The laundromat was actually a really nice experience. Sure it was a pain to load all of our clothes into the car and unload them, but it was really nice to have a bunch of loads of laundry completely done within an hour.
Usually laundry day lasts from dawn until dusk in our house because we wait until we both need to use the washer and dryer and then it’s mayhem.
As I typed out that last sentence, I just had a thought. Is it weird that Ryan and I don’t combine our laundry? We have two separate laundry baskets and I do my laundry while Ryan does his.
Occasionally we’ll combine loads, but for the most part we stick to our own stuff. Not sure if that’s uncommon for married couples, but his stuff is extra stinky, so I’m fine keeping our stuff separate just in case I need to pull something out of the dirty laundry bin.
What? Don’t act like you’ve never done that…
When we arrived home from the laundromat, it was time to hang up our clothes. This was also not nearly as painful as it used to be for me because the closets in our master bedroom are flippin’ massive!
Isn’t it amazing?
Ryan has his own walk-in closet that’s the exact same size. I swear, if you combined the closets they’d be close to the size of our bedroom. I’m in love.
I spent a good three hours unpacking boxes filled with clothing, shoes, accessories, belts and purses last week, so it was nice to be able to hang up my clean clothes in an organized closet.
When I unloaded my clothes last week, I took time to hang them up according to season, style and color.
Jackets/Blazers –> Dresses –> Skirts –> Sweaters –> Tanks/t-shirts
There were candy machines at the laundromat, so I spent a good dollar in quarters on peanut M&Ms. I’m pretty sure I could’ve spent five dollars, but this one woman gave me the evil eye when I went to get my fourth handful.
Since that lady’s judgmental looks ruined my plans to have M&Ms for lunch, Ryan and I had a more substantial lunch when we arrived home.
I had a BBQ pulled chicken sandwiche with melted cheddar cheese on a whole wheat English muffin.
A perfectly ripe nectarine served as a side… as did a pint of raspberries. A pint is one serving, right?
I’m off to organize our house a little bit. Our friend Ross is driving in town for the night from Jacksonville (and he’s bringing Kona!) and the three of us are heading to Orlando early this evening to celebrate a special birthday. Should be a fun night!
I don’t think my boyfriend would ever have clean clothes if I didn’t include his laundry with mine 😉
The picture of your closet is making me drool. My college roommate used to tease me freshman year for organizing my closet in rainbow order, but by the time we were seniors, she was doing it too! 🙂 Loving your organization and so happy for you that you finally have your own space!
I don’t combine my dirty clothes with my boyfriends for your exact reason! His job is a lot more labor intensive than mine so his clothes are always dirtier / smellier than my “dirty” clothes 😉
exactly! when he was playing intramural soccer his stuff was so nasty and would make his whole closet smell in our old place. noooo thank you. 🙂
? Doesn’t it stop stinking after, you know, you wash it? I’m missing something here…
hmmm well I’m not married– so I can’t offer any validation of your laundry strategies.. but hey! Who wants stinky guy clothes mixed with theirs! 😛
A few things…
(1) Re:the “reuse” of so-called dirty laundry…I do it all the time. It’s amazing how clean something suddenly is when it fits exactly into the outfit you have planned for the day!
(2) LOL @ “his stuff is extra stinky”. Same in this house 🙂
(3) Holy huge closet, Batman! Major jealousy here. We have 1 that is smaller than that for both of us…which is probably why we also use the one in the guest room…and the office…and the future baby’s room (for now).
(4) SNL will never be that funny again. What a great clip!
in our old house i used the guest room closet as my closet… and we shared the spare room closet for our jackets & formal dresses/suits. you gotta make it work!
Haha before you even got to the next line I was like wait? separate laundry? Your logic makes sense though so I don’t think its that wierd. Its just not one of those things I ever really thought about.
Im going to tell mu husband I want separate laundry baskets to keep his funky-ness off my clothes and see what he says 🙂
that is the one good thing about the laundromat – several loads done all at once! And my nutritionist would love me to eat your sandwich – meat, carbs and healthy fats all in one! Lol all things I’m learning to work into my meals
My mom since I recently moved in wants to share laundry baskets and I’m like no way! I don’t like touching other peoples undergarments and I don’t want them touching mine lol. Plus it makes it so much easier to organize in your room once it’s all clean :)!
Boy clothes can get stinkkkkkyyy though for sure!
I don’t think it’s weird that you don’t combine stuff with Ryan at all! I’ve never done my laundry together with my boyfriend b/c mine is always much more complicated with delicates and what not. Also, no judgement here, I’ve definitely pulled stuff out of the hamper once or twice (or ten times) to re-wear before!
well, since I am the runner in our household I am pretty sure my laundry smells worse than my boyfriends.. oops..
SO jealous about the size of your closet- I have forgotten about half the clothes in my wardrobe because I never dig deep enough…sadly it’s a case of ‘outta sight outta mind’!
Oh thank you! I thought I was weird to want seperate baskets! Nope I totally agree!
And I’m so jealous of your closet! And it’s so tidy!
Keith and I do separate baskets too. But I usually do both our laundry on Sundays. But I like having my clothes in my own hamper because of the reuse option too. I do it all the time.
Yep, we combine clothes around here….I had no idea couples separated it all. Heh. I guess we’re both lazy?? We have a whites and a colors basket though!
I am ALL about getting the laundry banged out, done, and hung up–so I like the way you guys all did it!
My boyfriend and I always combined our laundry because there was only one hamper. It has just always seemed easier that way!
My boyfriend and I combine laundry so that his clothes will actually get washed and to try to conserve energy. Laundromat MnMs are a perfectly respectable lunch.
That is kinda funny that you two do seperate laundries, but I’m kinda diggin it! I probably would have to do laundry a lot less if I wasn’t doing the BF’s too!
hmmm.. sounds like I’m going to have to make some changes around here!
By the way I always dig through the laundry and pull stuff out to wear! hahah!
Tell that lady to lay off with the evil candy machine eyes!
Funny you mention the laundry thing…my parent’s have been married 30 years (this September) and they have separated laundry! Granted, Momma B does it all, they are “separated”. She says his stuff could ruin hers. SO funny and adorable at the same time.
I will do laundry ANY day ANYWHERE over writing papers (which is what I’m doing today)…wanna trade 😉
I’ve never heard of couples doing separate laundry before! It could be because I grew up in a large family so it was easiest for my mom to put everything in together.
And I’m jealous of your closet :P. It looks so spacious! It must be great for organization!
My husband and I were the same way! We both did our laundry totally separate for years! We finally decided to join forces and do it together, saving water and time. And now, my husband is the master of the laundry! I don’t even have to touch it. Score one for me!
My bf and I don’t live together, but when we’re visiting each other we just always mix them together…I’ve never thought about the stinkiness though…maybe I should- he’s always so gross after he worksout haha. And omg your closet is amazing! You have so many clothes…I’m completely jealous!
We’ve been married almost 13 years and we STILL do our laundry separately. If we need a load of doggie blankets or towels and such, we tend to share those duties.
My fiance and I do our laundry together. He usually takes care of doing our laundry because he doesn’t like how I do it. 😉 I didn’t know there was a right or wrong way to do laundry. Haha but I’m fine with mine being taken care of 🙂
So jealous of your closet! It’s huge! I miss having my own closet. 🙁 Have fun tonight!
I recently had to use a laundromat as well, since we were in limbo with our move. And I loved it! Within 1 1/2 hours, I had 3 loads of laundry done and neatly folded. And then I could get on with the rest of my day. Booya!
i know! it was oddly satisfying!
I honestly don’t think my husband has ever done a load of laundry before in his life!
We keep our stuff together with the exception of his work clothing. He works outdoors, so he has a separate hamper (with a lid!!) for that stuff. I always wash that separately too.
We combine our laundry but have a separate basket for gym clothes because they’re sweaty and gross. We also put gym towels and dish towels in there too.
My husband is wonderful and probably does the laundry more often than I do but sometimes I think I just need to do my own. Then it will be done my way and I won’t feel guilty when he’s doing the laundry and I’m not helping.
My husband and I DEF do laundry separately!! His socks could seriously be used by our military as toxic gas overseas.. nasty! He’s not even allowed to keep his separate hamper in our room LOL!! Ahhh, he’s lucky he’s so darn cute 🙂
When we built our house, I told the builder I wanted a HUGE walk in closet. He made me one that is now the size of my childhood bedroom. At first I thought, wow, this might even be a little too big, but you know what, it’s not! LoL. I just don’t know how I’ll ever be able to downsize after this.
I wish I had a walk in closet! I never thought about doing separate laundry… i still live with my two sisters and we all share hamper and laundry…but I can sort of see a reason for doing it! I’m just too lazy a person to ever do something like that!
Ha ha ha! I TOTALLY pulled a dirty sports bra out of the hamper this morning to wear to teach my classes. 😉 I do separate laundry ALL the time. My husband’s clothes get DISGUSTING!!!
BAHAHA Okay, first of all, Chris Farley is the bomb… just saying!! Congrats on the closet, that seriously rocks 🙂
We don’t combine our laundry because I don’t trust my husband to know which things can go in the dryer and which need to be hung to dry. He also doesn’t do many household chores so if he can keep doing his, that’s one less thing for me to do!
You are not alone. My boyfriend and I do our own laundry. He actually does laundry way more often than I do!
Lol, peanut m&ms seem like a great lunch to me!!
I need a closet like that, like, now. Kthanks.
My husband and I don’t share laundry duties at all! Sometimes, if one of us needs something washed urgently but don’t want to do a full load we’ll throw something in with the other’s laundry, but I actually hate other people doing my laundry! I don’t know why, but it gives me the heebie-jeebies.
SO jealous of your closet!! 😀
I wish we had “his” and “her” closets! Our’s is a nice walk-in, but it’d be great to have them separated!
you are so organized! want to come and arrange my closet for me ?? 🙂
My sad husband is a total laundry dork and so i do all tthe laundry. His stuff would end up multiple colors, shrunk, and never clean. Sometimes he will do a lload of towels or white socks/under shirts, but usually its just all me.
My husband and I don’t combine laundry either! But it’s mostly because I’m allergic to detergent that’s not free & clear, and my hubby doesn’t think the free & clear stuff gets his clothes clean enough. I am totally okay with it.
We do NOT share laundry. Mostly because I was accused of “ruining” his clothes. Which he does at work. Or by adding bleach when he shouldn’t. And constantly mixing colors and whites. Whatever. He is on his own. I do the sheets and the dogs blankets.
Makes for a much happier house. His mother can’t believe that I don’t do the laundry for her son.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….
I don’t have a w/d in my unit. Its in the basement but i always tell people that i don’t mind bc I can do all my laundry at once in multiple washers!
My fiance and I have already decided that we will do ours separately. We are both picky about sorting and water temps on our clothes. ..
ahh I HATE doing laundry!And I am so jealous of your closet.
I have been married for 10 years and my husband and I always do our own laundry.
Haha! I do half of our laundry separate and half together. We have one basket for colors and one for whites and then I separate his and mine colors but wash the whites together! I guess this is mostly because the load for colors is too big to put in the washer all together!
Hahahaha. I LOVE how you posted than SNL video, Julie! So hysterical. Ignore that lady. She OBVIOUSLY doesn’t know what’s up when it comes to M&Ms. (;
A word to the wise…. the jobs you do early on in marriage stick with you for years!!! So if you want to do your husband’s laundry forever, then by all means start helping him do it now. We have been married 6 years and we still do separate laundry because I wasn’t going to take on that extra chore! And when you have kids, those chores add up quickly!
We used to combine laundry but the hamper filled up way too quickly and I constantly found myself having to do laundry b/c of HIS clothes, so then I bought two hampers and life has been much better since 🙂 I’ve always thought the laundromat sounded kinda nice since you can get everything done at oncec but I do understand the hassle of carting around laundry everywhere.
I think its fine that you keep the laundry separate, its different kinds of stinky/sweaty, ya know?? I thought of you guys tonight while watching the Sox play the Rays in St. Pete! Have a great time tonight!