Each podcast lasts about 20-25 minutes and Gretchen and her sister, Elizabeth Craft, will typically discuss simple tips and tricks you can implement in your daily life to encourage happiness. In one podcast, they discuss indulging in a “modest splurge” as a way to increase personal happiness. A modest splurge, by their definition, is something quite small that brings you great joy. It may be something you buy, but it may also be something you don’t usually take the time to do that doesn’t cost any money at all! Some examples of indulging in a modest splurge might include buying yourself a new snazzy notebook, taking time to reread a favorite childhood book, etc.
It made me think about small things I do in my own life to boost my happiness… Things that are fairly small and almost disproportionate in the level of happiness they bring me in my life.
Below you will find a few “modest splurges” that I occasionally indulge in that came to the top of my mind. Some cost a small amount of money, but many are free! I’d also love to hear about little things you do in your life that bring you joy. Feel free to share your “modest splurges” in the comments section of this post!
Little Indulgences That Make Me Happier
- A New Candle
I absolutely love candles. They make our house feel cozy and the scent of vanilla, cinnamon, pumpkin or pine never fails to make me feel more relaxed and just plain happy. For the longest time, I would buy candles and save them, only lighting my candles during special occasions. This slowly began to change after I read The Happiness Project and the book encouraged readers to actually use the things we’re saving for something special, like writing a note on our “fancy stationary” or wearing that cute dress you’re saving for a special event. I’ve started burning my candles more regularly and truly do believe they make me just a little bit happier!
- Fresh Flowers
During the summer months, there is a hydrangea in our yard that blooms the most beautiful blue flowers. This year, we started picking them on occasion and putting them in a small vase or mason jar to enjoy in our home. Fresh flowers from our yard or a bouquet of beautiful field flowers from the farmer’s market brighten up our house and make me smile.
- Painting My Nails
If I have the chance to actually get out of the house and get a pedicure, that’s all the better, but whenever I have the chance to paint my nails, I feel a little more put together and a little bit happier. Though it doesn’t take long to paint my nails, I know I have to set aside some time to allow them to dry, so to me, painting my nails means slowing down and relaxing for a bit, usually on the couch with Ryan while we watch a movie or favorite TV show together.
- Special Coffee
Buying a specialty coffee drink from a local coffee shop or Starbucks makes me a little too happy, but so does fancying up a cup of coffee at home with frothed milk or coconut cream and cinnamon. It’s something I don’t take the time to do every day, so when I do put a little extra effort in to making myself a special cup of coffee, it makes my morning a little bit happier!
- Reading
Ever since I was a little girl, reading has brought me so much joy. Something about curling up under a cozy blanket with a good book makes a happy calm come over my body like no other!
- Watching Stand Up Comedy
Ryan and I love watching stand up comedy and when we find a new comedian to watch who cracks us up, there’s nothing better! (I’m always open to recommendations, so if there’s a comedian out there who you love that I should check out, please let me know. Bonus points if they’re on Netflix!) Laughing with my husband brings me so much joy and the fun often continues when we find ourselves quoting some of our favorite comedians for years to come. (Any other Aziz Ansari fans out there? Ryan and I say “Unsubscribe” to each other all the time. Ha!)
Question of the Day
- Tell me about one of the little things you indulge in on occasion that brings you joy. What are some of your modest splurges?
Loved this post!!! I am also obsessed with BBW candles, and also found myself “saving” them!! Haha! Just last week I decided I’m going to burn them every day and when I run out, I’ll go buy more!! Totally worth it 🙂
I LOVE Aziz Ansari! My husband and I say “Can I get a what what?!” from Parks and Rec to each other 🙂 Does he also do stand up?!?!?!
Thanks for this post, Julie!! Hope you have a wonderful day!
-Sarah http://www.thefrugalmillionaireblog.com
Hi Julie!
For me reading is a little indulgence I try to do each day… I’m currently reading the sequel to Me Before you by JoJo Moyes- After You! I know you have mentioned Me Before You on the blog before so wanted to let you know, so far it’s just as much a book I can’t put down!
I need to read that book! I loved Me Before You so much!
I used to “save” my candles too and now we light them almost every evening. Makes such a huge difference! My evening glass of wine is my favorite indulgence. Most evenings I’ll pour a glass of wine while my husband or I cook dinner and it just helps transition from a hectic work day to a calm night at home.
I loved The Happiness Project and definitely need to listen to the podcast. Mine are getting a mani/pedi, and relaxing on the couch for few minutes after work with a snack and a few minutes of TV. Then I’m ready to enter the evening refreshed and not hangry 🙂
Loved this list!
Almost all your faves are mine too! I’m obsessed with Bath and Body Works candles. I have one lit almost all day every day! Special coffees, painted nails, and reading a book are also special indulgences for me that always feel like a treat! 🙂
Needed to read this today! Great post! I plan to read The Happiness Project soon, so this post encouraged me to get on that! My little indulgences include getting coffee from a coffee shop rather than making it and making new crafts/projects for my home. So relaxing!
Hi Julie, Hope you are having a great week so far! I am a huge fan of Gretchen Rubin and loved The Happiness Project. I am also in the middle of reading Better than Before which is also great. I didn’t even know she had a podcast out until I saw it on PBFingers. I have listened to all 32 episodes so far and really love it! Thanks for incluing it in your blog! Maybe you can do a post about which of the tendencies you are and some of the other stuff like ‘Sprinter or Marathoner’, ‘Overbuyer or Underbuyer’? Have a great day!
LOVE that idea!! Every time the podcasts have me question which one I am (like someone who likes abundance or simplicity, etc.), I love chatting about them with Ryan, too. We’re alike on a bunch but different on some, which makes for some interesting discussions. I think it would be a great blog post topic — thanks!
I love that podcast! Candles are such a happiness booster for me too.
I read The Happiness Project a few weeks ago and consider it life changing- I plan to reread it every so often. My indulgences include actually having time to enjoy my coffee in the morning or buying a new magazine to read while my husband watches football. As far as comedians, do you ever watch Kat Williams? He’s a little different but really has me laughing!
I’ve never heard of Kat Williams but I’ll check him out!
Awww LOVE this post. Couldn’t agree more that little things go such a long way. In addition to ALL of yours, one thing that comes to mind for the winter months is taking a long hot shower and then getting fluffy pyjamas on. Ah just thinking about it makes me happy 🙂 Thanks for such an uplifting start to the day, Julie!
Reading and bubble baths
Those are spot on!!! Mine would be: having my nails painted! As a new mom for the time around I love seeing my nails painted! I don’t even need a manicure just some paint! Also a good sweat session at the gym! Fresh flowers & lastly fresh air!
Eating a dark chocolate square with peanut butter on top
Reading with a big cozy blanket
Listening or watching a stand up comedy show–totally agree with you on that!
Listening to music from childhood and dancing around like a crazy pre-teen
drinking wine and lighting a candle
Having hot tea and listening to some relaxing music!
And most of all…..belting out my favorite musical theatre numbers while I clean and/or cook! ha! 🙂
I love listening to Happier as well (have to support the fellow Gretchens out there!). The thing that I love the most is morning cuddles with my dog. She sleeps in the bed with me and every morning when I wake up she crawls up to me and we snuggle a bit! It makes me so happy every morning and I know my day is off to a great start. Also, I’m drinking a pumpkin spice coffee right now and that’s making me pretty darn happy!
I hoard my BBW candles! I definitely just need to break them out and start burning them. I’m seriously hoarding 20 of them and haven’t burned any. The scents are so comforting and cozy, especially the fall and winter scents!
I LOVE buying fresh flowers for my house. There is nothing that makes me happier than seeing fresh flowers!
Julie- Brian Regan is a great stand up comedian!
Yes. This. Brian Regan is the BEST!!
Use the “good” dishes…everyday. They do no good being in a box if no one ever sees them except once a year.
Getting new to me spices. I smelled Berbere in a local spice shop and now I use it on EVERYTHING. Sweet and spicy just like me! HA!
Making treats for people I see on occasion that are probably under-appreciated. (Front desk at the chiro, ticket taker at the drive in)
Sunday night hot chocolate with KCSM.org jazz from San Francisco. No better way to relax!
I also love the Happier podcast! Some little splurges that give me instant happiness are a salad from the Whole Foods salad bar, a new book and taking time to sit down at a coffee shop or somewhere outside just to read and a special coffee (also!)
A long walk, reading a lovely book with a nice mug of tea and a warm home baked snack, and spending quality time with friends I don’t get to see often 🙂
Love this! It really is the little things that make a difference. My favorite small indulgences are fresh flowers, coffee or tea out and studio yoga classes!
I rarely ever buy fancy coffee at Starbucks or anything (as I get older, saving money on things like coffee is becoming important), but hanging with my mom or sis over a nice latte is a lot of fun. And a Pecan Braid from Panera.
Candles are definitely my all time favorite little indulgence!! I’ve been getting all the fall ones I see!
I absolutely LOVE this post 🙂 We frequently forget how simple it is to make ourselves happy. I get most happy by making someone else happy, whether in the form of complimenting something they’re wearing or an intelligent, interesting comment they made in class etc… My boyfriend’s roommate recently helped us carry a big bed into my apartment and I baked him brownies to thank him. His expression made my day! 😀
This is the perfect post to wake up to! With it starting to feel a little more like fall, I find myself ridiculously happy and wanting everything fall – my little indulgences are in full swing in fall and they also include candles, special coffees, and fresh flowers! 🙂 I also have been loving my short, lunch-time walks at work. I feel like getting fresh air always clears my head and knowing I can be up and moving excites me as well. Maybe today I can pick some fresh flowers on my way back 🙂
Julie – Will you share the books you are reading? I’m always looking for good books. (And I loved Kite Runner, btw.)
Hi! I am actually currently reading Desperate for a women’s bible study I just joined. I have a bunch of books on my reading list, though, which you may see here: https://www.pbfingers.com/2015/08/31/my-fall-2015-reading-list/
Aside from things like a new candle or new nail polish, I love buying new pens and stationary 🙂 For some reason I’ve just always loved it! It’s like a mini fresh start!
Now that I have a toddler, indulgences are even harder. My favorite indulgence is reading blogs in the morning while my daughter eats breakfast. I am doing that right now! Good post though and a great topic! Will have to check that book out.
Reading used to be one of those things that didn’t feel like an indulgence for me, but now, with a little one, it does! When I have the chance to sit peacefully with a book, it feels even more special these days.
I have been LOVING the Happier podcast too! I listen to podcasts while I work out at the gym and have already been suggesting this one to friends and family. I love burning candles, a bouquet of fresh flowers (I actually have some fake flowers in my room which while not exactly the same, I still love), a bottle of kombucha, listening to music (right now “I Don’t Remember You” by Bryn Terfel brings me SO much happiness) and a delicious cup of coffee. Of course I also love a new piece of clothing from time to time, as well. 😉
Thank you for this post!! So many things!!! Just a few are: making a big pot of sauce, opening a bottle of wine, candles, getting a coffee drink, wrapping myself in a fluffy blanket and watching tv.
Your comment made me happy just READING it! Sounds heavenly!
Ohh, I loved this post so much and just might have to check out the podcast now too! Love candles, using the good quality shampoo and conditioner, and girls nights that don’t happen as often as they should (although the comfy nights in and “activities” days are pretty great too)!
Way to start my day on a happy note!
I like the idea of doing little things to make you happy and I’m all about it! I live in the Northeast and once the chilly weather begins (AKA already!), we begin our tradition of lighting a candle and brewing a cup of tea for me and my fiance to enjoy after dinner every single night.
My list would look almost exactly the same! I would also add having a mini at-home spa hour: I’ll put on a face mask, do any grooming (ie, trimming my nails), paint my nails, and apply lotion. Another good one is taking a bubble bath with a candle lit and some reading nearby. 🙂
Craig Ferguson is hysterical in his stand up comedy, so are Billy Connolly and Flight of the Concords.
LOVE this post! And I’m loving all the comments, too! I love indulging in little splurges as well — probably even more so since my daughter was born three years ago. The little things help me feel like “me” and not just “mom”. I love to occasionally buy a nice cheese (like a creamy delicious brie) and a fresh baguette and enjoy that as an appetizer to our dinner!
Buying fancy cheese is a great one! I love that, too!
Saving the marshmallowsxin lucky charms and eating them at the end.
Changing my sheets once a week.
Going into NYC with no plan and just wandering!
Clean sheets = Happiness for me, too!!
I love Gretchen Rubin! Have you read her new book on habits? I really liked it, too.
My list looks very similar to yours (candles, books, flowers!) but I’d add my Kate Spade Planner. It makes me smile every time I look at it.
For me, it’s also about NOT buying stuff that doesn’t make me happy. If I don’t love it, it’s not worth. It’s so easy to accumulate a lot of things that are totally meaningless.
I know LOTS of people have seen him but there is a REALLY funny Josh Blue special on Netflix right now. His positive outlook and quirky sense of humor always brighten my day.
I have found that a little sunshine goes a long way for me – I work in a large hospital so I’ll try to walk outside in between buildings any time that it’s nice out. Just that is sometimes a way to brighten things up!
I just started listening to Happier on my commute last month and am already almost caught up! I love it! I bought the Leaves candle as my modest splurge 🙂
I love the idea of doing little things to create more happiness in our daily lives! I also really enjoy listening to comedians. I know you listen to podcasts on your walks but if you ever want to switch it up, the comedy station on Pandora makes me laugh out loud like a crazy person on my walks.
I had NO idea there was a comedy station on Pandora! That’s awesome! I’ll definitely check it out.
Great post Julie! I’m going through Integrative Nutrition School right now and one of the speakers was, Gretchen Rubin. She was great! I need to hear some of her podcasts sometime then. 🙂
Oh I would LOVE to hear her speak! How cool!
We pick flowers out of our yard too. Not very often because we don’t have many to pick from. But I love having fresh flowers. And buying a special treat just for me.
I’m a huge believer of treating myself to the little things! I love making “weekend” breakfasts like pancakes at home when we have time, buying fresh flowers for the house, treating myself to regular manicures (there’s a service that comes to my office!) and baths almost every night! Also, in general I’ve become a huge fan of investment pieces- I don’t buy clothes or bags or shoes often but when I do I invest in something I love since I know it’ll stick around. It makes me super happy!
I love the occaisional splurging on fresh flowers, they brighten up my day immensley. A friend was recently telling me how his mother always saved things for a special occaision that never happened. He gifted me something of hers that I use daily in her honor.
I’m glad you are able to use it and remember her. <3
Yes to all these things! I try to pick up fresh flowers once a month or so, and they really do just brighten everything! I actually stocked up on fall BBW candles this weekend during the sale, and holy cow! Filling my house with the smells of fall really is the perfect indulgence 🙂
I’m not a girl who wears a ton of makeup, but I absolutely LOVE when it is time to buy some new mascara, lipstick or eyeshadow! It feels indulgent, and like a tiny investment into me feeling good about myself!
TJ Maxx. I go there almost every friday and just wonder around. My husband knows that I “wonder” on Friday’s after work. Most of the time I don’t buy anything, but sometimes I find something like a candle, home decor, new scarf, etc.
I don’t know why, but I really love “wondering” at TJ Maxx!
I do, too! TJMaxx, Marshalls and HomeGoods are happy places for me! 🙂
Same here! It’s like therapy for me.
My list would be identical to yours. I was just thinking the other day how much I enjoy painting my nails and having my nails painted. I had 3 candles going at once on Sunday and I love a cup of coffee in a mug on the weekends not a to-go cup. I think all those things point to relaxation and in this crazy world it is hard to take time to do that.
I am going to have to check out this podcast tonight! It sounds perfect for my walks with my pup! I like to take a couple hours on Sunday’s to sit down at the coffee shop with my drink of choice for the day and just write. It is so relaxing and being out with the coffee shop atmosphere really makes me happy!
Love this post!! So I know you’re already familiar with Jim Gaffigan (our favorite!), but another AWESOME comedian is Gary Gulman. He’s still pretty under the radar, but you must watch his stand-up. He does a bit about the “Discman” which is HILARIOUS!!
They say that the real test of being happy is appreciating the little things in the here and now — so this is on point. I would agree that painting my nails makes me feel a lot better, just looking done at some fancy fingernails is a little boost to the day! What positive thoughts for the day! Thanks, Julie! 🙂
I just loved the Anjelah Johnson comedy special called “not fancy” that Netflix released last Friday. All her stuff on Netflix is fabulous!