If you follow me on Twitter, then you already know the deal.
I got a call from the vet early yesterday evening. I was surprised to hear from him since he said that he likely wouldn’t have the results from Sadie’s pathology report until the very end of the week. My voice perked up over the phone when I realized who was calling me, but the inflection in my voice was met with a rather serious tone and I immediately knew the pathology results our vet was calling to share were going to be a little scary.
Apparently they don’t know what Sadie’s little lump is and they want it completely removed. They think it is a kind of sarcoma, a type of cancer that develops from certain tissues, and want to do further testing.
I’m about to leave to take Sadie in for surgery this morning to get that freaking lump out of her. Ryan and I are keeping our thoughts positive. So many of you shared amazing stories in the comments section of my morning post yesterday (thank you!) and I know dogs have cancerous lumps removed all the time and live long and happy lives. I’m trying to postpone any worries I may have until I receive all the information from the vet.
It looks like the Cone of Shame may resurface later today…
I love that little girl.
I inhaled my breakfast this morning as I typed up this blog post.
Steel cut oats with egg whites and a sliced orange!
Off to the vet!
Blog is the New black says
Good luck, lady!!! 🙂
Anele @ Success Along the Weigh says
It sounds like your vet is a good one. Get it out, make her better and let her get on with her wonderful life. Psst, Sadie…make sure you soak up all of the extra lovin’ and kisses! 😉
Jackie Macharsky says
Good luck today Fagan family! It will be scary but everything will be ok! Dogs are very strong and resilient! Sadie will be her playful self in no time!
Sabrina says
Prayers and good vibes for Sadie!
Holly says
Praying for a great outcome for Sadie and peace and calm for you and Ryan…
Khushboo says
Positive thoughts coming your way, Julie :)!
Cari says
Good Luck!
Anne says
Good luck with the surgery, keeping Sadie in my thoughts!
Sara @ Fitcupcaker says
Good luck Sadie! They will take care of her!!
Genelle says
Good luck to the vet and Sadie!
She’s so full of love and energy she’ll bounce back in no time. Sarcoma be gone!
Angie @ Losing It and Loving It says
I have been keeping up with your posts, I’m so sorry your sweet girl has to have surgery. Believe me when I say I know how you are feeling. I am keeping good thoughts for you guys today and sending hugs your way.
Andrea @ mainerunnergirl.wordpress.com says
The picture of the orange made my mouth water! Hope everything goes smoothly today for sweet Sadie!
Michelle@Peachy Palate says
Oh no! Good luck I hope Sadie is ok – and you! 🙂 Stay strong and keep positive! Poor little thing!
Sarah @PickyRunner says
Oh no!! Good luck to Sadie. Hang in there, girl. Believe. I’ll be thinking of you!
Bridget says
Best wishes to Sadie (and her loving parents)!
Ariana says
Good Luck, Sadie Girl and stay positive, Julie!!!!! Only put good thoughts into the universe!!
Jill says
Sending good thoughts your way!
I do want to add though, have you considered getting a second opinion? Or three? (you’d be surprised just how different certain veternarians have advice, concern, or knowledge….)
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
I did think about that, but since it was the vets opinion and then the pathology lab seem to echo his opinion, I just wanted the lump out of there!
Jill says
I understand. When its down to “crunch” time and I’m worried about something, I tend to “jump” also.
(but you might want to get a copy of all the results after the surgery and just out of curiosity take it around to some other vets for consult…some may be keen to look at it for no charge!).
Amber @ Busy, Bold, Blessed says
Good luck to your little pooch! Keeping her in my prayers!
Claire @ Flake and Cake says
I’m so sorry to hear that Sadie is going in for surgery but fingers crossed it will be the last time and she’s feel much better. It shows what a great dog owner you are to take her to the vet and catch this thing super early, whatever it is. Best of luck to Sadie for a speedy recovery!
Sonja @ The {Happy} Travel Bug says
Praying for you, Ryan and your sweet little Sadie…❤
Pam Cook says
Thinking of you and Sadie today, hope everything goes well!
Chelsea Brant says
Good Luck!!! I’m sure everything will go fine and Sadie will be back to those nice walks in no time!!!! 🙂
Melanie @ Beautifully Nutty says
Only positive thoughts!
Natalie says
Prayers for sweet Sadie~ she will be just fine! I prayed for you all last night. Do not worry or stress..easier said than done but His plan is always perfect. Thank you for the update.
Liz L. says
Good luck…thinking positive thoughts…Sadie will be just fine!
Alycia says
Sending good vibes for Sadie and big hugs for you!
Emilia says
Good luck to Sadie (and you and Ryan obviously) with the surgery today. These things are always so difficult. My thoughts and hopes are with Sadie’s health. She’s one lucky dog to have owners who love her, vets looking out for her and a bunch of blog readers cheering for her well-being! 🙂
Lindsay says
Julie, I’m unsure if I’ve ever commented, but I do read here everyday. Please know my thoughts are with you and Sadie today. I’m positive she’ll pull through and everything will be fine. I know how special pets can be. My little girl (a cat, not a dog) will be 15 in April and I’ve had her ever since she was six weeks old. They really are the pride and joy in our lives.
Nicole says
Hang in there!
Erica says
Good luck!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl says
Well wishes to both you and Sadie this morning. I hope she has a great recovery. She will back to her sweet self in no time, I’m sure! 🙂
Lauren says
Awww, porr Sadie! Good luck hun!
Jamily says
I’m praying for you guys and Sadie! Love that little dog, even though I’ve never met her ;).
Claire @ Keeping Up With Claire says
Prayers for you, Sadie, and Ryan. Hopefully the morning flies by and you have her back at home in no time. Good luck!
Denae says
I hope everything goes well with getting the lump removed…sending prayers for you, Ryan and Sadie..
Kelly says
Oh no! I’m sorry Sadie has to go through this — you & Ryan as well! Prayers to the Fagan family from AZ <3
Keep us all posted!!
Linz @ Itz Linz says
Sending tons of love and positive vibes to you and Sadie and Ryan!!!
Jen says
Sending prayers your way! Keep us updated!
Brittany says
Lando and I are sending our prayers your way. Sadie will pull through. As a Vizsla, she’s a strong girl who will overcome whatever comes your way. Let us know how she’s doing later!
Amanda says
Good luck to you all and Sadie — I’ll be thinking about you today! This is on my mind because I’ve got a sick cat (her disease is still of unknown origin, despite two rounds of bloodwork) and a passel of rats (yes, rats) who are all on antibiotics as we speak. Let me tell you, trying to squirt Baytril (an antibiotic) into an unwilling rat’s mouth is… interesting?
Yeah, interesting. We’ll go with that. So far our dog Teddy is doing well (knock on wood).
Please keep us posted on your Sadie!!
Dana says
Continued positive thoughts for you and your little girl!
sammy says
Always keeping you all in my prayers. My dog has similar issues. They are tiny little tumor- like bumps. She’s had them for years. Some dogs just get them, regardless. She’s 15 and still going strong! Nonetheless, im keeping Sadie in my prayers! Good luck today!
Lori Barton Looney says
Sending positive thoughts your way!
TorontoRunner says
oh noo, I hope everything goes well hun!
Jade says
It is so scary when pets have to have surgery. My dog Lucy had surgery over the summer and it was the worst few hours waiting for her to get out!
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles says
Good luck Sadie! <3
Kaelin says
Good luck to you and Sadie!!! I hope everything goes well and Sadie has a quick recovery! Sending good thoughts your way.
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
oh poor sadie!!! I hope it ends up not being serious, I’ll say a prayer for her! Growing up, we’ve always been so lucky with our dogs and any illnesses, I can’t imagine.
Jessica @fromthekitchentotheroad says
Like you said yesterday, you are doing something about this lump very early on. She will do great. You are a good doggy mommy to take care of Sadie like you are.
Gabby says
Oh no, Julie! Just remember that the vets know what they are doing and you guys are doing the right thing by getting it taken out early. Sadie will bounce back in no time!