Did any of you guys make a special New Year’s Day dinner last night to hopefully bring a little luck your way in 2013?
For as long as I can remember, my mom always made pork, black-eyed peas and sauerkraut for dinner on New Year’s Day. These foods, along with a handful of others, are said to bring luck in the new year and since I like all of these foods anyway, I figured I’d keep the tradition going and prepared a meal centered around these “lucky” foods last night.
Though all of the sauerkraut was consumed last night (I love the stuff), there were some leftovers remaining that I threw together in a bowl for lunch today.
I tossed leftover sautéed collard greens with the remaining black-eyed peas before topping the greens with sliced pork.
Just as good the second day!
Loving Long Runs
Right before lunch today, I took a brief 30-minute break to run three miles with Sadie.
Something that seems to happen to me every time I train for a half marathon is happening to me again. I am loving my long runs, but find my midweek runs rather boring. I’m trying to vary the distance and pace of my midweek runs a bit to fight some of this boredom which is helping. Still, long runs are far and away my favorite part of half marathon training.
Each long run feels like an amazing accomplishment. When my long run is over, I am hit with a wonderful sense of satisfaction that I cannot seem to get from any other workout. While I’m out running a long run, I feel at peace. I fall into a groove and just go. Though my body may be struggling (running is never easy for me), my mind is clear as I focus on achieving a new distance record in my latest half marathon training plan.
This week I will be running 11 miles and I’ve already started to psych myself up for it!
Questions of the Afternoon
- Have you ever trained for a race or athletic competition of some sort? What was your favorite part of training?
- Do you hope to train for a race or athletic competition this year? Any big goals out there?
I’m training for a half too right now! I think the shorter runs are more boring because they’re not as challenging! I love my long runs but definitely find myself getting bored and less motivated when I see 2 or 3 miles for that day. Your half is soon, right?!
yes!! three weeks away. i’m pumped!
and good luck on YOUR half!
I love long runs! It’s tough mentally to keep going but it’s really amazing that our bodies can run long like that. I ran 14 this past weekend and by the time I was done, I felt so awesome. Its simply the best feeling when you’re half a mile away from your distance goal. Going back down to 10 this weekend, then back up to 13 the next weekend.
YES! i totally agree. when i reach the last mile or so of a long run, i am hit with a serious rush! it’s incredible.
I am looking forward to running my second marathon this year! On Sunday I ran 13 miles. Just thought it would be fun for 2013! 😉
I hope I feel the same way about long runs when I start to train for a half marathon this summer! I planned to run my first half marathon race last year, but it didn’t happen due to some health stuff so I’m making 2013 the year for it to happen! Our baby is due at the beginning of April, so I’m hoping to start training in the early summer and run the race in late summer/early fall. I figured it’d be a good way for me to get back in shape and get into running again. I can’t wait!
Ashley- Congratulations!!! I have a baby due at the beginning of March and also hope to start marathon training ( again) in the late spring/ early summer. You’re absolutley right, running is an awesome way to get in shape. Good luck with the baby and with training!!! 🙂
This post made me really think about long runs. I dread them. I love running long races, because the excitement is enough to keep me engaged, but long runs bore me, and I’m usually doing them on weekends when there is SO MUCH to do already, so I feel like I’m taking up valuable weekend time to run for more than an hour.
I like your attitude. It’s almost like you’re treating it as a mini-race – what a GREAT idea!! I’m going to use this strategy when I start training for my next half marathon.
Thanks, Julie!
i think everyone enjoys different things about training, but reframing my longs runs as something i “have to do” to be adequately trained really helped. i really do see each long run as a mini milestone and it makes them a LOT more enjoyable. i hope this helps you!!
*reframing my long runs AWAY from something i “have to do,” i mean. 🙂
I do enjoy a good long run and how accomplished I feel afterwards! I feel like I can conquer anything. I have a few half marathons this year and am considering running the Marathon in memory of the lives lost at Newtown, never in my life have I wanted to run a full marathon but this one I feel like I need to do!
I ran cross country and track in college, so to answer your question yes I have trained for running events lol 😉 Keep rocking the half marathon training you are doing awesome! I’m currently training for a half marathon also. It’s not until March so I have some time but I’m excited! My goal is to keep 7:00 min pace… we shall see.
you are a rockstar!!! i’m pumped about running close to a 9 min. mile pace. you are my new hero. 😀
Love your attitude! I hope this is what happens to me! I am currently training for my first half marathon (race is March 2) and I’ve just started to get into what are ‘long’ runs for me. I did 7 miles this past weekend, a new PDR for me!
Thanks for the motivation!
that is the BEST feeling! training for my first half was so fun because every long run became a new PDR. good luck to you, mariel!
My first half marathon is in May! I am so excited to start running longer distances and not feeling like I am killing myself doing it!
I’m running my first half marathon in April and I’m so excited!!
My longest run so far was 6 miles so I know I have a long way to go but I was really proud of myself for finishing 6.2 miles!
Good luck for your race!!
Long runs are my favorite too for the very reasons you mentioned 🙂 I’m running my first half marathon in March (Rock and Roll D.C.). My goal is to run at least four this year with some 10Ks, too. I ran my first 10K last September and was able to run one more in October before the end of year. I caught the itch to race haha and have been trying to save money for them ever since. Hoping to do a lot more with them this year 🙂
I am the same way when training. I find that 3-5 mile runs become mundane and I just really enjoy the longer runs! Now a 5 mile run is great for me, but only because I don’t usually run further than that since I stopped training for a race.
I plan to train for a could major races this year. A Tough Mudder is definitely on the agenda, and either a half-marathon or sprint triathlon. I need to make a decision soon!
I’m currently training for my first marathon (started yesterday!) I’ve done a few half marathons and a 25k in the past and loved them! I haven’t done much running since having my son so hopefully I can pull this off! Thanks for having such motivational posts!
I love training for halves. The long runs are long….yet remain accessible (know what I mean?) I have the Miami Marathon (which will be my first after this past Nov’s NYC Marathon that wasn’t) at the end of January, but I’m having training fatigue at the crazy distances. 20 miles this Sunday. Ugh.
After that I have the NYC Half as my “next up” in March and I CAN’T WAIT to start the training for the Half Marathon distance, which I am COMFORTABLE with and which I LOVE.
In order to mix it up mid-week, I make an effort to make at least one of my short runs with a group or with friends, and for me that helps me keep it fresh! I’m a social runner through and through!
I’m definitely not a runner. I do enjoy long walks with my husband and doggies though:) good luck with your marathon! I can tell you will do great!
I was a swimmer in college so my life has been dedicated to competitions. During the practices leading up to our conference meet I always loved hearing that my pace times were getting faster, it made me feel like I was ready to race! I’m transitioning into a runner now and I love it!
When I was running longer distances, I always looked more forward to them- no pressure to run at crazy speeds and you can’t beat that sense of achievement!
I wish I was more of a runner. I’m hoping when it gets a little warmer to start up the Couch 2 5K again. I’d love to run our local firecracker this July 4th!
Training for the full RNR marathon this year (once my darn foot heals! GRrrrrr!!!) My favorite part of training is the long runs. I used to get bored with the mid week runs until I decided to spice things up. So, one day I run with the stroller for added resistance and let me tell you – that helps power. One day, I’ll do a tempo run or an interval run to keep it interesting, but sometimes interval runs can make the time go by slowly because I keep looking at my watch. Also, sometimes I play games with myself like, if I’m doing a trail run, I’ll pick a tree a few yards ahead and I’ll see how fast I can run to it. Then I’ll run at my normal pace for a little while to recover and then pick another tree and time myself again. It’s kind of silly, but it keeps things interesting.
Last night I made my first ever batch of Hoppin’ John, vegetarian style and it was delish! Definitely a tradition I want to continue in the years to come. I am running the Indianapolis Mini Marathon in May of this year, and I am leading a training group. Training starts on Wednesday January 23, and although I am excited I am so nervous! The long miles seem scary at the beginning, but once I get started my body honestly takes over and it leaves me feeling so accomplished!! Good luck with your long run this weekend!
I started training today for a 10k race today that I hope to run in April or early May. I did one a few years ago and want to improve on my time (I am SO slow!!). 😉
I’m starting to love my long runs again too! It’s hard doing them alone at 7am midweek but I get to the point where anything less than 6 miles feels too short!
I am so over long runs right now, actually. Hah. I like shorter HIIT type runs/training. So much less boring to me 😉
I am just starting running. I never enjoyed running before and used to HATE it in school, in fact I would avoid it and walk. I did my first 5km yesterday and walkd that too. I had hoped it would be a warm up to my 5km in February but I pulled a calf muscle before Christmas and then got super sick on Christmas Eve. Then it was really icy on the run, I almost baled so many times even though I was only walking. Right now 5km seems hard and I am no where near running that distance straight. One day maybe, I hope. I am enjoying getting better, running a little longer or feeling a little less dead after. If only it would warm up a little more so training would be more enjoyable!
We had black-eyed peas last night – my first time trying them (and I like them!). We usually have a pork roast and sauerkraut, too. 🙂 I also had waffles for b-fast, because I personally feel like you can’t start a year out on the right foot without pancakes or waffles in your system for extra luck.
My mom made basically the same dinner for my dad last night!
I’ve tried training for a 10 mile race. I hated the training but loved the pre-race atmosphere and the finish. I’m hoping to change outlook on training this year.
Oh, how I can relate! Long runs during half training were like icing on the cake for me. Getting through it was so tough, but afterward, I felt like telling every stranger “I just ran 10 miles!!!!!!!!” I was so high off my accomplishment. And this is totally why I am addicted to running now, because it gives me a sense of amazing accompishment that not many can claim. Glad to hear you are enjoying just one of the many benefits of running.
I can’t believe this is the first time I’ve ever heard of foods for luck in the New Year, but this is the second blog post I’ve read today with reference to those foods and now I know why. Thanks for shedding light on a very cool tradition!
You can’t beat the long run satisfaction, a real sense of accomplishment. I was running one 16km run a week, just under 11 miles until my achilles started at me…such a pain, so frustrating only being able to do short distances occasionally…lots of strengthening to get back to it!
I am looking forward to my first half marathon and then a Tough Mudder the following month. My goal is to complete the Tough Mudder! Slightly nervous about that goal.
I’m running 2 half marathons and my first marathon. I’m also signing up for a Tough Mudder! I love following realistic training plans an can’t wait to start training for my first ‘big’ race of the year!
That Garmin is the hugest thing I’ve ever seen, haha!!!
I used to make black eyed peas on NYD, but this year I’m sick and didn’t get around to it. Hope I didn’t jinx myself!
I too enjoy the long runs more. I sometimes feel like the midweek shorter runs are actually harder. Probably because we pick up the face. There is a group of ladies in my town I run with. We have done a few halfs together and now we are training for a full! We are excited! Good luck on your training. I enjoy your blog so much.
11 MILES?!!! Good gosh, you have endurance! I’m currently at 2 miles, I’m hoping to be running a 5k in February!
Would you mind sharing your recipe for the pork and black eyed peas?! I miss your blog when you used to post dinner recipes! I know I would love it ( and maybe others too) if you incorporated more recipes for “easy” dinners, too! I am always looking for simple inspiration!
Your left overs look great! Would love to see the main meal from last night, too 🙂
I agree – would love to hear how you made your pork dinner! I, too, miss your dinner posts 🙁
i guess she’s not going to respond…?
sorry, that was rude.. didn’t mean for it to come off that way & i cannot figure out how to delete my comment! I cannot even imagine how you respond to even a 1/3 of blog comments.. you should be applauded for your efforts to even respond at all! I WOULD love to see more of your dinner-time recipes, though 🙂 I didn’t mean to sound so harsh and rude, though, and after re-reading it, it kind of sounds that I’m snarking. Nothing but love for you, Julie 🙂
No worries at all! I should share more dinner recipes. Thanks so much for the feedback! As for the pork, I just sautéed it on the stovetop in a little bit of olive oil and sprinkled it with thyme and cumin. Then I added can of drained and rinsed black-eyed peas. And finally, I added the collard greens which I first boiled and water.
Great, thank you so much for responding. That sounds easy, but I would have never thought to use thyme on pork…that’s why i like hearing what you did! You provide more inspiration for cooking than you know, even when it’s relatively simple. Just nice to hear how you prepare your meals. THANKS!!
I’m so glad you are loving your long runs! I’ve trained for several races and also LOVE the runner’s high that comes after completing the long runs. I’m living vicariously through you right now since I’m pregnant with twin girls and won’t be able to train for a longer race for a while! 🙂
I’m going to start training for a 10K then 1/2 marathon soon. Do you write your own plan or do you have any recommendations?
I’m currently in the middle of having different surgeries to basically rearrange my legs so no major running for me. The most I can handle is the elliptical. I CANNOT WAIT until these surgeries are done so thatI can start training for real. My bucket list goal is to run a full marathon!
Oh my goodness, these days a long run for me is 3 miles, ha!! One of my goals is to start running more this year and do a couple races though I highly doubt it will include a half but hey, you never know!!
My question: How do you find routes to run for your 6+ mile runs? I live in a rural neighborhood that is only about a mile around and the streets around us have no sidewalks so my running paths are limited. Do you just head out the door or do you have a specific place you run?
I miss long runs so much! I ran the Chicago marathon this past october, but since then I’ve been dealing with an injury. Now I’m back to zero running for the next month… it sucks. A lot. Stretch!
Julie- I feel the same way! There is nothing like a a long run. Even if it’s not that good, it is still great because of the distance. Coming from someone who has only done one half before, I truly agree when you say that no workout satisfies you like a long run. After I complete a long run, I feel invincible!
Unfortunately it is SO cold in Boston around this time so long runs that are outdoors are far and few between. Long runs on the treadmill can become daunting. I am training (well am going to start to) for a 10 miler in March followed by a half in May. Can’t wait, this post just reminded me how much I love to run! 🙂
I had never heard of eating black-eyed peas for luck on New Years until I started dating my boyfriend. My family always eats pork, sauerkraut and potatoes. Last year I tried black-eyed peas for the first time and 2012 was probably the worst year of my life! This year it was back to the German feast for me!
I’m hoping to do a Tough Mudder in May! It’s been a while since I’ve done any distance running, so I’ll definitely have to get on that.
This post really hit me! I just started training for my first half marathon this week.
I wish I could say I’m loving long runs! Just getting back into the whole running thing now after an unplanned time-out, and it is haaard on me!
I have never trained for any races or marathons but I am interested in doing so!! There is a 6 mile trail run in my area in April. I don’t know if I will be ready by then but I am definitely gonna try for it!
I ran my first race in 2010, my first 1/2 marathon in 2011 and my first (only) marathon in 2012! Long run’s are sometimes brutal, but SO REWARDING! Last summer the heat was on high most day’s so beating my distance records on top of finding way’s to beat the heat made long runs even more rewarding! My second fave part of training is doing it with my hubby! We met at a race and both have BIG LOVE for running!
This year I plan to complete another (second) full marathon, would like to PR in a half and am going to shoot for a triathalon this year. Might be a 1/2 IronMan…or, it might be a sprint…not sure! 🙂
Triathlons are awesome! They are so much more fun than straight running races. I started as a runner and then converted. Triathlete for life :). 70.3 Boulder is a great half Ironman. Fast and relatively flat (most people think it would be super hilly, but it’s not). Only issue is altitude if you live at sea level. Have a great year of races!
I just ran my first (and last) marathon on NYE. Absolutely brutal and the rainy and cold weather did not help! That being said, I am looking forward to ‘normal’ distances like half marathons. Longer runs are definitely great for the soul. Hoping this year to get a few half marathons in and improve my times.
I agree with you, I just started training again and i can’t wait for that accomplishment. I will never forget the first time i hit 8 miles in Central Park i was so proud of myself, now i’m training for my 3rd half. Question for you : Do you do tempo/speed work during the week when training? im trying to beat my other times.