’m still using the MacBook I bought in July 2008. The only issue I’ve had with it thus far is that its memory filled up, but I think that kind of comes with the territory of using the same computer for 6.5 years without ever clearing big files off your hard drive haha.
UGH THE BACHELOR. I don’t want to watch it, but my roommates all watch it, so I don’t want to be anti-social…yeah. So I watch The Bachelor. It’s my shameful semi-secret haha. I love Jade, though! I think she’s the far and away the best fit for him.
I get sucked into the Bachelor too! Every Monday night my husband and I say “it’s time for the train wreck show.”
I love banana’s! I eat one every morning as part of my breakfast!
I have a Mac notebook (the white one – forget which model) and it’s THE BEST! My previous was a Dell and it was total crap. My Mac has lasted about 5 years without any issues and I’ve heard of them lasting about 10+. Highly recommend!
Mac book air or Mac book pro! I chose the air a few years ago because I wanted something super light and I don’t regret it ever. I didn’t splurge extra for the pro as the difference is only in the retina display and not something that really effects my usage of it (ie, I’m not a gamer or a big photographer). Traveling with my air is soooo nice! As for Windows laptops, I’ve always had really good luck with acers in the past! Good luck deciding!
I am a big fan of MacBooks. My first one was 6 years old with no problems at all and I only got a new one 3 years ago because I dumped vanilla latte all over it. And the tech said had it not been for the sugar in the coffee he could have saved it. They are expensive but so worth the investment. Check out Apple’s open box deals for great savings!
My laptop is always giving me issues and it’s a Mac. I’m probably in the minority on this one, but I wouldn’t buy a Mac next time. I just find them too complicated when all I use it for is the internet and photos. I used to visit a coffee shop in college that added those chocolate covered coffee beans – hadn’t seen it done since!
I’m in the same boat! I’ve been trying to decide if I should make the switch to a Mac or stay with Windows….
I love my Sony Vaio. It’s been great!
I love, love, love my Macbook! I had one for about 5 years {still works} & this is my 2nd which I’ve had for 3.
Last night my roommate and I were talking about how awesome Britt’s hair is!
MacBook pro all the way!
Love chocolate covered coffee beans! As far as laptops, I’d echo other comments regarding Macs! There’s no doubt you spend more upfront, but if they’re taken care of they last a long time, 5-6 years in my experience!
My mac book pro is definitely legit the best laptop I’ve ever had–and I’ve had it since 2009!
p.s. I know you love BP, so just fyi, I posted my review of the latest release (92) today 🙂
I know you previously mentioned wanting a PC, but PC’s just don’t last like Macs. I am on just my 3rd Apple laptop in 15 years and it runs much better than my work laptop (HP ultrabook), which is only 2 years old and already having problems. I think you’ll find the transition will not be as tough as you anticipated when you finally make it. There has to be some other software out there that can put up a simple blog post just as well as whatever you’re using now!
i have definitely been a PC girl, mainly because i love windows live writer for blogging, etc. but everyone seems to rave about macs. looking into programs that might allow me to run live writer on a mac now…
My macbook pro is the best, I have had no issues with it! And I love those chocolate covered coffee beans, I worked at a coffee shop through college and we handed those out, the customers loved them!
I have a Lenovo laptop for work, and it’s mostly fine (but HEAVY) and randomly reboots when it feels like it … but it is quiet! I much prefer my MacBook Air. I’ve only had it about a year and a half, but I’ve dropped it a million times and never had a problem. I also had a PowerBook before which lasted me about 7 years before I accidentally kicked it across the room after spilling water on it. Doesn’t work so well after that.
Macbook Air! I switch to a Mac in 2004 and have had two since then…..two in 11 years! I will never go back!
I’ve had my macbook air for over three years and have had no problems! I love it because it’s so lightweight and easy to travel with. The apple sales people also told me the air uses flash storage instead of a hard drive (what the other macbooks and most computers use). The flash storage is a more stable than a hard drive since it doesn’t spin like hard drives do so it’s less likely to break. I think it’s definitely worth every penny! https://www.apple.com/macbook-air/
Also, the bachelor is definitely my guilty pleasure! My roommate and I watch it together and since she’s on a business trip I’m waiting for her to get back to watch it. What does Ryan think about the bachelor? My boyfriend is definitely not a fan hahah.
That coffee shop looks so cute! Restaurant’s win my heart when they give you a little treat after a meal and even better when you buy a coffee!
The Bachelor has totally sucked me in this season too… I wasn’t even intending to watch it, but I randomly turned on the TV during the season premier a few weeks ago and have been watching it each Monday since then. Why oh why?! Haha. I totally agree though – I loved Jade last night. She’s my favorite so far, for sure. Ashley I. though…puh-lease girlfriend. She needs to go home!
I’m in the market for a new laptop soon too. I currently have a Lenovo that has done a good job the last few years, but I can tell it’s on its last legs. Cody just recently got an iPad (our first Apple purchase other than iPods), and we are loving it…so we may just fall into the Apple fad and go with an Apple laptop next time around. They’re definitely more pricey, but I’ve heard they seem to last longer and have excellent customer service. Let us know what you end up deciding!
I was up late for the bachelor too! Doesn’t jade seem so sweet?! I know a lot of her background from reality Steve and I’m kind of shocked since she seems so soft spoken and shy!
http://trendkeeper.me .. I’m UNBOXING?!
Meh I’m not a huge fan of Macs, though the MacBooks do seem to last a long while with few problems. I was not a fan of my Dell in college, neither were many of my friends. I have since bought a Toshiba and it has lasted me 5 years and is still going strong. My college roommate also had a Toshiba and hers lasted about 7 years. My parents Toshiba has lasted 6 years. Plus Toshibas are very reasonably priced.
I had an HP at work and that lasted for more than 4. Lenovo’s also seem to last a long while, though the only ones I have are work issued. They aren’t very pretty to look at but they seems to be preferred by the corporate world.
The Bachelor is like a train wreck, so awful but you can’t help from looking.
Julie, I’m right with you!!! I teach a boot camp class on Tuesday at 5:30 a.m. but stay up to watch Bachelor. So ridiculous but it sucks you in!!! Guilty pleasure I guess.
I have the new Lenovo Yoga and like it so far!
I’m also on the hunt for a new laptop (mine is currently functioning as a desktop and is held together with duct tape). So if you get any good recommendations, I would love to read about them!
I vote Macbook Pro! They always serve me well.
That scramble looks amazing! I didn’t get as much sleep last night as planned either since a Junior League meeting ended with us all going to a girl’s place and weeknight drinking. As fun as it is in the moment, it’s not fun the next day at work!
I’ve had my MacBook Pro all through undergrad and now gradschool. I absolutely love it! It’s easy to use, battery life is awesome, and it’s very easy to transport. Plus, if you ever have any problems you never have to wonder where to get it serviced, Apple Care does it all. Even though it’s a little pricey it’s worth every penny in the long run.
very helpful to hear about the battery life! the apple product I use most often is my phone and the battery life on my iphone seems to be getting worse by the day!