Breakfast + Leg Day Workout
Yesterday morning began at 6 a.m. when I woke up to work for a little over an hour before Chase was up for the day. During my time at the computer, I ate breakfast (a reheated frittata, banana and a mug of coffee with whole milk and collagen) and worked through my inbox which was severely neglected during last week’s Florida adventures.
I said goodbye to Ryan a little before 7 a.m. and Chase was up for the day 30 minutes later. We did the breakfast thang got dressed for the day (in shorts – temperatures reached 80 degrees in the afternoon!!) before making our way to Burn Boot Camp.
Gosh, I was so ready for a kick-butt workout and boot camp delivered! I took almost an entire week off from the gym (with the exception of Saturday) last week and really missed beginning my day with a good sweat. I truly feel like working out first thin the morning gives me more energy throughout the day and I missed that post-workout boost!
The workout on the agenda yesterday was a leg workout that looked like this:
Here are a few links to demos of some of the exercises that may be unfamiliar:
After boot camp, I inhaled a peanut butter cookie Larabar in the car and then met up with my friends Lauren and Laura for a Gymboree class play date with our little ones. I think Chase missed his time at Gymbo because he was running all over the place and clearly in his element!
Once Gymboree was over, we hurried home because I was determined to enjoy some of the beautiful sunshine and take Sadie on a walk before Chase’s nap.
It was so gorgeous outside and since colder temperatures are on the horizon, a walk outside was high on my priority list for the day! I used our walk time to chat with my sister and it was so great to catch up.
Lunch + Afternoon Fun
We made it back home with enough time for Chase to eat a quick lunch before his nap. After settling Chase in his crib, I hopped in the shower and made myself a snack since I wasn’t overly hungry and settled into work mode.
I reheated a leftover chicken sausage and served it with ketchup and two mandarins on the side. I’ve been trying my best to eat more whole foods for my snacks and it’s taking some effort but I definitely feel more satisfied when I take the time to snack on something other than Chase’s cheddar bunnies even though those cheesy little bunnies are ridiculously delicious and addicting.
About and hour into work, I was ready for a more legit lunch and threw together kale, shredded Brussels sprouts, pre-roasted butternut squash and chopped chicken thighs in a skillet and sautéed everything in a mix of sesame oil, coconut aminos and fresh ginger paste.
While everything was sizzlin’ on the stovetop, I also chopped and roasted a few white sweet potatoes to have on hand for more lunches and dinners this week!
Lunch kept me satisfied as I continued to work at the computer but once Chase was up we were both ready for a snack. After snack time we headed off to the grocery store to pick up some food for dinner.
We arrived home from Florida to a broken fridge (talk about gross and smelly!) so we’ve been using the small beverage fridge the previous owners installed in our kitchen for our food (we LOVE that thing!) which is saving us until we can get someone out to look at our refrigerator (hopefully today). It also means we’ve been limited to the amount of food we can keep at home at once, hence our Tuesday afternoon shopping trip!
While Chase ran around the kitchen and played several rounds of indoor fetch with Sadie, I marinated a pork tenderloin using this marinade and chopped some broccoli for dinner. Ryan had his final physical therapy appointment for a shoulder injury and made it home on the early side so we had plenty of time for outdoor fun while the pork marinated in the fridge!
We took full advantage of the sunshine and went on a short walk around the neighborhood for Sadie’s sake before deciding the weather was perfect for our first evening boat ride of the year.
We’ve been itching to get back out on the lake and the little taste of summer we had last night left me feeling way too excited for LOTS of time on the water in the coming months!
Our boat ride didn’t last too long but it still felt like a treat to be on the lake in the middle of the week in April. Chase was in heaven flapping his arms in the breeze and I am curious to see what he’ll think of swimming in the lake this year! We’ll be starting swimming lessons again next month so I am hoping that will help him feel a little more acclimated to lots of time in the water again before summer is in full swing.
Dinner came together quickly once we made it back home. While Ryan and Chase played with cars and trains, I put the pork and broccoli side-by-side on a sheet pan, drizzled the broccoli with olive oil and garlic salt and roasted everything in the oven at 425 for about 25 minutes. Once the white sweet potatoes I roasted earlier in the day were reheated in the microwave, we were ready to eat!
Chase was ready for bed around 7:30 p.m., and once he was bathed and changed and evening story time was over, we tucked him into his crib before Ryan, Sadie and I snuggled up on the couch to watch an episode of New Girl and hang out before bed. Ryan and I always joke that the moment Chase goes to bed is Sadie’s favorite moment of the day. Her relationship with Chase has drastically improved but there’s no denying that Sadie still relishes being the absolute center of attention! She’ll always be our favorite sweet and oh-so-needy furry little lady, that’s for sure.
We headed upstairs around 9:30 p.m. and I made it through three chapters of a new book (The Zookeeper’s Wife) before my eyes couldn’t stay open any longer.
Today should be a good and busy day! I’m meeting up with some blogging buddies this morning to talk blog stuff while my friend Lauren watches Chase and then I’ll be watching her sweet daughter this evening. Lots of Chase and Claire playtime for the kiddos today!
Hope you guys have a great Wednesday!
We just got our boat out of storage and it’s in the process of getting ready to be put in! I did have a question- what life jacket did you use when Chase was just a newborn baby? I’m looking for one for this summer for our new one so he can come on boat adventures too. I can’t wait to see what Chase thinks of swimming int he lake this year!
I can’t remember the brand off the top of my head but I’ll report back today when I have the chance to browse Amazon to find it!!
Okay I found it! It’s the Sterns Infant Life vest: Honestly, it was pretty darn big on Chase when he was tiny but is fitting him better now. I’m not sure I’d recommend it for a newborn just because it really was so cumbersome!
Thank you so much for looking that up! I appreciate it! I will see if maybe there is something smaller out there, but not sure. It might be worth it just for a few times but we’ll see 🙂 I just appreciate you taking the time to look it up!
It always feels so good to get back to working out after a good break! I’m intrigued by that drinking vinegar – I don’t always love the Suja juices (I feel like they’re too sweet for me, but maybe I’ve just tried the wrong ones), but that looks so refreshing!
I have to say I was glad to see that your inbox was neglected. That means you took some much needed you time! I wondered when you guys would get out on the boat! 😉 Sorry to hear about the fridge! I hope it gets fixed today and it’s a ridiculously cheap repair!
The weather here has been amazing! So jealous of your boat time haha. I’m curious about how you liked the drinking vinegar. I saw a bunch in the store and almost bought some, but was hoping for a testimonial before I spent money on them!
I just finished the Zookeeper’s Wife and it wasn’t my favorite. I’ll be curios to know how you liked it.
It is kind of slow to start (prob why I fell asleep 3 chapters in) but I am hoping it picks up. Did you feel like it moved a little faster as it went on?
I didn’t feel it moved any faster and found myself skimming much of the book. I normally fly through good books in 2 or 3 days and this book took me 2 weeks to finish.
That’s great that you were able to get out on the boat! My boyfriend and I keep talking about moving into a new house lately and although I know it’s not the most practical request (because we live in Michigan), we have been really thinking about looking somewhere close enough to the water that we could have a small boat.
WOW totally wish I could hop on a boat. I just live in a very close knit city with, no boats! Dinner sounds delicious. I loveeeeeee New Girl too!
Wow, these pictures are making me long for the sun! I’ve just gotten in to the drinking vinegars from Suja, I love the lemon cayenne, but I’ll have to try this orange-y flavor!
It’s really tasty! I love anything with ginger, so it was definitely right up my alley!
Hi Julie! My fridge is broken today too and it is stressing me out since we don’t have a backup. I live in an apartment building so will be relying on neighbors to refrigerate milk for my daughter (that is our only must have)!
How fun to spend so much time outside and wear short sleeves in April. I wish my daughter and I were part of your mom/baby crew.
Thanks for posting and for sharing so much with us. I started reading your blog when we were both pregnant and it has been so nice to go through this motherhood journey together!
Thank you for reading for so long! <3 That really means a lot to me and I love that we're in a similar phase of life (with the exception of the broken fridge, of course -- hope yours gets fixed ASAP)! <3
i’m dyinnggg for some sunshine right now. just booked a trip to puerto rico with a girlfriend and am counting down the days.
Ooooh that sounds awesome! Enjoy every minute!
We’ve been LOVING the spring like temperatures, I just hope they are here to stay!
I feel like I missed the coconut aminos band wagon…what are they a sub for/supposed to be awesome for? I need to know!
Man, I miss boat time. I grew up spending summers at our family cabin on a lake. I definitely miss that!
It’s basically a sub for soy sauce!
I am always amazed at how much you accomplish in a day! What’s your secret?
Love these recaps! And that workout looks tough–lunges are my enemy! But I’m thinking I’ll give it a go tonight!
Could you send some of that sunshine our way? After three or four days of gloom and rain, I’m more than ready to see the sun!
Sorry to hear about your fridge! That is such a bummer when thing like that happen!
What a fun day! Tons of good eats! Hey keep in mind a rest week is great for letting your body heal and adapt to all the other working out you do!
Oh definitely! I enjoyed it when it was happening for sure! 🙂 I just noticed a lower energy level last week and really did miss the boost from my morning workouts. Rest days — or weeks — are absolutely awesome and necessary sometimes!
Yay for lake time!!! We are actually hoping to purchase a boat this year! We live in Matthews, so we’re about equal distances to both Lake Norman and Lake Wylie! I grew up boating and would just love to do the same thing with my own family! Any tips for purchasing a boat?! Did you buy from a marina or a private seller?
And your lunch looks super yummy! I think today I’m going to roast some sweet potatoes we’ve had for awhile to use in my own lunches. Thanks!!
That’s awesome!! We bought from a private seller and went the used route. Our boat is pretty darn old but the engine was semi-recently replaced so we were able to find a good deal that way. We are loving it!
Keep us posted on The Zookeeper’s Wife! I added that to my list after seeing a trailer for the movie. I heard the movie wasn’t exactly great though, so I’m a bit nervous about starting the book now.
That lunch you threw together sounds so good! I might have to make something similar today.
I can’t wait to see the Zookeeper’s Wife movie! And I’ve NEVER heard of White Sweet Potatoes??! Or seen them in the store…do they taste different?
They taste pretty similar! Maybe a little more mild in flavor?
Mmm, those sweet potatoes are calling my name… even though I just made some sweet potato fries this week already (or are they yams because they’re orange? I am always confused about this).
Hope your fridge gets fixed soon! I can imagine how frustrating that is.
That Suja Juice drinking vinegar looks interesting! Can you tell us more about that??
I love daily recaps. I love to look back on my day and see how much I did! (Especially when it doesn’t feel like a lot) LOL
I can’t wait for some boat time! It’s finally warming up in South Louisiana so it shouldn’t be much longer for swim weather!
Yay for warm temps and time outside! Hope you get your fridge situation fixed–thats annoying!
Such a great beautiful day!
Will you be doing anymore post on blogging? I just switched over to .org and it is almost overwhelming!
Hi Bethany!! Do you have any specific requests/questions? Definitely happy to help!!
I feel like I do not know enough to even know what I need to know……blogging tools, affiliate link, disclosures, social media tips, graphic sizing. I kind of get widgets and plugins but it is still fussy.
I just finished the Zookeepers Wife. I’m interested to hear what you think of it!
We are finally having some spring temps in Minneapolis and your boat day pictures are making me so excited for the upcoming months!
I loved the book, movie not so much.
Your article just inspired me to start boating. It’s been years I have not done. And your pictures are great.
I just finished th Zookeeper’s Wife and while I loved the story I really didn’t like the narration style. I feel like she should have just written it as fiction based on the true story. I am obsessed with reading WW II historical fiction right now and I’m just starting The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah!
I’ve been unable to comment so I’m making up for lost time – going back and hitting up all the posts I missed! This post was great, I love these daily life posts, they’re so fun to read and it’s one of my favorite things to see from bloggers. Also your meals and snacks always inspire me, no matter what they are. (I can’t even buy those small goldfish crackers or they’ll be GONE in like, 20 seconds. Just tilt that bag right into my mouth!)
The boat adventure sounds extra sweet – I can relate, as the first time it’s warm enough for me to get near a lake up here is pretty dang magical! Glad you got a chance to do that!
Thanks for another great post as always!