Remember how I complained about the heat and humidity yesterday morning? Well, it was 47 degrees when we woke up today. Fall is here (for now)!
After grabbing a fleece, Ryan and I headed to the gym nice and early.
I started my workout with a two mile run followed by three sets of 15 – 20 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset: Step ups + Deadlifts
- Leg press
- One-legged leg extensions
- Lunges
- Bridges
It wasn’t a killer workout like Monday’s leg workout, but I think that’s a good thing because I don’t want to have lead legs on Saturday’s long run.
Breakfast this morning was homemade granola with milk!
I cooked up a double batch of granola last night and this morning poured it into a bowl, topped it with milk, banana slices and crushed pecans and dug in!
No picture of my bowl because it seems to be getting darker and darker in the mornings these days and I like natural night photos, so I figured I’d just post some of the granola pics I took last night to get the point across.
Daylight photos are so much prettier!
As Ryan and I were eating breakfast, we heard a faint “beep!”
We stopped talking, thinking it was just our imagination.
For the second time since we’ve moved into our rental house, the low battery notification beep on one of the fire alarms in our house was beeping away.
We stood under three different fire alarms before realizing the beep was coming from our home office.
The battery has been replaced and our sanity remained in tact!
The annoying beep of the fire alarm made me think about other noises that I find particularly annoying or cringe-worthy.
My list:
- Teeth scraping on silverware
- Squeaking treadmills/cardio machines at the gym
- Low battery beeps on cell phones
- The “this is just a test” sound on the radio
- Anything coming into contact with a chalk board
Question of the Morning
- What noises do you find annoying or cringe-worthy?
This reminds me of the Friends episode when Phoebe wraps her smoke alarm in a blanket and throws it down the trash shoot. I agree with you on all of your choices!
Yay fall!!! I love that I have broken out my winter workout gear!
I hate the sound of things rattling in the car (like a CD case bouncing in the car door) and styrofoam rubbing up against anything.
I hate hate HATE the noise of polystyrene packaging. It screams, I swear.
I totally hear ya with the squeaky cardio one. My gym’s equiptment isn’t the best and the elliptical machine is the worst offender. I don’t always notice it cause I’m rockin’ the ‘phones, but other gym patrons are probably pretty annoyed with it.
My dog “cleaning” herself when I’m trying to fall asleep is the most annoying and disgusting sound in the world.
But the cutest is when my daughter snores and giggles in her sleep, so its kind of a worth it trade off to stay up and listen to her.
oh my gosh, ryan cannot STAND the sound of sadie cleaning herself. he dies every time!
Oh, it drives be c-r-a-z-y trying to find which fire alarm battery is beeping. Its like trying to find a chirping cricket in a house!
I cannot stand the sound of squeeking or scraping windsheild wipers!!!
And I am totally in need of making some granola, thanks for the reminder!
People cracking their own neck…sends chills up my spine….Not sure why, but makes me cringe. Knuckle cracking is fine, but the neck drives me crazy
I hate the late night “this is a test” noise on the TV and radio. DRIVES.ME.CRAZY!
my son grinds his teen in his sleep. AWFUL.
People who eat or drink to loud. And that includes chewing gum! I don’t need (want) to hear it! AHH!
The fire alarm beep makes that list too.
Ahhh I cant stand the “this is just a test” sound on the radio (or tv!) either.
I also hate things rattling in the car (a piece of trim in my truck rattles sometimes, drives me crazy) and I had the “blood” sound in movies. I dont know how to explain what it is but i just dnot like it haha
when people crack their knuckles. I think that’s the only sound that makes me want to cover my ears and cringe!
Definitely the smoke alarm low battery beep (drives you crazy trying to figure out which one it’s coming from). The base up so loud in someone’s car it makes your house shake (honestly, there should be laws against that). The cat/dog licking themselves (totally gross). Someone “cracking” their gum (makes you want to rip it out of their mouth)…I honestly don’t even know how they do it! Okay…I feel much better now!
SNORING! God I want to suffocate my boyfriend with a pillow when we sleep.
Also, the weather here is going to be amaaaaaazing. I’m so excited for “fall” in Florida!
i really don’t like the sound of my washer/dryer telling me when its done. i mean its nice to let me know, but it won’t stop beeping till you go over and turn it off!
my number one dislike sound is styrofoam! it literally gives me the chills and i cannot stand drinks that are in styrofoam.
My boy-friend grinding his teeth while he’s sleeping! Ahhh!
I have a few. The sound of my alarm clock which is a ‘classic’ noise so I often hear it on tv and it literally induces anxiety attacks.
The sound of my cats digging in their litter box, excessively. What are they doing? Digging for oil? (There isn’t any, I totally would have found it)
People who listen to their music MUCH too loud in public places so it ‘leaks’ out of their headphones and everyone around them can hear it. Have a little consideration peeps! Not everyone is a fan of death metal.
Oh I hate the low battery beeps! Ours seem to happen in the middle of the night.
loud eaters are def on my list – i can hear the lady eat in the office beside me…and she likes to talk to me with her mouth full. yum.
Pulling apart cotton. Like cotton balls. Ugh. I shudder just thinking about it.
Did you feel like Phoebe on Friends with the fire alarm??
Anything that has to do with the sounds of people eating or drinking! I cannot handle loud chewers, drinkers, smackers, etc. It’s the point where if I’m not comfortable telling them that they’re loud (aka gross), then I have to get up and leave the table.
I hate the sound of someone scratching or ripping up cardboard!
What does Sadie think of the smoke alarm beep? My viszla is scared to death of it. She always goes & hides in the closet or bathtub & shakes. So sad.
Loud chewers. Drives me insane!
the sound of smacking reallyyyy reallyyyy annoys me! Like it’s bad. Currently there is some one sitting next to me who is SMACKING and it’s taking all the self control in the world for me to not ask her to PLEASEEEE for the love of humanity CLOSE HER MOUTH while she eats. Why does it bother me so badly?! I wish it didn’t!
The incessant beeping in a car when someone’s seatbelt isn’t fastened or when the keys are in the ignition and the door is open. Drives. Me. Crazy.
Sidenote-I made your Pumpkin Butter Granola recipe last night, um so delicious and ridiculously easy. Will definitely be making that in the future.
oh my god i have so many haha…
treadmill/machines bothers me too! i always wonder how it doesn’t bother the person on the machine and when I hear it am usually searching around the gym to find where it is coming from
-silverware against teeth and people who chew with their mouth open,
-i hate the sound of chewing ice and my entire family does it just to annoy me
-the absolute worst of all is styrofoam against anything gives me the chills…especially if something is packed in styrofoam, ughh
The sound of one particular coworker’s voice. Makes me a bit homicidal.
Squeaky treadmills and ellipticals drive me crazy! I can’t concentrate on my cardio when there is a weird noise next to me.
I can’t stand the sound of anything rolling around in a car when I’m driving. Like if a waterball is rolling in the back seat. One of my friends can’t be around a person eating an apple haha! The noise makes her feel sick.
gum smacking or anyone cleaning their mouth with their tongue…..drives me up a wall!!!!
I’ve always hated the sound of the garage door opening and closing… and when there is a “blizzard” on the tv with the static noise… and the sound of a train whistle. And when someone hocks a loogie.
Staticy radio!! If it’s not coming in crystal clear, we aren’t listening to it!
once what i thought my fire alarm was going off every now and then for DAYS. after we replaced the batteries several times we figured out it was our carbon monoxide detector. that could have saved me a lot of sleep!!!
I’m with everyone who hates the sound of knuckles cracking, ewww. Also my fire alarm has ten driving me mad, I live in a studio & opening the oven door (without anything having burnt) would be enough to set the damn thing off. So now it’s been removed, bad me. I figure in a studio I’m going to notice if something is on fire anyway 🙂
Squeaking breaks, especially on big trucks! The sound of the lifts used to move pallets. And the noise of those cell phones with the walkie/talkie thing. …can not stand those and somehow they find their way into my life everyday. :-/
I hate when machines squeak at the gym!! I always have to get off and when people stay on it, it drives me nuts.
I agree with the radio sound.
I hatehatehate hearing my dog licking himself. I always make him stop haha.
Mouth noises – any kind of chewing – drive me absolutely BANANAS. I was discussing this with a friend of mine recently, and apparently, there is an actual ‘disorder’ associated with people who really cannot stand to be around noisy eaters called ‘hyperacusis’. I’m definitely going to use that as an excuse the next time someone is irritating me at the table! 😉
I really dislike the sound of teeth scraping each other or a squeak from a clarinet. Both give me chills.
Snoring and ticking clocks. They have the potential to literally drive me INSANE.
i hate beeps of any type. when i buy a house, the microwave MUST have an option to turn off the beep or i will buy a new microwave. ugh.
Like I said on FB, Styrofoam is THE worst!! Yuck.
I’m not usually annoyed by noises… but the one that I CANNOT stand is the noise made when opening my ironing board. It is this dreadful squeaking noise that is just terrible!
I have to take the battery out of my fire alarm when I cook because it will go off even if the oven is heated to 350 without anything in it! Super annoying! Loud eaters and breathers drive me nuts! lol. I also can’t stand the noise made by cleaning the toilet with a pumice stone!
omg, teeth scraping on silverware kills me….and most people I know dont seem to notice they do it or notice the sound when someone else makes it….prob my # 1 worst noise
Definitely anything coming in contact with a chalkboard (shouldn’t those be outlawed or something), and last winter I noticed a new noise that is almost unbearable… after it snows a lot and it’s been a few days the snow gets kind of hard and makes the worst screeching, styrofoamy sound when you drive over it! I might have to move south 🙂
I absolutely cannot stand nails on a chalkboard or silverware scraping against dishes. Just reading the words sends shivers down my spine! Eeeks.
I hate when silverware goes across teeth! It makes the worst sound ever. I also don’t like nails on a chalkboard. Ick!
Ugh, the sound of people clipping their nails drives me a little crazy. Especially when it’s at work. Just gross.
Also, when people do not mute their cell phones when playing a game or checking out ringtones.
I absolutely cant handle when my dogs lick themselves. It drives me bonkers! They almost get in a trance-like state and its just constant licking/cleaning. Also, I hate the sound of vacuums, always have. They make too way too much noise. You would think by now with all of the technology in the world, they could invent a silent vacuum?!
Oh yay the dog licking sound! Good lord it is horrible! My shihtzu licks the baseboards in the middle of the might. It wakes me up and creeps me out all at once.