Remember how I complained about the heat and humidity yesterday morning? Well, it was 47 degrees when we woke up today. Fall is here (for now)!
After grabbing a fleece, Ryan and I headed to the gym nice and early.
I started my workout with a two mile run followed by three sets of 15 – 20 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset: Step ups + Deadlifts
- Leg press
- One-legged leg extensions
- Lunges
- Bridges
It wasn’t a killer workout like Monday’s leg workout, but I think that’s a good thing because I don’t want to have lead legs on Saturday’s long run.
Breakfast this morning was homemade granola with milk!
I cooked up a double batch of granola last night and this morning poured it into a bowl, topped it with milk, banana slices and crushed pecans and dug in!
No picture of my bowl because it seems to be getting darker and darker in the mornings these days and I like natural night photos, so I figured I’d just post some of the granola pics I took last night to get the point across.
Daylight photos are so much prettier!
As Ryan and I were eating breakfast, we heard a faint “beep!”
We stopped talking, thinking it was just our imagination.
For the second time since we’ve moved into our rental house, the low battery notification beep on one of the fire alarms in our house was beeping away.
We stood under three different fire alarms before realizing the beep was coming from our home office.
The battery has been replaced and our sanity remained in tact!
The annoying beep of the fire alarm made me think about other noises that I find particularly annoying or cringe-worthy.
My list:
- Teeth scraping on silverware
- Squeaking treadmills/cardio machines at the gym
- Low battery beeps on cell phones
- The “this is just a test” sound on the radio
- Anything coming into contact with a chalk board
Question of the Morning
- What noises do you find annoying or cringe-worthy?
Oh my goodness, squeaky treadmills and ellipticals drive me crazy at the gym! I’m always so amazed that people don’t realize they’re making a horrible noise! I move if I get on a squeaker.
People clicking their nails together is the worsttt noise! Maybe it’s because I don’t have any nails to ever click together myself, but when people do that it sends a shiver down my spine!!
Seriously! I can’t stand a squeaky shopping cart! It ruins the shopping experience every time!
Omg, squeaky shopping cart wheels. HOW DO I ALWAYS MANAGE TO PICK THE SQUEAKIEST CARTS?
uugh hate the chalk-board’s skreech along with forks on dishes (mine are noisy :() and the sound of a knife passed along one of those stick-like knife sharpeners…gives me the chills!
OMG me too!!! its been bothering me since i was a little girl when my dad does it and still does!!!
My older sister does it on purpose just so she can torture me =D
forks on dishes! i DIE! (i literally made an excuse to hide in the kitchen during a trip home recently because my mom’s bf was scraping against his plate like there’s no tomorrow). and yes, family members do it to torture me 😛
Ugh just reading this made me have goosebumps like crazy!
the sound of my dog’s teeth when her rope toys rips out of her mouth. :::shudder::::
I hate it when a fork or a knfe rubs across a plate when trying to cut something…oh that is AWFUL!
Ah, MEEE too!!! That screech from silverware on plates echoes in my ears forever. HATE it.
Haha that reminds me of the episode of Friends where Phoebe’s fire alarm keeps beeping… “The next time you want to dump a trash chute, don’t wrap it in a blanket that says ‘Property ot Phoebe Buffay, not Monica.’ ” Thought you’d appreciate that as a Friends fan! : )
“dump a fire alarm in a trash chute”…there we go : )
3-classic alarm clock sound
2-smoke detector beep (it always seems to start beeping in the middle of the night!)
Ditto to #1! That is the worst!
Easy- loud breathers!! Hubbs doesn’t snore, but he breathes loudly… so does Koda, actually. It drives me nuts and I always try my best to fall asleep first 🙂
Oh gosh, i’d have to say my cousin’s singing. Since she doesn’t read this blog i am in no danger of being decapitated 🙂 You think singing can’t be that bad? Well she was singing in the shower ( we could all hear her), and she was singing Im Only Gonna Break Your Heart. When she hit the high notes, it was like nails on a chalkboard and squeaky doors combined. When she had hit a particularly high note, i heard the water stop running. A few minutes later, she came out and whispered, ” I think i broke something”. When i went in. sure enough, there was a crack in their brand new shower door! NO JOKE! true story!
OMG!! That is hilarious. I can’t believe she cracked the door – I can not stop laughing 🙂
P.S. I hope I replied to the right post, I am still getting the hang of it.
My two big ones are both teeth related.
1. Teeth grinding at night.
2. Teeth crunching ice.
Oh, the humanity!
I can’t stand the gum-chewing smacking sound…or the squeaky cart!
nails on a chalkboard annoy me — also someone who repeatedly taps their pen on the desk!!
squeaking styrofoam, like when you pull something out of a box – gives me the worst shivers imaginable!
I hate loud eaters. When I hear someone chewing and smacking their lips my meal is done.
Same thing happened at my house. Changed all the batteries in every smoke detector until we realized it was the carbon monoxide detector with the low battery.
Oh, and people who chew REALLY loudly . . . can they not hear themselves? Yikes.
Just wait until you see the Modern Family episode with the persistent beeping fire alarm! (a little preview
I was just thinking the exact same thing! Oh, Phil…
Hahaha, I love Modern Family.
Exactly my thought! Oh my gosh I love Phil
this post made me think of this episode too! it cracks me up!
This past summer I was nannying for 3 boys when their carbon monoxide detector went off because of low battery, awful sound, especially when trying to explain to a 5 year old that we are not all going to die.
I absolutely HATE the sound of styrofoam or packing peanuts either a) getting broken apart or b) being rubbed together. Opening a box where the item is packaged in a styrofoam mold (and then having to pull it out of the cardboard box) makes my skin crawl!
Oh this is a good one! I like to call it noise pollution… I work in Boston and although my office is in a residential area there is a ridonculous amount of construction going on… currently on my list :
DRILLING, street cleaners, the sound of cans and shopping carts used by homeless in the ally on trash days, nail biting and the sound of someone eating with their mouth open in a quiet room… AHHHHHHHHHHH
thank me later.
Haa love that!
The sound of people chomping away drives me’s worse when it comes from people I don’t know so well because i can’t tell them to tone it down a notch!!
When people smack their lips while they are eating, or chomp their gum. Nails on a chalk board, and noisy cardio equipment!
I have to say leaf blowers are the most annoying and unnecessary noise ever. Freakin’ get a rake.
“freakin’ get a rake.” i don’t know why, but that made me laugh. 🙂
I hate the sound of teeth grinding together, little beeps are annoying too !
Alarm clock sound is the worst. I hate it. They had a commercial for awhile that started out with that and I would have to change the station.
Any Old Navy commercial. They have the dumbest songs ever and I can’t stand it….not quire what we’re talking about but I just thought about it haha.
I can’t stand when a straw scratches against the side of a styrofoam cup! Or when the metal part of an old school pencil scratches paper, like when the eraser is too short! Kinda random, but those have always made me cringe!
This may sound weird, but really long nails scratching skin. I don’t know why but it makes me cringe! Also, howling dogs. I don’t let my dogs stay outside of they’re barking or howling, especially in the morning.
People chewing/eating when I’m not eating. Arghhh.
I have to say a bad laugh or loud chewing. For whatever reason those two things just totally grate on my nerves!
I really need to make my own granola. I have samples coming out my ears but as soon as they’re finished I’m making some!
I can’t stand the sound of knuckles cracking!!
The other day I had the world’s squeekiest cart at the grocery store. It just about made me crazy.
Some noises that annoy me most: silverware scratching a bowl/plate (thinking about it makes me cringe!); anything that scratches a chalkboard, like you said; fire alarms (mostly because it brings back memories from college when there were fire drill pranks at 2am in the dorms); when styrofoam squeaks; and loud cardio equipment annoys me too – not so much because the sound itself makes me cringe, but because I just don’t want to hear it while I’m trying to workout.
Okay, this is going to sound weird and random but I hate when people sneeze! It drives me crazy, especially loud sneezers! It is funny since I know people don’t sneeze on purpose but it still annoys me! haha
CHEWING. End of story.
I hateeeeeeeeeee when people smack their food. Chew with your mouth closed! Biggest peeve ever.
It’s funny you mentioned annoying noises. Our carbon monoxide alarms were going off non-stop for the past month. My dad replaced the batteries but they still beeped (and woke us up in the middle of the night). Rude! Thankfully, they’re fixed.
Nails on a chalkboard drive me insane too!
People smacking their food…oooo it’s bad manners AND the sound is detestable!
I haaaate when you get a squeaky treadmill at the gym!
Our fire alarm woke us up in the mid of the pm beeping. We weren’t sure which one and went on a hunt at 3am….real fun!!
I’m a high school teacher, so I become fairly immune to annoying noises; however, there is one guy at my gym that runs soooooooo loudly and incorrectly on the treadmill. Drives me crazy!!
You are SOOOOOOOOOO right the fire alarm beep is the worst. I used to have a yorkie and she used to go crazy when the fire alarm started beeping.
The machines at the gym always get me! Even worse, when you step on the machine with headphones turned up loud so you can hardly hear any outside sounds. Then, you start to hear THE noise over your music. Finally, after 10 minutes of cursing the person with the annoying machine, you realize that YOU are the culprit. I hate that!
I can’t stand it when someone scratches fabric like on a couch …
I hate the sound of nail clippers…eww. Especially in places where they shouldn’t be used to begin with (like in an office).
Here’s a funny little “toy” if you want to annoy someone.
It’s called the Annoyatron. It randomly beeps and because it’s at random intervals it’s hard to figure out where it’s coming from. It’s a funny little trick to play on someone. Or maybe I’m just mean 😉
that sounds all sorts of amazing.
Oh man, the fire detector low battery beep is the WORST. I think ours trumps all though, because after the beep this creepy woman’s voice comes on and says “LOW. BATTERY.” and then says it AGAIN in French. Our battery was dying last year, and this happened in the middle of the night and we couldn’t figure out what was going on or where this noise and voice was coming from.
When we did figure it out, to top it off, we have vaulted ceilings, and where the low battery fire detector was the ceiling was like 18 feet high (don’t even get me started on this, stupid builders. Who puts the fire detector way up there?). Anyway, we couldn’t reach it, so it was beeping and talking alllllll night long, and the next day we had to RENT a giant ladder to get to it.
Anyway, I feel your pain, is all I am getting at here…
Totally agree with the squeaky tredmill annoyance! If my tredmill makes a squeak between every stride, I will seriously stop and move to the next treadmill. Even if my music is blaring and I can’t even hear it, I feel bad for the people around me who don’t have music and DO have to hear it. I don’t want everyone looking at me like, “dude is that girl donna break the treadmill?” LOL I have a heavy foot 🙂
Nail filing. I can’t be near anyone when they’re filing their nails. I also cringe when I get my own nails filed at the nail salon. When I file my own nails at home I put music on so I don’t hear it!
I was so excited to wear a fleece to the gym this morning too! I hate cell phone default ring tones. That hello moto one from the original stood was the worst.
Mmm granola! Though I always need something HOT to eat for breakfast on cold days like today when I wake up at 6 am for class, so I went with peanut butter oats. Mmmm.
That sounds nice – what’s your recipe?