One of the very best parts of half marathon training for me is the feeling I get after I complete a long run. Oddly enough, long runs are my favorite part of training because each one feels like a mini milestone.
I mean how can you not feel like a badass after running 10 miles!?
Right around 7:30 a.m., Ryan, Sadie and I set out to run the 10 miles on our training plan. I started off feeling very sluggish. The first five miles were somehow much harder than the final five for me.
It’s very dreary in Ocala this morning and a light drizzle kept us cool and a bit wet for 80 percent of our run. The light rain felt really nice and thankfully didn’t turn into a full-out downpour, though from the looks of the sky, a storm is a-brewin’!
During our run, I made sure to fuel with strawberry Gu Chomps at the six-mile mark.
Though it may have been totally mental, I felt much better after downing the Chomps and the final four miles ticked by fairly quickly, though I did get a bit of a cramp around mile 7.5.
As we were on our final mile of our run, Ryan turned to me saying that he had a huge craving for McDonald’s hot cakes. I remembered the delicious Stonewall Kitchen gingerbread pancake mix we got this week and suggested gingerbread pancakes to him instead. He was more than game.
Gingerbread + Pancakes!? How can you not be intrigued?
Oh my gosh, these pancakes were so good!
We both ate a big plate full of the pancakes to quell our post-run hunger.
These pancakes remind me of Christmas morning. I feel like they would be such a fun and festive thing to eat before diving into presents.
And now I have a craving for my mom’s monkey bread that she always makes on Christmas morning…
Time to change and pack for Orlando. I’m spending the weekend with my friend Laurel and can’t wait to see her!
Awesome job on the long run!! That has to feel so good to accomplish that :). And those pancakes sound amazing. Monkey bread is one of the best things ever! I want to try and make it at some point!
agreed! it’s one of my all-time favorite foods.
Great job on your run!!! That’s awesome!
If only Will was as easy to distract from McDonalds as Ryan is… haha
AHH PERFECT post fuel!! im running half marathon tomorrow!!! i wish i had trained like you!
The long runs were definitely my favorite part of training.
Actually my first half marathon is tomorrow!!!!!
I bought sport beans to eat but then I was told GU was better and here I see you are eating those chomps.
Do you, or anyone else, have a recommendation as to what is the best mid run fuel?
I like the gu comps as well. I have tried the gels (too sticky and not a good consistency for me) but there are the sport beans and i believe a few other varieties. Although I like the chomps, I think it is all personal preference and you should try a few things to find what you like! :]
I love that huge plate of pancakes! It looks delicious!!
Congrats on your long run!!
Gingerbread pancakes sound fantastic! There are few things better in life than a giant plate of pancakes on the weekend!
Yeah it’s been rainy all morning here in Orlando…your visit with your friend will be pretty dreary weather wise…BUT, at least that doesn’t matter when you are with a BFF :). Have fun, and congrats on your 10 miles!!
Hi Julie!
I am a fairly new reader, so maybe you have addressed this in the past. How did you become a “runner”and have you always enjoyed it? I trained for and ran a 10K about 2 years ago and felt a huge sense of accomplishment since I have never been a runner of any kind. BUT, I hated the training and never got to the point that I enjoyed my runs. All I could think about was how much further I had to go. I tried the Ipod, but never could “zone out” as others have told me they can. On a positive note, I felt awesome AFTER my runs (delayed runner’s high I guess). I was just wondered if you have any tips/tricks.
Thanks! 🙂
hi leighann! here’s a link to the post that i did w/ my running story:
I was thinking about you this morning because it POURED here all night..and is still pouring this morning. I was hoping it might avoid Ocala since I knew you had your long run this morning. So glad it held up- but be careful driving to Orlando- parts are already flooding. :/ Eek!
Hope you have a fun night! 🙂
So many pancakes! Ahh making me hungry lol!
You finished your 10miles today before I even finished my 9…I need to step it up hahah 😉
Congrats on your run! That’s such an accomplishment! I’m working my way up there…
Great job this morning. I wish one of our dogs had it them to run with me. Annabelle might, but then Solo would be so sad being left alone.
10 miles for me this morning as well! Slow, but done. Happy with that. Now to watch the Ironman from Hawaii on the computer. My reward for getting the run done.
The Kidless Kronicles
I love gingerbread. And I love pancakes. It really would be the perfect Christmas breakfast!! Have great weekend!
Wow well done on the 10-miler- rockstar :D!! I can’t wait to hit double digits although I am pretty nervous! I have 8 scheduled next week- eeks!
Awesome run time! I am SO motivated for my 10K after seeing you trek along 10 miles on a Saturday AM, more power to you! 9:30 mile pace is GREAT too! We would be good running buddies, because we go at the same pace about 🙂 I haven’t kept the 9:30 up past 5 miles (that’s the longest I have gone on my 10K plan), but I think it’s a good pace to have nonetheless! Have a good weekend with your girlyfriend and I think those pancakes look SO GOOD!!
long runs are my favorite part of training too! I get frustrated though with my training schedule and having to wait! I do another 7 this weekend, then I have a taper week, so it’s 2 weeks until my first 8 mile run!
Congrats on the 10 miles! 🙂 Those pancakes look awesome! Now I’m craving pancakes 😛
Congrats on the long run! 10 miles is one of my fav distances because it’s double digits! 🙂
Gingerbread pancakes sounds way better than McDonalds!
Gingerbread pancakes?? Say what? Those sound ah-mazzzing! 🙂 Enjoy your Saturday!
NICE job on the 10 miles! That is seriously awesome.
Those pancakes sound/look amazing! I love festive foods 🙂
Congrats on the run!!!!
10 miles is pretty bad ass.
As for the monkey bread…i love it!
Congrats on the run!! I totally feel like a badass after a long run too. Love it! Yumm those pancakes look awesome. Too bad I’ve never tried monkey bread, I’ve heard it is AMAZING though.
Great job on your 10! The feeling after finishing a long run is seriously the best ever! I have a measly two miles on my training schedule today and I’m already putting it off…your 10 is definitely a motivator for me though!
Congrats – 10 miles is huge! Long runs are great at making ya feel like a badass!
Great job on your 10 miles! I wish I was that fast!
Those pancakes look great – i don’t know if I ever actually had gingerbread before.
As much as I hated long runs while training, I felt the same way about it—each run made me feel so proud of myself! Congrats!
Congrats on the long run! Woot Woot 🙂
Nice work kids! Keep it up and I feel TWO person best half marathon times coming on!
You guys rock!! Nice run!
…except now you have me thinking of Christmas breakfast. I want my mom’s traditional “Christmas morning wife saver” breakfast casserole RIGHT NOW! Is it December yet? 😉
Have a good day Julie!
Wow, congrats on the lon run!! Are those chomps tasty? or just good fuel?
there is nothing quite like a post-long run high 🙂 have a great weekend!
Congrats girl! That’s a great way to kickstart your weekend! And I love that- the pancakes tasted like Christmas morning?! What a cozy description!
Long runs are my favorite too! Speed days would definitely get my vote for the worst part of training 🙂
Sometimes I start off sluggish too and by the end feel so amazing that I feel as though I can run more!
Congrats on your mini milestone! 🙂
I have been burning a gingerbread candle and wanted to make some gingy cookies, but I was told it was “too Christmasy”….since when is celebrating a little early considered a bad thing?! Flap jacks sound delicious!
Hmmm I still don’t know how one can eat anything at all during a run!! I’m sure it’s fine since so many people do it–but I keep imagining that if I did that, I’d get monster cramps. I guess not? 😛 And those pancakes….so fluffy lookin’! 😀
i cramp up really easily, too. i’ve found the key is making sure i don’t eat TOO much at once.
way to go on the training and your pace! wish mine was that fast! i had a 12 miler this morning…first couple of miles felt hard as i warmed up, and then my pace magically jumped up and i had some great miles! but the last 2 were so hard but i made it and was proud of my overall pace. would have loved your pancakes afterwards!
Double digit runs = BAMF!
I love long runs and enjoyed my marathon training over the summer. The marathon was last weekend and it felt awesome! My body is still healing but I’m looking forward to a nice 5 or 6-miler this afternoon.
Hi Julie,
Can you recommend a exercise regime for a very beginner? I am completely and absolutely out of shape although I have always taken daily walks. I don’t have a gym membership and my rent is insanely high so that I can’t afford anything either. I think I have 5 lbs dumbbells at home.
I want to be lean and strong and would like to do cardio and strength. I’m very impatient with yoga though and I’m unsure of aerobics since I find jumping hard and I have limited space for things like that.
If you can suggest something, please do! I’m very frustrated and really want a set weekly schedule to follow emphatically and feel a sense of accomplishment at the end of each week. To progress!
Thanks for anything.
try taking the weights with you on your walks and pump your arms while holding them! powerwalking makes me feel kind of silly but it can be a great workout!
Those pancakes sound amazing! I’ve never heard of that kind before!
Congrats on 10 today!!! My group did 11 and after several halves this is my longest training run.
I made your banana bread pancakes after I got home!!
We ran 10 miles today, too! And I’m with you … I enjoy the long runs the most. I love getting up early on a Saturday morning and going on a long run with my husband while it’s still quiet and peaceful! 🙂
Of course, my pace isn’t as good as yours! Congrats to you, girl! You rock!! 🙂
Whoah, Sadie ran 10 miles at a 9:35 pace. Is that normal for a dog?
she’s hardcore! 🙂 she honestly could go much faster. we were holding HER back. runner’s world listed her breed as one of the breeds that can train for an entire marathon with you.
Congrats on your long run! Sadie is a crazy dog! If I tried to take my dog out to run 10 miles he would fail miserably haha Those pancakes look like the perfect post run fuel! And I love that teal plate!
“I mean how can you not feel like a badass after running 10 miles!?”
So, so true! This is why I love long runs. Awesome pace! After being injured for a while, I think my knee has finally healed and I might register for a half marathon next weekend. It’s a flat course and the weather is supposed to be beautiful! i just can’t resist.
Woo! Great job on the long run! I’ve been lacking on my long runs for my half marathon but I’ll hopefully be able to come out alright for the race. 🙂
I just bought that same Garmin and took it for my first run this morning! Love it so far!! It was rainy here also, only really cold (35*) and started pouring on me. I was freezing by the time I got back 🙁 Sounds like your run weather was a bit more comfortable!!
What are the chances of PBFMom sharing her recipe for monkey bread? It looks delicious!
ah! she should! maybe we’ll make it on thanksgiving and post it!
Strawberry Gu Chomps are delicious. I fueled with them during my half. But I didn’t eat them all at once. I ate 4 total.. beginning at 6 miles.. I had them about every 2 miles. One each time. Do you think it is better to take them all at once?
i split mine up too! i took four at a time. more than that and i get really crampy!