When I was in college I lived with the same awesome roommate, Laurel, sophomore through senior year. Despite having a meal plan at our sorority house, Laurel and I had a mini fridge in our room for extra snacks and other food we wanted to have at our disposal.
(Apparently this is the week of college throwback photos? And yes, this was another themed social. Laurel doesn’t wear faux-fur capes or felt dresses in her day-to-day life.)
Our mini fridge was pretty bare bones. On more than one occasion I remember laughing because Laurel would mention that we had two things in our fridge… one was hers and one was mine. Her food item was always something normal. String cheese. Turkey.
My food was always a little more random. Sauerkraut. Liverwurst. <—Don’t hate. Beets.
Well, my affinity for those three foods still lives on and today I made a sandwich for lunch this afternoon that I’m pretty sure would horrify Laurel since she never quite understood how I could eat pickled beets right out of the jar.
A hummus and beet sandwich. (“Hummus! Hummus! I got the hummus!”)
Initially I had plans to make a grilled veggie sandwich with hummus, but I was feeling much to lazy this afternoon and didn’t want to dirty up my new griddler.
Yes, this lunch was born out of my lack of desire to do dishes.
Along with my sandwich, I also had tomatoes dipped in gobs of hummus (apparently I was feelin’ the hummus today) and Greek yogurt sweetened with honey that I ate most of while I was preparing my sandwich.
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one food you love that horrifies most people?
Love the Friends reference! That’s all.
1. Almost any brand of frozen chicken nuggets and 2. Vienna Sausages….don’t judge.
I love kipper snacks! I ate them as a kid for a slight iron deficiency. I even tried to take them to school for lunch, but peer pressure got the best of me. The other kids thought they were too weird so I stopped bringing them. Just recently rediscovered my love for them on crackers!
i like to combine foods in the college dining hall and my friends make fun of me all the time!
one classic combination of mine: a mixed cereal blend (coco puffs, special k with strawberries, and lucky charms), with skim milk, cottage cheese, and a scoop of peanut butter. everyone thinks i am BIZARRE but i love the flavor and texture combinations! haha
People are pretty freaked out by tempeh!
Liver and onions..yum. My grama makes the best liver and onions ever.
I can’t even believe I’m about to write this on the internet, but for some reason I have always loved that yellow fake butter spray! My grandpa used to use it when I was a kid, and I thought it was the coolest thing so started copying him… and it stuck. Totally lacking all nutritional value whatsoever but I still get excited when I go home and my mom has a bottle in the fridge to use on my baked potato. 😉
My family eyes with suspicion my overnight oats…they don’t know what they’re missing 😉
I love peppers and cukes with chocolate….. 🙂
My weird food habits are more about what I DON’T eat rather than what I do. For example, I don’t do mayo, mustard, or ketchup…on anything…ever. I don’t do sodas or any type of carbonation (it feels like I’m drinking acid)…ever. I don’t do onions, scallions, or chives of any kinds…ever. I don’t like bacon. I don’t like eggs (but force myself to eat them sometimes). I don’t do cilantro or dill. And finally…(drumroll please)…I don’t like coffee.
You don’t like mayo or bacon?
…..I am speechless.
Black licorice + black jellybeans. Everyone acts like they are sooo gross, but they are DELICIOUS!
probs eggs! i microwave them and they smell SO BAD!!!
When I saw a kid, my dad used to make liver pate (well, he still makes liver pate, but I don’t eat it…I miss it!). He’d make us liver pate and strawberry jam sandwiches. Best sandwiches EVER! He also made amazing soup with chicken gizzards and hearts. So very, very good. Another meat thing that I miss!
I think my boyfriend was horrified the first time I ate smoked oysters! They are sooo good!
Also I ordered broccoli instead of fries at a resturant the other day…I think the waitress was horrified, she looked at me like I had 3 heads!!!
how about mc donalds french fries with an ice cream cone?
Could you imagine the first person who ate a lobster or a crab? He should be starving 🙂
I’m obsessed with garlic powder! I put it on lots of things..ranging from pasta, to rice, to veggie sandwiches with hummus. I just love the stuff!!
My boyfriend is grossed out by greek yogurt and cottage cheese. it did take me a while to warm up to cottage cheese, and i’m still not a huge fan of it, but as for the greek yogurt… Don’t understand him 😉
I have never commented before but I just wanted to put my two cents in … I come from New Zealand and in New Zealand we have something called a Kiwi Burger (which you can get at McDonalds) and it is basically a quarter pounder with a fried egg and beets. Beets are a common occurence in our burgers! Totally delish.
sounds good!
I don’t love anything that a ton of people would consider weird but some things I have gotten strange looks for are seaweed snacks, blue cheese, calamari and snail.
I tried fried grubs once and that was pretty good. Like a cheeto!
I can’t bring myself to try the organs of any animals. Tongue, liver, my MIL’s menudo with intestine in it, chicken feet… No thanks.
I can’t even eat hot dogs. I’m too scared. O.o
I LOVE beets. I would get them a lot at the diner in college because they were the one food I wouldn’t get tired of.
Tuna casserole. And I used to eat onion bagels with peanut butter and chocolate chips.
The Kidless Kronicles
Wag More, Bark….
I absolutely love pickled beets and hummus, but what makes it really devine is adding jalapenos. YUM!
Me too! But it has to be like the kraft brand mac n cheese. And I never eat it like that in front of someone. hahaha. If it’s homemade mac n cheese my mom always serves up stewed tomatoes along side of it. So maybe that’s where I get it.
I love mac & cheese with ketchup mixed together. Depending on how sees it– some people find it an absolutely disgusting combo. Other than that- I like green smoothies a lot, and most people I’m around daily do not understand why.
I LOVE “weird” foods – pretty much anything and everything. I also eat a lot of strange combinations of “normal” foods. I can’t help it – I just love flavor and texture combinations, so pretty much anything goes in my book!
most mediterranean food that I love freaks people out, but I’m obsessed (its in my blood!).. the more authentic the better!
And as for your last post, I dont quite understand how Miami made the top 10… I live just between Miami and Ft Laud and honestly, nothing is that walkable. MAYBE if they are referring to South Beach, or some specific neighborhood but I’m gonna have to say I disagree with that list!
Yum! I love beets also. We made “beet burgers” the other night 🙂 they were pretty tasty!
Is this the week where you post ugly pics of me on various social media websites? Jk…that cape was phenom. and kept me warm. And yes, the idea of eating a beet sandwich…well, eww….but you know I didn try them once, and as I suspected, I was not fan. But I love you, so I will accept your crazy eating ways. xox
living in the sorority house I think ALL of my food choices scares everyone! They cringe at the sight of beets and think hummus w/ veggies is weird? yeah, sad! I know!
OH! and some people had never heard of ALMOND BUTTER!
ahhh that sandwich looks so good! I love beets! I’ve actually never had liverwurst… or seen it. how does one purchase that?
Probably nutritional yeast and chia seeds at this point– mostly because of the way they look (and everyone asks if it’s the same seeds that go on a Chia Pet.. and I have to say yes haha)
Not gonna lie I do love pickled beets from the jar/can as well! My grandma when ever she comes brings me a jar of pickled beets! I love carrots and peanut butter, and using carrot chips in salsa! My mom just can’t get over that I eat carrots with salsa and not tortilla chips!
I do get a lot of weird looks and comments on green smoothies, but I love them! The other weird thing my husband & I eat is rocky mountain oysters. We always order some whenever we find a restaurant that serves them.
I’m from Ireland. LARGE amounts of people haven’t heard of Quinoa, Millet, Polenta let alone buckwheat. Potatoes are very much the staple! My dad asked me the other day why I don’t eat carbs any more…just because I don’t eat pasta or wheat pasta (spelt pasta apparently isn’t a carb either in his eyes!!!) Eating tofu in my house is seen as beyond horrifying. I’m also a BIG fan of prunes!
Loving the photo throwbacks! People think it’s weird how I can eat so many green beans or so much squash but I love it! And I also love hearts of palm straight from the jar but people think that’s odd too.
I like liver 😉
“Hummus! Hummus! I got the hummus!” LOLOLOL!! I know that “Friends” reference! 😉
This isn’t even gross or weird but my family thinks it’s weird (and maybe gross) that I eat spinach. We were out to breakfast and I ordered an omelet with bacon and spinach and my sister and her boyfriend were like “spinach??” in unison. Bizarre.
My food decisions are often based on how much I don’t want to do dishes too. It’s okay! 😉
Hahah I was totally not expecting those three foods to be in your fridge! I was expecting more along the lines of nut butter or fro yo
sardines! it grosses my roommates out so much, i have to take the can right out to the trash after im done eating. never leave it in the garbage overnight….you might wake up wondering what died in the kitchen haha
I’m obsessed with brussels sprouts! Whenever I roast a big batch, I ALWAYS end up overeating them because I love them so stinkin’ much. I also eat an ungodly amount of lentils, which family/friends always comment look nasty. Whatevs! To each her own! Enjoy your beets 🙂
My favorite snack as a kid (and, admittedly, still now as a 26 yr old) was cottage cheese and yogurt. I was never a fan of cottage cheese alone, so I’d mix it with a berry yogurt and top it with a banana.
PS – diggin the sweatshirt tied around your waist in the throwback photo! Vintage.
Oh my goodness! All those themed socials; it’s like halloween came around monthly! By the time october got there, yall must’ve have tons of costumes to choose from! 🙂
I looove beets!! So yummy!!! 😀 Another food I like that most people don’t is brussels sprouts!
I honestly can’t think of anything horrifying that I like! But, one horrifying item that I don’t understand how people can eat is pickled pigs feet! My husband owned a gas station when we lived in FL and people would buy those things like hot cakes! Disgusting!
This is an easy one: gefilte fish. I’m Jewish, and during the High Holidays (Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur) at college, my roomies wouldn’t let me keep it in the fridge! It’s not that bad, though—tastes like tuna!
This is great! My name is Hilary (one L!) too and my weird food is the same thing 🙂 love gefilte fish!!
Beets are AH-mazing. The end. Anyone who says otherwise is nuts!
I also eat peanut butter and pickle sandwiches and they are fantastic.
Peanut butter and pickle sandwiches were exactly what I was going to say! Although every other person I’ve met that does this does it with dill pickles. Blech! I am a sweet pickle and peanut butter girl, completely. It’s like using a sweet jelly that crunches!
Ketchup on macaroni and cheese. One of my roommates in college ate it, so I picked it up from her.
HUmmus and beets? Yes please!!
My husband thinks just about everything I eat (on my own, not for meals we eat together) is weird…overnight oats with pumpkin, green smoothies, and hard boiled eggs. I think all of these are quite normal 🙂 Also, I just made beets for the first time two days ago! I roasted them in tin foil – so easy and yummy! I have never tried pickled or canned beets though.