I stayed up later than intended last night and my reason for not getting to bed early is a pathetic one. I try my best to get into bed before 10 p.m. when I have to be up at 5:30 a.m. to teach since I want to wake up feeling energetic, but last night I got sucked into the ridiculous drama surrounding The Bachelor.
I feel like I roll my eyes through half the show but it’s way too addicting and I can’t stop watching. I loved Jade on last night’s episode and think she seems like the most down-to-earth girl at the moment. And Carly cracked me up! I also had major hair envy over Britt’s beautiful waterfall braid. Why oh why do my braids always look thin and pathetic? Teach me your ways, Britt!
Teaching + Breakfast
When the alarm went off this morning, I felt the strong urge to stay in bed but since I had a 6 a.m. spinning class on the schedule to teach, I got dressed, ate a peach and headed over to the gym. Fortunately getting out of bed is the hardest part of teaching a 6 a.m. class for me because once I’m there, I feed off the energy of our little 6 a.m. crew. I love their dedication and admire the spunk and positive attitudes they bring to the bike before dawn.
After spinning, I grabbed a vanilla latte from a local coffee shop before heading home to fix myself breakfast.
I love how Waterbean Coffee gives you little chocolate-covered coffee beans with every cup of coffee you order. Such a neat touch!
Once I made it home, I chopped some veggies and sautéed onion, leftover Brussels sprouts and spinach in a skillet before adding sliced Canadian bacon, eggs (2 regular eggs + some egg whites from a carton), salt, pepper and a sprinkle of mozzarella cheese.
I topped my veggie egg scramble with avocado and ate it along with a banana. Do you guys ever go through waves of obsession with various fruits? For the past few weeks, I’ve been all about berries and apples but right now bananas are calling to me like crazy. Love ‘em so much!
Now it’s time for me to grab a much-needed shower before driving back to the gym for work. I’m hoping to spend some time this afternoon researching new laptops because my current laptop completely died on me and doesn’t seem to be savable. Unfortunately in the past I feel like I tend to select laptops that last for 2 – 3 years before they totally crap out, so I’m hoping to find a better (and longer-lasting) fit this time around. Thankfully, my desktop is the BEST and saves me when my laptop woes kick in. If you have a laptop that you would highly recommend, please let me know!
Have a great morning!
I have a Lenovo and I’ve had it for 2 years now. It’s been working great and does what I need it to do. I would highly recommend it!
I LOVEEEEE my Toshiba Protege..super light! (Only a few ounces more than the Mac Air) and I have had it for 4 years now! A lot of my friends have had to get new laptops halfway through college (Macs and PCs alike), but not me and my Toshiba!
My sister recently got a Lenovo laptop that turns into a tablet and LOVES it! After 3 months, it crashed! But she got a replacement and it hasn’t given her any issues,,yet lol…so hopefully the first one was just a fluke!
Delicious breakfast! And chocolate covered espresso beans! Have you ever had dark chocolate covered pistachios? I recently got them from the store…and OMG, so good!!!! AND I AM SO WITH YOU ON THE BACHELOR!!! I am obsessed!!! 🙂
dark chocolate pistachios are amazing! have you see the dark chocolate and pistachio encrusted toffee from trader joe’s? it’s unreal!
OMG! YES! It is soooo goooooddd!!! I had it over the holidays and it definitely did not last very long!
Have you gotten the TJ’s Cookies and Creme Cookie Butter, yet? I remember you have mentioned how Ryan LOVES oreos..and well, it tastes like crushed up oreos (so what’s not to love?)!
I agree with all the Mac lovers. I do have a PC that I use at work and like (desktop), but at home I have a Macbook. It’s my second one, the most basic model. I’m not a graphic artist or musician, so for me, it suits my needs and my wallet. mac also has a great zero financing program for purchases if need be. Anyway, my current laptop is almost 5 years old, and the only issue I’ve had is that i had to update to the new operating system, for $20 for the disc. Before that, my Macbook was probably four years old, and I only did away with it because I dropped it and the screen had a spiderweb through it. I figured I might as well upgrade rather than pay almost the cost of a new one to repair it. If you aren’t used to Mac, it takes getting used to, but if you have an iPhone or iPad, you are halfway there.
BTW, egg scrambles are my favorite breakfast. Sometimes I add hummus, but always siracha and avo. Yum!
I could not live without my MacBook Pro. I highly recommend the investment. I had PCs up until last year and now I would never go back. I never have any problems with my Mac. 🙂
I get what you say about the Bachelor. This week in particular I was finding myself really enjoying the personalities of some of the women and completely annoyed by others (kardAshley). It’s a struggle… but an addicting struggle. Haha.
I have to agree about Macs. I love them.. I had the same two year problem and blue screens of death with PCs. I had my first Mac for 6 years and only replaced it because it became obsolete and could no longer be updated. It is worth the extra cost!
This is the first season of the Bachelor I haven’t watched in so long, but now you are making me curious and I want to watch it! I love bananas too- they are yummy and so versatile.
Go Apple for your next laptop.
I’m a huge techie and have worked with several different laptops: Dell, Lenovo, HP, and Compaq, just to name a few. I’m the “IT” person at my office and in my family and my social circle, so I’ve had to deal with all sorts.
However, I can’t stress enough the reliability of Apple computers. Yes they’re expensive, but they last. I have personally been using Mac laptops for the last 10 years, and I absolutely love them. They do so well that I tend to pass them on to my family whenever I want to upgrade, so they get a second and sometimes third life. My first Macbook Pro made it 7 years, and we only retired it because it couldn’t keep up with the games that my brother wanted to play.
In 10 years, I’ve only had a few issues: popped off key, stuck track pad, graphics card explosion – the last after 4 years of use though. And every time, the Apple store’s Genius Bar has been amazing about helping me fix it. Yes, I know that Best Buy and other places can fix PCs, but they don’t specialize in one brand or make or model – so a lot of the time, their “fix” is to just reformat and start from scratch, because they don’t know the machines well enough to figure out the exact issue.
Sorry for the tangent, hope it helps!
P.S. I loved Jade last night! She made an amazing Cinderella. =)
Definitely go with a MacBook! I had one for YEARS and it was glorious. However, I DID just replace it with a Surface Pro 3 (well, Santa Boyfriend replaced it for me…) and I’m absolutely loving the simplicity of the machine, it’s versatility and the power! I use it for everything from blogging, to browsing, to teaching my Principles of Marketing class (it’s great for Powerpoint/projection and I love that you can write right on the tablet!)
I have had my mac book for 8 years and the only problem I had was upgrading the system. The Apple store was so helpful and did it for me! They are more expensive, but totally worth it!
I just bought an Acer laptop….not sure how I feel about it yet. My last computer was a MacBook Pro and I LOVED it. It lasted over 7 years for me, I would have repurchased had it not been for the cost (going back to school is expensive!). The battery life did get shorter towards the end of its run but overall it was a great computer. Good luck!
Have you considered making the switch to Apple? I made the switch 8 years ago and just upgraded my laptop but my old one never stopped working, I ended up passing along the old one to my brother and he loves it!
You can install Windows on a Mac too if that is something that you are worried about losing if you make the switch. When I purchased my most recent laptop the guy at the Apple Store asked me if I had my old student ID and gave me the student discount of $100 off which I thought was really nice considering I am no longer in college and their laptops are a little more on the pricier side. I love my Mac, I will never go back to a PC. It’s worth the investment!
I got sucked back into the Bachelor on Juan Pablo’s season…this season is pretty funny so far. The girls are ridiculous! I didn’t watch last night, but I am sure that I will catch up sometime this week.
It sounds like Mac is the way to go! I have heard great things, but have always had PC. I’m so glad you asked because I have been researching too!
The girls on this season are ridiculous! Britt and Jade are my two favorites right now. I’m SO glad he sent Jillian home. I couldn’t stand her! I have a MacBook and love it. I’ve had it for about five years now and it is still going strong!
Here to add to the overwhelming amount of Mac recommendations! I got my first Macbook (one of the basic old white ones) in 2007 and it just recently started slowing down a bit. I’ve officially retired it only because I just got a new Macbook at my new job (perks!).
As far as Windows programs, you should be able to use them on a Mac. My boyfriend has a Macbook but needs Windows capabilities to run his engineering programs. I’m no techy so I don’t know the details but he basically had Windows and Apple running simultaneously. He would swipe his three fingers to the left and a Windows desktop screen would appear like magic! That might be something to look into as a way to get the best of both worlds!
It has rarely happened with my Apple products but when I need something fixed, I get borderline excited about it. The people that work the Genius Bar at the Apple stores are always so cool and easy to work with. I’m a stickler for good customer service and I’ve never had an unpleasant experience at an Apple Store.
Good luck in your search!
My favorite laptop has been my Toshiba Satellite. I got it in 2010, and it was amazing, and I loved it, but it crapped out on me after four years of excessive use (I’m always on a computer, either writing, blogging, or pinning stuff). When it wasn’t savable, my heart broke. Now I have a used HP that’s okay, but I definitely want to get a new one in the nearish future.
Yep I agree with a lot of other people – a Mac is the way to go! I’ve had mine for over 4 years.
I’m with all the Mac lovers. As long as you keep it updated, it should last you a LONG time. I had the MacBook in college and loved it. After graduating, I upgraded to the MacBook Pro and I’ve had no problems whatsoever. The other thing that I like about them is that they usually don’t get viruses. I’ve found that Dell is the absolute worst!
I love my Mac! I’ve had it for 5 years and it still runs great. I have no issues with it. I was once a PC user but I will never go back.
I know so many people have already mentioned it, but I would totally go with a Mac! I had my first one for a little over 5 years, and honestly I was pretty young when I got it so I didn’t take the best care of it! They are a little tough to get used to (not sure if you have one but I’m sure you have used one!) but once you get the hang of it there is no going back!
I’m with all the Mac people! It’s SO worth the money (and the Apple support is incredible when you have any issues). My first one lasted about 6 years before I upgraded and bought another MacBook. I had a PC laptop for work and I’m on my 3rd one in 5 years…And it’s really not hard to learn a new operating system. The Mac OS is very intuitive and I prefer it to windows now (esp because Windows 8 is the worst thing ever).
I definitely suggest the MAC Airbook! I had my PRO for 10 years and the only thing I ever needed done was the screen replaced, which was covered under my 3 year coverage I purchased.
My 2008 MacBook Pro is still going strong!
Get a MacBook Air, if you have a desktop you love… if you want something to fit both then get a MacBook Pro. They will outlast any PC you ever buy!!
If most of what you do is online anyway…I love my chromebook! Not as powerful as a macbook for sure, but it is so light and speedy. And it was less than $300, including shipping!
Especially if you have a desktop anyway, it might make a great second option 🙂
MAC Airbook … awesome. Wish I could afford one. (But back it up … as “Carrie” in SATC found out.
Britt’s hair is extensions all the way, girl … no one has that much hair.
My husband and I switched to Apple products a few years ago and would never go back! My old Dells and HPs used to freeze up and get viruses…but my MacBook Pro never does! It feels expensive up front but it’s SO worth it in the long run!
We’re snowed in today in Boston and I’m glad I DVR’d The Bachelor so I can watch it this afternoon!
Great looking breakfast scramble btw!
I’ve always been a PC person but when I decided I wanted to launch my bog and was looking for a new laptop I decided to go with the MacBook Air. I’m happy I did! It’s a lot easier to use then I thought it would be and I love being able to sync all my devices together. Best decision!
I host Bachelor nights at my place, with some of my girlfriends, which I love! It’s definitely filled with drama but I enjoy the social aspect of getting together and watching with my friends. Plus, who doesn’t love an excuse to drink Sangria? 😉
I definitely go through phases with fruits too- right now I’m loving strawberries. Even though they’re not back in season yet, they’re getting more and more tasty each week!
For the laptop, I would recommend a mac. I know they are definitely more pricey, but my husband and I both have the same mac laptop and have had them for 3+years and they are still doing great!
That veggie scramble looks delish – totally inspired my breakfast this morning!
I can’t help it. I’m all about Macs. I’m seriously obsessed with my new MacBook Air 🙂
As so many people have said, I’d highly recommend a MacBook Pro! It’s an investment but they last forever, and the service if anything does go wrong is great. I’m a Mac lover forever! 🙂
Always, Anita
I eat a banana every morning for breakfast! I have a MacBook Pro which has been pretty reliable. They’re much more expensive but I think they are worth it!
Tech issues are the worst. I got a MacBook Air for my birthday from my husband, and it’s amazing! Very small, but fast and usable. I’ve also been going to the Apple store for lessons on how to use it better, since I switched over from a PC. Good stuff!
I got the cheapest Macbook Pro in early 2010… here I am in early 2015 & it is still running beautifully. Never have one problem with it. My husband has an HP he got in 2011 and it’s on its last leg right now! I hope to NEVER have to use a PC again. It’s worth the extra money to buy a Mac.
I’ll chime in on getting a Mac. Mine has lasted me five years and is still going strong. If you want to run Windows applications, you can always use Parallels and a virtual machine or BootCamp.
I have a MacBook Pro and love it! It’s an amazing laptop and I’ve had it for 4 years. The only problem I ever had was the mouse pad. It stopped working but I had Apple care on it so it was free to fix.
I am like you and replace my laptop every few years. But they are always <$500 so I feel like the shorter lifespan is justified. I recently got a light weight Toshiba and so far I really like it.
So many MAC lovers! I have a MacBook Air. It was quite a bit cheaper because there is no disc drive. But I don’t watch DVD’s on my computer and don’t really need a disc drive. Everything can be downloaded now so I’ve never had an issue. It’s light and I love it. No need for virus protection.
The only issue I’ve ever had is that you do have to buy Excel and Word if you want to use them. I do have a MacBook Pro and it’s lasted for 7 years with the only problem being a replacement battery 6 years in. Mac’s are totally the way to go.
Your scramble looks so delish… I would totally want that for my b-fast! You are such a trooper- teaching classes so early on. I teach around 12 pm every day (the lunch hour!).
I’d recommend Apple. Simple. Easy. Great Customer Service.
I have to get up at 515 so I can make it to my studio for the 6 am class. I definitely feel you on waking up early, but since I walk there I have learned to love the cold and the darkness. It’s definitely a different experience walking through a city at 530 am than it is at 530 pm.
I bring no suggestions to the table — just empathy for your laptop woes. I, too, have never had a laptop last beyond 2-3 years. I don’t know what it is about that time frame and laptop failure, but they seem to go hand in hand!
That breakfast seriously looks phenomenal! I will definitely be giving it a try ASAP. I don’t even remember the last time I ate an egg.
Thought you were going to say you were up late laptop shopping! 🙂 We do the coffee bean thing in work with coffees…dark chocolate coating though.
I love brussel sprouts! It sounds a little odd, but nutmeg is a great addition to a brussel sprout salad 🙂
I love my Macbook Pro! Best computer I have owned!!
I’m totally going to follow the comments on this post, because I’m laptop shopping too. I have a Dell I love but it’s 5 1/2 years old and starting to get ‘tired.’ I order a fancy new one without realizing most nowadays don’t include a disk drive. 🙁 So I’m in the process of trying to resell it and find a new one that will play DVDs. Good luck in your search too!
I cannot have a Mac because of certain programs we use at work. I LOVE my ASUS laptop! To me it is sleek like a Mac and not as expensive. Mine works great and I work on it all of the time. I got mine at Best Buy. Now I want a mini ASUS for travel.
My husband is an IT guy and swears by anything Mac. We are going to be replacing our laptops and desktops with Mac’s this year.
Julie I totally agree, I just can’t help myself with The Bachelor.
Do yourself a favor and read this HILARIOUS post about last night’s episode. http://bachelorpowerrankings.blogspot.com/2015/01/the-bachelor-five-week-4-with-prince.html
#4 is my favorite point and Jimmy Kimmel’s too apparently. 🙂 Did you see his spoof?