As I set up my weights, Sadie became awfully suspicious and tried to coerce me into puppy playtime instead of a workout by placing three toys from her toy bin right next to my weights.
She takes needy to a whole new level.
I started my workout and she ran circles around me, body slammed into me and barked a few times before trying a new tactic.
Apparently she thinks I find rubbing her belly irresistible. And you know what? She’s right.
When she rolls over like that she looks so pathetic and gives me her feeble “you should probably pet me right now” eyes and I fall for it every time. I’m such a sucker.
As you can probably tell, today’s workout wasn’t exactly killer since it was peppered with plenty of Sadie breaks, but I still managed to work up a sweat.
Lunch today was reheated simple summer chili leftover from last night’s dinner.
Plus the last three Wilbur Buds I brought back to Ocala with me from Gettysburg.
Easy and satisfying!
Question of the Afternoon
- Do you ever workout at home?
- Do any obstacles get in your way?
I head to the gym for most of my workouts because I get distracted at home by Sadie or my to do list! I’m much more likely to get a better workout if I leave the house and admire people who can motivate themselves to regularly workout at home… especially those with children! You guys deserve a gold star.
Ha! Roo likes to sit on my hip when I try to do side plank dips or stand underneath me when I doing downward facing dog. I usually set her up with a toy or bone that I know will keep her occupied for a while if I want to work out.
I do a lot of at-home workouts. Especially yoga/pilates and weights. Our dogs always have to be in my space! I consider 160+ lbs of Labs extra resistance training.
It’s so funny how dogs just can’t stand not being the center of your attention. My Maltese will lay on my stomach when I do crunches and licks my nose with each rep. Just a little reward for me I guess. Too funny! Thanks for a great new workout!
I have the same puppy problems….Barkley likes to lie next to me and flail his head on top of mine when I’m doing core work on the floor!
She obviously loves and adores you … How would you feel if she ignored you? 🙂
My cats show up the SECOND I start to quilt and can’t let them on my lap … Pets are tricky!
Where did you get your rug with the brown border? I just returned a similar one from Ballard Designs, but yours looks more “tan ish” which is what I am looking for! The one I ordered had an “orangey” look
I work out at home a lot during the winter when it’s too cold to run outside and too snowy to drive to the gym. I love the Nike training app — great free workouts that you can do at home. And tough — ouch!
I like working out at home, but I find it’s also a lot harder to really push myself. I guess my brain associates my house with relaxation or something. Plus, the kitties always running around my feet don’t help either!
You’re right, that chili is simple…but sounds so good right now! Just pinned it. And yes, I do workouts at home all the time. Mostly Bethenny’s yoga dvds and stuff that doesn’t require a lot of jumping around bc our neighbors get cranky about it. Push-up planks are great for getting in a little strength + cardio without moving around much!
I do try (emphasis on try) to work out at home. Stretching and yoga are my favorite but the thing that is always an obstacle is that my husband is distracting! I always feel embarrassed doing downward dogs in front of the T.V. when he is there or doing a fitness DVD workout. It never puts me in the right mind and frankly might be a reason that I don’t do much working out at home.
If I workout at home, I need a clear, solid routine (or DVD) to keep me on track. Otherwise, I’ll take a Facebook break, check my email…
Haha, Sadie is so cute! (And completely irresistible :)) I also need to take my workout to the gym. Otherwise, like today, it’s already late in the afternoon and my plans to do an at-home workout haven’t materialized yet ;). Way too many distractions!!
hahah, my dog does the same thing when I work out at home. She is always trying to lick me or lay right next to me when I am down on the mat stretching. She does the same thing as Sadie and rolls over on her back waiting for belly rubs.
I love your blog and your workouts! Today I thought the 100 arm circles would be a breeze…I was definitely wrong!!
My dog licks me to death when I am doing circuit workouts at home! Just like Sadie.
I’m AWFUL at trying to get myself to workout at home. I love your workouts, though, and I do them on the one day I HAVE to workout at home– Sunday– when there aren’t any classes at the gym I like.
People always underestimate what a torture device your own arm can be! I know those arm circles will be a killer.
What weight is the silver set you have? I try to use 15s for deadlifts, but could probably push myself harder.
I only workout at home. When we moved into the house the first thing we did was finish the basement just so I had enough room for all my equipment. It’s not my dream home gym but it’s a great start.
I like to mix it up and work out at home and also at the gym. I’m lucky enough to work at our local university gym so there’s no excuse for me! 😉
At home, I typically do Turbo Fire DVD’s or circuits that I get from Pinterest.
sadie is so hilarious! 🙂
before i moved to college i hardly ever worked out at home (despite having access to a treadmill, elliptical, bench press, barbell, and free weights!) because i always found i ended up working out for a shorter period of time than if i made the trek to the gym.
Oh Wilbur Buds!!! So glad you got some. If you are ever in Lititz, the Wilbur store is pretty incredible. They have the most amazing dark chocolate sea salt caramels. I can’t even speak. 😉
Haha Sadie looks so cheeky! She’s like what? It’s play time 😛
Thanks for the workout! My biggest obstacle is definitely my little runt (a.k.a. the dog). He likes to lie on my yoga mat and jump around when I do burpees. He thinks burpees is a great time to grab his toys!
LOL! That picture of Sadie on her back cracked me up! I’ve seen that look many a time. I also get humped by my female dog when I try to workout at home. Yes, I said female. And she’s fixed! 🙂 I steal my husband’s man cave.
Thanks for the “Living Room Workout.” It perfect for days I can’t get to the gym! As for your adorable Sadie, I’ve heard that dog petting burns way more calories than any other cardio! She was only trying to help! 🙂
Will there be an October book club? Thanks! 🙂
My kitty decides that when I do my P90x workouts on the floor that it’s also the exact time she needs attention. She’ll try to walk across my stomach as I’m doing crunches, or lay down behind my head as I’m trying to do sit ups, so I end up dipping my ponytail into kitty-attack-region. Stretching becomes “Hey! While you have your hands reaching towards the floor, you can also pet the cat!” My boyfriend thinks it’s hilarious.
It’s also awesome when I try to roll up my yoga mat. She flops down on it like: “NO!”
My dogs bark at me, I think they assume I’m in trouble or something with all the limbs flying around. Haha.
as a runner, i have to take 90% of my runs outside or else i get super bored!
I just tried this circuit this morning and it kicked my butt!! I could only two 2 rounds of each mini-circuit.
I literally laughed out loud at this post because it sounds as if I wrote it myself. I can’t resist rubbing my pups belly either. She thinks”work out” time is “play” time and I usually end up with an even harder workout because I’m trying to do my exercise while playing fetch at the same time!.
Awesome workout Julie!
I used to do a yoga or pilates DVD all of the time at home but there is something about actually getting in your car and driving to a studio to work out with a group of people that I like so much better. Plus once your in, your there and have no excuses! Working out at home is convenient and quick if in a crunch though!
I usually workout at home on the treadmill or DVD (huge fan of Chris Frietag’s 10 lb. slimdown series) I find it hard to push myself without them but this morning I tried your circuit workout and I LOVED it. So now I pretty much have to stalk the exercise links and write down all the other routines. I’m also super excited that I now have portable workout plans to take with me on vacation when there’s (gasp!) without a treadmill in sight!
I love working out at home. I do have the pet issue.. though it’s mostly the dog or cat think that I’m playing with them and are jumping at my hands/resistance bands/exercise ball haha or the dog will lick my face (sweat) when i’m doing floor exercises (I hate that !) lol
I travel for work pretty often so I like to think I have mastered the “hotel room workout” which is very similar to your living room workout! Just as long as I get those endorphins, it doesn’t matter to me if I’m in a state-of-the-art gym or my hotel room!
Awesome thanks for posting!! I never make it to the gym anymore 🙁 I have a six month old so this is totally something I could make time for. Thanks for the motivation!
Your Sadie stories always have me laughing; so cute! We had a scare with our pup this past weekend. We ended up taking him to emergency at 2am Saturday morning. 3 places total, ICU, lots of tears and stress, and we finally got him back this past Monday. He’s definitely one of our kids; so glad he’s on the mend! My husband and I workout at home post-kids and love it. We usually try doing it early morning before the kids get up. If not, sometimes the kids climb on our backs during planks or push-ups or the pup comes for kisses if we are laying on our backs. Have a great weekend!
Since moving into my new place with a gym that is a little farther away, I have been making use of the basement of my apartment building and doing a lot of circuit stye workouts.
HIII. I was wondering how you did dead lifts with free weights??
Saw this link on the FFA FB page. I love working out in my living room. I will pin this one for future reference. Love the dog too!