Heidi ho, Ranger Joes! (I have a feeling many of you out there are fellow Full House fans. Yes? If not, you can still be a Ranger Joe today. Haaaave mercy.)
This morning was filled with monotonous paperwork for the PBF business which was a total blast!
I still have to complete my annual report for the state of Florida before the beginning of May, but I don’t think that should be too much trouble.
Around noon, I headed out to a hot power yoga class at a local studio to sweat and stretch.
Sweat and stretch, I did!
I was quite thankful for my towel as I was pulling out of the parking lot.
Sweat be gone!
I would love to catch a glimpse of the towel of someone who wears a full face of makeup to a hot yoga class. I’m pretty sure my white towel would look like I just ran over it with a truck if I wore bronzer or concealer to hot yoga.
Library + Cheez-Its
Before I pulled out of the parking lot, I checked my email on my phone and saw that I had a notification from the Marion County Public Library.
The PBF April Book Club selection, The Book Thief, was ready for me to pick up!
Can’t wait to dig into that bad boy tonight!
For those of you who may be new around here who have asked, anyone may participate in the PBF Book Club! This month we’re reading The Book Thief and I’ll be posting my review of the book on the blog on April 26 along with discussion questions for everyone to answer in the comments section. If you have a blog and post a review of the book prior to April 26, you may also email me a link to your post at pbfingers@gmail.com and I’ll include your link in the book review post!
The local library just happens to be close to Publix and I ran into the grocery store before heading home to pick up some oatmeal and bananas since we were totally out.
And then this happened…
Oh my gosh, I just love Cheez-Its. They were on sale and I wasted no time breaking into them on the car ride home. The box fit surprisingly well in my cup holders!
I’m not lying when I say Cheez-Its may be one of my all-time favorite foods. I think my love for the cheesy crackers can be traced back to high school. My friend Carrie would always have a box of Cheez-Its in her family’s pantry and I remember eating Cheez-Its to my heart’s content whenever my girlfriends and I would hang out at her house or sleepover.
I rarely buy them now because I can eat a bazillion in one sitting and they basically offer no nutritional value, but gosh they are good. Crazy processed, but delicious.
As if I needed further proof that Cheez-Its probably aren’t that good for you, check out this picture.
I tried to give Sadie a Cheez-It when I got home and she sniffed it and completely ignored it.
Now you have to understand something: Sadie is a dog that has never turned down a piece of real cheese in her life. Sadie will eat broccoli like its her job, but apparently won’t touch a Cheez-It. Perhaps I should add this little incident to one of the life lessons I’ve learned from Sadie.
Broccoli > Cheez-Its
All of this Cheez-It talk got me thinking about the not-so-good-for-you foods my family always had on hand when I was growing up. We had healthy snacks, sure, but I remember always being able to find the following in our pantry, fridge or freezer:
- Bagel Bites
- Toaster Strudels
- Gushers
- HoHos
I used to get in trouble for using two frosting packets from the Toaster Strudel box on only one strudel, thereby screwing someone else over and leaving their strudel frostingless. Sucka!
Once I arrived home, I put a little more effort into lunch because I wanted my lunch leftovers to also be tonight’s dinner!
I made a big batch of my butternut squash wheat berry mock risotto. I added chopped eggplant to the original recipe and really liked the addition!
I think I may add some chopped chicken sausage to the dish for dinner to change up the flavor a little bit. It’s a good one!
Question of the Afternoon
- What not-so-good-for-you foods do you remember always having available to you as a child?
If you want to make your cheez-its even more irresistible, try combining them with candy corn. Seriously. I don’t know what it is about that combo but it is my favorite snack mix of all time.
I’m just turning 20 this year, so I still tend to gravitate towards not-so-good foods when I visit home 😛 I have a real weakness for chips, especially ruffles sour cream n onion <3 mmmm. I went to England over the Christmas break, and an AMAZING chip flavour there is cheese n onion. YUM.
I share your love for cheez-its. And your love of frozen yogurt.. Just had some delicious tiramisu flavoured frozen yogurt tonight!
also: fruit roll-ups. addictive.
Oh my gosh, we lived off of junk food when we were younger. I loved the mini peanut butter cracker bites!
I’ve always loved cheezits. I have to I have three kids. It wasn’t until they served them at an aid station at 30 something miles into an ultra that they became magical.
Poptarts, or strudels..and the ever present CHIP DRAWER with at least 2-3 bags of ever present potato chips. I grew up on a potato farm. It would have been hard to have a hate on for that drawer growing up 🙂 My dad may have disowned me!
I know I’m a little delayed with this comment, but how are the whole grain cheez-its?? And how do they compare to the regular? Cheez-its are, too, my weakness! 🙂
I was a Cheez it FIEND when I was in middle school/early high school. I used to go through at least a box a week, I had a real grasp on healthy eating back then.
Chips ahoy cookies– gross
We always dipped our cheezits in peanut butter–delicious combo!
Bagel bites make the best late night snack food if you have indulged in one too many adult bevi’s. White cheddar cheez-its are delish, and Cool-Ranch Doritos will forever have a place in my heart!
You’re gonna love The Book Thief! I cried at least 3 times while reading it. That might be because I was raised Jewish and have relatives that were in the holocaust, but even if that wasn’t the case I’d still be touched by it!!
Kudos bars! I always needed to have one after gymnastics practice.
My childhood fridge was so unhealthy. We had pizza rolls, which honestly are the best thing ever. And Sunny D.
Bagel bites.. I loved the cheeseburger flavor growing up. Haha wow have my taste buds changed!
We had a good balance of healthy snacks and not-so-healthy treats at our house growing up. Bagel bites, GUSHERS!!! (my fave), fruit by the foot, hostess chocolate mini muffins, wheat thins, double stuffed oreos, etc. My high school boyfriend’s dad worked for Hostess, so we also always had a full supply of snack cakes! Now I’m craving junk food!
Ahh cheez-its, such fond memories! Don’t forget about cool ranch doritos, cheetos, and pringles. Yum!
About 30 minutes after a hot yoga class, I am always ravenous. I try to eat something with a lot of protein, otherwise forget about it, if I get hold of a carb, I want the whole bag.
I’m glad you are enjoying hot yoga. Next time we are in the same city, we will have to go together!
PS- If you get serious with the hot yoga, you may want to invest in a yoga towel for your mat. It really helps with slipping. These ones are pricey, but work really well.
Oh my gosh that squash risotto looks glorious! I am a college student and I will die the day something like that shows up in my school cafeteria! Much better than the burrito bowl I had for dinner for the 500th time.
hahah! sadie’s face is hilarious. she’s like, “why would you try to feed me that?!”
Chocolate teddy grahams
String thing fruit snack type things, where the fruit snack string was in a cool design, stuck to a white piece of cardboard.
Rice krispies treats cereal (purple box, The the regular ones in the blue box)
Bagel dogs (Schwanns food truck)
Cheeto paws
Chesters cheesy checkers Cheetos puffs
Ore-Os cereal
Oatmeal creme pies
Starcrunch cookies
My favorite Cheez it is the white cheddar kind! Yummy,yummy! I love the s’mores pop tarts too! I dont care for any other kind of pop tarts! …..Sadie’s pic is just priceless! She is a clean eating dog so may be her taste buds didnt really crave this little morsel at this time! 😉
Oh goodness, childhood snacks…pizza pops, bagel bites, dunkaroos, fruit roll ups! I’d always eat like 3 of them at a time all in different ways. Actually, I’m mostly embarassed of my obsession with milkshakes and I’d dunk my fries into them. Yikes. Gosh, was I a healthy child or what.
LOVE Cheez-Its, especially the white cheddar & tobasco flavors! As a kid I was also addicted to Goldfish & corn nuts!
I’m a HUGE Cheez-Its fan! What is it about them? I’ve made my own cheese crackers at home, but they just don’t give the same feeling! I actually just had some Cheez-Its yesterday, and I’m resisting buying a whole box for myself!
Artificial cheese-flavored snacks have, and always will be, my favorites! Cheetos, Handi-Snacks (loved that square cheese pocket and the little red spreader that came with it), and Cheez-whiz (the horror) were once-a-month treats in my house. And when I wasn’t stuffing my face with orange powder, I was eating Hostess cream-filled cupcakes topped with Cool Whip, Fruit-by-the-Foot fruit roll-ups (I’d wrap the entire thing around my finger) and Gushers (of course). 😀
I love how the ‘unhealthy food posts” on these health blogs get the most reactions. Insane.
The Book Thief is such a good book! I really loved it. Enjoy!
Strawberry quick! I would put an obsene about of powder in my glass, I loved that pink milk!
My mom was a health nut when we were little, so it was all fruit leather and shredded wheat in our cabinets. SOMETIMES she would buy toaster strudels and man, they would be gone within hours. I still think they’re one of the most delicious foods in the world…
I loved pigs in a blanket when I was younger! 🙂 And chex mix…so good!
I love cheez-it’s! They are one of my favorite crackers for sure! 🙂 I like all of those snacks you mentioned! Plus, smores poptarts, super pretzels, doritos, etc. I could go on forever! Haha.
I don’t like cheez-its, but my dad always LOVED them. I would walk in, and there would be my Dad and the cat shoveling cheeze-its into their mouths like it was the end of days.
The cat eventually learned how to open the box on his own, and he ate an ENTIRE box overnight!
So I guess you’re not alone in thinking they are addictive!
I love cheeze-itz as well. My boyfriend bought some at the store a couple weeks ago and they were gone in aday. woops!
I LOVE cheese its! I can’t buy them either because the box will be gone in a day!
This made me laugh. I sometimes feed this cute stray cat that hangs around my house and if doesn’t eat the human food I try and give her (fishsticks!) then I really start to question myself. I used to love bagel bites as a kid. Had some at a party recently and they’re still delish!
Love cheez its! I always remember having pizza rolls, tater tots, and ramen noodles in the house. Also, my mom used to always pack my lunches with those mini muffins, brownie bites, or those ginormous fruit pies!
This is totally random, but in the picture of you in the car after yoga, it looks like you have a seat cover for Sadie in the back? Do you know what kind is it? Do you like it? I’m currently looking for a good one since the last one we had snapped off!
I am not allowed to purchase the Colby flavored Cheese-Its because it has been known to happen that an entire box was eaten in one sitting. But damn, they are gooood.
The Book Thief is a great story! Its a little dark, especially give the target audience, but it is a memorable story. I love when books can create lasting images to go along with the plot. Hope you like it.
I had a few too many Cheez-its this week as well. I don’t know why they are so good, but mmmmm….
My younger brother was and still is the pickiest eater so our pantry growing up was so mixed… PopTarts, Mini Muffins, sausage and biscuit breakfast sandwiches, and ramen noodles… Oye!
Tortilla chips dipped in jarred cheese. OMG LOVE
I too am in love with a good cheesy cracker. I don’t discriminate: cheez it’s, Goldfish, any cheesy goodness makes a bad day better. I have issue with their over-processed ness and have found a better (ok better would be real cheese or an apple) alternative: Annie’s Bunny crackers. The organic version is great and leaves out a lot of things you can’t pronounce…
I almost never leave remarks, but after browsing through some of the
remarks on My Cheez-It Love Affair | Peanut Butter Fingers.
I do have a few questions for you if it’s okay. Could it be simply me or do a few of these remarks appear as if they are coming from brain dead folks? 😛 And, if you are posting on other places, I’d
like to follow you. Would you post a list of all
of all your social community sites like your linkedin profile,
Facebook page or twitter feed?