If I could hug each and every one of you, I would. You guys are the absolute best. Thank you so, so much for sharing in our excitement as we prepare to make the move to Charlotte. Your comments and emails have been incredible and I appreciate all of your advice, recommendations and enthusiasm!
Truth be told, we have been itching for a change for a while. Though the convenience of living two hours from family has been fantastic, over the past three years, it’s been a bit of a struggle to adjust to life in Ocala. Moving here from Orlando where there is no shortage of things to do definitely took some getting used to and I’m thrilled to be moving close to a city again.
The funny thing is that before our move to Ocala, I probably would’ve claimed to be a “small town girl.” In fact, I remember telling Ryan I could love living anywhere and while I have been genuinely happy most of the time in Ocala, I’ve felt a little stifled.
For a while now, I’ve felt a strong pull to move somewhere more metropolitan with lots of options when it comes to fitness, dining, activities and more. I’m hoping Charlotte will be the perfect middle ground where we will be able to explore a bunch of our interests and enjoy city life while still living very close to outdoor adventure.
My Favorite Ocala Memories
Last night, as Ryan and I sat on the swing in our backyard throwing the frisbee for Sadie, we began talking about all of the fun experiences we’ve had during our three years in Ocala. (For as excited as I am to move, I started to get a little weepy! Moving sure does bring about a lot of emotions, huh?) It was such a nice way to spend an evening and I want to thank those of you who have followed our journey and lived some of these memories along with us.
Some of our most memorable experiences in Ocala:
- Friendsgiving I, II and III
- Seeing a bear on a hike with Sadie (Insane!)
- Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll + ZOOMA half marathon training all over our neighborhood
- Turning off all the lights and hiding from trick-or-treaters when we ran out of candy at 9 p.m. on our first Halloween in Ocala
- Sadie’s kiddie pool adventures
- Anniversary date night at Cuvee Wine Bar
- Lots of trips to the Artisanal Dish
- Teaching my first group exercise class (Water fitness!)
- Our amazing small group
- Sunday services at Meadowbrook Church
- Sushi and frozen yogurt date nights
- Training my first client
- Catching some great community shows at the Ocala Civic Theatre
- Rediscovering the glory of the Dairy Queen Blizzard (we live less than three minutes from a DQ — not sure if that’s been a good or bad thing)
- Zip lining at the Canyons
- Planning and attending the Taste of Ocala
- Horseback riding
- Walking around the Appleton Museum of Art
It’s hard to believe this chapter of our lives is coming to a close. I can’t wait for the next one to begin!
Questions of the Morning
- Are you more of a city person or a small town person… or a little bit of both?
- Have you ever lived somewhere that didn’t quite feel like the right fit for you?
i cannot WAIT to hear about this exciting chapter in your life, although I’m sure you’ll be very busy and maybe won’t have time to blog every day, but i hope you do!
I feel like I am a bit of both! I can’t believe you guys have been there for 3 years! I remember reading when you lived in Orlando! 🙂 thanks for allowing us to be part of your journeys! xo
Thank you so much for reading, Cait! <3
I’m a little of both. I like what big cities have to offer in terms of things to do and see, but smaller cities bring people together more and have a certain warmth. I moved last year from Tucson to Phoenix. I must say it’s hard to make friends and get to know people in a larger city than a smaller one.
I always thought I was more small town but when I moved to Charlotte 2 years ago, I couldn’t have loved it more!
I’m just catching up – how exciting!!! I’m so happy for you two – a move will be wonderful! New cities are fun!
Moving definitely brings up nostalgia feelings, even when you’re stoked to move!
What a great opportunity for you and your small family. Congratulations! I completely understand having a hard time leaving family – mine lives 30 minutes away, but a part of me has always wanted to move away, and try something new!
I am a BIG city girl!!! Although I always had this romantic idea of living in a small town or even the countryside – but I once lived in a place called “Biddulph Moor” in England, which was literally on top of a hill surrounded by sheep…and I remember the car drive there thinking “I can’t live here” and it turned out I couldn’t…
Ohh how fun!!! Moving is always such an exciting experience. Well, most of the time. 😀 Hope everything goes smoothly for you guys~
Somehow I missed your post about moving! Congratulations!! Charlotte is a lovely area. I can’t wait to hear about your adventures exploring the city!
I’m more of a city girl! I’ve lived in Seattle my whole life so I’ve never experienced a big move before. My husband, on the other hand, grew up in a small town. It’s interesting how we grew up differently but we have so many things in common! I’m excited for your big move!
OMG I didn’t think about Friendsgiving 🙁 WAHHHHHHHH.
I know!!!!
What a lovely post. Moving is difficult because in essence, you are literally trying to uproot all of your complex + webbed memories whilst keeping them all in tact and stopping yourself from tearing up at the sight of them crumpling and fading away without their home soil. The move is definitely a new chapter for you. After all, if nobody ever moved then nobody would meet each other and new things wouldn’t happen. The hard part is to pull yourself away from a place and figuring out how to say ‘thank you’ for the memories in a silent + sane way. Places are so meaningful. You can always go back and visit 🙂
congratulations julie and ryan! if you don’t mind me asking, what line of work is ryan in? (ex. sales, business, managerial, imports/exports…LOL) i didn’t have time to post a comment yesterday. moving is incredibly exciting and i can’t wait to “hear” rather read about all of your charlotte adventures. i am VERY envious. i would give anything to move from my current location. i love the work that i do and my home but i have been ready for a change for so long. i grew up where i live now and the economic situation is just not good. like you, i feel stifled and would love to have the opportunity to be somewhere that the YM isn’t the ONLY place to exercise, there is a grocery store that specializes in healthy food and there’s a decent mall (trust me i can relate to buying the bulk of your wardrobe online). can’t wait to see photos of your new place. your money will go far in chartlotte. congrats again. what an exciting opportunity!
I thought I could be a small town girl, but when my husband and I moved to a veeery small town in southern New Mexico, I realized small town life wasn’t for me. We’ve been living in Chicago for a year and a half and I love it, but he wants to be somewhere a little smaller. I guess marriage is all about compromise!
Congratulations on this new and exciting chapter of your life! I have done THREE long distances moves and although they can be hectic, it is very exhilarating to be starting new somewhere. And yes, even though I have lived in four different states, I never felt like it was “quite right” until I moved to Austin, Texas where I am now. I couldn’t imagine a better life or a better city for my husband and I. Best of luck to you and Ryan.
So exciting!! I am so happy/jealous of your move! I used to think I was a smaller town person but now I know I crave something more urban. I was born and raised in Austin, TX then lived in Madison, WI then Orlando! (thanks for all your recommendations!) Now we are in Fort Collins, CO which is a cute college town of 150,000 people and it feels a bit small to me…although we are only 1 hour from Denver which is nice! Good luck!
I like to live in a small town, but driving distance to the city. I could not actually LIVE in the city. I need my space, and living in NC is honestly the best place to get the perfect mix.
Change is good, Julie! I’m sure you will adjust quickly and LOVE it in Charlotte. The most important thing is that you have your family’s love and support — that won’t change! Good luck, looking forward to reading about your adventures! 🙂
I grew up small town and currently live small town, but I’ve lived in in-between sized towns too. I don’t think I could live in a city like NYC, but I think Denvery would be right up my alley.
When I lived in the Tri-Cities of Washington, it was definitely not the right fit for me. I was pretty miserable during my time there, but at least the wines were wonderful!
Congrats to Ryan on his job offer and best of luck to you two on this new, exciting journey!!! I’m always grateful for new beginnings.
You’ve had some wonderful times in Ocala–and now it’s time to make more memories in a new place. So stoked for you!!
Congratulations! I am actually moving to Charlotte next weekend!! Best of luck with your move!
I’m so excited for you guys! You will love Charlotte! I live right outside of Asheville, NC and we go to Charlotte quite a bit. You will love the shops at Concord Mills and there is an IKEA in Charlotte! downtown is beautiful, lots of cool restaurants. And you will definitely get to see snow! Good luck with the move!
Congrats on the move! So exciting. I’m definitely a big city girl. But sometimes I miss the pace of smaller towns. Good luck on this next chapter in your life!
Can’t wait to see all the new Charlotte memories! I’ve lived outside of NYC my whole life, but now I’m going to college in August in a pretty quiet town…we’re like opposites!
My parents live in Charlotte! You will totally love it!
Julie – –
I just wanted to say congratulations and I am so happy/excited for you! I just found out today that I, too, am moving! From Oregon to Austin, TX, and will begin working in fitness. You are my “blog inspiration” (blogsperation?), and have inspired me to begin my own blog. Do you have any suggestions or recommendations for what blog hosting companies to use?
Congrats, again!
I claim to be a small town girl…but Tallahassee is as small as I could ever go! Coming from Miami, my idea of a small town is a little different I guess. Anything without a major airport is considered small town lol
Woot can’t wait to read all about your new life in North Carolina! I’m kind of a mix between small town and metropolitan girl! I love the convenience of one, and the peacefulness of the other! Wishing you the best in this new chapter!
Congratulations on the new job and the new adventure Julie and Ryan! Moving is one of the most exciting times, but also very stressful, so make sure to take time to breathe! Charlotte is such a great city! I have visited there several times and thought it’d be a great place to call home!
I would say I am an in-betweener…I love the country aspect of small towns with a lot of land and outdoor activities. But I also enjoy being close to a big city where there is never a dull moment!
Good Luck and can’t wait to hear all about it!
We live in a small town (born and raised) and only lived in one other place for college (another small town). So, yeah, I feel you on wanting something a little… more. I love our hometown, but I wish we had more to do in the way of culture and fitness! Looking forward to reading about your adventures in Charlotte!
I am so glad you are getting out of Dodge … 🙂
I know I am super outdated on this (4 years later). I haven’t read your blog in years, nor any other food bloggers due to life changes and graduate school.
I read your blog in high school, right when you were getting married. I came here and saw that now you live in Charlotte, rather than Ocala which is awesome!
I moved to North Carolina as well from San Diego for graduate school and have friends who live in Charlotte. Such a great city. I’ll be living in Raleigh for a job, but I was just thinking I need to start reading from a blogger who lives in North Carolina – now I can start reading yours again!