The moment the smell of the buttery garlic knots hit my nostrils, I was out of my seat and in line for some of the good stuff.
This garlic knot was doughy, salty and bursting with the flavor of garlic. I loved unraveling the knot as I ate. Playing with food is fun!
I also nabbed a super-cheesy slice of veggie pizza which I polished off in no time.
It was loaded with cheese and tasted fantastic.
For some reason (the salt, perhaps?), this lunch made me super thirsty. I chugged an entire 24-ounce tervis tumbler full of water without even realizing it.
I’m a fish!
I actually got up to get another slice of pizza, but it was all gone. I work with a bunch of eating machines!
Lululemon: What’s in a Name?
During the office pizza party, I was talking with some of my coworkers when somehow the conversation turned to clothes (shocking for a group of women, no?) and lululemon.
Before lululemon became so mainstream, I always thought you pronounced the company’s name like lulumon. I threw in a Jamacian accent for good measure. 😉
Well, apparently three of my coworkers thought the same thing! I think all of the l’s confused us and we changed the spelling in our minds.
It wasn’t until my friend Leah said the company’s name aloud that I realized it wasn’t lulumon, but lululemon…
Like the fruit!
Did any of you guys ever think lululemon was lulumon at one point, or were you just born way cooler than us and always knew the real way to say it? If three people in one office were confused, there must be others out there!
And, on another note, can you believe I’ve never even been in a lululemon store before? I’m told this must change immediately.
Back to work for a few more hours before playtime begins!
Absolutely thought it was luluMON. Fewer syllables so I rolled with it until I realized months later I was wrong.
I always thought it was lulumon. It should be lulumon. I don’t really know how to pronounce lululemon. I try saying “luh-loo-lay-mon” but other people say “loo-loo-lemon”. I think it’s easier just to say “that really expensive yoga store”
I thought it was luh-loo-lay-mon too – it sounds much cooler than loo-loo-lemon!
I thought lulumon was luluMON until just now. I’ve been pronouncing it the same way. Saying luluLemon is going to be a change.
OH MY GOSH… I thought it was MON until I just read your post! How funny how my eyes missed the LEMON part ahhhh
that pizza and garlic knot looks sooo good!!!
I have been in a lululemon store, but I have yet to purchase anything. I am all for gym clothes, but I must say that they are a bit expensive and at this point in my life, i’m not sure I can fathom spending that on gym clothes (even if I do workout 5 to 6 days a week). Maybe some day..
I thought it was luluMON up until a couple of months ago!!! I don’t know why I always just glanced at it and left out the LE! How funny??! Glad to know that it wasn’t just me all that time!!!
I thought the SAME TIME! Lululemon/Lulumon = tomato/tomAto LOL
haha i was laughing when i saw this post – i also definitely always pronounced it like that in my head until just a few days ago when i actually took an extra second to look at the name and sound out the letters! 😉
I was wondering if you wore lulu clothing. I always see your pics with your workout gear and have looked for the little symbol, but didn’t see it anywhere. It’s really popular in Canada, and yes expensive. But the clothes last through many washings and the headbands are awesome… check out their website Is there a store in Orlando?
we actually have a lululemon outlet in orlando! i need to check it out.
Outlet? Sooo jealous. The prices will be so much better then our Canadian stores…Happy shopping.. please post your good bargains if you buy some…
Yes you definitely need to check the outlet out! I live in Orlando too and it’s a good thing we have an outlet otherwise I probably wouldn’t own anything from there! Good quality stuff though..I’m actually making my husband go in there with me before we head to Epcot tonight 🙂 haha
the outlet is actually not THAT much cheaper. it depends what you’re looking for- the classics are regular price even at the outlet!
I too thought it was lulu-mon until I read your post! WOW.
totally pronounce it lulu-mon!
Yep…I thought the same thing! LOL. Maybe they should just change their name to LuluMON, it sounds better anyway!
definitely thought it was lulumon for a long time. ha.
outlets in williamsburg carry lululemon!
however, i just can’t let myself spend that much on yoga clothes. womp, womp.
is there something that makes those close worth the price?
which stores at the outlets?! i used to work at the jcrew outlet in williamsburg!
I’ve never been in a Lululemon store either (and I hadn’t even heard of it until last summer!)! Reading other bloggers’ rave reviews of it makes me feel like I should go…but most of the time I would just rather pull on my “1998 summer tennis camp” t-shirt and college soccer shorts and call it workout clothing! 🙂
I pronounced it that way until last month. And I recently talked about it with another friend and she was pronouncing it lulu-mon too! Clearly, they should change their pronunciation. We can’t all be wrong right? 🙂
i’ve been told that it’s lu-lu-leh-mon. i’ve never heard it pronounced any other way (i live in NYC) but heck, we could all be saying it wrong.
I’ve never even heard of lulumon until I started blogging. I totally thought it was prounouced MON. I didn’t even see LEMON. Haha! I need to check out their store.
Totally guilty. Someone one said it correctly and I didn’t believe her…so I called a store to find out how they said it when they answered the phone.
Totally thought it was lulumon until I read this lol, and I’ve never been to the store either!
I always thought it was pronounced that way too… sometimes i feel funny saying it out loud the correct way!
Totally on the lulu-MON train until like few months ago when someone said LULU-LEMON and then I really looked at it…OHhhhhhhhhhhh. We have a store here in Scottsdale too.
LOL! I was so saying it Rasta too!
Hahaha this post actually made me laugh out loud! Im from Canada (the province where Lululemon was actually first created, British Columbia). I’ve never heard anyone call it lulumon before but I can see how that could happen. I LOVE the clothes, though the are a bit pricey, I’ve had a pair of pants for over 5 years and a hoodie for over 6 that still look great. I do own a lot of lululemon stuff but you get what you pay for! Definitely check out the outlet store because the prices will be a lot better.
I agree with you Kristina! I was laughing out loud too. The quality is amazing, the clothes machine wash and dry like a dream and continue to look brand new for years. Great products, that are worth the price (in most circumstances). If you don’t own a scuba hoodie get one! Best thing ever!
Im also from Canada and I never heard of people saying “lulu-MON” till now!
Id say 60% of my workout clothes are from Lululemon…I have at least 5 pairs of yoga pants because they have size extra long! (no one like yoga “flood” pants haha).
I didn’t realize it was pronounced that way either– I totally have been saying wrong in my head, whoops! thanks for the clarification, Julie– p.s. that pizza looks way yumm to me right now….
im one of the cool people who thought it was lulu-lemon :). you should probably stay out of the store….its for your own good (and your wallets!) but it is really really cute…and flattering! 🙂
Hi Julie, I’m a long time lurker (stalker?), first time commenter! I heard about lulu before I actually saw it written out, so I was never confused…but that is funny!
Anyway, as a previous commenter wrote, yes the Lemon is HUGE in Canada. I want so badly to be anti them because their stuff is SO expensive and they rarely have sales, and when they do it’s like $10 off (oh, hurrah)… but let me tell you, their stuff is the BEST. Their pants never ball up, everything keeps its shape/colour, dries immediately, fits like a DREAM (their pants make me look like my bum just won’t quit!), and I have a few tops from there that I’ve had for like five years that look the same as the day I bought them. I have never ran in something more comfortable. And yep, headbands = AWESOME.
Sorry for the lulu rant, but if you have an outlet you need to hit. that. UP!
100% AGREE!!
I will admit when I first saw it I thought it was lulumon. Nice to know I’m not the only one. 🙂 my mom & I were discussing how it was pronounced and decided we would ask a sales associate how to say the stores name, then we finally got the truth.
You should totally go to the lululemon outlet here in Orlando. They really have nice stuff and I think you can get some decently priced things there.
And your lunch looks delicious!
I love LOVE lululemon! It’s an addiction. I yoga, hike, run, and snowboard in lulu. I LIVE in their workout clothes. All I have to do is throw on a cardigan and boots on for work.
I believe the story goes that the founder wanted a name that has a lot of L’s in it to seem “North American” to the Japanese.
I LOVE their stuff!! they have a sports bra called the “Ta-ta tamer” and it is fantastic! I have 5 of them, and I can honestly say, it’s the best sports bra I’ve ever used.
I agree! Best sport bra for running and other high impact sports.
Hi Julie!
Oh gosh I just got a pair of lululemon yoga pants for christmas and they instantly became my FAVORITE! So flattering and cute. : ) Only downfall is they are expensive! I think I may buy another pair now though after getting it as a gift. It’s going to be a splurge but tottally worth it!
I totally DID! I’m glad you did, too…my friend was like, uh…krista..its lu-lu-LEMON, DUH! I’ll never make that mistake again!
I have a serious addiction to Lululemon…you would have thought I would figure out how to pronounce it! Opps….but I think saying it with a Jamacian accent sounds so much cooler!
it will change your life! expensive but so worth it in my opinion.
i must be smart because i always knew how to say it 🙂
Totally in the same boat as you ( and apparently a lot of other people!) I also have no been in a Lulu store, but that’s mostly because I can’t afford most of the stuff in there lol.
I totally thought it was lulu mon. Not lululemon! lol!
And boy does that garlic knot and pizza look scrumptious!!!
I thought the same thing until I googled it and google came back with “Did you mean Lululemon…” well holy crap, I guess I did LOL!!!
That being said, I have never been in their store, it’s too expensive for me right now.
I just never knew HOW to say it!
You are awesome. I always thought the same thing…until a few months ago! For some reason, I find the word difficult to pronounce.
Three things:
1. I love all things garlic. I would’ve been ALL OVER those garlic knots!
2. Is that “R” tumbler one of Ryan’s? If so, that’s too funny… bc I totally use my boy’s cups, too
3. I TOTALLY thought it was luluMON…Jaimacon accent and all! It wasn’t until I got something from there for Xmas that I realized the word “Lemon” was in it…oops?
Okay so make it 4. I also have never been into one of their stores. I’m dying to get myself to one, though.
I’ve never been in a lululemon store either. I think it’s too expensive for my poor college student self lol
Oh my gosh, I thought the same thing. One day I tried to google “lulumon” and it asked if I meant “lululemon”. Duh!
What always confused me was… Is it a real lemon? Or just a few syllables? Did it start out as “Lulu Lemon” and get squished? ???
Haha I don’t think I know this place but I read it in my mind as ‘luluLEMON’ as I read your post lol! Cute name!
I never pass up an opportunity to speak in a Jamaican accent 😉 luluMON all the way!
I totally thought it was lulumon tooo!!! I looked at it once but the lemon part did not register!!! LOL
I thought it was the other way too…Oprah set me straight when she gave away a ton of their stuff on her “Favorite Things” episode! I had to rewind the DVR to figure out what brand she was talking about 🙂
I definitely pronounced Lululemon wrong for a long time! And whenever I called or was at a store the employees would say the name soooo fast and I never caught the correct way to say it. But I have to say – either way – I’m addicted to their clothes. I LOVE them!!!!
Yes, I too made the same mistake!!
Their stuff is nice, but really expensive. I say you stay out as long as you can, unless you’re ready to throw down mucho dinero on workout clothes!