I’m not sure how Ryan and I have managed to live in Ocala for two years without making it out to Santos Trails.
They’re so close to where we live and yet we hadn’t heard about the trails until a month ago!
After talking with some triathletes at our gym, Santos came up in conversation and they enthusiastically encouraged us to check out the miles and miles of trails. They assured me that Ryan and I would be able to rent bikes without a problem and ride our bikes right from the bike shop to the trails.
I did a little research online this morning and found Santos Bike Shop.
Ryan and I ate breakfast (another oatmeal and egg white pancake plus a side of ham for me) and then hopped in his car to drive to the bike shop.
Right when we arrived, we were greeted by a very friendly man who helped us figure out the correct bikes to rent.
He also took out a trail map and offered his advice about which trails to try and great routes within the area. Once we had our bikes, helmets and a trail map, we were ready to go!
Ryan was really psyched to head out because he had such a phenomenal experience mountain biking in Winter Park, Colorado when we were there for Michaela and Kyle’s wedding. While the bridesmaids hung out with the bride, all of our husbands and boyfriends rented mountain bikes and took the bikes on a ski lift to the top of a mountain. They spent the day downhill mountain biking and an incredible time. Their experience was a lot more intense than what Ryan and I did today on our two-hour ride, but we still had a blast!
We stuck mainly to the yellow trails, as they were the easiest, but Ryan isn’t one to shy away from adventure and coerced me into taking on three blue trails. They were much curvier and peppered with a lot more rocks, but we did it and fortunately no wipe outs occurred.
It was a great way to spend a Saturday!
Now it’s shower time! We have plans to go out with friends tonight, so I’ll catch you guys later!
Question of the Afternoon
- Have you ever gone mountain biking? Would you want to?
I had a great time and would absolutely love to go again!
Mountain biking looks so fun! I am planning a trip next month to go white water rafting during the fall to see all the leaves change. The place also has mountain biking so I’m hoping we can do both!
I’ve never mountain biked but that looks fun!
never tried mountain biking, but i do love trail running! looks like a neat course and i’m jealous that the weather in florida is still warm enough to wear a tank top!
Mountain biking is so much fun and hard work! Definitely a great workout for the out-doors!
I live close to Ocala… can’t wait to check this out!!
That looks like fun. I’ve never been mountain biking but would be interested in going. As long as the person I was with didn’t mind going slow.
The last time I went mountain biking it had rained really hard the night before. I tried to jump my bike over a log in the middle of the trail and my wheels sank into the mud instead. As a result I went flying over the handlebars and landed face-first in a pile of mud! Other than that, it was a lot of fun! haha.
I have never done it before, but now I want to! I need to do some research and find some easy trails.
I have never tried mountain biking, and I don’t think I will ever try it! I am even afraid og trail running in the woods, haha! I feel like everytime my foot is about to hit the ground, there is a three, mud or a branch and that I am falling 😀
But great that you did it! 🙂
Mannnn that sounds like so much fun!!! Lately I’ve been itching really bad to get a bike and just….go…somewhere. Haha! And although I’ve never tried mountain biking it is an activity that I’ll definitely get to someday in the future. 🙂 Have loads of fun at dinner with your friends~
Yes, I would love to go mountain biking. Never been before, but it would definitely be fun. Just need to find someone that would want to go with me
I’ve never gone, but it seems like it would be fun! For now I’ll just have to settle for riding my cruiser bike 🙂
I would deifitinely give that a go, but would want to stick with the easy and safe routes 🙂 I love that where you rented bikes you could take off right from there! Nice placement, santos 😉 I will now probably spend the next half hour browsing trails near tampa!
Looks like a great time! i have never gone but it looks like something I would enjoy! I spent the first 2 and a half hours on a treadmill this morning! 🙂 Running outside tomorrow to enjoy this beautiful weather!
I’ve never been mountain biking but it sounds like you guys had lots of fun! Here in Melbourne we have a bike sharing program in the city where you can rent bikes and my boyfriend and I keep talking about hiring bikes one nice day so we really should!
I tried your egg white pancakes last week and they were so good!
We love The Santos trails especially in the fall. We also have the rails to trails system that is a lot of fun and not far from Ocala.
My boyfriend and I mountain bike together. Good active date idea! It’s fun and a good way to get your adrenaline going
YESSSS to the adrenaline! I loved it !
That sounds super fun! I’ve never gone mountain biking but I totally would one day. I’m starting to become more adventurous these days 🙂
This looks like so much fun! 🙂
How fun is that! I saw your collage in Instagram and had to come check out the full post! Biking is so fun, such a great change of pace from running! I’ve never done for-real-for-real mountain biking before..though it’s definitely on my bucket list 🙂
That looks like so much fun! Also, I have totally been reading your blog since way before you moved to Ocala so when you said you’ve lived there for two years I’m like wow, I guess I’ve been reading your blog for awhile now! 🙂
Oh I know! I can’t believe it either!!
I’ve never been mountain biking before, but I’d definitely be up for it! I was just talking to my husband about how I haven’t been on a bike in forever!
That oatmeal pancake looks divine! I have never heard of such a thing. (:
Looks like a blast! We recently found a trail that we are hoping to explore on our mountain bikes soon.
nice article but must admit I a bit suprised that riding a bike is something that doesn’t happen often for a lot of people especially since it is a great relaxing way to get a little exercise and at the same time observing new things.
You just encouraged me to look up one close to my area! We’ll see how it goes since I live in quite a rural place. Have fun tonight!
It was a blast! I hope you enjoy it!
I’ve always wanted to go mountain biking! I loooove hiking and being on trails, so naturally mountain biking might make that list. There are some bike trails at the state park a few minutes from us, but you there isn’t an option to rent bikes there. I love that you were able to rent them!
I love going biking 🙂 My family & I often go on the trails near my house which take us from the forest preserves to the beach of Lake Michigan. So much fun 🙂
My boyfriend & I mountain bike all the time – love camping at Santos & mountain biking there!!! Such a thrill. It is hard to understand how fun it is until you do it 🙂
My husband is an avid (and good) mountain biker…he just loves it! Me? Not so much. 😉 Glad you had fun though!
I love mountain biking. I’m from Colorado and it is one of my all-time favorite sports. I unfortunately don’t have space to store my bike, so it’s with my parents out-of-state. I so miss it!
My husband and I live in Charlotte, NC and we try to mountain bike whenever we can! The trails are so enjoyable and really give us an adrenaline rush! And it’s a fun, good exercise!!
That looks like so much fun!!
I live right outside of Asheville, NC and we go mountain biking all the time. My husband, son and I all have bikes. We mainly ride in the Bent Creek area. If you ever head to NC you will have to check it out.
My husband and I have gotten back into mountain biking over the last couple months. We live in the Denver area and have been trying out trails from Fort Collins to Manitou Springs. It’s a good workout… Reminds me of an interval workout. I’m typically dripping sweat by the time we finish. We’re going to Vail in a couple weeks for a mountain biking weekend :). Can’t wait!
I have never been mountain biking but would love to try it!! I think I’d be super nervous though…I’m more of a beach cruiser biker 🙂
Hey! Hope your friend Michaela and her husband are ok with the Colorado flooding. Was just watching the news.
This looks amazing and so beautiful! I am not a big biking fan (rather my fanny isn’t) but with scenery like that who could resist!
I got a mountain bike last year. I like to ride, but I’m a total chicken. I’m sure if I did it more, I would like it more. Glad you had a great time!
I’ve never been mountain biking but have always wanted to!
What a fun date! My fiancé and I are looking for active activities outside of the gym and this looks like a great one! I’m going to look up bike rentals in my area. Thanks for the idea!
I love biking, but there’s something very scary about going down steep hills littered with rocks…wipe-out central! But I can appreciate the fun from afar 😉
Hi, I’m coming down there next month to mountain bike at those trails. How safe is it for someone riding by themselves there?
I grew up near county trails and basically lived on my bike until we moved into a new house. I would love to try mountain biking!