Every time I eat a hot dog, brat or an Italian sausage, I cannot help but think of tailgating.
Though my lunch today included a delicious Italian sausage, my side of choice was a bit healthier than the typical tailgating fare of chips, dip, wings and beer, all of which sound fantastic to me right now.
Roasted cauliflower!
Normally I’m not a fan of Ranch dressing, but for some reason, I really wished I had some on hand to dip my cauliflower in before eating. Curious craving!
And now I wish I had a football game on the books!
Though no football games are in my future, Ryan and I actually do have plans to go to a hockey game on Saturday night.
I’ve only been to one other hockey game in my life. Ryan and I went to a Tampa Bay Lightning game a couple years ago and about 30 seconds into the game, I wanted ice cream. I remember telling Ryan I was going to go get a cone and he encouraged me to hang out for a bit. Clearly my desire for ice cream cannot be stopped and I said, “Nothing ever happens during the first five minutes of a hockey game,” and went to the concession stand.
With that, the Lightning scored.
Go figure!
I promise to stay in my seat at Saturday’s game for at least five minutes.
I go to games for the food. Unless it’s a playoff game I’m not really interested. You’ll always find me at the concessions, that’s the best part!
Ice cream makes everything better, even in a freezing arena.
Haha, I’d choose ice cream, too. 😛
Haha–that’s great. I would’ve chosen ice cream too!
i am going too!!!!!!!!!!
really!?!? exciting!! 7pm? i wish i knew who they were playing… i should probably go look that up.
Tampa Bay Lightning V Winnipeg Jets
this saturday is hockey fights cancer night!!!!!
I used to go to Atlanta Braves games just for their ‘southwest hotdog!’ Yumm….. I would never remember what happened in the game though 🙂
Curious craving…pregnant craving? Hmmm…
haha – no, no – and let’s hope not after saturday’s pumpkin beer & kahlua fest!
I’m going tailgating with the boys on Saturday for UNH’s homecoming (it’s been 5 years for us, yikes!). We’re bringing Italian Chicken Sausage, my brother is making my famous sausage dip (browned sausage, Rotel tomatoes & diced chiles and low fat cream cheese), so I picked up some Multigrain Tostito’s Scoops. It’s not going to be a healthy day, that’s for sure, but we’ll do our best to practice moderation!!!
the giant pretzels and ice cream always get me when i go to games. so freaking good.
I’ve never been to a hockey game or a football game! I was deprived of sporting events as a child. I love the idea of tailgating and think I need to convince my friends to go to a football game so we can tailgate. What’s better than bbqing in a huge parking lot, right? 😉
I’m not usually interested in watching sports, especially on tv, but watching live hockey games is so much fun! I don’t entirely know what is going on, but the energy makes it worth it. Have fun at the game this weekend!
I always want to dip my cauliflower in cheese sauce. I used to do that a kid and it stuck with me.
When I go to sports events, I always want kettle corn. So good and it lasts a really long time.
oh and i can’t forget about “premio” sausages– (my italian uncle is the president of the company)- shameless plug!
what is a brat?
it’s short for bratwurst… it’s a delicious kind of sausage!
Ranch makes everything taste better! 🙂
I’ve gone to a few hockey games and I always feel the need to hit the concession stands right away too. I like having some goodies to eat while enjoying the game! You guys will have lots of fun on Saturday!
i love ranch dressing!!
my family is very into football, so i can get on board with that, but any other sport bores me to tears (except olympic swimming!!)
So random, I’m from Winnipeg and the Lightning are playing my team on Saturday!!!! You are so lucky to get tickets, they are a hot commodity in Winnipeg and every game sells out.
i’ll try to appreciate the game a little more then! unfortunately hockey doesn’t seem quite as popular in florida (unless the lightning are winning…).
Mmmm…that hot dog looks yummy! I’d love to go see a hocket match – it looks proper fun! a goal, imho! Kind of, lol! 😛 xyx
Oh no, lol! I deleted most of my comment before I sent it somehow! 😛 And I misspelled everything. Oopsidaisy!
I was just saying that I’ve been to a rugby match before, which was super fun – great atmosphere, and an exciting game – but a hockey game sounds great!
Hope you don’t miss out on any of the action this time round, lol! 😉 Although, a goal < ice cream, most of the time! 😛 xyx
I’ve only been to one hockey game too! Now that I live in Chicago I really want to go to a Blackhawks game, but tickets can be pretty pricy!
Go Lightning!! I haven’t been to a game yet in the updated arena but my parents say it’s great. Btw I was at the Vinoy last weekend too! The bar was really hoppin’ which was surprising.
Btw I totally see your sister working out at the Vinoy gym sometimes but feel way too creepy to say hi. Yup, St. Pete really is a small town!
oh you should totally say hi to her! i promise she’s friendly! 🙂 and how crazy we were both at the vinoy on the same night!
OK maybe I’ll say hi in all my sweaty glory. Also, check out Lightning’s #2 Eric Brewer at the game. He is so fine…
Haha! Go figure hey? I enjoy watching live sports, but don’t really get much out of watching them on TV. The live atmosphere is just so energizing – even if I haven’t a clue what’s going on on the ice/field/court!
Hockey games are so much fun!! I love the fighting. 😛
Have a great time on Saturday!!
Enjoy the game! …Althrough I am a Montreal Canadian fan! 🙂 At least Lightning don’t play against Montreal this saturday! 😉
I haven’t ever been to a hockey game, but I have a “Hawks” fan since it’s Chicago. Hopefully I will get to see one this year!
I agree…tailgating is a wonderful pastime. I could go for a pumpkin ale, or even a glass of vino right now!! It’s 5:00 somewhere, right? 😉
I love Ranch on everything! I think I picked it up when I lived in California. I love it on fries, pizza, salads, veggies, veggieburgers, practically everything!
Hot dogs or anything along those lines remind me of football as well. I love football season!
Hockey is super fun to attend because it’s so quick paced!!!! You’ll have a blast 😀
hmm..prego? 😉 Anyway very hip on the Hockey game. Thats the only sporting event I have yet to attend in person. Should be a blast! Go Lightening. they are playing the former Atlanta Thrashers from last year…just a little FYI
Ice cream is totally worth missing the goal! I usually go for a hot dog and miss the goal because I’m too busy people watching.
I love that you usually have something super satisfying sided with a mound of veggies. You inspire me to do the same 🙂
I had a chicken sausage on a bun last night and it made me think of baseball.
Hockey games are probably my favorite sporting events to go see live, they’re just so much fun and it’s non-stop action.
Ha! Hockey is like that. It always happens when you are not looking. I have to say, since we have tix to the Carolina Hurricanes, that the TB Lightning are not my fav team (kept us out of the playoffs last year).
Hockey on Fri for us!
The Kidless Kronicles
I’ve been to SO many hockey games, it’s a bit ridiculous. Mostly in Vancouver/BC, Edmonton/AB, and Calgary/AB. None in the states. Our Hockey Arenas always have the best popcorn just swimming in butter heart attack, it’s so worth the 5000 calories to indulge!
I’m a huge Lightning fan and love going to games. The live environment is really great. I hope you guys have a lot of fun and that the Lightning win of course!
Hopefully they’ll have the new Tesla coils (that shoot actual lightning) working — they’ve been just using them in pregame but should be using them as part of the goal celebration now, too. I can’t wait to see the arena renovations this year!
I love, love, love hockey and go to a few Lightning games every year — we never miss when the Penguins are in town, and I usually go with my sister when the Blackhawks (her team; I was the weird kid in Chicago in the early 90s who preferred Mario Lemieux to anyone on the Hawks, which didn’t go over well in my elementary school!) come through.
I’ve been loving chicken sausage as of lately. It’s delicious! 🙂 I’ve only been a hockey game once and it was the Philadelphia Flyers, my local team. It was a fun time. Exciting to watch! 🙂
Oh my gosh, I LOVE tailgating so much. It’s way more fun than the actual football game as far as I’m concerned haha.
I’m going to a football game on Saturday and need some vegetarian tailgating ideas- help a girl out!
I wish I could attend a hockey game someday~it seems like one of those more fun sports to watch, in my opinion 🙂 ps: italian sausage is delicious!
I love hockey games! One of my favorite sports to watch. So much action compared to other American sports.
haha my roommate and I used to go to the Penn State hockey games when we were freshmen there just to check out the hot goalie. Of course those helmets didn’t exactly help us scope out all the hotties on the team 😉 Have fun!
I am so jealous, I love ice hockey, but being in Australia it’s not really a big thing here. Thank goodness for Foxtel!!
As for the Ranch dressing the only time I eat it is drizzled on my veggies!
I’m the same- not normally a fan of Ranch but it seems to work for me when bbq kinda foods are around!