We spent all morning sorting and cleaning.
Ryan and I currently live in a three bedroom apartment. We use the master bedroom, we have one guest room and one room is dubbed our “room of shit.”
I apologize for the language, but honestly, look at it:
If you can think of a better name for it, we’re all ears.
Basically our room of shit evolved over time. When we first moved into our apartment, we had plans to make it an office. Ryan gave me full decorating reign of the guest bedroom and I told him he could decorate our office to his liking.
We discussed many different office layouts and furniture arrangements and kept coming to the same conclusion. We didn’t want to pour money into outfitting an office catered around the current living space when we knew we would want something different in the future. So the room essentially became storage.
Now that I’m working from home, having a nice home office will be crucial and we plan to rent a place that has space for a real office. I can’t wait to actually have a bookshelf and files! Oh the joy!
Love Crafts
Our morning project had us rummaging through the room of shit, throwing away certain things and piling others into stacks to give away or later arrange on a bookshelf or in cabinets.
During the sorting process, we stumbled upon a pile of old “love crafts” from when we first started dating.
I remember leaving a trail of Hershey’s kisses to that sign, which I had propped up on Ryan’s bed with some Valentine’s Day goodies during our third year together.
Ryan made me this valentine himself:
I think there was a picture of us in the middle of it that fell off over the years.
I remember making this valentine for Ryan in my sorority house.
I used a glue gun to adhere those little candy hearts with sayings to the poster board, using their words to help me craft a Valentine’s day message. I remember eating a ton of the candy hearts in the process with my roommate, Laurel. The pinks and whites are the best!
We also found a calendar that I made for Ryan for Christmas one year to track all of our random memories during the following year. (He loved this gift just in case any girlfriends out there are looking for ideas!)
(Note: The picture of us was from one of my sorority’s themed grab-a-date functions. We don’t wear camo gear for fun, I swear.)
All of the sorting and cleaning caused me to work up an appetite!
Eventually it was time for lunch, so we took a burger break.
My favorite veggie burgers, served on whole wheat sandwich thins with spinach, ketchup, mustard, relish, tomato and cucumber slices hit the spot!
More cucumber slices marinated in Italian dressing were enjoyed on the side.
Gotta get back to the mess!
Anyone want a free TV?
Haha! I love that you have a free TV set up for the taking. And I have so done that poster with the conversation hearts V-Day idea before. Eating the candy is the best part. I agree. 😉
That ‘free tv’ makes me laugh because last time I moved I literally gave an old tv to some guy who happened to be walking by. He was at the right place at the right time!
so cute!! I’m currently going through my “room of shit” as well… well actually I’m procrastinating by reading blogs 😉
Ha! Wait till ya live in the same place for 17 years. It ain’t pretty!! I’m pretty sure everybody has one of those rooms – it just happens (and gets worse) over time. Your lunch looks great! Believe it or not, I love a good veggie burger. 🙂
I have a room dedicated to shit & several drawers dedicated to shit. There really is no better way to describe it hahaha. That burger looks amazing & this whole post just reinforces why I think you & Ryan are quite possibly the cutest couple I know. Well, read about & know 😛
I loooove the candy heart poster idea, gonna snag that one for next year 😀
Very cute! I really love the calendar with photos of memories from the previous year, very clever and thoughtful
And as someone lives in an adorable but *cozy* 400 sq foot apartment, I’m not at all jealous that you have an entire room for storing “shit”. Not. at. all.
I love all the fun crafts! One year I made Keith a candy card…where phrases were replaced by candy bar names. It was fun!!
I’ve done the candy heart poster idea before and the guy loved it! I should do something similar for my husband…..thanks for the ideas!
Love veggies burgers. YUMM!
my bedroom is the room of sh*t.. haha
Those are such cute ideas!! I’m now set for next few Valentine’s Days haha
Those valentines crafts are adorable! Absolutely adore them. And I totally like the idea of a room full of shit, I wish I had that! Instead, everything just seems to pile up around me…drats 🙂
My husband and I have a room like that too. (Who doesn’t? Although, I’d like to know your secret if you don’t) Anyway, we just call it ‘the Pit’.
Love all your ‘love crafts’. Might have to remember some of those for the coming years.
Oh how I miss sorority functions 🙂 and seeing all those crafts is giving me some good ideas of things to do for my bf while we’re doing the long-distance thing…now if only I could get him to do the same haha
Omg those are the CUTEST valentines day gift ideas!! You are so creative…I just might have to steal some of your ideas for next years valentines day 🙂 I love the way you make your bubble letters too!!
That is the cutest thing!! 😀
Haha I’ll take that TV off your hands! 😉
I see you have ‘Apples to Apples’ in your room of shit! 😛 LOVE that game! 😀
If you think the room of shit is bad…we have two floors of shit. I kid you not. An entire basement and a third floor with three guest bedrooms, none of which can actually be used to accommodate guests because they’re too full of stuff. My mom is a total pack rat and won’t throw ANYTHING away. My dad always jokes that when they die, my brother and I are going to be screwed going through everything!!
That is SO sweet! 🙂 I love stumbling across old valentines and cards and love notes from my hubby. PS you have such cute hand writing!!!!
Cory and I have tons of crafts like that that we’ve kept over the years. Whenever I made something like that for him, I dubbed it: ‘hearts and crafts’ 😉
whoa that TV knows how to work and do chores?! hehe sorry…I just had to! 😛 cute crafts Julie! My first valentine with my fiance Greg, I made him a heart pillow!!! With his name sewed on 😀
OMG, rooms like that are my nightmare because I always want to organize everything. Before you started working on that room, you should have just had me over. Then when you left the room, I would have snuck in there somehow and started arranging and cleaning Monica Gellar style.
P.S. Taboo is my fave game!
Aww, you guys are quite adorable 🙂 Julie, you’re hand writing is beauuutiful!
omg is that picture of you and ryan in the camo from KD boggy bottoms? :] <3 AOT
Haha yesss!
Soo cute! I save stuff like that too. That’s awesome you still have it all.
All those cards are so adorable! And what a great idea for the calendar!!!!!
Hope you have an awesome weekend!
In high school I made my boyfriend a valentine to hang on his wall that was a heart made out of lifesavers glued onto a piece of cardboard. It was all fine and dandy until a few months later when ants were climbing up the wall to get to the candy!
That’s the most organized room of junk I’ve ever seen!! I love the wood floors in that room, and it looks like it gets a good amount of sunlight. It’ll be a great office!!
omg, i have a room of sh!t too!!!
love your love crafts, you have super nice handwriting. <–is that weird to comment on?
i LOVE your handwriting!
so cute! i love your handwriting! its so cool, mine is horrible and hard to read. we also have a junk room aka the blue room:)
I love the candy hearts poster- so cute! & I think I would of gone through a number of those candy hearts..because I would eat them all 😀 The purple are my favorite…just because I think they are supposed to be grape flavored, although after a while they all taste the same- haha
Julie, you have the best handwriting EVER! I love finding old things like that!
First I have to say I am jealous of your handwriting. Beautiful! Sorry to say I can’t think of another name for your extra room. Curious to know if anyone took the t.v.
Yep! It was gone within an hour.
Oh my gosh I feel your pain with moving, I moved 6 times in the past 4 years, and it is SUCH a hassle. But it will be worth it when you guys are in a place that you love!
Awe! That must have been so much fun finding old love notes! Side note: I approve of the term “room of shit”, lol. Too funny!
Also, I’m really inspired by your meals because you always have at least half of your meal consist of fruits or veggies. It really made me look at my meals.
How long did that TV last?? 🙂
My guest room is our room of shit. It’s hidden away, but the shit is there. It used to be my daughter’s room (before she was born, obviously) and it’s since migrated. We have the space and an attic to actually organize it, but no motivation.
I’ve been doing a lot sorting and cleaning myself lately! It’s so cool what you find sometimes though 🙂
Love all the love crafts– so cute!!
Aw, cute to see your sorority stuff! I’m in a sorority in college right now… gotta love dressing up for date parties! 🙂 I have loved reading your blog lately! Have a wonderful weekend!
Love all of your love crafts!! Such cute ideas! 🙂
ps–we have a room like that in my house, but we call it the “Oh My Gosh” room because when someone walks in it they say OH MY GOSH! haha my mom made it up when we were little and to this day we still call it that.
I have a room full of shit, too! We just cleaned it out and I want to turn it into an office – the couch just isn’t cutting it anymore 😀
Love your love-crafts, so sweet!
Aww! I love going through old stuff and finding cute things from early in my relationship! It is funny to see how cheesy we used to be and how far we have come! Your crafts are adorable:)
These are so cute! I’ve been freaking out about what to get as an anniversary present for my boyfriend. I might steal an idea or two 😉
aww, those love crafts are way too cute! i love it when i stumble upon things like that when i’m cleaning and sorting things out. i usually find old cards as well and rereading them always makes me smile. 🙂
oh, and u should try and catch a peek at the person who does take that free tv, i always wonder who picks up stuff left out front of peoples’ houses. but tv, that’s a pretty good score for them!
sorry to hear about ur luggage, i hope the rest of the trip goes smoother. 🙁
ummm, i’m a total idiot, please disregard that last bit of my message i was looking at the wrong twitter feed! sorry, i’ve left my head elsewhere, maybe it’s with the other gal who lost her luggage…lol.
Room of memories? Gathering place of unnessicary items? idn…i think your name for the room is better 🙂 And all those v-day cards are adorable, what great memories!!
I recently found a box of all old love letter type stuff too in my parents house, except most of them were from or to bf’s who are NOT my husband! haha it made it funny to look through and think about all the crazy things that happened back then!
Aww the calendar is such a cute idea! We also have a room of crap in our 2 bedroom apartment in Manhattan, with a pile of crap I refer to as “Mount Shitmore”.
Those Valentine’s are so cute! Much better than store-bought ones. If I lived in Florida, I would definitely snag that TV for my new apartment.
Hi Julie,
I saw this recipe for pulled pork and instantly thought of you! 🙂
That room is not bad by any means. We have a room worse than that. We call it the storage room. It pretty much means, everything gets thrown in and nothing comes out.
I’m also in the packing early mode. The more I do now, the less I have to do later. Which means, I won’t be too exhausted to unpack once I move. That’s the worst part to me.
Those Valentine’s are precious! How fun to reminisce 🙂