When I was in college I lived with the same awesome roommate, Laurel, sophomore through senior year. Despite having a meal plan at our sorority house, Laurel and I had a mini fridge in our room for extra snacks and other food we wanted to have at our disposal.
(Apparently this is the week of college throwback photos? And yes, this was another themed social. Laurel doesn’t wear faux-fur capes or felt dresses in her day-to-day life.)
Our mini fridge was pretty bare bones. On more than one occasion I remember laughing because Laurel would mention that we had two things in our fridge… one was hers and one was mine. Her food item was always something normal. String cheese. Turkey.
My food was always a little more random. Sauerkraut. Liverwurst. <—Don’t hate. Beets.
Well, my affinity for those three foods still lives on and today I made a sandwich for lunch this afternoon that I’m pretty sure would horrify Laurel since she never quite understood how I could eat pickled beets right out of the jar.
A hummus and beet sandwich. (“Hummus! Hummus! I got the hummus!”)
Initially I had plans to make a grilled veggie sandwich with hummus, but I was feeling much to lazy this afternoon and didn’t want to dirty up my new griddler.
Yes, this lunch was born out of my lack of desire to do dishes.
Along with my sandwich, I also had tomatoes dipped in gobs of hummus (apparently I was feelin’ the hummus today) and Greek yogurt sweetened with honey that I ate most of while I was preparing my sandwich.
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one food you love that horrifies most people?
I am a big, big fan of fried chicken livers. It was always my requested birthday meal growing up. I swear people are missing out on their tastiness b/c they won’t even try them! More for me. 🙂
I totally agree….fried chicken livers are AWESOME!
Much better today Julie! Not as much sugar, more balanced, more veggies and grains, keep it up girl!
haha what does this comment mean? Julie eats balances most every day
oh, well i just noticed that she was consuming a lot of sugar in the past days and I told her to be careful. Too much sugar in your body does not allow for proper absorption of minerals and calcium + magnesium, it also produces a loss of tissue elasticity and function. But it is good to see that she is making better choices, none of that pancake and smoothie stuff today ! 🙂
Is this a joke? Or is this real? I just was scrolling through and saw this! HAHA.
That’s pretty judgmental, Gia. And disappointing.
I am sorry you all feel that way and I hope Julie is not offended either. I believe that the fact that she has published her daily meals on her blog for people around the world to be able to read means that she should be open to some judgement. I certainly did not intend and maliciousness by doing this and it is sad that my comments have been thus received.
–No, it is not a joke, I don’t believe health and nutrition is a joke at all..
…Thank you for being so open to helpful advice….
I guess I missed the part of the post where she asked for people’s opinions on what she eats.
Gia, I was not offended by your comment. I know some people may look at what I eat and think I eat too much of one thing or to little of another. My only goal is to eat what makes me feel best. I also want to make sure the comments section of my posts are places where people can share opinions in an honest, open and constructive way. I really didn’t find your comment hurtful at all. I’m sure a lot of people think I eat too much sugar on certain days and I’m totally okay with that! As long as I balance it out with healthy foods, I think it’s a-okay.
My smoothies (thanks to you!) I add a large handful of spinach in my smoothies I make in the morning and drink them at work. Everyone is definitely grossed out by the disgusting green color and are thankful when I bring them in a non-clear cup 🙂 Thanks for the recipes Julie!! YUM!
Pickles dipped in mustard. My roommate is disgusted by it :/
Oh dannnng I love everything in this wich! I love stannnnkyyy fish sooooo much!! The stinkier the better–and my fiance will always try one bite and stuff himself with his own non smelly fish so he doesn’t have to eat mine 😛
I LOVE leftovers for breakfast! My boyfriend does not understand how I can crave pad thai at 8am.
Also, I love pickled beets straight out of the can so if you’re weird that means I’m weird too! ;P
oh i can do that, too! in high school i’d frequently eat leftover *cold* spaghetti for breakfast!
I’m guilty of that too! ;p
A lot of time I think pasta is just as good–or better–cold!!
I love dutch licorice. It’s pretty much extremely salty black licorice… but it’s divine. 😀
Oh man this is such an ‘I love it!’ or an ‘I HATE it!” food. I tried some from a co-worker who loves loves loves it and ended up having to spit it out and having to find something else to eat to get the taste out of my mouth. Black licorice and salt are too confusing for my mouth to handle. 🙂
It really is! My husband hates it, I’m pretty sure his entire family hates it… I’ve tried to show friends of mine it… nobody except my family seems to love it.
I seriously love it. & I get the saltiest ones I can find. Mmmmmmm.
I don’t think any of my foods would gross people out…but many foods that other people love gross me out! I CANNOT stand condiments…like none of them…at all! I can’t stand the look of them, the smell of them, and don’t even get me started on the taste of them! Heck, I don’t even like the sound of them. I’m weird. I know.
I’m with you on the beets—I started eating them in May and haven’t stopped!
What… your mini fridge wasn’t used exclusively for beer? 🙂
shhhhh… you’re not allowed to have alcohol in sorority houses, silly. 🙂
Sounds delicious! I’m eating a salad as I’m reading this with beets straight from the can…so yummy!
I love pickled beets too…yum!
I have a love for mustard which grosses my husband out, as well as many other people I know (didn’t realize so many people hated on mustard!). I always pack it on my sandwiches and burgers…love it!
I LOVE eating raw potatoes! I’ll peel one, slice it into pieces and eat it as a snack! People don’t necessarily think it’s gross, but sooooo many think it’s very bizarre 🙂
I keep reading about how raw potato is great for digestion and have thought about trying it. Just wasn’t sure how it would taste!
I don’t eat it anymore, but when I was a kid I used to eat liver sausage sandwiches. OMG, disgusting. Maybe that’s why I went vegetarian…
FRIENDS quote=love!!
My freshman year roommate used to make fun of me for my foods, too! One time, all I had was pickles, herbed goat cheese and she thought I was weird. People get grossed out when I drink pickle and olive juice. I can’t help it…I love the saltiness!
To be honest, some food ideas I get from you freak people out! haha…
The most common: jelly on an egg and cheese sandwich/english muffin.
Don’t worry – I’m totally on your side. Jelly rocks my socks. 😉
My most frequently eaten combo that folks are weirded out by: doritos dipped in tuna salad.
That actually sounds really good! I may hove to try it 🙂
Well I’m fairly picky so I don’t really know, but apparently when I was really little I loved grilled cheese sandwiches with maple syrup on top. Ew!!
I actually made a grilled cheese with bacon and dipped it in maple syrup. It was good!
I cant say I really eat it NOW but I used to make and LOVE peanut butter and MINT JELLY sandwiches. Haha, PB&Js are one of the first things you learn to make yourself when your younger I think and I remember grabbing mint jelly we had around for who knows what (doesnt it go on Lamb? my parents are chefs, so who knows what they used it for!) and I made it sort of on accident but fell in love with it and always made it.
Hmmm I may have to make one of those for old times sake! haha
OMG! That was my STAPLE sandwich growing up!!! I thought I was the only one!
no way?!! You are the only other person I have heard of that has ever had one! hilarious! A lot of people that I tell that to said they have never even heard of mint jelly! too funny
I can’t wait to tell my mom there was another crazy out there like me!
Um….make that three!!
Brussel sprouts. It creeps a lot of people out … and here I was thinking it was a child’s issue! I love them and eat them all. the. time.
Grilled PB&J. Basically a grilled cheese but PB&J instead of cheese. Yum. When most people hear about this they think I’m so wierd, but then I make them taste it and they are hooked. Give it a try!
I LOVE grilled PB&J!!! they are my fav and totally take it to the next level.
Haha I went through my own mini-fridge stage freshman year, except instead of beets my food was ALWAYS hummus.
Like… so bad that I would eat it by the spoonful..
I love hummus too!!!
I eat caramel on anything sweet-it is weird to people who don’t know me! heh. And I won’t eat dessert without ice cream. I guess that is sort of weird?
I LOVE brussel sprouts but until I found the blog community everyone around me was always grossed out by them. I think they’re heavenly!
And I absolutely love liverwurst! My father is German, so it was something we ate on a regular basis growing up! YUM
My grandparents are from South Africa and my Grandmas specialty dish is Oxtail. My boyfriend thinks its so weird but it is amazing! She only makes it once a year, so you can bet I never miss that family meal 🙂
Ugh, my hubby eats olive loaf and liverwurst…BARF! When I was little, my grandma always used to make me hamhocks, which are pig ankles. I’m not sure I’d even like them now.
People are appalled at the amount of ketchup I put on my fries. I probably go through 2 cups (not joking) of ketchup anytime I have fries at all!
This is going to sound really gross. I grew up eating chopper liver and gefilte fish. I don’t think anything of it now because I was brought up eating it. If I truly think about it, then I don’t think I would eat it. It tastes so good though 🙂
I love both of those things as well! I also grew up eating cow’s tongue as a common lunchmeat. I thought “tongue” was a nickname for the meat, I don’t know why I never realized it was actually tongue. Pretty gross, but it’s actually quite tasty.
I LOVE gefilte fish! gefilte fish with some horseradish — delish!! My mom used to pack it for me for lunch in preschool. How did I have friends??
Oh, pretty much everything! liverwurst, pimento loaf, beets, brussel sprouts, octopus, caviar, paté, snails, you know – all the delicious things 🙂 I get a lot of noses turned up at me, but I don’t mind.. more for me, suckahs!
Love (LOVE!) Pickeled Beets!
I can (and just did today) eat sauerkraut right out of the can. No heat needed (not hot dog needed either). Love that stinky stuff!
I loveee beets and always get made fun of by my coworkers because I eat them so much (like at least 3 times per week)! pshh they obviously don’t know whats up. I always ate liverwurst sandwiches growing up too. Guess we like the same weird foods!
I also love plain yellow mustard. I use it as a dressing on salads a lot–delishh.
Ha I love love hummus, beets too are delish! Especially the pre-packaged ones of Trader Joe’s 🙂
People are horrified at the abundance of spray butter I use when sauteeing veggies…hey it gets the job done and zero calories to boot!
I am not into beets at all! I LOVE pickles of all types, but not pickled things. I also enjoy strange combinations of foods eaten side by side, like pickles and eggs. Yummy!
I don’t really think we have anything strange in our fridge but I guess some people would think that coconut milk, almond milk, flaxseed oil, hummus, Greek yogurt and kale are weird. 😉
It is so funny on Tuesdays because that is when our recycling goes out and our neighbors and us always laugh at the difference. There’s is usually filled to the brim with beer bottles while ours is filled to the brim with Greek yogurt containers, hummus container, PB containers, almond milk cartons, etc…our neighbor always tells us we are weird.
I LOVE bread and butter pickles. Seriously obsessed. When I was pregnant I ate them all day, everyday with every meal (including the plate of brownies I scarfed every night.) I think they are a love/hate thing – some people (like my husband) are grossed out, others love them too 🙂
The thing that grosses my husband out the most is the fact that I drink all the pickle juice from the jar before the pickles are even gone, ha. Not sure if the sight of me doing this or my super garlicky-breaF grosses him out more. But I lurve it!!! 🙂
LOL, well hasn’t Laurel heard that the cape is back in style this season?? 😉 I’m not really into pickled beets at all, but I could eat Brussels sprouts with herbs and balsamic vinegar for a meal and be totally satisfied! My roommates think i’m crazy!
I love liverwurst too! And it horrifies people. My dad would buy it when we were younger and eat it with crackers during football games, so I just grew up eating it…and loving it!
Pickled beets are the bomb! A greek salad isn’t a salad without ’em! And most people give me strange looks for nutritional yeast.
Ok my mom is the biggest Liverwurst fan on earth and she passed some of these genes onto me. I haven’t had it in forever, but I think it tastes good!
I wish I had one! I don’t really. I think it’s more my combo of foods that make people cringe. Haha
I actually like the taste of spam. Don’t judge!
I eat an absurd amount of cottage cheese covered in an absurd amount of hot sauce. And I have been known to eat entire jars of spicy pickled vegetables in one sitting.
whoaaa i should try that cottage cheese combo!
You should! Be sure to add a bit of salt and pepper, too. It’s somewhat reminiscent of the classic buffalo wing/ranch dressing combination…except without the, you know, chicken.
I love sauerkraut and grape leaves. Not together.
I grew up in Germany so sauerkraut is normal…plane and simple. American’s don’t always understand.
Grape leaves are just an awesome way to eat food…stuffed with dill, rice, raisins, and lime is my favorite.
I ADORE liverwurst. it makes me so mad when my friends make fun of it because of its name and won’t even TRY it.
babies. 😉
Everybody has always found it gross, but I LOVE day old-cold hot chocolate. Like, I buy or make hot chocolate the night before and let it sit out for like 12 or 13 hours before I’ll even drink it. It’s like perfect to me then. 🙂 Yep
The guys at work CRINGE when I bring fish tacos to work…wimps!
Probably because fish stinks and you’re smelling up the whole office.
lol that’s exactly what I was thinking! People tend to forget how smelly some foods are.
i would be lining up for samples! 🙂
Nice Phoebe quote 🙂