I have a question for my fellow Downton Abbey fans. Every time you finish watching an episode, do you find yourself fighting an intense desire to speak with an English accent and call everyone m’lady?
It took everything I had not to walk around calling Ryan m’lady after I watched an episode last night. Luckily I had Sadie to practice on…
“Here are your Beggin’ Strips, m’lady.”
(Someone clearly mastered the Dowager Countess’ unamused expression.)
For those of you who tried watching the first episode of Downton Abbey and couldn’t get into it, apparently that is a very common thing! I actually didn’t watch the first episode – my mom and grandma filled me in on the details – but I’ve heard that it’s the second episode that hooks you, so it might be worth another try. Then come back here and we can all call each other m’lady and be jealous of their lovely accents together. Yes, I am trying to convert all of you into Downton Abbey fans.
Before breakfast, it was gym time. I took my booty through my lower body and abs circuit workout, but added 30 seconds of jump rope in the mix in between each exercise to get my heart rate up. Not a bad way to start the day!
My morning meal began with the most delicious grapefruit.
We got a box of grapefruit on Tuesday as part of the Harry & David fruit of the month club, so I’ve been on a big grapefruit kick all week. I can’t get enough of them and have been eating them morning, noon and night.
Ryan laughed at me when he noticed the depleted number of grapefruit in our fridge when he arrived home from work yesterday. Naturally a Ron Burgandy quote was appropriate. “You ate almost all of the grapefruit? I’m not even mad. That’s amazing.”
They’re just so, so good!
I also had a toasted English muffin topped with Publix natural chunky peanut butter and a combination of mascarpone cheese stirred together with Trader Joe’s superfruit spread.
If you adore mascarpone cheese, I highly recommend stirring a little bit of jelly into the cheese to make a fantastic spread. It was wonderful!
Question of the Morning
- Do people tell you that you have an accent? Is there a specific accent that you adore?
When I first moved to Florida from Palatine, Illinois, I got made fun of all the time for the way I said certain words like “Mom.” (Apparently I said “maaaaam.”)
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
I don’t think I have any accent at all, I’m from Kansas City, MO and although people who live out in the country in Missouri have accents, somehow we don’t have one in the city? I remember reading somewhere that we have the most understandable American accent… haha. Although my time in South Carolina does cause me to slip a y’all in there every once in a while.
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
When I was a teen I did a perfect British accent, it got me into a lot of concerts for free. Women aren’t the only one who fall for an accent…HA!
Kalen says
I’m originally from Indy but moved up to Chicago about 3.5 years ago. I have for sure started to say maaaam and my A’s are all messed up now!
Kristin says
I’m originally from the southern part of Michigan but when I moved up to the northern part of the lower peninsula I really started picking up traces of a “Yooper,” accent (people from the upper peninsula of Michigan) which is kind of a Canadian/Minnesota hybrid. It’s weird.
And, I’m just finishing up the secon season of Downton and wonder if my husband would mind if I refer to him as “his lordship.”
Beth Snyder says
Thank you for making me laugh out loud. I obviously don’t know you but started cracking up picturing someone calling their husband “his lordship”. 🙂
Katharine Elizabeth says
I am flat our jealous that you had a very specific, perfect instance to use such a GREAT Ron Burgandy quote!!!!
peanutbutterfingers says
ha!! glad it wasn’t lost on you! 🙂
Larissa says
I’m from Cleveland Ohio and apparently I have a Cleveland accedent. Just driving a few hours south people can tell I’m from Cleveland. I Spent 6 months in Florida last year for an internship and got made fun of all the time for it. Guess I emphasize my As.
Chamois says
I’m from Cleveland too! And I get, “You a have harsh “A” sound” quite often. I did my undergrad schooling near Pittsburgh and they thought the Cleveland accent was ridiculous….well let me tell you, the Pittsburgh accent has it’s own kind of weirdness.
Bethany says
I totally busted out an English accent while watching Downton Abbey!! Such a good show, and yes the first episode isn’t too special, but I got through it and then got hooked!!
Shephalli says
So true! One word I always say with a British accent – “schedule” 🙂
PS: Love Sadie’s expression!
Audrey Adams says
I am from Alabama…and I don’t have a southern accent. I think i owe it all to theatre and how I seriously used to talk in a British accent 24/7. It was my thing. Keira Knightley impersonations all the time over here!!! Whoop whoop.
And apparently i say ‘friends’ like ‘frands’ with the ‘a’ part sounding like ‘ah’….make sense? Maybe.
Lindsay says
I’m from Buffalo so people tell me I have an accent and sound like I’m from Canada. Psshhht YOU have an accent. 😉
Dobie Marintchev says
Hi Julie! I am an absolute fan of Downton Abbey because of you! I saw a post in your blog a few weeks ago and I decided to check it out on Netflix. Oh boy did I like it? I stayed up all night for a coule of days to watch it. I don’t like the fact that the seasons are so short. My favorites are: cousin Violet, the newlywed Bates family and Mary. I dislike Thomas and miss O’Brian.
This was pretty funny that you wanna call RyanM’lady. I will try to call my hubby M’Lord and see his reaction. Have a good day! 🙂
peanutbutterfingers says
thomas and o’brien are the WORST!!!! ugh.
Linz @ Itz Linz says
compared to easteners and southerns i’ve been told i’ve got a midwestern accent, too! def a twang!
Sarah says
I’m from Connecticut and I don’t think I have an accent, but all my friends in California say I do. They say I sound like I’m from Boston. I don’t say “mom” I say “ma”. Not sure if that’s a CT thing or not?
Nikki says
Downton Abbey is the BEST! I have been obsessed with the Brits and their lovely accents since Lady Di became a princess.
And living in Palatine, IL, but originally from the South Side, I have indeed noticed my accent!
Tracey@ Talkative*TLC says
I actually get told more often when traveling, “wow, where’s your accent?” Ha. I’m from Boston, and the Boston accent sure is a hard accent. I’m grateful it didn’t stick for me. (And Boston based movies sure give the Boston accent a bad name!)
joelle @ on a pink typewriter says
Hahaha I love Ron Burgundy quotes. Bark twice if you’re in Milwaukee!
Picky Nicky says
The spread idea sounds great! Thanks!
Brigitt says
Not exactly the same thing, but I just posted about this map that shows the regional differences between what people call soft drinks (soda vs. pop). I thought it was pretty fun! http://simplystated.realsimple.com/2013/03/07/soda-or-pop/
Abby Ecker says
YES, I am obsessed with Downton Abbey and I always want to speak in a British accent afterwards. The only issue is that…I can’t do a very good British accent. Oh well!
Irma says
I’m from Texas… We can’t help it y’all 😉
Carrie Sullivan says
I was born and raised in the Philadelphia area. Not the prettiest of accents. I now live in suburban beautiful Bucks County, Pa. I try very hard to not speak with the Philly accent, it still comes through. I am what I am! Philly attitude too! Lol
Kaitlin @4loveofcarrots says
I always wish that my boyfriend talked to me the way Mathew talks! I thought the first episode was not that great and couldn’t understand the hype, but obviously now I am an avid watcher!
Laura @ RunningJunkie says
My mother has a british accent so I was taught to pronounce things differently than most Americans. I often get asked where I’m from.
Kellye says
I did that arm workout you did yesterday and it was crazy hard! I had to decrease my weight for the last set of each superset…cant wait to try the leg/abs one!
Annette@FitnessPerks says
I’m from st. louis, MO, and I think I talk a bit diff than some people here in SLC? But it’s not too crazy!
I saw 1 episode of DA & yep, was not impressed, so maybe I need to give it another shot??
Tanya says
I love that you are from Palatine. I’m from McHenry, IL (May be just a LITTLE too far north for you to know) 😉 and I am made fun of a lot for how I say things with that same “Ahhhh” A.
Erica @ Love the Leap says
I have literally tried watching the first episode of Downton Abbey THREE times. I can’t get through it!! Maybe I should just skip over and go to the second haha I really want to like it! I’ve heard so many good things.
Sharsti@theblondehairblueeyedrunner says
I adore australian accents, I just think they are so cute!
Katie says
I love talking in a British accent. People tell me I have an accent which I kind of like. I just moved from Chicago to California, so certain words apparently stick out.
Katie @ KatieEnPursuit says
I just haven’t been able to get into it either, I guess I’ll have to try again, everyone raves about it! I love Caribbean accents, I think they’re so “cool” 🙂
Emily @ Maple Miles says
I’m not often told that I have an accent, but I am originally from Massachusetts so when I went to school in NY, everyone assumed I would have a Boston accent. Such a small percentage of people from MA do!
Kelly says
YES! I’m from Maryland and I guess the particular county I live in has an accent…so every time I go somewhere they laugh at my “accent.” Apparently you’re supposed to pronounce it AmbulEnce not AmbulAnce (despite the spelling). Water, wash, foul and a few others get attention to. I like to think it’s a cute quirk 🙂
Elisabeth says
I’m from northwestern Ohio and don’t think I have an accent, but when we go elsewhere, people think we do 😉
Patti says
That’s funny, I heard so many people talking about Downtown Abbey that I tried watching it, but couldn’t get through the first episode. I will have to go back and try again though, and at least watch the second episode! And it’s so fun to talk in a British accent, but kind of addicting — once I start, I can’t stop!
When I go up north, I get people saying “Where are you from??” because of my Southern accent, but really my accent is very slight compared to most of the people around here!
Betsy says
I’m from WI and when I travel out east, people tell me I have a funny accent and it takes everything in me to not reply, “Well you have a funny accent too!” I work with people who are learning to speak English, so I hear many accents from around the world all day. My favorite though is the Italian accent.
Pam S says
I’ve lived in London for 4 years now, but was obsessed with the English accent before I moved here. It just sounds normal to me now, and I love hearing the familiar American accents whenever I can now!! 🙂
Lauren says
I’m from Indiana originally and when I moved to South Carolina everyone says I drawl out my a’s.
Sky @ The Blonde In Black says
I love, love, love British accents. I wish I had one sometimes and like to pretend I do. I grew up on the east side of New Mexico on a farm/ranch only 10 miles from Texas. I have that Texan twang to my voice, but not really thick or strong. Just a little. I say y’all all the time…how else do you refer to a group of people?! Haha
Rachel @ RachelRuns29.11 says
Since you are from Florida you know the beauty that is Publix and sometimes they have these giant bags of pink grapefruit for $2.50 (like the past three weeks:). I can’t stop. They are so good.
kendra @ http://www.kennygump.com/ says
i love ALL accents. that’s the spice of life i think. people are all so different and that’s what makes this world beautiful. and yes i have to consciously think about how i talk after being exposed to any accent because i love them all so much i tend to pick up on them quickly. we just moved to minnesota and i’m picking up on it right now, dontcha know!!! 😀
Lauren says
I haven’t had a grapefruit in YEARS. My dad eats them all the time but, of course, he drizzles them with a little sugar. When I was younger, I always had to segment all the insides before I even began to eat it. Haha
Sarah says
Ok speaking of calling Sadie m’lady, I think one of the reasons I love this show so much is because when the opening credits come on the shot is of a man and a wagging tail. I love keeping an eye out for the dog, so sweet. Um, I am pretty sure it takes everything in me to not speak in an english accent…always.
The other night we had some friends over for dinner and my roommate and I led them into our room to wait before dinner, we then ate our meal in courses and finished with tea and cookies, all while catching up on Downton Abby…classy (mind you we were in sweats and pjs but still, classy right?)
Danielle says
I’m from England but I am pretty sure I sound nothing like those in Downton Abbey, I can but try though 🙂
Heather @ Housewife Glamour says
Haha… I didn’t think I had an accent until I moved from FL to Michigan. People think I have a southern draw when I say “fire” (faa-yer). After being up here 6 months, I have realized I now have a slight northern accent when I filmed a vlog a few days ago. Apparently, I now elogate my o’s and a’s. It’s crazy how your accent changes by your surroundings!
Heather @ Housewife Glamour says
Sonja @ The {Happy} Travel Bug says
I grew up in the South and now live in the North, so I am constantly asked where I’m from. The funny thing is, I don’t think I have an accent. When I go back South, they really sound different. 🙂
Jess @ JessieBear says
I LITERALLY just wrote a blog post about Downton! I freakin’ love that show. My mom and grandma forced me and my bf to watch it and we are so hooked. We made it through the entire first season in like two days… it was pretty sad. haha
Amber says
I get told I talk “different” all the time!
I was born in a tiny town in Arkansas and moved to Memphis when I was 13. Evidently “we” talk different across the bridge!
Heather says
ALWAYS do this after watching downtown. Love it so much!
ashley says
I’ve been reading this blog for a while now, how did I not know you were originally from palatine? I’m from the north suburbs too and now I live in LA and get made fun of for Mom, Dad (dayd), accent (ayccent) and a lot of other works where I apparently elongate A’s
Claire says
Living out here on the west coast (best coast, what what!) I am constantly told how Chicago I sound…words like: coffee, car, mom, trader joes, go, both, etc. don’t seem to sound like how everyone else here says them. I have a mix of Chicago and Minne-SOO-tah, so I’m sure it’s interesting 😉 My boyfriend is originally from TX living in Seattle, so he has his share of “yall’s” that I get a kick out of!
I adore Downtown Abbey and their accents. I finally just finished all three seasons…so much drama! Are you done with them yet?!