I love basically any BodyPump class, but when you couple BodyPump with my intense love for LaBouche, you have a real winner.
Today’s BodyPump class was rockin’ and had me feeling the burn. I’m really enjoying the new release. It’s amazing what quality music can do for a workout.
With each BodyPump class I take these days, I can’t help but get a little sad when I remember that the gym we will likely join in Ocala doesn’t offer my beloved ‘Pump. (I did find one gym in the area that offers BodyPump, but they only have it one day of the week at a time that doesn’t really work for me.)
I will really, really miss BodyPump when we move. The class provides me with one heck of a workout. I am trying to think of the lack of BodyPump classes in Ocala as an opportunity to explore new workouts, but I am pretty bummed. I guess I’ll just soak it up while I can!
Walk + Breakfast
Ryan joined me and Sadie on our morning walk around the lake today which was great! It’s nice to have a human to talk to sometimes.
We walked around the lake, taking about odds and ends… including the NBA and NFL. I oddly don’t mind listening to Ryan talk about sports because he knows the facts and tidbits I will find interesting and typically shares only those with me. I like the details about the players’ personal lives, team dynamics, etc. Today we discussed the NBA lockout. Riveting stuff, I’m tellin’ ya.
Once we arrived home, it was time for breakfast.
On the menu for today was two waffles, a dippy egg seasoned with salt and pepper, veggie bacon and a wedge of Babybel cheese.
Today’s breakfast felt like a bit of a treat. I felt like I was eating a weekend breakfast this morning! Something about waffles and dippy eggs scream lazy Sunday morning to me.
And now I should probably shower. Probably.
Question of the Morning
- What group exercise class, cardio or weights machine would you miss the most if it was removed from your gym?
I want a dippy egg and a waffle!!!
Human talk + dog walk = success in my book! You may have to start rockin’ La Bouche during breakfast prep?!
Haha oh my gosh that veggie bacon is so cool. I was trying to figure out what it was at first. Tie dye cheese was all I got. Haha.
I almost did an egg sandwich this morning too – I think I need it for tomorrow 🙂
I’d really miss yoga or pilates… but I look forward to trying out some other group fitness classes post bebe.
It is nice to have a human to talk to sometimes, though I swear I can hear Koda answering my questions when I talk to her 🙂
I would miss spinning! It is such a great cardio and endurance workout – I just can’t motivate myself to do it alone!
I mourned the loss of group classes in general when I switched gyms after we moved. My gym doesn’t offer ANY and it’s quite sad. I love group fitness classes because I always feel like I get such a greater workout when someone is pushing me really hard.
I’ll have a moment of silence for your body pump class for you.
Oh, I have the best spin instructor. The music, her energy and classes = major happy burn!
Awesome question!
I really miss having body pump at my new gym (it doesn’t have it unfortunately) and I absolutely love the precor ellipticals…my favourite gyms have that machine. But I am learning to love the arc trainer as a great substitute! <3 xyx
I would miss Body Pump terribly. I hate doing the weight machines at the gym and Body Pump gives me the strength component to my workout.
I can honestly say that if the NFL lockout doesn’t get resolved I am going to cry buckets this fall. Mine and Keith’s life literally revolves around the NFL in the fall and we will both be seriously bummed if it doesn’t get resolved. I have all kind of opinions on the matter (I won’t bore you) but I just hope the player and owners can come to an agreement….like yesterday!
A sunny-side up egg on a waffle sounds and looks interesting! I’ll have to try it! 🙂
I’m so sorry that you’re going to miss body pump so much! Perhaps you can look at it as a great opprtunity to try new strength training routines!
I can’t wait to see Ryan’s site with his workouts! 🙂
Have you considered trying to teach body pump at the new gym??!
I’ve never tried it, but you’ve inspired me to go to a body pump class very soon. I have already scoped out the gym I want to join and they offer pump three times a week, yay!! My only worry is that it will be way too intense for me. Are beginers able to handle it? I’m not in terrible shape, but I don’t do weight training as much as I should.
Back in my college days, my school’s rec center offered a “power abs” class that was 20 min long and happened every hour and half hour. It was killer, but worked so well. I always went to that class then did cardio or weights after.
Have you thought about getting certified and teaching it? You’d probably be awesome at it!
I wish more gyms had Bodypump (the YMCA by me doesn’t – boo). It sounds like an awesome class!
I can’t imagine your mornings without body pump! I don’t belong to a gym, but it’s mainly because there aren’t any with body pump around here. I’m pretty sure I’d pay the hefty fee just for that class alone.
I agree with Hayley (above) <—get certified and convince the gym to let you teach there!!! 🙂
Teaching BP is amazing, and I'd think you'd be really good at it, Julie. Just sayin'!
Love the eggs and waffle idea!
Loving your breakfast, I need dippy eggs back in my life soon!
I’m a CrossFit girl, and I can’t imagine going without it! When you find something that works for your body and motivates you it’s hard to replace. I’m sure you’ll find a new groove, though. Maybe kettlebells? Or check out a CrossFit gym! I bet you’d LOVE it.
i was actually talking w/ one of ryan’s coworkers about crossfit yesterday. he is in love with it and it REALLY intrigues me. ryan and i are discussing it very seriously as an option when we move! it seems like an amazing workout and a great challenge.
I think I’d miss RPM/spin the most, because I teach it! It would definitely make me feel weird not teaching any more because I’ve been doing it regularly for so long now, but I’d also miss it because it’s such a great cardio class when you don’t feel like or are too sore to run. Maybe the gym you found has cut down their classes for the summer since post people are exercising outside? (I know that’s the case with a lot of the locations of the gym I work for). Maybe there’ll be more on the schedule in the fall. Have you tried any of the others like Body Combat or Body Attack yet?
no, i wish! i’d love to try all of the les mills classes.
I teach Group Power which is the same class as Body Pump (they were one company a few years back and split.) If you go to the Body Training Systems website and type in your new zip code and check the programs you are interested in, it will tell you what clubs in the area offer it. Just a thought!
awesome!! thanks!
Our hometown has BRUTAL gyms, so for the past 2.5 years, I’ve been in this amazing boot camp class! Recently, a new gym opened in town, which is terrific, and the boot camp instructor now runs her classes out of this new gym. This is great, except it’s now double the price, and I can’t justify spending that money. I miss the classes so much, but I’ve also been forced, like you said, to try out some new workouts!
Maybe think about teaching a class!it sounds like you have a passion for it and the energy to lead!
I would be so sad without Zumba or my Groove classes, there is no way I enjoy cardio more than shakin’ my booty!
Want to know something sad? I’ve never – ever, in my entire life – had dippy eggs. They look awesome though – how do you typically cook yours?
I think i could get by if anything ir removed from my current gym. But when I moved.. I could no longer attend my circuit training classes.. which are THE most amazing workout in the world. I can go when I visit my parents..but I wish it were closer so I could go all the time!
Julie: Talking about sports, have you been following the Women’s National Team? They had an EPIC win against Brazil and play today! Talk about inspiring, the fitness of these ladies is unreal.
I had a 30 day pass to a gym one winter with body pump and when I went back to my gym at school I was seriously sad about it. I once looked into getting certified to teach, but I don’t know if I’m that dedicated at the moment
YOU should teach body pump!…. I’ve never done it, but there isn’t a gym for me to do it at 🙁 nowhere is a gym for me to even understand the craze…
Why don’t you become a pump instructor? e
I would miss yoga and pilates. I am also getting back into a class called power (kinda like body pump) that I would really miss!
My gym finally got BodyPump on June 1st and I’m seriously obsessed – that would definitely be the class I’d miss the most!
When I moved out of Baltimore last fall, I had to leave my incredible gym behind. The gym I joined in my new city is super basic and doesn’t offer ANY group classes. At my old gym, I was taking spin classes three times a week, and even now, nearly a year later, I miss them like crazy!
Aww…I understand how you are feeling about Pump but you may find something that you like just as much if not better! 🙂
Your dippy egg breakfast looks so good!! You inspired my breakfast with a bagelwich this morning…jelly and cheese…mmm mmm!
My gym doesn’t have any classes — only bootcamp classes that are never offered at a time that works for me.
Maybe you should teach BodyPump in your new gym!
My gym doesn’t have bodypump but I amd dying to try it. I would miss my gym’s pool if I had to leave it. I am loving swimming laps.
I love the bootcamp style class and the muscle conditioning (like pump) class that my gym offers! I would be so sad without them!
How do I always forget about my childhood fave (dippy eggs) till you post about them?
P.S. I also thought my dad invented the nickname “dippy eggs” for the longest time. oops.
That vegan bacon looks intriguing, how does it taste?
Consider bringing up Body Pump to one of the managers. Tell them how it is different than the classes they offer, and how it would be a great addition to their gym! Maybe you, or someone else, could get certified and teach the class. I know it sounds a bit overwhelming and it may be more fun to take the class rather than be the one teaching it, but think of it as a way to open up other people to Body Pump and get more people interested. Maybe a new instructor will come along soon 🙂
I don’t work out in a gym but I’m really really going to miss my hot yoga studio when I move! it feels like a second home to me!
We only have one gym that offers body pump in my area but when I was trying out different gyms (before decided to scrap the entire idea), I found that most places offer a strength training class that is similar.
Group Fitness along with weights! I’m hoping to join a gym soon with Body Pump because after all your positive feedback I want to know what it’s like!
Have you googled to see if there are any outdoor Boot Camps in your new area? We have TONS around here, my husband is doing one at the moment and he loves it. He’s hardcore gym guy and he said he almost passed out first class! (Texas heat will do that though). Just a thought…
You are the reason I started BodyPump in June and now I am obsessed!! I can’t imagine going without it! Maybe you can try that Rules of Weight Lifting for Women book everyone is using lately?
Neither of my gyms has body pump and I want to try it!!! I’m so excited that you’re moving to Ocala because my grandpa lives there so when I go see him I could meet you! Potential blogger meet up?? 🙂
I wish they offered Body Pump at my gym! I’ve heard such great things about it!
Our old gym had the BEST yoga classes! But they abruptly shut down and transferred us to LA Fitness, where the yoga classes were crowded and generic. It’s been 2 years and I’m STILL bitter. :-/
SOLUTION …. you should teach body pump classes! I think you said something about doing something you love for work, well I think that fits the bill. Plus you can pick all your favourite 80’s songs.
Possibly I’m dumb and just can’t find it but…what is a dippy egg? I looked in the Breakfast section of your recipes and couldn’t find it either. It looks yummy!