If I could hug each and every one of you, I would. You guys are the absolute best. Thank you so, so much for sharing in our excitement as we prepare to make the move to Charlotte. Your comments and emails have been incredible and I appreciate all of your advice, recommendations and enthusiasm!
Truth be told, we have been itching for a change for a while. Though the convenience of living two hours from family has been fantastic, over the past three years, it’s been a bit of a struggle to adjust to life in Ocala. Moving here from Orlando where there is no shortage of things to do definitely took some getting used to and I’m thrilled to be moving close to a city again.
The funny thing is that before our move to Ocala, I probably would’ve claimed to be a “small town girl.” In fact, I remember telling Ryan I could love living anywhere and while I have been genuinely happy most of the time in Ocala, I’ve felt a little stifled.
For a while now, I’ve felt a strong pull to move somewhere more metropolitan with lots of options when it comes to fitness, dining, activities and more. I’m hoping Charlotte will be the perfect middle ground where we will be able to explore a bunch of our interests and enjoy city life while still living very close to outdoor adventure.
My Favorite Ocala Memories
Last night, as Ryan and I sat on the swing in our backyard throwing the frisbee for Sadie, we began talking about all of the fun experiences we’ve had during our three years in Ocala. (For as excited as I am to move, I started to get a little weepy! Moving sure does bring about a lot of emotions, huh?) It was such a nice way to spend an evening and I want to thank those of you who have followed our journey and lived some of these memories along with us.
Some of our most memorable experiences in Ocala:
- Friendsgiving I, II and III
- Seeing a bear on a hike with Sadie (Insane!)
- Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll + ZOOMA half marathon training all over our neighborhood
- Turning off all the lights and hiding from trick-or-treaters when we ran out of candy at 9 p.m. on our first Halloween in Ocala
- Sadie’s kiddie pool adventures
- Anniversary date night at Cuvee Wine Bar
- Lots of trips to the Artisanal Dish
- Teaching my first group exercise class (Water fitness!)
- Our amazing small group
- Sunday services at Meadowbrook Church
- Sushi and frozen yogurt date nights
- Training my first client
- Catching some great community shows at the Ocala Civic Theatre
- Rediscovering the glory of the Dairy Queen Blizzard (we live less than three minutes from a DQ — not sure if that’s been a good or bad thing)
- Zip lining at the Canyons
- Planning and attending the Taste of Ocala
- Horseback riding
- Walking around the Appleton Museum of Art
It’s hard to believe this chapter of our lives is coming to a close. I can’t wait for the next one to begin!
Questions of the Morning
- Are you more of a city person or a small town person… or a little bit of both?
- Have you ever lived somewhere that didn’t quite feel like the right fit for you?
Oh girl – Charlotte’s not gonna’ know what hit ’em! I’m so excited that you’re coming to my city. I think of it as a “real” city, but it’s not so big that it’s lost its charm. Still cozy!
I think I like a bit of both 🙂 Moving can be so exciting if not a bit stressful! Can’t wait to read all about you’re adventures in Charlotte 😀
I’ve just done a much similar move from a small coastal town on the French Rivera back to Barcelona, Spain and felt the same way! As much as I loved the greenery of France, I missed shopping and being in a metropolitan area. This time like you, we’re planning on making the best of being in a city with a vast area to explore outside! I wish you luck with your move. We went a few years ago on a Deep South road trip through North and South Carolina and Tennessee. We spend a few days in Charlotte (we spent a whole day in the shopping mall) and some amazing few days in the Smokeys. They’re absolutely beautiful!
So glad your move has been a positive experience!
I know what you mean about thinking you would want one thing and you actually want something else. A couple years ago I thought I wanted to be a researcher and work in the field. I applied and was accepted to a prestigious research program in Lake Tahoe/ Reno, NV. So I went with no car, no friends, and not really sure what I was doing. It was not a good experience. I made friends and figured out what I was doing, but I very very quickly realized that living in an area where needed a car wasn’t going to work for me. I also realized that I did not like that type of research! I really didn’t have a choice but to stick it out. I tried to focus on my passions and made it through but it took a toll on my personal relationships. Finally I got out and was so relieved! The next summer I actually had to end up buying a car but lived in a more urban area and worked in science communications. Not perfect, but much much better!
I think you’re going to love Charlotte and it must be exciting to move somewhere new! Good luck in moving and packing… I know you have experience in that but I know you will make it through with a smile.
This is such a wonderful reflection! It’s always emotional to leave great experiences behind, but I know you’ll have a blast in Charlotte!
I used to hate the city, but living half an hour from the Big Apple, I’ve learned to embrace the hustle and bustle without being RIGHT in the center of all of it. Best of both worlds!
I am both. I would LOOOOOOOOOOOOVE to live in NYC but enjoy loving in the suburbs of Houston! I’ll just visit NYC as much as possible 😀
I have only lived in Texas – anywhere in Texas is a nice fit 🙂 I am biased a bit
I once moved to a small town in Ohio that has one stop light for an amazing job opportunity. It was so hard to leave my friends and metropolitan city! But I made a huge jump in my career, met my husband (who was also on assignment at the same time) and found my dog. All in all it worked out and after a year I was promoted, engaged and back in the big city working at headquarters!
That’s awesome!!
We sound so similar to where we enjoy living! I used to live in Newark as a child, which is quite a small community, we do have a mall and gym but not much to choose from, then I moved to Columbus for college and as much as I loved never running out of things to do there is hardly any outdoor activities, everything like hiking seems to be at least an hour if not more away. I found myself hating the traffic and hustle and bustle of the city constantly too! So I love the little communities and the city! I think my perfect place would be in a small town right outside the city where you get the best of both worlds!
I am so excited for you though! A new place to live is such an exciting thing and that you have Ryan to share the experience with, one lucky girl 🙂
I am definitely a bit of both! I love to be close to nature and live outdoors but I also love the fun stuff that happens in the city! It sounds like you will able to have both 🙂
I was born and raised on Hilton Head Island and I always felt like there was NOTHING to do! After college I moved to the capital city of Columbia and now I absolutely cherish going home and sitting on the beach or at an outside bar on the marsh (y’all MUST visit Hilton Head as a mini vacation, it’s only 4.5 hours from Charlotte). I love Columbia and how much there is to do but sometimes it’s nice to get away. You will love Charlotte because you’re minutes away from a metropolitan area, serene country side, and only a few hours to the beach or mountains!
Looking back on past memories always makes me smile. I have always lived in a small town until I did an internship in Sydney, Australia in college. That was amazing and I would love to live in a big city again.
I lived the small-town, country life for most of my life. Now, we live in a suburb just outside of the city and, for me, that’s ideal. We have access to all the amenities of the city, while being a short drive from hiking and farms in the more rural areas. I dunno what that makes me then 🙂
I am definitely a small town person, but I have lived in the city off and on throughout my life and it is slowly growing on me. I have lived in Provo for the past few years going to BYU, and I have grown to love it!
Many blessings on your move!
I think one of the hardest parts about moving is loosing your church family!!!!
Love the big, beautiful churches in Florida. But Charlotte must have some awesome churches as well.
I love this look back at your time in Ocala! My husband and I are moving from Indianapolis to Denver on August 1 so I understand the excitement and nerves you are feeling!!! Good luck with everything in these next few weeks 🙂
Good luck to you, too! One of my very best friends lives in Denver and absolutely loves it!
Congrats on the move Julie! How exciting! And, it certainly looks like you’ve had so, so many amazing memories to hold onto of Ocala!
I like being near the city but not in it!
I’m obviously behind on my blog reading…haha! Congrats on the move…I’m off to see what I missed! 😉
I guess I’ve been reading longer than I realized-I remember the Ocala move announcement! I would be beyond excited if I were you guys.
Thank you for reading, Sara!
Yay! I am so happy for you! Congrats to Ryan and the new job. Wishing you nothing but the best! I look forward to following your next journey!
Thank you, Alison!
Moving definitely brings about so many different emotions! It can be stressful but so fun and exciting at the same day, and really, sometimes just exhausting 🙂 I think you guys are going to love starting a new chapter! I think I’m a mix between city and small town girl – I grew up in a small town that was just outside of Nashville, TN, so actually going up into Nashville was always a huge treat. But, I went to college in a tiny podunk town in rural Arkansas, so there was definitely a little bit of culture shock!
Wooohooo! Good luck, it’ll be a blast!!!
Chris and I talk about moving all the time….but I guess my roots in Chicago are deeper than I sometimes realize. Our #1 topic of conversation lately is Utah (Park City) but it doesn’t seem like a possibility with Chris’s career. I, as a teacher, can probably relocate but not as simple for a guy in the business world! I also love Colorado, but so far these our just pipe dreams.
Julie, thank you so much for sharing this exciting news! I got goosebumps when I read you, Ryan and Sadie were moving to Charlotte and am soo sooo happy for you all. I’ve been reading your blog for a little over a year and have enjoyed reading about your life, food and workouts. It seems this move will be perfect for you guys! Embrace every moment of this transition. All good stuff! I can’t wait to read about the ins and outs of Charlotte. It’s a place I’ve heard so much about and would love to visit soon!
It’s always so hard to leave somewhere that you’ve lived, whether it was ideal or hard, it was a part of your life! So excited for both of you and your big move!
So happy for you!! I am a little bit of both, I love the city but I also love the small town feel!
OH wow, Charlotte is going to be such a fun adventure! I’ve had so much fun reading all of your favorite memories in Ocala. Here’s to more in NC!
Small town for sure! Id live in a little village if I had the choice, everything within walking distance! I lived in Wales in the UK for a year….horrible place! I was studying there so had to stay…but it really made me appreciate coming home! 🙂
I am most definitely a city girl! I moved to Sioux Falls, South Dakota from Chicago about a year ago for a job. It’s definitely been a change of pace and a real challenge adjusting to life here. This is my first time ever living in a smaller city, and while it’s been a learning experience, it’s definitely not where I want to spend the rest of my life.
Like you, I love having dining, shopping, and activities just outside my door. In Sioux Falls I don’t necessarily feel deprived, just kind of limited. I am really looking forward to the day that I can move on to the next step in my life hopefully in a bigger city! So excited to see what Charlotte has in store for you and your family!
Oh my gosh, Julie I am so excited for your move! I know how you feel, I get very emotional when it comes to moving. It’s tough! But in the end just know it’s such an exciting new adventure and your little family will be so happy. Plus – you get SEASONS! I can’t tell you how much I love them here in Boise! Congrats lady 🙂
There’s a GREAT church in Charlotte called Forest Hill. I know how vital it is to getting plugged into a great church in a new community and have only ever met wonderful people and heard wonderful things about Forest Hill! 🙂
Thanks so much for the recommendation! I’ll definitely check it out!
I’m so excited for your big move! I made the move from a town to a city last summer and while I was so nervous it was the absolute best decision. Get ready for an awesome adventure! I can’t wait to follow along on the journey.
I was living in a smaller city in South Carolina that I loved, but I also felt the itch to live in a bigger city with lots of options and I feel like Charlotte is the most perfect combination of southern charm and big city appeal! You will absolutely love it here and I’m so excited to see the QC all over your blog for the rest of country to see as well! I love the Carolinas more than anything!
Went to our first Charlotte Knights game last night and the stadium and atmosphere was incredible. Was there a game playing though? I can’t remember that part! 🙂
I think I’m a little bit of both a city and small town girl. I grew up in a town of 13,000 people in Nebraska and then I moved to Phoenix and now I live in Denver. I miss the small town a lot because things are so convenient and easy, life is simple and things are very affordable. I would, however, miss simple pleasures like Starbucks, and like you said, fitness, recreational, and dining options. I think I would do well in a town the size of Charlotte. I’ve always wanted to visit there – I’ve heard such wonderful things about it.
I am definitely a middle of the road kind of person when it comes to where I prefer to live. I’ve found that most major cities have lots of little neighborhoods that give you both a big city and a small town kind of feel. We definitely found that in Miami (we live in Brickell). It’s a fun, walkable neighborhood that still feels small enough to where it feels like it’s own little community.
Congratulations on your move! I’ve been in Charlotte for almost 10 years now and couldn’t be happier! Run for Your Life puts on a great race series so be sure to check it out! There are also some dog parks and great doggie day care for Sadie. Welcome to North Carolina!!!
I’m a small city girl… if that makes sense. I like the walkability of smaller cities and the coziness and comfort that comes with them. Chicago has always seemed too big to me, but I love our neighbors to the north, Milwaukee. I live in the suburbs now, but I feel like all the culture and excitement is in the city which I think stops me from enjoying it sometimes. Sounds like Charlotte is the type of environment I’d enjoy. Can’t wait to hear about your adventures!!
Moving is scary but as a military child, I can definitely say that any new place you move can be exciting and fun! Each town/city has its own uniqueness that you have to discover!
I am so incredibly excited for you guys! As a long time reader I remember your time in orlando and big move to Ocala and I know you guys are going to make some amazing memories in NC!! I know your family was a big reason why you didnt move sooner but you are still within driving distance and you will see them more than you think! And Sadie is going to LOVE it! (she may be a tad cold in the winter but she loves clothes anyways :))
I’m most DEFINITELY a city girl! I was raised in the Phoenix area where there was always a ton of shopping, dining, and entertainment. When we moved to more of a rural community in Utah, it was a little tough for me to adjust. Even though I eventually started to appreciate it, it still didn’t feel quite right. Now that we’re back in AZ, it’s SO refreshing to me to have everything so close again. I totally can understand your feelings on all of that! Once again, I’m thrilled for you guys!
Congrats on the news, that is so exciting! I live in Durham and we love visiting the Charlotte area! Would love to meet up with you sometime! We go to the mountains a few times every winter to go snowboarding and it is so convenient to only drive a couple of hours to get there!
Hi Julie – just wanted to wish you and Ryan (And Sadie) luck with your move. It was your “moving in together” post that originally brought me to your blog…and i have stayed ever since! I now live with my boyfriend and lots of things you said in that post helped immensely.
I enjoy reading your posts every day – you are so down to earth and “real” which is sometimes lost in fitness-based blogs. This makes me not want to read them as it makes me feel inadequate. You share lovely parts of your life that make me see we are all the same!
Best of luck with your move and take us all with you!
This was such a nice comment! Thank you!!!
I’m SO SO SO excited for y’all! I loved the walk down memory lane… btw it’s totally ok to feel sad about moving, although it sounds like Charlotte will be a better match for you!
Julie, I’ve moved EIGHT times in the last 16 years! I totally understand the emotion thing. Moving brings up lots of them. I have to say that I have loved every place we’ve lived. I really believe it is all in the attitude. Good luck to you and Ryan!
I’m definitely a city person…where I’m located now doesn’t feel right and can’t wait to have the opportunity to move somewhere that fits all of my interests.
Julie, congrats on the move to Charlotte! I am actually living in NYC and grew up in a suburb outside of Atlanta. While it’s really cool living here, I would like to move down south at some point and I LOVE Charlotte! Some of my very best friends live there. So if you need any recommendations or want to meet an amazing couple (my best friend and her wonderful husband), just give me a holler! Good luck to y’all (yes that includes Sadie of course!) xo
So fun that you are moving! I think I like living somewhere that is between a small town and a city best. I don’t like all the traffic and other things like that that come with city life, and I love the nature that you find in small towns, but there is something to be said for the convenience of having grocery stores, shops, and fun restaurants nearby! 🙂
I am from a smaller town in Texas (100,000 people-so not terrible, but smaller) and now I live in Kansas City. I definitely feel like I thrive more in the bigger city! It is still midwest, so I feel right at home, but I love all of the activities and opportunities that the bigger city has to offer!
About 2.5 years ago I moved back to a small Ohio town from Venice Beach (L.A.), CA. It was extremely difficult for me to adjust not only to the weather but the pace of life. Now over the next 2 months I will be looking for the perfect place between Cleveland and the burbs. Cleveland has quite a diverse culture that not too many people are aware of 😀
So in short I feel the same way as you feeling “stifled.” I am so excited for your next journey with Ryan in a amazingly beautiful state. Change is fun!
Congrats on your move!!! that is super exciting! My hubby and I recently relocated from Seattle down to LA….it’s adjustment being farther from friends and family but a fun adventure being able to try something new! Can’t wait to follow your new journey!! 🙂
Congratulations and best wishes to you and Ryan on your big move! Looking forward to following you on your journey!!!