All I could think about when it came time to assemble lunch today was the sunflower seed and walnut pesto I made last night. It simply had to make an appearance this afternoon.
I bring you a pesto chicken salad of sorts!
In the bowl:
- Shredded chicken breast
- Chopped carrot
- Chopped celery
- Sunflower seed and walnut pesto
Plus a perfectly crisp and sweet apple on the side.
Now it’s time to take you back in time with me and embarrass myself along the way…
My Embarrassing CPR Story
This afternoon I am taking a CPR/AED certification course that is required by NASM if I hope to receive my personal training certification. Oddly enough, I am looking forward to the class.
When I used to be certified when I was a lifeguard, I liked feeling like I could help someone in case an emergency situation arose. We’ve all heard stories about people whose lives were saved by a stranger who administered CPR or the Heimlich maneuver and knowing that I might be able to help someone in need was a pretty cool thing, though I obviously hoped I’d never actually need to use it.
At the pool where I worked in the summer as a lifeguard during high school (Birchwood Pool, for any Palatine people out there), lifeguards would randomly get audited by an outside company to test their knowledge and make sure they knew their stuff.
We never knew when the auditors were going to come to the pool. They would blend in with the patrons while examining your lifeguarding skills before selecting a small handful of guards to demonstrate CPR skills on a mannequin.
Guess who got selected during her first year? You betcha.
I was so, so nervous. While I knew my stuff, the pressure stressed me out and I was scared I’d mess up on something incredibly basic. Of course, I did.
The auditor began quizzing me on administering CPR to an infant. I shouted at the mannequin baby and lightly shook it, checking for movement. Mannequin baby wasn’t breathing. It was go time.
I told the auditor that it was time to administer CPR and he asked me how I knew where to put my fingers on the infant to begin the chest compressions.
My reply?
“First, locate the scrotum.”
I heard snickers and giggles from the fellow lifegards.
“The what?”
“The scrotum”
Serious laughter… And then it clicked.
“OH MY GOSH. The STERNUM. The STERNUM. Locate the sternum! NOT the scrotum!”
Complete humiliation.
In the lifeguard break room there was a quote board. Can you guess what quote made it into the number one spot and remained there for the rest of the summer?
“First, locate the scrotum.”
Let’s just hope my experience at today’s class goes a little more smoothly…
I know I’m not supposed to laugh…
or am I.
Hahahahahaha, that is a great story! The perfect afternoon pick-me-up!
Bahahahahhaha oh wow, that is a good one! But no worries – I feel like I could have easily made the same mistake. My mum will gladly tell anyone many of my blonde moment stories! Good luck this afternoon – I’m sure you’ll be fine!
Hahaha, thanks for sharing that story – I needed a laugh this afternoon 🙂 Have fun at your class! Oh and that lunch looks delicious – I love pesto on pretty much anything. I even had some on my sandwich today!
I just read an article about how hands-only CPR can be just as effective – I need to renew my certification one way or the other!
That’s a great story! Lets hope you don’t make the same mistake twice!
I was also a lifeguard during university and knew my stuff, but as soon as I’d get tested I’d be all flustered!
I just laughed…out loud…at work… Now I’m embarrassed! That his hilarious! Thank you for sharing.
You’ll be just fine today 🙂
BAHAHAHAH. I just laughed. OUT loud. SO sorry, but that was hilarious.
Hope today goes better, but I am sure you’ll be just fine 😉
P.s. awesome looking lunch!
Well in my CPR/AED class there was a guy who asked what we do if the person tells him that he is pushing so hard it hurts on his chest… the instructor was like Ummm… if the person can talk to you then there is no need for CPR in the 1st place… the whole class wanted to laugh but we just couldnt. It had to have been embarrassing for the guy!!
Good luck today! I love CPR and 1st aid classes guess im weird!
Hahaha that is great, at least they were able to laugh about it! Hope today goes well
Too funny!
Hahahah OMG THAT IS HILARIOUS! I wouldn’t have been embarassed but I would have laughed my butt off afterwards!
LOL i literally laughed out loud when reading this story. if anything, it’s because that’s totally something i’d do too. ohhh my. i hope today goes better! 😉
Hah! That is great! I’m sure your experience this time will be much better! Good luck! 🙂
That’s such a funny story. As a fellow ex-lifeguard I can say that I also would have been SO nervous if I had been chosen by the auditors. Thankfully there was nothing like that at the pool where I worked!
That just made my day! hahaha omg thats def something i would do!
OMG…that is TOTALLY something I would do! hehe 🙂
I’m a fitness instructor and have to get re-certified in CPR next month. I actually really enjoyed my last class, so I’m kind of looking forward to it! (Although I wish it wasn’t so darn long.) Does your certification include first aid as well?
LOL totally cracking up at work!
Freakin awesome.
OK, that is hilarious! It’s even funnier that you said it twice before realizing your mistake. Why is it when one makes a slip of the tongue it’s always something a tad racy?! It’s the worst, but does make for a good story!!
Omg that story is so funny! Don’t worry, I definitely got prank phone called at work by one of my manager’s friends and ran around the office yelling, “Ally, Jack Meoff is looking for you. He said its really urgent, Jack Meoff needs to talk to you right now.” It didn’t click until the third time I said it. ;p
Oh man that’s almost more funny than Julie’s story. I am giggling up a storm here haha.
That is so awesome! I love it!
That’s pretty funny!
We had to learn CPR in high school junior year health and safety class. The summer before my senior year a friend and I were traveling on the highway when a car came into our lane & then jerked off the opposite side of the road and came to a stop. We were not involved, but turned back to see if help was needed. The passenger was pulling the driver out, hehad a heart attack at the wheel. He was blue, his wife screaming, and others called 911. I yelled “I know CPR!” Next I dropped to my knees and administered CPR for what felt like a very long time. Ambulance finally arrived & we went on our way. The passenger in the car asked for my name & wrote it down. The man lived & trauma docs told his wife he would have died if it wasn’t for the young woman who did CPR immediately. The man found me, came to meet me & we both cried. Later a local TV station filmed a story on me. It was crazy, I just did what anyone knowing CPR would have done.
Kate, that’s fabulous! There are so many people today who see things happen but don’t want to help for fear of getting diseases, doing it wrong or getting sued. It’s so nice to hear that there are people in the world who are so selfless and are willing to do whatever it takes to help even complete strangers. I used to be an EMT and know CPR takes a lot of work and can be really exhausting. I’m so glad they contacted you to let you know what the outcome was and luckily, it was a good one because of you. Getting to meet him must have just been so touching. Great job!!
You should seriously be proud of yourself!
Haha that’s great! Good luck today!
Best CPR story, hands down! Good luck this afternoon!
Ahahahahahahaha!!!!! That’s too funny 🙂
Good luck this afternoon, and let us know if anything similar happens today!
hahaha I can’t stop laughing! That’s hilarious, and now my co-workers think I’m bananas!
That is a hilariously great story!
oh m gosh…. lol aaah thanks for brightening my day Julie 🙂
I too just laughed out loud at work! That is classic. It made my afternoon. I was just picturing the entire scenario in my head and could not stop laughing. Thanks for sharing this story! :)~
kkkkkkk that was too cute! I wish I could have heard you say that sentence 😛
Can’t. Stop. Laughing!!!! Very brave of you to admit to this scenario 😉
I shouldn’t laugh, but that is too funny! Thank you for sharing your story! Good luck today, though. I’m sure you’ll do fine!
hahahaha that’s fantastic. Although I would have been SO FREAKED OUT if I had to do that!
hahaha i don’t want to laugh but thats so funny. Good luck with your CPR class. You will do great
Hahaha wow… good luck today Julie!!
Oh my goodness, thank you for bringing so much laughter into my day today!! I read it to my mom who was beside me and she was practically on the floor in hysterics! Sorry that had to happen, but such a great story to tell! Haha good luck at your class!
That totally sounds like something I would do! Thanks for the laugh 😛
Haha that is so something I would accidently say. Poor Julie! Hope today goes better for you! 😉
HAHAHHAHAH omg this made me laugh out loud (at work!) This is hilarious. Unreal!
That is absolutely hilarious! Thanks for sharing! Hope you don’t experience any humiliation today! 🙂
Hahahah! Love it!
LOL! hahaha! Embarrassing stories always call for good tales 🙂
Hahaha! This made laugh out loud. I get silly under pressure sometimes too!
Too funny!! Glad I read this before class, put me in a good mood! Thanks for the laugh.
When I was a waitress, we had a dry erase board where we would list the specials for the night. One night one of the waiters listed the fish special as “Throbbing Blue Vein.” I didn’t even blink twice when I read it before my shift and then promptly went out and announced the fish special to my customers. They stared at me in silence, trying to comprehend what I said and when I said I immediately gasped in horror. Then I heard the laughter of my fellow waiters near me in the restaurant. I never lived that one down. I feel for you.
Lol!! I read this while waiting in a quiet waiting room and just burst out laughing! Hilarious!
I thought I was the only one to have a scrotum story like that!!! In high school, one of my basketball teammates got body checked into the wall, had to go to the hospital, and turns out she bruised her S-t-e-r-n-u-m…. so the next day when we had a team meeting, I came busting in and asked her in front of everyone, while they were all quiet “Sarah, how’s your scrotum feeling?” Needless to say, I was made fun of for some time!
Ummm – just laughed and then tried to hide it. Definitely just choked on giggles. My entire office now knows that the spreadsheet I have pulled up right now is just a cover up.
aahahhahha omg GREAT STORY, that’s hilarious!