First, let’s take a trip down memory lane!
Do any of you remember the original Peanut Butter Fingers circa 2009!?
Memoriesss! When I launched my blog, I Googled the heck out of how to do everything myself and then used a template on WordPress to create my site.
I then used the same free WordPress theme but updated my banner to this snazzy little number:
Fast forward a bit and my first BIG blog update followed. I sought professional help for the overhaul that led to this:
I remember loving that little peanut butter spoon on the side so much!
And that brings us to the present. The current PBF site has been the same since 2014. That’s a LONG time in the internet world! This little site has been good to me for the past eight years but I’ve been itching for a change for a while.
So what does the future hold? I have some ideas but YOUR ideas are most important to me.
Clearly my website redesign is at the top of my mind these days and I figured I should fill you guys in on the process because, truth be told, you guys are the reason I’m redesigning PBF. I’ve heard numerous times that my site is hard to navigate and finding old content is a chore. I feel that deeply. I don’t even use my own search bar because it’s such a mess (I just Google whatever I’m looking for + pbfingers to find old content on my blog) and that is a problem. I work too hard on this blog and have created too much content over the 11+ years I’ve been blogging for it to just disappear into a giant black hole after it’s published.
On Monday, I put out a call on Instagram Stories looking for feedback from all of you and it was incredibly helpful. I’d like to open up the comments section today for the same kind of feedback. This redesign is a significant financial investment and I want the new PBF to be a place you enjoy visiting not only for the content but for the ease of finding what you need or enjoy reading when you get here.
I would be so grateful to any of you who could take a moment to let me know what you like and what you don’t like, what works and what causes you headaches and what you’d love to see that isn’t currently available on my site. The more details you can provide the better because this is the phase in the design process that we can implement everything and make this site not only visually appealing but also user-friendly from a navigation perspective.
Here is a quick roundup of some of the most common feedback I received via Instagram Stories:
- Make the search bar easier to find (especially on mobile viewing)
- Create a spot that makes it easy to find links to recent products/favorites
- Make it easier to find book recommendations/recent reads
- Create quick access to recipes
- Make recent recipes easier to find
- Make it easier to find your gift guides/kid gift ideas/baby product recommendations
- Add a “Home” section to make all home content easier to find
- Keep it so links open to new pages
- Consider a “recent posts” link toward the top of the site
- Add the ability to click on blog posts from the past week/month without having to scroll through today’s post
- Easier access to pregnancy and baby updates
- Keep your most recent post high on the homepage
And here are a few of my personal goals:
- When visitors come to PBF I want them to feel welcome. I want my blog to feel like a positive space on the internet and for the aesthetics to be clean and not too jumbled or over-stimulating.
- I talk about a TON of things on this blog and while I know choosing a niche would be best for growth from a business perspective, this is not something I’m interested in because I love writing blog posts that feel more like e-mails to my friends. I realize this can be very confusing for first-time visitors (like what in the world is this blog about!?) so I’d like the homepage to make it clear that this blog touches on a few primary topics: 1. My life/Family/Motherhood 2. Recipes 3. Fitness and 4. Favorite Finds (book recommendations, Friday favs, etc.).
- Keeping my latest post front-and-center is a priority. This is important to me because I find myself feeling very frustrated when I visit blogs I read regularly and always have a hard time locating their most recent post.
- A quality search function is key. I’d like my search bar to be near the top of my blog and for searches to pull up relevant content.
- Make commenting easier. I’ve heard from a few of you that leaving comments on my blog is confusing!
- Highlighting past content in a relevant way. I’d love for posts related to the topic of the current post to populate at the bottom of a new blog post.
- Majorly revamp my recipe page. More categories, easier searchability… the works!
We are not at the phase in the design process where we’re talking about colors and aesthetics just yet (that is the part that sounds waaay more fun to me!) and right now we’re just diving into the framework of the blog. I am continually grateful to you guys for reading this blog and hope it is a place you will continue to visit that leaves you feeling uplifted, entertained and welcome.
So excited about the refresh!!
1. Links/buttons at the each of blog post that take you to the previous or next post (I usually visit the blog once a week and this helps me make sure I catch all the posts)
2. Please please please keep your post content font color black and a standard font (times, etc) and size. A lot of bloggers have stylized their content with “pretty grey fonts” and they are very difficult to read! So keeping your content eye friendly would be great
3. Some kind of Things I’m loving Friday quick reference. You mention great products, books, etc but finding them months later is challenging
As a long time reader I’m really looking forward to your next chapter of blogging!
Wow- I just re-stumbled on your blog after what feels like 15(??) years! I’m 30 years old now, and i stumbled on your blog when i was 16 or 17. You were my very first “blog” that I ever followed! Using the term “followed” very loosely as I checking your website every week or so. I believe you used to be a teacher? I had gone to school for teaching and I remember looking info online, and I think that’s how I stumbled on your blog. Forgive me if I’m wrong! Seeing the name “pb fingers” just made me stop in my tracks.
This is such a blast from the past- the fact that you still have this blog is amazing and brought back so many memories for me. I was just on Instagram and stumbled upon a cornbread recipe which brought me back to your site….what a small world.
I have been reading this blog since 2009. I am very excited for this overhaul. Your recipies taught me how to cook in my early twenties. I find it easier now to go to pintrest or google to pull some old school pbf recipies that I love. Hello Buffalo chicken sandwhiches. 😌 I am glad you are keeping it like writing an email to a friend. I dont even have children yet I have been reading this for so long I tune in to every day 13 years later to read about life etc one of the reasons I have stayed loyal for so long so thank you for always always being relatable and just you!
I love seeing the blast from the past! I’m a longggg time blog reader and I’m excited to see the changes, but I’m glad you are staying true to you!
I definitely agree that you keep the current post front and center for easy reading!
Thank you for all you do!
So excited for you for the blog update. Also, I am so glad you said you are keeping the content the same. I have been reading a few blogs for 10+ years now and love it because I feel like I know you guys from your posts, but a few bloggers have gotten so information based, or talking about products, and it just doesn’t feel as personal anymore. I love that you have stayed true to how your blog has always been!
My favorite blogs are always the more personal ones! I like to read blogs where I feel like I’m visiting with a friend and sharing whatever I want to share every day is also what keeps me loving this space and connecting with you guys so much! Thank you for this comment. <3
I like keeping most recent front and center. I feel like you covered all of the things that I would like. I love your book recommendations. Sometimes it is hard to find them quickly. I am happy for you! This is an exciting project.
This is exciting, Julie! There are very few bloggers I read regularly, but yours blog is one I log into every Mon, Wed & Fri. The main reason is because I love how relatable your posts are, but another reason is how easy your posts are to read. Most blogs have switched to a format where it is impossible to find the most recent posts. The home page is just organized groups of all different content. This is very confusing! Please keep your recent blog posts in a running order (newest at the top) so it’s easy for the readers to log in and see your newest content right at the top. Also, I don’t mind googling your recipes. I’m pretty sure I Google your chicken chili recipe at least twice a month. 😊
Oh I remember Ireland! You were so sick and we all said you were preggers. Darn car sickness.
Ive used the site a lot for shopping your links esp around Christmas. Wanted to make sure you got “credit” for the buy through the affeliate links.
That is very kind of you, Lauren. Thank you!! Using my links makes a difference for me and my business so I truly appreciate it!
I’m excited about your new design, one comment :):)……….like I think you’ve said already but I want to give you affirmation….
Stay true to yourself and don’t let outside influences/opinions sway your new look!!!!!! That is what I’ve been drawn to with your blog! You have your own honest themes/outlook/priorities, etc. that are appealing to readers! Just because others do it a certain way doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the right way.
Have a great day and I wish you the best with your new project!!
Echoing what the others say in keeping the date of publication on the posts and the newest posts at the top. I think sometimes bloggers think it will be helpful to group by category on the home page but I (and it sounds like others) disagree. Being able to see the newest posts easily and without having to click a “button” to jump to new posts (those buttons never seem to work) is key!
And if the search bar is updated to easily find content then there is no need to have all of the categories on the home page!
I love your blog and your energy. The blogs that have morphed into being hyper focused/niched (all recipes…all workouts..selling plans etc.) are no longer interesting to me. Thanks for continuing to post a little of this and that!
Nothing helpful from me to improve, you hit all of the marks. Just keep being you, you’re the only bogger I’ve ever followed and I immediately looked for you on IG when I created an account there. I love all of your content, how you post, how friendly and open that are you. I’ve cooked several of your recipes, read several book recommendations, bought sneakers and clothing you loved, etc. I love all of it! 🙂
This means a lot to me — thank you!
I found your blog in 2009 or 2010 – probably just shy of the beginning! A refresh is always nice… especially since many of us are using our phones to looks at website/recipes these days! Good luck and have fun!
Thanks so much for being here for so long!! <3
I just have a question you’ve probably answered a million times but how did you come up with the name “Peanut butter fingers” ?
Keep up the great work.
Ryan actually came up with it!! I always had my finger in the peanut butter jar and he suggested it years ago back when I was sharing a lot more of my daily eats!
I love this blog and have been following for 10 years!! One thing that I love way more than other blogs is that the most recent post is RIGHT at the top (and on my phone i can start reading right away) compared to other blogs where there are a lot of links/pics/carousels at the top. I like how you’ve kept your blog post format very simple over the years. Just click on the post and start scrolling down. I am really turned off by blogs where the home page has a ton of picture links and I can’t find the most recent posts!
Excited for your blog transformation!
Yes, I totally agree. I’ve actually had to stop reading some blogs I used to love because I cannot easily find their latest post and its too complicated to figure out where it is. Love having latest post right at the top!
Love your blog and I have been here since the beginning even though I am much older than you are and probably a lot of your readers! Please keep the font dark so it stays clean and it can be read easier. I dislike the ones that have sw9itched to light gray as it’s impossible for me to see the content. Keep on keeping on!
Great feedback!! How is the font size for you? I know my dad always says it’s too small. Haha!
It could be a little bigger and darker. I think I am around your dad’s age! Lol!!
I have always found your blog fairly easy to navigate! I do LOVE that your most recent post is always front and center. My only feedback is sometimes finding old posts is challenging. For example, if I want to find your favorite chicken thigh recipe that you often talk about and I search for chicken thighs in the search bar, allll sorts of blog posts pop up and I need to look through each post to find the recipe.
YESSSS. Ugh that’s why I use Google for my own blog!! It needs a lot of work and we’re going to try!!
I’m so excited for this refresh! Your blog has always been one of my favorites because it isn’t constantly changing and getting confusing. I agree with everything that you highlighted from reader comments and your thoughts. I made a suggestion to have links in one place so I’m glad that’s included. So many times I’ve thought of something you mentioned in a baby post or TILF post and I have such a hard time finding it back but I don’t want to bug you with a message.
I know ads are important for making money (which we want you to do!), but if possible, it would be great to not change the style of ads too much from what you have currently. Some blogs have an ad bar at the top or bottom that you cant’ click away and that really distracts from reading.
Thank you for the links suggestion — that was actually my most popular request so clearly you are not alone in wanting to be able to find links easily. And making the ads feel less jumbled/in-your-face is a goal for sure! We’ve already been discussing options and balancing the need for ads from a business standpoint with aesthetics is a challenge but something I hope will work well for everyone!
I love your blog so keep doing you! I’ve been following for 10+ years and I love how you’ve brought all of your readers along for the ride that has been your life during that time.
My one suggestion, in addition to some of the other comments, is to increase the number of results per page that show up when you search for something. I think right now it’s only 6-8 items per page so you constantly have to scroll through pages of search items if the thing you’re looking for doesn’t appear on the first page.
Can’t wait to see the final redesign!
This is so helpful and something that’s bothered me that I forgot about and haven’t mentioned yet so thank you!!
I find myself wanting to make a random recipe you posted from years ago (shoutout to the egg white pizza bake) and would love a more accessible way to find your recipes!! Same goes with products you talk about 🙂 love your blog!
This is exciting! I’ve been a reader for years and I’m excited to see the redesign.
I know you said you aren’t at the point of colors, etc. yet, but help! I find it hard to read the font color against the white background. There doesn’t feel like there is much difference in the colors and really the font feels small.
Hi Julie! I agree with your own comments and comments of others. But I wanted to add on your homepage, if you kept/made the header/banner at top with different categories (baby, pregnancy, travel etc – I don’t know what the correct term is) simple with broad categories, and then drop down categories that fall under the main category. I think this could also simplify things and kept things minimal, but also accessible and easy to locate. I realize that this might not make much sense, but I hope it does! Basically your blog has a LOT of different content (which I love!) but I do think separate headings for each category on the home page might be a but overwhelming!
I think I’ve been reading since 2014 as I only know your current look but excited for the change for you and being easier to navigate. I would love a way to reference the old “things you are loving” to find products later. I also enjoy clicking to previous post at the bottom of a blog when I fall a couple posts behind to catch up.
Also I don’t know what to suggest for this, but in terms of mobile friendly, I often find I start reading on my phone and it crashes. I don’t know if this is my phone issue or the ads that make it crash, but hopefully with the redesign, it helps. I don’t have issues reading your posts from my computer.
I think I have read every post since 2012, I love this blog! Finding old posts would be great but I do love how easy it is to read your blog!
Hey Julie! I’ve been reading your blog for 10 years, I started in college and now I’m almost 31! One of the reasons I love your blog is your style of writing that feels very conversational and natural. I love that in your posts titled with one topic, you’ll also touch on a bunch of other topics. You sometimes mention as the writer it can feel a little all over the place but as a reader I can easily follow your train of thought and it makes everything feel much more personal. Which leads me to my recommendation: I think it could be useful to tag posts with more specific categories than general ones and then have a search page that provides the readers with the specific tag options to narrow down their search. For example instead of baby/motherhood as a tag, there could be many subtags such as toy recommendations, child health, brotherhood, baby sleep, etc. Then I would suggest using those more specific tags to flag posts that cover multiple topics. I know on your end this would create more work, but it would be easier to find posts that maybe don’t sound like they cover a specific topic because it’s embedded in the text somewhere!
This is very helpful! Thank you! I definitely think more specific categories would be helpful. Now to find the time to go back through my content and re-tag/add new tags to everything… Haha!!
Hi Julie! I agree with making commenting easier – at the bottom of a post the box should be right there. If you click the comments link at the top, perhaps it should go to an empty comment box then with the comments below, not the other way around.
For recipes, I love the Jump to Recipe link. I don’t need to reread/scroll a blog post for a recipe I’ve used multiple times (bbq meatloaf anyone?). Thanks!
I agree with the jump to recipe button being so helpful!
I don’t have anything new to add to what you and other readers have already highlighted. However, I wholeheartedly agree with the need to keep the most recent post front and center. Some of the other blogs I’ve read have turned their home pages into a more confusing layout, with the need to scroll and search for what’s new. It’s definitely a turn off and doesn’t really make me want to keep coming back. And I’ve read here for a long time and intend to keep reading! I also agree with whomever mentioned liking the look of a clean white background with a nice dark font. I’m in my thirties and don’t have any age related visual issues, but I still don’t care for the small, pale font of some other blogs and shouldn’t need to change how I hold my phone or contort my eyes to read the type. Excited to eventually see the redesign!
Agreeing to this!
Please don’t assume that everyone who is reading your blog is doing so from a mobile device. This long-time reader never does. I appreciate your commitment to keeping the most recent post easily accessible. Finally, I do love hearing about your family. I echo what I saw at least one other commenter say – I almost feel like friends of your family after reading for so long, even though that also seems kind of creepy! 🙂
Loooooong time reader here! Making the ability to comment easier would be great. Like at the end of this post, for example, I had to scroll all the way down to the bottom of all the current comments to find the comment box. Also, I noticed that you have “tags” at the bottom of posts, but I can never seem to find the place where all the tags are listed so I can click on the “leg workout” tag, for example, and look through all of the leg workouts. Instead, I have to find a random workout and search by the tags listed at the bottom of the post. Glad you’re making some blog changes and excited to see what’s next!
I may be in the minority in this regard, but I read your most recent post on my phone while working out. For this reason, the format and print always seems so small I need to turn the orientation on the phone to read! That would be my only comment ☺️Excited for the house updates.
Hi Julie!
An Archive tab would be great… Maybe one that contains a link to all posts chronologically and grouped according to year. There are times I want to go back to a post I remember from years before and have to rack my brain for keywords in order to search. If I could go to a tab and scroll through the titles/links of posts that would be so helpful.
Thank you for all of the time and effort you put in here at PBF!
Hi Julie! I have been reading your blog for so long, I cannot remember when I started! I love the layout of your page. Please don’t change that. The content of your daily posts is very easy to follow. I follow other blogs where this is not the case! It would be helpful to make it easier to search for things, but seems like you are already on top of this. I love seeing fashion, beauty, home and recipe posts. Thank you!
Loooong time reader here. Most important for me to keep reading is to keep it available in an RSS reader. I go to one place to read blogs and if their authors have truncated the RSS feed so you can’t read it there, I’m not clicking through. You, HRG and Fitnessista are some of the VERY few that have left their blogs so we can read them through an RSS feed. Thanks!
I don’t know how I stumbled upon your blog in 2009 but I did and I have followed you ever since! From marriage to 3 kids!!! Yours is the only blog I consistently read! 😆 I don’t care so much about the look of your blog as I do your real life posts and relatability!
No real input other than I love your blog and have been reading it since 2011! It’s been so cool seeing your family and relationship with Ryan grow just a few steps ahead of mine. I just love your positivity and your beautiful family!