Yesterday was a busy one. I didn’t arrive home from work until close to 10 p.m. and was more than ready to curl up under the covers and quickly fall asleep when I walked through the door.
Our LiveSTRONG group meeting was particularly emotional yesterday and while I don’t feel comfortable sharing too much, all I can say is that our group of cancer survivors and our participants who are currently undergoing treatment for cancer are incredibly resilient. I am so moved by every group member’s stories and I’m so, so glad we have a group that is open and willing to share experiences with each other.
During Merri’s wedding weekend, a few of my girlfriends asked me how the program was going because they knew I was excited about launching it at our gym, and I explained to them that I feel like I’ve finally found my niche at the gym. For as much as I enjoy other aspects of working at the gym, this group has, hands down, been the most incredible experience I’ve had since working there to date. I feel most comfortable working with people who are very new to exercise or intimidated by fitness. I am also going to be getting involved in a diabetes prevention program at our gym and I’m really looking forward to that in the future.
Today Ryan and I woke up to our alarm blaring and headed into the gym for a workout.
On my agenda:
- 25 minute Incline Walking Workout
- 15 minute Nike Training Club advanced Arm Definer workout
- 15 minute Nike Training Club advanced Shoulder Shaper workout
At the end of the workout, my arms felt fatigued in that great “I just had an amazing workout” kind of way. Love it!
Breakfast this morning had to be fast because I needed to take Ryan into work since his car is in the shop. (The air conditioning is broken which may not sound like a big deal since it’s November, but it was in the 80s in Ocala yesterday.)
I quickly prepared an egg white and oatmeal protein pancake and added some slivered almonds to the mix before sprinkling a few on top for added crunch as well.
Served with a small apple on the side!
After I dropped Ryan off, I drove to Cup O’ the Irish, a fabulous local coffee shop, to grab a cappuccino and type up this blog post before work. Now I am planning out today’s boot camp class that I am teaching at the gym in less than an hour.
See ya later!
Of Possible Interest
- 20 Life Lessons Running Taught Me (
- Thai Sweet Potato Veggie Burgers (
- Meghann’s First FULL IRONMAN recap (
- Theodora’s first SUB-4 HOUR marathon recap (
I can imagine just how touching hearing all those stories would be. It’s so brave for people to share their stories with cancer.
And inspiring at that.
I’m glad to hear you are really loving that group. It sounds amazing.
The LiveSTRONG Group sounds truly amazing. I would imagine that listening to all those stories would be very emotional, inspiring and touching as well.
Cheers to finding you niche and being able to be a part of such an inspiring group!
That’s so great that you’ve found your niche. I just recently started working at a gym and I’ve been really thinking about that. I am a PT, but I think I’d like to get a certification in something specialized. I’d also like to get my group class certification because I think I’d REALLY enjoy those.
That group is incredible. My cousin is battling cancer right now and that would be awesome if she could find something like that near her when she is done!
I’m so glad you’re enjoying that program, it sounds to me like a very meaningful way to use your personal training skills!
I don’t know how you did the Shoulder Shaper after the Arm Definer workout! I just did the Arm Definer workout the other day and my shoulders are still killing me. Those medicine ball push-ups were brutal! Love this app! Thanks for the recommendation 🙂
That’s great that you get to experience all that!! You make me want to pursue my dream of helping people with fitness more and more!!
I think it’s SO awesome what you’re doing with the LiveSTRONG program!! I’m glad you’re loving it.
I’m curious how things are going with teaching group fitness now that you’ve been doing it for awhile? What are your favorite classes to teach and why? What are your experiences with them? Challenges that have come up? Maybe a future blog post? Just a thought. 😉 Have a great day!
I think its so great you are doing the Livestrong program. I could imagine it is extremely emotional and empowering at the same time.
Ooh I would get soooo emotional hearing those stories…
That’s so great that you’re teaching group fitness- I’m not that outgoing! Hahaha
This is great! It’s so nice to see someone who loves what they do. 🙂
You really brighten my day with your honesty and enthusiasm. It warms my heart to see how much you care not only about your family and friends but your extended family at work. Thank you so much for sharing!
So glad to hear the group is coming along well, it is a wonderful idea.
I can’t imagine how emotionally tough you have to be to go through cancer treatments. My mom did and I look up to her SO much!!
Sounds like a great group and very supportive! My gym is starting a Biggest Loser program soon and they’ll be getting kids involved, which I think is an awesome idea. Everyone needs help, friends, and inspiration!
It’s so good you are working in an environment you love and you feel EXCITED to go in to work. So, so important. I think a lot of people are afraid to switch jobs because they work in a not-so-great environment, but I think taking the plunge and making the switch makes you appreciate things SO much more!
How luck you guys are to have 80 degree weather. I always complain about the cold but if I moved I think I would probably miss it. 🙂
The group sounds like it’s such a rewarding experience! And good luck teaching your boot camp class!
I downloaded the Nike Training Club App after reading about it on here. I ABSOLUTELY love the app! The workouts kick my butt but are quick, manageable, and can be done at the gym or at home. I love it and am so glad you recommended it! Thank you!
i’m so glad the livestrong group is going well! it sounds like a GREAT program and i’m sure the participants are incredibly thankful for your guidance and support! i wish that more gyms would offer a similar group for those with cancer and cancer survivors =)
I’m so moved by your involvement with this group, and I hope you’ll share as much as you feel comfortable with. It’s such a worthy cause!
Working with cancer survivors is so hard but one if the most rewarding part of my job. I hear there stories and am inspired to live each day to the fullest.
Thanks so much for the link love too!
I can’t even imagine how moving it must be to be involved in such a group. Talk about inspirational.
The group sounds amazing and like a wonderful thing to start! What a great group and a support system for those battling cancer! Great job on starting this up and I can’t wait to hear more about it
The good-workout-arm-soreness is the best. I experienced that this morning, too. Yay for positive workout vibes all around! It sounds like you’ve found a great little niche at the gym and you seem passionate about what you’re doing – that’s so important in a job, as I’m sure you know!
Glad to hear that you’ve found your place at the gym! I’m sure the group you are working with is incredibly inspiring.
I bet that program is really rewarding. It doesn’t surprise me that it’s your niche, it seems a lot like blogging – connecting with people!
What an opportunity to work with such an inspirational group! It must be a blessing. Also the diabetes group must be amazing. My boyfriend has diabetes and one of the things I’m always reminding him is the importance of making exercise part of his life! Hope you enjoy that program too (when it starts)!
Helping others is so fulfilling! Wish you the best!
Where did you get that adorable iPhone case? I’m in the market for a new one and love the monogram!
What a neat program. One of my close family friends actually reached out to me last week because her mom has breast cancer. She was seeking guidance because she feels like the doctors are telling her mom to just drink carnation breakfast for meals and to just sit on the couch. She knows that her mom needs her rest, but she also knows that becoming a hermit will only be the downfall to her treatment. I’m so inspired by your program!
I am so happy for you that you have found “your place” – and how wonderful for those people to have you!!
yum! love me some cappuccino!
I love those workouts that you really feel like you got an awesome workout and you know you are going to be sore!!
I think the group you are doing sounds amazing. It sounds like you are just loving your work at the gym. I am so very glad about that!
Your Livestrong group sounds very inspiring. It’s awesome that you are able to influence the lives of cancer survivors in such a positive way. The pre-diabetes group sounds great too. Looking forward to hearing more about it.
So happy you found your niche at the gym, what a rewarding program! I completely understand not wanting to share too much, it doesn’t feel like it’s yours to share, I feel the same way about a lot of my days in nursing school. I’m sure this is especially meaningful to you considering your personal experiences with cancer. I love that you spearheaded this!
I spy Bosy Burpees? I may have to Google them!!! Great to be involved in such an important support network, truly inspiring!
That’s so great that you found the Livestrong group!
I can only imagine how amazing it is to be involved with a group of such inspirational people! So glad that you’re enjoying running the program!
I made this pancake the other day but added pumpkin to it…it was SO good!!
That’s amazing!! What a fulfilling new career path for you 🙂
I can only imagine how emotional these types of group meetings can get, but I’m sure everyone appreciates the open and safe environment to share their stories. You are amazing for facilitating it 🙂
Julie, Where did you get your phone case?! It is absolutely adorable!