We made it!
Ryan unfortunately had to work late last night (on Good Friday… I know), so we didn’t make it to St. Pete until nearly 9 p.m.
On our mini road trip to my parents’ house, Ryan and I stopped at Starbucks for his and hers Frappuccinos to get a little something in our stomachs since we didn’t want to show up feeling ravenous.
Once we arrived, Sadie practically peed herself in excitement. She made a beeline for every single member of my family and showered them in puppy love.
Yes, that is her butt on our kitchen table. Our family knows no boundaries when it comes to Sadie!
Since we arrived in St. Pete so late, my family was more than ready to eat. My mom and sister prepared a delicious dinner of ribs from Whole Foods, fresh fruit salad and asparagus.
I went back for thirds (maybe fourths?) of the ribs because they were so good! I haven’t had ribs in ages, and let me just say that Whole Foods knows how to do ‘em right!
After dinner, my sister Leslie and I nearly polished off a big bag of Stacy’s cinnamon sugar pita chips between the two of us. Those things are ridiculously addicting!
While munching away, Leslie and I sifted through a big box of our old school papers and random projects that my mom had saved throughout the years.
Check out my chompers! Can you believe I never “needed” braces? (I finally hunkered down and got Invisalign after I graduated college.)
When I was perusing my old work, I had to laugh at the comments on some of my report cards.
A common theme? I had “difficulty separating my social life from school.” Oops.
On thing that remains constant to this day is my love for food… and writing about food…
My propensity for reading and writing still lives on… as does my lack of affinity for numbers and math. Ryan is constantly telling me how to divide up measurements for recipes when I want to cut a recipe in half.
(The little diamond notes where I fell in relation to other students (the black bar) in a standardized test in 7th grade.)
In the box I also found ribbons and my varsity and junior varsity letters from high school.
And my patches from girl scouts!
We had a great time on our little trip down memory lane.
Now I’ve got to go change because Ryan and I have a breakfast date with his dad in Bradenton.
See ya soon!
I love looking back at old times! My mom kept almost everything, and Im trying to do that for my son as well! (well maybe not everything haha)