***Note: If you are seeing posts from September on the homepage of PBF or in Google Reader, I apologize. I have no idea why that is happening and hope it fixes itself soon!
A benefit of staying at your parents’ house?
Homecooked meals by your mama!
Tonight my mom prepared grouper, sautéed in olive oil and seasoned with cloves, garlic salt and Old Bay. (<—Love that stuff!)
This woman knows how to cook fish! My dad is an avid scuba diver and spear fishes whenever he gets a chance, so my family always has fresh caught fish on hand in the summer and my mom has prepared more than her fair share of fish for our family.
With the fish we had sautéed onions and green beans with chopped almonds.
A winn-ah of a dinn-ah.
This dinner got me thinking about what dinner entrée I hope I’m known for when Ryan and I start a family. What meal (not dessert) would I want my future kids to rave about?
In the end, I narrowed it down to these dishes:
- Lasagna (Because really good lasagna is REALLY good)
- Homemade chicken noodle soup (Because chicken noodle soup heals everything from a sick child to a heartbroken teen)
- Crab cakes (Because good crab cakes are very hard to come by)
Question of the Night
- If you could be known for one main entrée dish, what dish would you want to be known for?
chicken noodle soup is a good thing to be known for!
Who has time to make a real meal with a 15 month old! (kidding, sort of)
Just like my mom for me, I hope my son looks forward to my Thanksgiving. My mom’s is my favorite (yes I’m 100% biased), along with her awesome dessert – Blueberry Surprise!
Mmm, the fish looks really good! I think I’d like to be known for making Pho. 😉 I have yet to master it.
Guac and Enchiladas or Tacos…I LOVE Mexican food!
I LOVED your post this a.m. You know why I follow you all day every day???? Because you are REAL! and I love it! I would like to be known for my chili! We also do eat catfish here–sorry! On our recent trip to Florida I taught myself how to fry fresh oysters–the bomb! Hugs–E
thanks elizabeth! and feel free to send some of those oysters my way!
Hopefully I’ll get to the point in the kitchen where I’m good enough for that haha. But, I think eventually I’d want to be known for a healthified comfort food or a seafood dish 🙂
Hmmm … hard to decide just one, but the list would contain the following … so sorry, couldn’t choose just one:
1. Lasagna
2. Curry Chicken
3. My mom’s special baked Chicken (which I have learned to reproduce EXACTLY)
4. My ragu’
OK, I better stop now 🙂 as I did not answer your question correctly! I just love cooking for my family!
Fun question! I would say spaghetti and meatballs with homemade sauce because that was my favorite meal growing up. I love remembering how the house smelled when my mom was making sauce.
i’m a HORRIBLE cook. so i’ll just pray that if there’s a dish i’m known for, it’s that it’s good and not the “oh no, mom’s making her chicken bake pasta again, run for your lives!” lol
Hahaha 🙂
I think a lot of “what dish” I am known for will depend on the child. Looking back at my childhood, some of my favorite foods that my mom made were her clam linguine, beef stroganoff and pierogies. I also loved Sunday dinner–usually some sort of meat, potatoes from the garden, veggies from the garden and salad. For my sister, she always liked taco night complete with guacamole. And my little brother liked tuna fish casserole…my parents would make this as a quick weeknight dinner, but Clayton would often ask for it for his birthday dinner. I just hope I have children that aren’t picky eaters and will at least try the food that I make.
Chicken with basil, sundried tomatoes & Goat cheese. Also, lasagna!
I love your answers! Mine would be birthday cakes! So far, I’ve done a good job. My kids still remember the awesome cakes I’ve made them 🙂
Home cooked meals by mom are the best!!! I’ve wondered too what meals my kids would remember me by, and I’d have to go with grilled cheese sandwiches and macaroni & cheese!! And I’d like to pass down my mom’s homemade spaghetti and meat sauce to my kids so that would be one too! 🙂
my mom makes the best red beans, sausage and rice, and i definitely want to continue that tradition whenever i become a mom
Hmmm I’m thinking I’d like to be known for Chili — I make a mean one 😉
Stuffed Porkchops or Deer Steaks, Corn, and mashed potatoes with gravy and a side of homemade butter rolls
Dang! I wanna come to YOUR house!
Ha…oh yes indeed, I know your into animal loving and dont get me wrong we love animals and have a black lab, but I grew up in the cornfields of Indiana so we grew up hunting and theres no nothing better than a marinated deer steak on the grill, with corn, and mashed potatoes to warm you up on a cold winter Sunday Night…next time you get to Indiana stop on by!
My mom makes the best chicken noodle soup…I swear it can cure anything. I think I’ll be asking her to make that until I’m 40. My dad makes AMAZING spaghetti sauce. I think for me it’s gonna be white chicken chili…I love it and it’s good for all seasons
Definitely my homemade pizza (my mom used to make THE BEST hot dog pizza, ha!…seriously, don’t knock it till ya try it) or homemade bread.
Both have great smells coming out of the oven and I think comfort smells are the best!
Love your blog Julie. You write from the heart and express yourself through words in a way that, I think, most people can really relate to…which is admirable.
I would loved to be remembered for my tacos! My husband raves about his mom’s tacos, I would love for my kids to rave about my tacos!
I have no idea. I don’t know if I’m known for a signature dish, more so for always trying new things! I am known for my breakfast foods though! Especially my eggs and pancakes!
Mama made meals are the best!
I plan on mastering one of my favorite Haitian meals that my mom makes–it’s spiced chicken with a seasoned Caribbean tomato/onion sauce with perfectly cooked white rice with pigeon peas. Yum! Total poor people food, but I love it and hope my kid does too! 🙂
My mom makes amazing lasagna! Everyone begs her to bring one anytime we go anywhere. As much as I love lasagna and would like to master the recipe, that’s her signature dish. If I had a signature dish, it would have to be pizza or enchiladas!
So weird! My husband and I were talking about what dish I would be known for. I asked him tonight, “what dish would you say you could only have of mine BC its the best?” My question stemmed from a movie that we were watching.
I always think about that too! I think I’ll be much more known for my baked goods than dinners. I want to be like Monica Gellar and make the “world’s BEST chocolate chip cookies” (I’m all about quoting people today on your blog! And love that you love Bethenny too by the way!) 🙂
Nestleeee tooolhouse!
Haha YES! So glad you got that reference 🙂
Lazy man’s lasagna…. yummmmmm!
I make a mean garlic ranch chicken baked in the kitchen with roasted bell peppers and wedge potatoes. My husband asks for it weekly, I just hope someday when we have kiddos they love it too! And chocolate chip cookies, that was my mom’s speciality and they never failed to impress all my friends! 🙂
I don’t know if I want to be known for one great dish but just always providing a healthy and delicious home cooked meal for my family. I’m always loving making new recipes so hopefully my family will always love trying new ones!
Any sort of seafood! I grew up with relatively no seafood in my life because the smell of it makes my mother sick. For 21 years (the joys of living at home through film school) seafood has been restricted to special occasions and eating at restaurants. As soon as I move out I plan to cook the stuff nearly every day. 🙂
Homemade pizza for sure. I want my future kids to know that Mommy made the crust by hand and the veggies that we top our pizza with came from our garden.
That’s a hard one! My mom always made homemade chicken nuggets and I looked forward to them because they were so much better than anything at a restaurant. I’d like to carry on that tradition and feed my kids homemade chicken nuggets (white meat breaded with smashed Ritz crackers flavored with dry ranch seasoning, and baked).
Those green beans look awesome! Also, I wouldn’t mind if I was known in my family for cooking desserts..I kind of already am known for it!
I def agree with the crab cakes. I was a vegetarian growing up and my favorite dish was rice and beans and corn bread. I want to pass that down to my kids
I would say a Mexican dish with lots of beans.
Your fish looks SO good!! It is nice to have someone in your life who knows how to cook it, because it can be tricky!
My favorite dish that my mom’s known for is a chicken dish with a creamy sauce over bowtie pasta. I love it so much I want to be known for it too, with my own little twist though 🙂 I have a secret ingredient I throw in that she doesn’t know about, but she says it gives it a little extra kick!
As someone who doesn’t do much cooking (god bless the hubby!) I really really want to have a “signature dish” that i can make for my family. I think I would go with a family recipie for lasagna.
Can I be known for my smoothies?
In my family I’m known for making excellent guacamole — other than that everything else I make seems to be ok 🙂
Currently known for my guac (I know it’s a side) and my oatmeal raisin cookies (I know that’s dessert…but sometimes a dinner! 🙂 ).
I do make an awesome turkey-vegetable soup in the winter…
My Mom’s lasagna is what I think of when I think of a homecooked meal, so maybe I will be known for my healthier version!
Oh that’s a haaaard question! I don’t know – I don’t like eating one big “main dish” – I like a lot of little ones so I can eat a variety of foods!
For some reason, this meant so much to me when I got married last year. I wanted to domestic diva so bad 🙂 luckily for me, I am already somewhat known for my spaghetti. Right now I am expecting and reading this post has made me had SO many cravings!
Yum – that grouper looks awesome!!
Mine would probably be “fried” rice – I’ve been making it since I was about 11 years old so I think my family would think of it first!
I want to be known for fantastic homemade pizza. I’m still working on getting the dough just right, and when I do, I want people to remember it!
My kids will remember soup, I think it up, throw stuff in a pot and we have soup (good soup too) My daughter will remember it because she loves soup, and my eldest son because he hates it.
My niece will remember me for the cookie dough cheese ball I always make for parties, we have to remind her to share with the rest of us 🙂
Great question. I love making Thai dishes, which is funny because I’m from the midwest and it’s all about the meat and potatos. So I think I will try to go a completely different route and be known for fabulous Asian dishes.
I asked my 6 year old what her favorite meal that I make is and she said meatloaf, lol, but she also said she loves homemade pizza and mac n cheese
(I do try to cook healthy most of the time) 🙂
Chicken noodle soup really DOES help with everything!!
I don’t know what I want to be known for…but whatever it is, my future children better brag about it to their friends haha
Besides my brownies that are so addictive they have been dubbed crack brownies, I hope to be known for all of my cooking! Without sounding super egotistical, I’m making a career out of food, so I hope everything is amazing.
My mom is definitely famous for her lasagna! People ask for the recipe all the time , but the crazy thing is, she doesn’t even have one! She just learned from my Italian grandmother. I guess it’s in her blood.
Even though my baby is only 10 months, I expose her to all kinds of different cultures: Indian, Thai, Japanese, Italian, Moroccan, etc. I hope that she thinks that Mom made the best sushi, or Mom made the best curry.
Wow your dad is so bada$$ for spear fishing! The food looks yummy!
I would have to say a homemade curry dish! It is something a lot of people don;t attempt at home but it surprisingly easy and yummy!
Or a homemade soup 🙂